>Here is your meal sir. Enjoy Detective Pikachu!
Here is your meal sir. Enjoy Detective Pikachu!
Other urls found in this thread:
i love arbe bcue sauce
>Thanks but I'm watching Endgame for the fourth time, not this crap for manchilds
Enjoy death at 50!
I've been pescatarian for almost a year now and nothing comes close to a double cheeseburger add Mac sauce or a double quarter pounder with cheese. I would go at least twice a week. I miss that grease.
I see my snack. Where's my meal?
>not for manchildren
i seriously hope im being baited.
>How can I when you spilled all my coke? Let me speak to your manager, wagie.
Foreigner here, is that cup empty?
American restaurants now serve sodas frozen solid to discourage Americans from overindulging in too much sugar.
you are you retard how much more obvious can it be
Does anyone else get the shits after eating that crap?
You too
Fat fucking faggot
I don't know why people love fast food places burguers, they are so cold and tasteless
I like the nuggets tho
I could eat all of this within 10 minutes
Thanks, but where is my complementary oreo mcflurry?
I'm shooting for 46.
>doesn’t think society will collapse before the average poster on this board reaches age 50
Of course, Sir. Here is your XL stuffed crust, pizza burger. Enjoy your meal.
Thing is I could easily eat all of that. I'd feel like shit afterwards but I could get it done.
>he thinks society is separable from economics
just keep buying products made in China little man
>here's your pizza, bro
#1 with no onions and a McChicken, with a Fanta please.
Enjoy being a anorexic teenage girl/soi-chugging libtard numale who vomits after inhaling a bacon sandwich.
>you will never fuck this and then eat it
Do Americans really eat this?
I miss carbs
This is family sized right? For four people?
And for dessert, we have your Chocolate Chip Pizza.
The burgers look shit, but the nuggets look tempting.
god i hope
Just had a pizza burger for lunch, probably will have another for dinner
Well, now I'm really hungry...
i have a thing for cheap shitty burgers in buns that feel and taste like styrofoam
it must be a throwback to my childhood or something but i love that awful cheap shit
All guests are served a complimentary Mountain Dewrito cupcake during the previews.
>he wants to live past 50
Fucking freak
What's the problem here?
At the rate we are going with social credit systems etc. That doesn't actually sound bad
wonder why mcdonalds haven't opened a theater chain
they'd make a killing
Theaters aren't particularly profitable.
Deep dish is the worst fucking meme in all of food. Just make a god damn lasagna if you want one so bad
low test
cuck yorker detected
Flavors are completely different. Deep dish is the absolute best kind of pizza unless you're a cum sucking faggot. The cheese, the meat. Only those who think deep dish means thick crust or those who hate cheese dislike deep dish. Otherwise literally anybody would pick it because it's just so much better. In my area all deep dish were really just thick crust pizza. When I had my first real deep dish my mind was blown
Your weight
This. Amerifags can't into food.
I welcome it. Who the hell wants to live to be 80, and need others to help you move around because you're in pain 24/7?
Opening their own theatre chain would be a waste.
I'm surprised they haven't brokered some kind of lease deal to operate inside of theatres though.
Mini McDonald's inside of theatres would probably be a hit.
As I always do about this time, Chicagoans are proud of this pizza and love it but it's really for special occasions and more to show off for tourists and suburbans. This is the pizza that we regularly eat, and also originated here. And before another retarded midwesterner claims it came from their bunk town, actually look it up because it came from here and you copied it.
i dont mind it i just hate when there are large chunks of tomato still in the sauce
based american
You sound like a retarded faggot and you're probably also an incel.
god I wish I could live that long
You're only in pain at 80 if you eat fast food with every meal and never walk.
America has the best food in the world you fucking third worlder
le stringy cheese is peak plebbit desu, as well as that chicongo style za.
I work at a pizza place and we once had an order for a birthday party where the request was to literally do exactly this. It got fucked up when we had to cut them.
just fucking fast, faggot
your ancestors survived for twice that on way worse food
It's Chiraq, get it right.
