By Spyglass. David Goyer is writing the script
By Spyglass. David Goyer is writing the script
stupid and gay. the last one was actually pretty decent. the last thing we need is a remake of the original but with cg instead of practical effects. complete snoozefest it'll be.
>the last one was actually pretty decent
Please don't take this as trolling user, but I want to know what you liked about it.
You’re kidding right? Judgment was budget direct to video mediocrity. The series has been shit shit since the second movie. It desperately needs rebooted
Are you fucking high?
Everything since movie 2 gas been ass. (3's flashback sequences are passable though)
You’re suffering will be legendary
I am
>Clive Barker wants to return; he has a fully written script
>Doug Bradley would be willing to play Pinhead in Clive's new film
>practically every Hellraiser fan would love to see Clive's new film happen
>"lol fuck that, let's instead get the hack who co-wrote a couple of decent capeshit flicks over a decade ago."
I hate Hollywood so much.
What I've always liked about the movies is that you never know what to expect, but the bad part is generally how poorly structured they are. And Judgment, if you compare it to some of the shitter ones like Hellseeker, is actually pretty good in that regard.
Also Inferno was pure kino I don't care what anyone says.
Clive’s reboot script was terrible. He doesn’t give a fuck about Hellraiser
I'm starting to think that maybe Leaving pinhead out would be a better move. I don't think anyone will accept a pinhead that's not played by the original actor at this point.
Fuck you, I've been asking for a decent hellraiser since the second one.
It leaked? How was it terrible?
They could make it closer to the books where Butterball is the boss. CGI and advance makeup would allow him to be able to talk
One of the most unsettling, nightmarish entries in the series. Really felt like we were watching a private hell. The acting sucked at times, but the tone and pacing were great.
Clive Barker could've shit on a piece of paper and called that a screenplay and it would've been better than whatever Goyer is cooking up. Goyer is one of the biggest hacks in Hollywood.
Give it back to the British and let them make it like the first two.
You haven’t read the The Scarlet Gospels is
I'll admit that I haven't, but I still think Barker can't possibly out-hack Goyer. Take a look at Goyer's screenwriting resume; it's all garbage except for Dark City, Blade, Blade II, and the Nolan Batman movies. And let's not forget that Dark City had two co-writers and the Nolan Batman movies were all co-written by Nolan.
I wonder how many hellraiser films there will be by the time i die - 50, 100?
Wait to see who’s directing it. Goyer is fine with a good director who overrides his shit
Id watch it but it would have to be uncompromising hard R and hold nothing back visions of hell ,hardcore torment you name it . Seem unlikley that anyone has the stones to push the envelope and the budget it will need for such a movie these days .
>Nightmare on elm street
>Friday the 13th
>The Thing
>Now this
Can they just fucking stop? They literally can't do these justice, just try something else for fucks sake.
Get the guys behind The Void and I'll have some degree of faith in it.
The only thing good about judgment is pic related
If that get an excellent director, the film has hope. If they get a subpar director, it's doomed. The odds are they'll get a subpar director.
I have such sights to show you
I want off this ride, Mr. Shekelstein. Please let the gay Brit take the wheel.
>The Void
Yikes lad
Literally has some of the best practical effects ever
Eh, Barker’s reboot would’ve had Pinhead the creator of the box
No, it 'literally' doesn't. The practical effects are passable at best, stiff and awkward. Whole movie was absolute shit, as can be expected from a crowd funded flick.
Different user here, The Void is an alright film that has some pretty impressive effects, but you're getting carried away. It's not on the same level as Carpenter's The Thing or Cronenberg's The Fly
No, it has some of the best practical effects in like 2 decades because nobody uses those techniques anymore. This comes from someone that enjoyed the movie.
>just try something else for fucks sake.
but the investors might lose their money!
you all seem to think films are about entertainment. they're not. they are purely vehicles for investment. as you can tell if you've seen a film in the past year, the content doesn't matter at all.
>This will be the 11,648,002nd time we have subtracted, from something, that which had made it work
What's next? "The African Queen," set in 80s Arizona, with Patton Oswalt and Sandra Bullock driving a Studebaker?
Weird. I agree with you on Inferno, but I found the last movie a goddamn trainwreck. Not as poorly structured as some of the direct to video before it, granted, but... jesus christ, written just as badly in nearly every regard.
Still, thanks user, I was curious.