Lol white people
Lol white people
Other urls found in this thread:
The castle in Harry Potter was built by white people
Meanwhile muh niggers all over Africa STILL can't even feed themselves while the rest of the world thrives
white women*
>What is the Wizarding World of Harry Potter?
>you crackas way to sensitive
but middle earth is real check nigger.
Yeah but Ancient Greece was real.
At least they dont live in a society.
>we wuz's vs potterheads
Let them fight
>the Wizarding World of Harry Potter
i raffed
go study some African history you retarded racist, African people got fucked over by imperialism and land disputes, fuck england, Germany and America. this is bait by the way, not the imperialism part, that's really what happened, but nigs were too stupid to leave the tribalism system
>White people
>Picture is a Woman
Trying to pull a sneaky on me eh?
Yeah, but white people aren't claiming Harry Potter as the greatest achievement of the last 100 years for their race the way black people are with Black Panther.
I mean, calling Harry Potter fans """"""people""""" is a bit of a stretch, but ok.
But there’s black people at hogwarts, I think only token whiteoid in wakland is bucky. How come there aren’t any white ethno-centric fantasy lands?
how could we get so btfo like this....
they won....
>But there’s black people at hogwarts
Why is twitter garbage tolerated here?
>fucked over by imperialism
Life expectancy increased under colonial rule, and decreased when the colonizers left.
Post hand
Youre both fucking retards
are they indirectly saying that niggers can't into Hogwarts
White women who like Harry Potter aren't white in spirit
Why weren't they greatful for that?
>Riding on the coattails of your ancestors accomplishments
>literally WE WUZING like nigger
Yeah but retards like to pretend that the bad territory distribution and resource depletion were the only things colonizers brought to the continent.
>white people: attractive women
Pretty sure the people butthurt over Black Panther are male incels
Name accomplishments or lasting civilizations by niggers. Do it faggot.
true but my country did some pretty fucked up shit just 50 years ago when they were still running things down there
Me laughing at both
Belgium isn't a real country
> African people got fucked over by imperialism
You should see what happens when the Wakandans are left to their own devices.
Name accomplishments done by you faggot.
Is it still evil colonialism if they got colonized by niggers from the US?
I'm not belgian, we arguably did some worse things.
yes, Hogwarts isn't real.
White people don't fucking watch other white people win sporting events, achieve things on screen, etc, and yell "HOGWARTS!".
Fucking niggers and their shitty logic.
Managed to earn $120k a year, stay married for 11 years so far and am currently raising twins in a stable household. Still waiting you small dicked bitch.
I just won an internet argument against some nigger resorting to ad hominems.
I bet you aren't even Meditteraen.
Probably a snownigger larping
No, only whitey can be evil. It doesn't matter that the African Americans who founded Liberia owned black slaves.
Copypaster is late
ive never identified hogwarts with my race like a fucking retard
Pretty cringe.
1. Fucking your mom
2. Trolling you epic style
3. Helping get Trump elected by shitposting and making memes
4. Jerked off 3 times in one day
The only white people who unironically enjoy Harry Potter are the same people who happily went to watch Blacked Panther, wearing #BlackLivesMatter t-shirts and sipping on their onions, so this picture is kind of self-defeating.
>White people:
>Two mutts.jpg
America is a hell of a drug.
the places where hogwarts was filmed were real
Durham Cathedral, Alnwick Castle etc
Wakanda is pure fiction, blackies cant even create the wheel or a written language.
Let's leave aside the shitposting about niggers for a second
One of the core conflicts of the film was whether Wakanda's isolationist policy should be ended. When they did decide to open it to the world, why the fuck did they not start helping Africa instead of going straight to muh downtrodden American niggers?
Uhm sweetie they invented penit butter
Lmao still no response from him. Pull the black dildo out of your ass, son, and clean your room.
seems like quite a few kiddos on this board seem to identify Assguard with their race, given how much the black lady triggers them.
>niggers having civilization is the same as magic
accurate lol
>waahh waahh waahh muh racism on Yea Forums
Is that Sneed?