My uncle would eat fast food every day after work, and yeah he did die at 50. Kinda sad, but all the information about how terrible it is was widely available by that time.
haha you got double baited, fag.
if you got rid of the burgers i would destroy that. burgers are so goddamn overrated. one of the worst ways to eat meat
Oh wait, you're serious
Let me laugh even harder
Thanks I will!
Enjoy the chicken prepared by our classically trained master chef, Jack.
chicago deep dish is a meme but that still looks p good
if its only a rare treat its no big deal. But that would be too much for me to eat.
It all comes down to genetics lol. Some woman just turned 105 and only eats KFC and Twinkies
>quotes american show
Where do you get a fry that size lol? Or is it just a shopped mirrored image?
I'm 73 and eat fast food all the time you vegan faggot. Grow some balls
Ja/ck/ is 100% Grade A Youtube kino
Nope. Father never ate outside food much less fast food, and would only drink water during meals, and during the day. No alcohol soda, or beer. He would also work out for at least two hours every day, and would go on afternoon walks daily. He never smoked or did any type of drugs and he could hardly move at the age of 78.
I'll never die
>You're only in pain at 80 if you eat fast food with every meal and never walk.
good meme
>tfw got breakfast at the 22 movie long 50+ hour Marvel Movie marathon last week
Is that better or worse for you than a large tub of movie theater popcorn, a soda and maybe some candy?
I don't understand why people like cheesey fucking pizza
I only put olive and mushrooms and my pizza and the less cheese there is the better
Just melt some cheese and eat a cheese sandwhich if thats what you're looking for
Full stop
Why is that shit burnt
My great grandma was a pack a day smoker from the time she was 11-12 until the day she died at 98. She didn't even die of lung cancer or anything else related to smoking, she just passed away in her sleep of natural causes.
Why is he putting vodka in his eyes
>sideways soda
Double Quarter Pounder
Ex mayo
Ex pickles
Ex ketchup
Still one of the best fast food burgers ever
i know this is a meme, but i barely get 1 meal a day, id be happy as fuck if i got this.
Jokes on you, I eat like shit but run 5 miles 4 (four) times a week.
>Ex mayo
>Ex pickles
>Ex ketchup
Are you 10?
>sorry for the inconvenience, here is a replacement breakfast
Rate my dinner /ck/
Gonna eat something like this before a capeshit. My farts will be dirty protein bombs and make the entire theater flee.
This. Adults order onions only with ketchup on the side.
That's from last week's fatkino. She was a ghetto, poor negro who ate like a total slob. Sometimes they have meals that look really good, though. Thousands of calories and absolutely terrible for you but they make some really delicious looking food sometimes.
Probably. They get unlimited refills
Can it be sooner please?
I'm not 100% sure what any of that is. Fish, potatoes and either rice or noodles that are sliced oddly for some reason? Looks good.
do americans actually eat this for lunch?
>food thread
>as I'm cutting down to 1700 calories a day
Waste of good sextuples
Just do intermittent fasting instead.
Probably tastes good but you get 0 points for presentation. Your plate has the color palate of a 360 game.
>work out
There's your issue. He used up too much of his energy unnecessarily. We only have a limited amount in our lives, best not to waste it.
Don't believe me? Everyone that /fit/ idolizes, such as Zyzz and Bruce Lee, dies at early ages. Trump, who follows this philosophy, is currently 72 and has many more years ahead of him.
Have sex
>Any toppings
Hello child. A real man appreciates the toasted bun, the quality cheese, and the seasoned meat. That's it, the perfect burger.
Hello skinny fat
>food for 4
>only one Soda
Why? How are you supposed to share the soda among your other 3 friends who would eat this with you? Why not get a different tray for each one, specially since in the movies at least 2 would be too far away to pick their food from the single tray.
Here is what I snuck into Black Panther
I bet the potatoes are really good. I love diced potatoes.
