Tv show shows full blown male genitals with balls and penis

>tv show shows full blown male genitals with balls and penis
>the vagina is always covered by cgi bush
wtf why?
are they trying to make us gay?

Attached: 1553519175808.gif (256x271, 641K)

this is a serious manner
i also would like to find out

I know right? The only time i ever see full bush is on mainstream tv.

Would you be satisfied if they started showing full blown porn scenes in tv shows?

might as well. everybody watches porn anyway

i don't

What shows are they hanging dong in?

how many cock and ball viewings does it take to turn someone gay?

bush is hot

>cgi bush
and bush > bald, only literal fucking manchildren babies would disagree

gimme a sweaty smelly jungle to sniff through over a desolate dry wasteland any day of the fucking week


i dunno but try googling the man with 2 penis and see what you think

hell yeah

That's just cause you're a girl.


>Why yes, I always go down on women with pubic hair

Attached: chad front.png (874x1024, 509K)

I don't. That's why I like Yea Forums tbphwyf. Less nudes and lewds here than it is anywhere else. Even reddit has like hardcore porn shit on the front page all the time.

Porn makes me depressed. Celebrity armpit webms make me happy.

Attached: victoria justice pitz cream.webm (762x720, 3M)

kys, deviant scum

I'm not a fan of full blown amazon jungle bush, but a good solid amount of bush is god tier


>it's a Hodor nude scene

Attached: IMG_20190420_104645.jpg (567x700, 83K)

i hate to break this to you op
but if you look at a mans willy and plums
and it makes you gay
then the truth is
you were already gay before.

How else are you meant to compare sizes in the shower room?

Because a movie about an oiled up buff stud stripping for a living is art.

A bit of cleavage in a videogame is LITERALLY rape.

Dude, keep up, it's not that hard.

penis are aesthetic
vaginas are vulgar
just like in art

why do you seek validation? perhaps deep down you're aware that you're disgusting?