>They tell me your son...squealed like a girl when they nailed him to the cross. And your wife... moaned like a whore when they ravaged her again and again... and again.
What did he mean by this??
>They tell me your son...squealed like a girl when they nailed him to the cross. And your wife... moaned like a whore when they ravaged her again and again... and again.
What did he mean by this??
Other urls found in this thread:
I think he's being pretty literal
river phoenix is such a good actor, why isnt he in more things?
that he was very entertained
That Maximus was a Maximum cuck.
>And your wife... moaned like a whore when they ravaged her again and again... and again.
just a bit of banter
>>They tell me your son...squealed like a girl
I could have sworn it was pig
The wife enjoyed it
I liked this movie.
Is that an approved opinion to have?
How did Commodus felt that moment?
>And your wife... moaned like a whore when they ravaged her again and again... and again.
Maximus Kekius was married to Sansa? I had no idea.
>And your wife... moaned like a whore when they ravaged her again and again... and again
Anyone else thinking about 5-6 big blacks muscular guys with humongous cocks gang banging her?
i have only seen this film once however long ago it came out and this was my exact thought reading op.
Putting a lot of faith in half-dead Gerald Butler finishing the job there.
You're thinking of Deliverance.
The amount of times the Praetorian guard betrayed emperors makes me question why they weren't done away with.
No. They were punishing her, user, not rewarding her. ;)
>How did Commodus felt that moment?
Probably wondering why he didn't listen to his friend Pertinax
In those times it would be either some scythians or germanics.
Because you need bodyguards? This is like saying we should shut off our immune systems because of auto-immune diseases.
Because when Emperors tried they got assassinated.
1. they were too powerful
2. Everyone forgot Augustus had Germanic guards
3. Constantine killed all praetorians
I just watched the clip and OP got it right. I haven't seen it in years either
I realize they need protection, but they seemed to wield too much political power. The secret service has never openly betrayed a president.
>yeah i'm gonna get rid of the praetorian guard
>gets stabbed to death by the praetorian guard
What an overrated piece of shit movie that all of you dumb incels praise for some weird reason. I bet you were the weird kids in history class that were fascinated by Roman Empire because you were so delusional and actually thought your ancestors were descent of Roman Emperors. You had no friends in school and told yourself that you were descent of roman emperors in order to have that feeling of belonging to somewhere.
Bodyguards existed before the Praetorian guard. After Augustus made them their own separate military order they eventually gained power independent of the government and the emperor.
the Praetorian Guard realised their power thanks to plenty influencing them to kill Caligula. When they realised they could pick the next Emperor in Claudius before the Senate tried to bring back Republic
Use a loyal standard legion to eradicate them.
he was just being a big meanie to the Gladiator man
Engage in coitus.
>dude just start a civil war lmao
Yeah went well IRL
>the movie is bad because ummmmm
>you are all pathetic!
resplandiforous argument
Better than having an armed force of dubious loyalty surrounding you at all times.
Have sex.
>hmmm these guys MIGHT kill me
>better call for their heads and make them want to kill me 100% instead!
Thank god you werent an emperor then
It's called sword of damocles
Homie got dabbed on for real
they were done away with, brainlet. they were disbanded in 312 and the Roman Empire went on for another 1100 years without them
you seem to think the Emperor was in charge. He was not. They were not really an Imperator.
I really dont even understand why anyone bought their way to be Emperor knowing what happens
Get yourself out of town and then call in the legions to clean house. It doesn't seem overly complicated.
The Eastern Romans had foreign guards from northern Europe so that they wouldn't have any political connections to the land and feel compelled to pull a Praetorian
Whatever you say Georgios Papadopoulos.
>the Roman Empire went on for another 1100 years
He listens to too many roman expressionistic NTR retellings.
>they install a new emperor while you're hiding like a bitch
You really thought this one out.
Pretty universal, you have to be a real sour cunt to not even appreciate at least the performances/production.