Literally a meme. You can eat 5000 calories in 2 hours or you can eat it in 16. Makes no real difference. The key is to just eat fucking less.
Ain't gonna have sex as a fatty now am I?
day 7 on 1700
just fucking kill me
Sometimes I wish I was still ignorant about how fucking awful fast food is from the food itself to the people who prepare it.
Absolute plebeian taste. We people of high status put as much food of as many types as possible between two buns.
That's not what happens.
I made it and you can too bro
>order some amerigoblin food
>they put my mcsyrup sideways
>This image
How many slam pigs do you have sex with, big guy?
>Makes no real difference.
Never post again.
Confirmed for never even trying it.
But doc I am fiftyliacci
It sounds to me like you aren't very serious about your weight loss user, I'm not sure we can help you anymore
>ruining your kidneys
Why, user? You can get fit without literally ruining your body.
What do you eat in a day?
I eat porridge with milk for breakfast, 1 protein bar and 1 apple.
Then I have a meal typically of salad and meat like chicken breast or fish. Protein shake too.
Then I have a snack of halo top ice cream.
Nigger I've tried intermittent fasting. I've tried actual fasting for 72 hours. I've done keto. Its all memes. CICO is king.
It's weird that it didn't work for you when it does for everybody else. Best of luck.
Lunch? This is a snack.
Thank you wagie. Presentation matters and you've outdone yourself.
>Here is your meal sir. Enjoy Sonic the Hedgehog.
>ketards actually eat this and think its healthy
hahahahah wtf is that picture
my theater doesn't have that
I never get stage 3 or stage 4, tho.
probably doesnt even hurt the chickens, they seem fine
They sell literally hundreds of millions daily, are you really bitching about quality?
I don't get it.
That's Detroit style
That honestly looks fucking delicious
Like this is my lunch and dinner
I have to look at your fucked burger just to enjoy this depressing meal
I hate being poor
Read the last sentence you absolute retard
mcdonalds isn't popular or successful because it's delicious
it's because for $5 I can buy four mcchickens and make it through breakfast and lunch
I don't understand.
>make a huge ass burger
>call it a pizza
Literally stopped mid sentence while talking to mommy to check these digits
>for $5 I can buy four mcchickens
jokes on you I can buy FIVE mcchickens for $5
bless texas
>And before another retarded midwesterner claims it came from their bunk town, actually look it up because it came from here and you copied it.
I do hope you intentionally said that to troll though
You just need vitamin E, plenty of water, and exercise according to your caloric intake.
Stop being a huge gay
>used to have iron gut
>could eat anything without being bothered by it
>now milk and ice cream fuck my shit up bad (but not cheese) while fast food is about 50/50, regardless of where I eat or what I order, if it will give me indigestion and the shits
Things really start going downhill at 30
Remember kids, blow-drying your chicken is illegal on other planets
Your dumps probably smell like death. I had a roommate who ate trash but exercised a lot, so he was skinnyfat. His shits smelled like a fucking week old corpse, and were so sticky they would stick all over the toilet bowl every single fucking time and I always had to remind him to clean it. And it smelled so bad I couldn't go in for 2 hours or I'd puke. I started to hate him just because of his shits.
get the royale w cheese senpai. thicc and juicy burger.
No thanks kid.
I brought my own.
It's a proposed patent by Amazon for warehouse workers so that they can operate near dangerous machinery. The catch is that the "wage-cage" only opens from the outside...
Just water fast for one weekend a month.
i knew it was the amazon thing. thats why its so funny.
Both Detroit and Chicago are shitholes so I don't know what you two faggots are on about
real adults just order it however it fucking comes by default. fucking snowflakes needing everything your fucking way. grow up
Yeah, it looks good aesthetically and I bet the cheese is good, but the pizza itself tastes kind of bad.