Classy bait user, have a (you)
Mean, but true.
but you're in a waahh waahh waahh muh racism on facebook thread right now. I'm confused by why you're so upset.
Only soibois care about Harry Twatter shit
>still posts here
Come on, bro. It’s time.
Based has-his-shit-in-order user
Nice strawman, cuck
He was talking about pretending people of your race did something in a fictional movie and thinking that somehow elevates your race
It's an entirely different definition of "identify with" than you are using, altogether
they need to be eradicated
Shit black people do
Oh sorry, i didnt realize that youvwere this stupid. People are laughing at it and shitposting, not crying like butthurt niggers (you)
Dude, Africa is not nearly what you think it is. Your just like those people who think that Iran looks like a barren wasteland. Its not rich but a lot of africa can look decently modern
i'm king of Wakanda you poor colonizer
That reminds me, I used to be friends with (a now retard sjw) a spic who told me the story of how some Mexican invented nachos and how his Dad invented them, as if it's even entertaining or fascinating to him.
Kid has hundreds behind him in bullshit posts on Facebook. Amazing isn't it. I want California nuked now.
If you're "successful" and still come here then i feel bad for you
Hogwarts is a billion times more believable than a fucking nigger high tech city lmao.
Explain to me how a fictional collage, and fictional COUNTRY are one in the same?
Blacks are extremely unintelligent no wonder they want them to be the majority even though they're going extinct in America because Blacks won't question anything and continue to be un-able to speak proper English.
based and sneeded
formerly it was.
I choose to read this headline as the family being shot and killed while they were committing a home invasion
The part that isn't Sub-Saharan. i.e. The part that is basically the Middle East.
How many Harry Potter fans have you seen believing that Hogwarts is real? Seriously, this is why the left can't meme.
>one in the same
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
idk seems like butthurt niggers to me. Look at how upset you are!
>Shit white people too:
>Create civilization.
>Create civilization.
>Create civilization.
>Create civilization.
>Create civilization.
>And create civilization.
In short, fuck niggers.
>stop feeling connected to your past, goyim! abandon your family and your culture and go see the new Avengers movie!
It really makes you think.
>When they did decide to open it to the world, why the fuck did they not start helping Africa instead of going straight to muh downtrodden American niggers?
Good point, African Americans are better of on average than Africans in other countries
black people are unironically better than white people
Anyone else fed up with white people and their pretentious hipster bullshit?
>Artisan bread
>Artisan bagels
>Artisan cheese
>Exposed brick walls
>Food photography
>Greek Yogurt
>Septum piercings
>Goji Berries
>Japanese/Chinese character tattoos
>Skinny jeans
>Dyed hair
>Warby Parker
>Social media
>Backyard hydroponics
>"Organic" food
>Paleo diet
>Fat acceptance
>Selfie sticks
>Full-Stack Development
>Indie games
>Indie movies
>Indie bands
>BPA free
>Coconut oil
>Seasoned cast iron skillet
>Pixel art
>DSLR camera
>Black fingernail polish
>Wine tasting
>Modern art
>Whatever the fuck this is:
>y-you mad?
Bottom text.
This is what Nairobi Kenya look like
This is Angola
Its really not as bad as most people think it is. There are obviously horrible places in Africa but they have some ok spots, and its just going to get more advanced in the future
Better at going to jail*
they forgot:
black metal
The worst thing about this is the use of ellipses instead of hyphens for a parenthesis
>Niggers can barely find anything to really get at whites for so they insult things as simple as innocent hobbies and cheesy boomer shit or clothes while niggers themselves can't even keep a stable family or job while they shoot other nigs all day
Fucking colonialism raising Africa up like that. It's fucking unforgivable. Kill all wh*te people for bringing civilization to Africa.
Hello, how do I edit my posts? Thanks.
We need more BLACK BVLLS to impregnate wh*te women!
That's odd someone erased the reply the black kid gives...
It was something like Reply to this post or your mother dies in her sleep.
Or maybe it was just "Fuck you nigga"?