Varangian Guard. Pretty genius.
don't let these faggots tell you what to like and what not to like
>be 16
>went to see it with 2 friends
>bunch of niggers were sitting in front of us
>this scene comes up
>they start laughing and bouncing around like monkeys
t. Mario Bertolucci al-Napoli
I'm just saying if you have an armed force surrounding you that can't be trusted then you should probably do something about it.
it is what Augustus had wasn't it?
A Germanic Praetorian Guard
Byzantium is the name given by historians after its fall who wanted to WE WUZ and ignore everyone calling it the Eastern Roman Empire up until 1453
They did. They were disbanded and eventually replaced by The Varangians in the ERE for a foreign force with no local loyalties.
Couldn't possibly have delivered more reddit a response.
the city was called Byzantium for centuries before Rome was sacked
>Roman empire
>No Latin blood
It must suck being nailed to a cross...
>on for another 1100 years without them
Not really. They were just renamed to the Varangian guard
Couldn't possibly have delivered more reddit a response.
Say no more.
because sometimes he makes like a tree
One guy did it and he was fine like a week later. Can't be that bad.
Gladiator was his last movie, after that he died from overdose.
>tfw they whitewashed Commodus
he was a piece of shit and therefore needed to be white
all women are whores
He had a binding contract with the Red Hot Chili Peppers that he just couldn't get out of.
He was a KANG and thus should be played by Idris Elba
man you are seriously fucking retarded if you think the Varangian Guard and the Praetorian Guard were identical except for the name
Only your mother is
gre*ks deserved it
How was their role any different, retard?
congratulations on moving the goalpost but you said they were the same except a rename, not that they had the same role. they were drawn from polar opposite strata of society even if they had the same role
Was Quintus based or the biggest snake in this movie? Thoughts?
The Varangian guard's job wasn't to sharpen their swords on the Emperor's anus
Because he's dead.
are you a coloured?
Ask Depp and Leo who own their career to him.
You must have the IQ of a vegetable if you thought I was talking about anything else other than their role as bodyguards to the Emperor.
Maybe you should learn how to express your thoughts properly instead of typing the opposite of what you are thinking like a complete dullard and subsequently humiliating yourself after you get called out
God this movie was so fucking good. I miss the slightly or highly inaccurate but still hits some of the details really well history movies like this one and that bethoven movie
Biggest snake
He ordered to have Maximus' son to be nailed and hanged while his men raped Maximus' wife
The romans didn’t have a senate or republic, thay had an empire you stupid fucking American nigger mutt cumstain
What the fuck has the Praetorian or Varangian origin have to do with anything, autist? How is that important in the discussion?
>What did he mean by this??
If you don't know yet, it's because there aren't enough Muslims in your country.
Gladiator is one of the few movies that everyone on Yea Forums likes.
Wife was having more orgasms than the Spaniard could ever imagine.
Her biggest one occurred when a Roman soldier who was known to have the largest and widest cock recorded, penetrated her while her son was being nailed to the cross.
am I not merciful, Yea Forums?
First hour is boring filler shit
The movie would be better if Commodus was the protagonist.
They were though.
>t. Bernie Sanders
Christ, what an asshole.
Don't mention Jesus' name with a swear word at the same sentence, motherfucker.
You mean the setup that is over and done with really quickly (relative to the overall length of the film) and establishes the character of Maximus and his motivations efficiently and succinctly?
>Movie star Joaquin Phoenix wanted Russell Crowe to abuse him before shooting Gladiator (2000) - but the New Zealander got him drunk instead. Phoenix the brother of tragic star River Phoenix, decided he needed to be roughed up before filming the battle scenes in the epic Gladiator, so as to ensure he looked the part. But L.A. Confidential (1997) hunk Crowe decided a few beers and some invaluable acting advice would prove more useful. He explains, "It was actually Richard Harris' idea because Joaquin was very nervous on the set and I went to Richard and said, `Mate, what are we gonna do with this kid, he's asking me to abuse him before takes.' So Richard says, `Let's get him p***ed.'... We talked about how he requires an external force to get him into the moment and through a number of hours and a number of cans of GUINNESS, I got the point across to him that it's actually an internal journey and everything he needs to do with the character lives within him."