>real adults just coast through life taking whatever their corporate masters give them
Wew laddie
Do not cheat no matter how hungry. You get used to it after a few weeks. I got overweight for the first time in my life last summer and needed to lose 20 lbs. I kept strict track and got used to the hunger. Lost it in 3 months at 1.5lb a week. Just don't cheat so you adjust and the hunger goes away. Also no liquid calories.
>real adults just order it
>He doesn't make his own burgers
There is no default when cooking a quality burger at home you literal toddler. Go cry to mommy for McDonald's now that you got BTFO.
What the fuck is Aioli sauce?
Unironically yes.
and you fall for it, here's a real manchild
Damn McDs looks like THAT?
Mayo plus garlic. In a strict sense it means garlic and oil with no egg emulsified into a creamy texture, but 99.9% of the time people use it to mean garlic mayo
This is true but you need to go to different states to get the best of certain cuisines. They're not all in the same place.
fuck bros I'm hungry now. What should I get from Macca's?
Heart disease
The other day I got a Big Mac, a Quarter Pounder, 2 ten piece nuggets, and a medium fry for like $13 user. Shit was tight.
>now milk and ice cream fuck my shit up bad
That blows. I'm sorry to hear it, user.
It's ok guys you're both dumb
>implying that has anything to do with the post
Are McDonalds patties beef? Their flavor doesn't even resemble hamburger.
Can someone not full uhhhgh muhhh legzzz obese mode actually eat all that? I have never even seen that much fries, I think they don't sell this much in my country. The bigger is much...smaller
>not wanting deaths comforting embrace
Your mom dum
Dignity sure flies out the window when you're a chicken.
>Their flavor doesn't even resemble hamburger.
and that's a good thing.
her eating the burg makes me want to niko niko neck myself
>reddit water mark
you gotta go back
Not when the flavor is borderline paper. You're eating a condiment sandwich.
how are you all alive
Today is Monday so all cheese burgers are only 69 cents. You can buy 4 of them for under $3. If you don't care about money you can't really go too wrong with a big mac and fries.
>I'm not like the other girls
And yet you're still speaking American English, cuck.
Just be yourself, bro.
some people live passed 80 while eating fast food and the average diet while some people die before then
trump is an example of this
I'll cut you! get it right next time!
enjoy life
Trump is an ubermensch sent by God himself and thus can't be counted.
Why do people act like fast food is literal poison(inb4 it is).
Obviously having too big an order or eating it regularly isn't good but it's nowhere near the big deal you nutritionally challenged retards make it out to be. And I bet you all act this way simply because of Supersize Me. A documentary that pointed out the fucking obvious. Also, the Double Down from KFC is just two chicken patties with bacon, that is not a big fucking deal at all.
And for the record, I rarely eat fast food, like less than 5 times in the past few years.
>you want McDonald's bro?
>theres nothing between soi and bacon
This is how you can spot a retarded american. You literally eat trash.
>the chicken staying in the front.
Oh shit he's pretty smart he's gonna make it
>boot appears to kick it back in line
>calling us nutritionally challenged retards while defending fast food WHILE not even eating fast food
Do you want to regale us with any other absolutely retarded posts or is this your peak?
Do you want to go back to leldit with that spacing? I want you to tell me what is so bad about a typical mcdonald's meal instead of regurgitating the anti-fastfood circlejerk.
Stop being a retard for once in your life.
Ummmm.....only 4 burgers? I didn't order the kids meal....
How about you actually eat that fucking slop and then form an opinion based on actual experience you stupid fuck. please tell us how awesome sex is while never even having it, retard.
Supersize the shake and get me an apple pie.
So you have literally nothing to say? Just "fastfood bad!!!"?
Look how mad you are. I've eaten it plenty in my life and literally nothing happened. There is nothing wrong with it once in a while.
I agree with classic 90s Jim Carry at the end.
mad? no, just pointing out your stupid ass thought process. I couldn't care less what you eat bro, feel free to put whatever you want into your body. I won't be doing the same.
How much for all those, usually?
Tell me what's so egregious about fast food already redditbro
Since when do single quarter pounders come with 2 slices of cheese?
Ask your Health teacher once you make it to middle school, kiddo.
That's what I thought you circle jerking ignorant faggot.
You could get all that for $20, maybe $25.
Nothing wrong with an 'ice of 'Go 'za.
>calling others ignorant
>doesn't even eat the very thing he's shilling for
that Wendy's swiss chesse looks way too much like cum
fucking disgusting. nuggets not in their container?
You literally don't know what to say, you're just mirroring what you've been told. I hope you have a healthy ass diet, now tell me what your supreme health conscious diet consists of.
all that plastic food marketing. why is this legal?
gotta give my cholesterol pills something to do
Just eat a salad if that's what you're looking for, gay boy.
Even the promo shots don't look very appetizing.
>he shills fast food
>he does this for free
>he does this on a television and film imageboard
>he takes his job very seriously
That's like $40 worth of food
I don't owe you anything lmao. Just face it my dude, you're an idiot. Why are you even trying to defend something you self-admittedly have almost no experience with?
but yeah bro it's totally not unhealthy to wash down a burger with a half days worth a sodium with 70+ grams of sugary drink. loooool
You should probably drink more water user.
get a job loser, and you too can eat like a king
One family meal minus the family, please.
for me, it's this one.
Tell me your diet. What do you eat at home and when you go out, and what brands. Also, actually read the posts, I've had fast food plenty of times in my life, the only reason I rarely eat it is because I'm frugal and just don't care to eat out.
>but yeah bro it's totally not unhealthy to wash down a burger with a half days worth a sodium
What difference does it make if you finish out the day with the recommended amount?
>70+ grams of sugary drink. loooool
Yea, unironically the worst thing, which is not exclusive to fast food.
because it's a free country
fuck your nanny state bullshit
>Tell me your diet. What do you eat at home and when you go out, and what brands.
Do your market research on faceberg, shill.
oh look, it's a marinara swimming pool for rats
I'm not going to tell you my diet. What I will tell you is that I'm in a lot better shape than you.
Hey are you anti-vaxx by chance? Your logic mirrors theirs almost perfectly. They also don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
>t. drinks """'healthy"""""""" Naked juices daily while shrieking at burger and fries
>I hate being poor
Learn to cook dude. It's so fucking cheap.
I may be poor but at least I'm physically fit
Keep trying to deflect attention from your retardation, Shillbert.
>pick up a family meal at a pizza place for a weekend of vidya, shitposting and gluttony
>cashier says "wow looks like somebody is hosting a party tonight!"
>"h-haha yeah it's gonna be a b-blast"
>I'm not going to tell you my diet.
Of course you won't, because the only complaints you can make about fast food applies to pretty much everything unless you're growing your own food. Point stands. Obviously eating McDonald's 3 times a day and supersizing it most of the time for 30 days straight is really bad for you. Once in a while there is literally no issue, especially if you balance it out with the rest of your day.
It's funny because you guys literally cannot explain what makes it so much worse, you've just seen Supersize Me and think you're enlightened. I guarantee you if you post your diet I can find similar wrongs with it.
I make spaghetti sandwiches at home and my brother's girlfriend has a purse that works like those hotbags that pizza delivery drivers use. I get the sandwiches nice and hot just before leaving the house and sneak them into the theater in her purse when I go as a third wheel on their movie dates.
Dial back the effort. They're probably trolling you at this point.
>Ronald McDonald has deposited $.02 in your good boy account
>mfw nearest mcdonalds is 45 minutes away
Lol no
These anti-fastfood elitists have been acting smug for years and years, and especially since Supersize Me, which the reaction to it only shows how nutritionally challenged people are that it was so groundbreaking and eye-opening to people. Something that should have been obvious to everyone in the first place.
Talking all fastfood. By the way, local hotdog stands are actually way worse, they go out of their way to fatten shit up and grease it up but I rarely ever hear complaints about them joints. In fact, they are seen as the "real" thing.