They fucked his boipucci
He's a manlet is why.
literal retard
holy shit
pure butthurt
>I searched the faces of the god for ways to please you, to make you proud. One kind word, one full hug where you pressed me to your chest and held me tight would have been like the sun on my heart for a thousand years. What is it in me that you hate so much?
Commodus was sold short in the film. He's been strained and neglected his entire life but his final snap happens 10 minutes into the movie. Thus his entire portrayal is monstrous.
We don't see the years of his own father's indifference towards him. The moment Commodus shows up in Germania, the first time he's seen in father in months/years? Marcus totally cusses him out and treats him with thinly-veiled disdain.
>Commodus is not a moral man!
His own damn father says that about him. Based on what? What evil has Commodus done thus far?
Or has his father simply written him off completely because Commodus is opposed to the Senate that Marcus has a massive boner for?
I'm not trying to excuse Commodus' actions or paint them as reasonable, but it's patently clearly that he had serious mental issues.
>First hour
The first battle and all that follows (assassination, betrayal etc) is boring ?
Rome was a culture built on warfare, the Praetorian guard were the best of the best soldiers, only exceptional veterans could serve. Which also meant they had a lot of power in Rome. They were eventually disbanded for the very fact you raised though, they were too strong.
>Are you more like Maximus or Commodus? Choose wisely.
>He played young Indiana Jones
It sucks him dying so young but I'm happy he's immortalized in that opening.
i thaw pizza rolls and eat them at room temp. Which one is that?
Roman emperors existed so many generations ago that most western europeans today are descended from them
you should be shot in the street
>Joaquin Phoenix wanted Russell Crowe to abuse him
Fellas, is that normal?
not in control
It is if you'll hear about all the shit he's been through since he was a child.
Have you seen Taxi Driver? There was a minor character that was exactly like you.
You have a point.
>death smiles at us all the only thing we can do is smile back
>shadows and dust
>what we do in life echoes in eternity
>Father to a murdered son. Husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
>smile for me now brother
god tier fucking dialogue
it was a 21st century homage to the golden age hollywood Roman epics like Cleopatra, Ben Hurr and Spartacus
you are a fucking brainlet if you cant see that
>the time of honouring yourself will soon come to an end... your highness
the dialogue in this is timeless
they only betrayed them when it was clear it was over
no because i never saw deliverance at all.
>smile for me now brother
What did he mean by this? Was Commodus the original Joker?
who doesnt want to be abused by russell crowe?
Because dat nigga dead, yo? Da fuq?
Augustus' guard was pulled from loyal veterans of Julius' old legions and civil war veterans. The foreign ones were Gauls if anything.
Did movie version Commodus ever had sex? He was so obsessed his sister, makes you think.
>Praetorian guard were the best of the best soldiers
Only during Augustus' time, afterward they were mediocre fucks who got hired via nepotism.
but they have, of course they ain't gonna teach you that in American schools.
He probably had whores dress and act like her.
hmm is every one ok
hey is every one ok
o wait i said allready
hmmm i wounder what the world woudl be liek if the kekes dint ravished the eruros
No, he died as an incel incest virgin, also...pic related is literally me...
>makes you think
Commodus irl - He was fucking whores, both women and men.
Commodus in the movie - Probably a virgin who wanted to fuck his sister.
Yes, it really makes you think
But never fucked any of them
Yea Forums is dead. Its full of reddit normies spamming capeshit and got threads. Not even based Seagal threads get pumped anymore.
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post
anyone else think they should have made senator Falcon behead the evil jew senator at the end of the film?
It’s cheesy and pretty 90s but Jesus man, have sex
Did his wife really do that though?