Pro-tip: That sit-down restaurant is similarly unhealthy to fast food.
No, I'm not going to tell you my diet because you're not worth the effort. I'm just gonna peace out now dude, you won. You do you. Have a good day.
>anti-fastfood elitists
be thankfull ,its gonna save your life in the long run
If you actually cared about health, you'd want me to help you so you can weed out all the bad shit you're eating while acting superior to fastfood.
I already said I rarely ever have fastfood, and I definitely don't advocate for people to eat fast food. My whole point is the retards who act like even one single instance of eating fast food is bad/terrible/ or even dangerous.
Your free McNuggie coupon is in the mail.
Okay. Dial the effort up while they troll you.
I wouldn't use it
Never was a fan of people excusing people's retardation for "trolling"
>I wouldn't use it
Because you get them for free during your shift.
Bad bait, 3/10
same but idk if it was a birthday or not, it was during the pokemon go launch week in the US. we didn't put an onion on the middle, that's a nice touch. either way all the olives sink in when you cut it and it just becomes half double pep half cheese. but we have to cut it because if you don't they can complain the pizza was made wrong and get another one for free
Shit genes cope, look up videos of older people who are still mobile. My grandma is from a poor country, and she could still walk and talk even after a stroke. Died at 92.
I'm still waiting to hear about your free range organic farm where you get all your food from
>Tfw when trying to gain 10lbs this summer, upping to 2500 calories.
Hope it's worth the weight, Shillary.
>Yea Forums is 50+
Amerisharts are more disgusting than africans.
I'm taking a girl to see Detective Pikachu on Friday, what are some good one-liners to shout during the film, and when should I say them?
Sing the Pokemon Rap during the credits.
Dairy is awful for you in general. Humans are not supposed to eating that shit. I stopped drinking milk for a while (after drinking it all the time) and when I went back, I couldn’t stomach it at all. Also certain races have a predisposition to lactose intolerance.
>the year of our lord 2025 - 6
>shouting one-liners during Detective Pikachu
Yell the n-word when the credits start
McD nuggets are fucking god tier.
Worse you mentally challenged homo sexual
Stay ignant, it's good that you're not eating fast food at all but I'd put money on the fact that you eat similar or even worse shit anyway.
They are inferior to BK and Wendy's nuggies.
And if Zaxbys counts then they set the standard for chicken tendies/nuggies
You wish. Your masters will never get my money.
I get the absolutely best shits from fast food. When I eat a big king xxl from burger king (it's not shit over here in europe) I enjoy it almost as much shitting it out, one solid but not too hard turd. mmhmm.
>Yea Forums - Television & Film
It's weird I never get the shits from Wendy's but am guaranteed to get them from McDs, Taco Bell, or the onion rings from BK
I haven't tried Wendy's bc no wendys in europoorland (I had a wendys burger once over there and it was fucking glorious). But McD nuggets are consistently way superior to BK.
>eat a single tray
>get death
>go back to a regular meal with thousands less calories and exercising
Oh boy I love the chan logic
What a delicious appetizer
Lots of chunks left behind, yo
I once had to try chicken nuggets... they tasted disgustingly dry. Awful food.
Yea, stay woke brooo
Burger King? Really? Those shit tier wafer thin nuggets?
Stay fat, McShill.
Bruh idk what batch of nuggies you got but the spicy nuggies are not thin and are absolute fire
I fucking love this goof
"THIS NIGGA FINNA BOUTTA GET DABBED ON" when something bad happens to the mutt main character.
Planning to go femboi mode to sell lewd pics on the internet?
The food itself isn't what concerns me. The people who work fast food are either the lowlifes of society out on parole or they're fuckwit kids. That's where the danger comes in.
They have aioli for nuggets?
fuckin' checked
I'm on the 1000 calorie a day /fa/ thinspo train baby
>leptin resistance and insulin resistance don't exist, and even if they did they wouldn't affect your hunger
lmao at reductio ad absurdum retards like u