Memes aside, has there been any films to actually show African Americans as Egyptian kings?
Memes aside, has there been any films to actually show African Americans as Egyptian kings?
They weren't kangz, so no
Not a movie but a music video. Michael made it happen.
wait a few years, they are literally blackwashing everything starting with Hamilton. If you can't beat them we will delete them.
Mars Attacks
delete this, the joos will catch on and green light 10 shows and 50 movies with this theme
Egyptians were literally black. But they were not niggers. They looked exactly like how Somalis do today. Some Somalis have dark skin while some have very light skin
Wait, people seriously think that Egyptians were black?
>Egyptians were literally black. But they were not niggers.
>Egyptians were literally black.
Yeah, and they would just as easily say
"Wait, people really think the ancient Egytians were white?"
The average egyptian was smarter than the modern nigger
They were neither. Why is this difficult for people to accept? They were brown semites
>Europeans are literally white but not Caucasians
So fucked up, Egyptians (along with Hittites and all other Eurasian people) had mixtures of Neanderthals. Africans have almost none. I mean you can't literally scrub away DNA like you can blood stains, you dumb darkies.
Yes, Blacks were the Ancient Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Britons, Jews, and yet they still couldn't build a fucking wheel until the 19th century.
Fascinating and rich culture.
The fuck?
The average Egyptian was smarter than the average modern person period. Newton wrote in his journals how they were aware of the concept of the atom.
So were the Greeks. Atoms were a philosophical supposition for thousands of years before they were confirmed
no but Cobra Verde and The Last King Of Scotland are accurate cinematic depictions of kangs
Bear in mind that Ancient Egypt was around for three thousand years and that is a lot of time for major demographic change. It's possible that early dynasties were black, and later dynasties were more brown / Middle Eastern.
Beats me.Some Afrocentrists you this as proof that whites aren't native to Europe but bleached it relatively recently like they claim happened with North Africa. Italians and Irish were quite literally called niggers.
The ancient Egytians, in their own historical account of themselves, claim their ancestors who founded the Old Kingdom originated at the source of the Nile. That puts them somewhere around Uganda and Kenya I believe.
Ancient Egypt started in around 6000 BC, that was 3000 years after the Sahara officially closed up, blacks were walled off in the lush sub-saharan jungles and were not retarded enough to go to a fucking desert when they had greenery on that side, the only migrations were Eastwards where they were small as fuck in terms of flow, while the Meds were opened up for a mass influx of Caucasoids for 10 000 years which would bleach up any small trickle of black Africans eastwards completely, not to also mention the Asiatic migrations which resulted in the Kushite culture. Caucasoids either bleached up any black person in Egypt, or turned bronze/brown from melanocytes adapting to the local horizontal and climatic zone after generations.
Blacks, as in negroid blacks, had no relevance in Egypt since 10 000 BC, let alone 6000 BC during Ancient Egypt.
Hell, Suddan's population in 1950 was 5 million, let's not even talk of how small it was during Ancient Egypt, meanwhile Egypt...
>Egyptians weren’t bl-
*smacks lips*
They weren't black. Why do people take these conspiracy theories seriously?
PS: these guys are Menkaure, Khafre, and Khufu, respectively. You know, the guys they made the pyramids at Giza for.
And of course we have Akhenaten, the first bog.
And they have Semite'd skulls because the flow of Semites was vastly bigger than the flow of Negroids into East Africa by that time, because one came from lush Eurasia while the other was a barely surviving hunter-gatherer collective with small numbers at the time. What's your point? Gonna say Indians are black now because they have charcoal skin in south India as well?
Here’s a profile impression of him
Ben franklin was the first amerimutt to say "whiter than you mohammed"
Here’s Khufu’s father: Sneferu
what the fuck is the deal with spuh tripfaggots? go poison your own shithole
Here’s Amasis II as well, who funnily enough has he his nose removed in all his remaining depictions.
Temper, temper.
If Egyptians were black, does that mean that the blacks have to pay reparations to the Jews for enslaving them?
Das rite, egyptians were black, the romans were black, the greeks were black, the persians were black, the mongols were black, the mayans were black, the siamese were black. Stop stealing our history whitey.
They just africans
Here’s King Sahure from the 5th dynasty (2487-2475BC)
Real life. Only midwits like egypt, the first nigger civilisation
Unlike the celtoids of Britain they can get a tan. Maybe that's what he means.
Imagine being Egyptian and some low iq minority on the other side of the world is trying to steal your country's history
This is why muslims hate us
This is the real cultural appropriation
Fake outrage is the defence of the liar
Too bad not a single excavated mummy to date had a negroid skull, plunging the niggerkangz theory into a toilet.
Even in their greatest fantasies they are still slaves
Uh, correct me if I'm wrong user, but don't peoples' bodies adapt to best suit their environment? Wouldn't people who are indigenous to the intense desert heat have the darkest skin possible? Perhaps the original Egyptian Negroes got displaced to the south by invaders. The Sea people mentioned in history perhaps?
The Cosby Show
or its modern equivalent
Jordan Pele's Twilight Zone
true to a degree as east africans are caucasoid whereas all the other africans are negroid
its the skull shape
east africans are basically the most sun baked "whites" in existence
They do you fucking idiot, which is why India has a darkening shade the more south you go, Arabs have darker shade the more south you go towards Yemen/Oman where they are charcoal, Mexicans have darker skin the closer to the equator while skin gets lighter for people moving further south in South America away from the equator, Chinese get darker the further south you go, and Australicucks also have shitloads of 4th and 5th generation families having melanocytes doing their work and passing off darker shades of skin. But don't stop me from ruining your deluded retardation.
>Aware of the concept of the atom
The Ptolemaic Egyptians or earlier? Democritus theorized the existence of the atom in Classical Greece.
But that only proves his point.
Yes. All according to plan
It doesn't give the fact that what little negroes existed were already displaced by the time Ancient Egypt came into existence.
Egypt has been either mixed or baked Caucasoid (Semite) since before Ancient Egypt, much like it is today.
African Hamites sold their Hebrew cousins.
In the year 65 BC the Roman armies under General Pompey captured Jerusalem. In 70 AD, General Vespasian and his son Titus put an end to the Jewish state, with a great slaughter...many outrages and atrocities were committed against the residue of the people. During the period from Pompey to Julius, it has been estimated that over 1,000,000 Jews fled into Africa, fleeing from Roman persecution and slavery. The slave markets were full of black Jewish slaves.
Is there a bigger LARP in existence than the KANGZ?
>Demographics never change
Native American-centrists are the worst. Everyone knows the US, Australia, and New Zealand were Aryan lands since ancient times.
When will they ever learn!
The slave markets were certainly full of Jewish slaves, but they weren't black. Sorry.
They don't look black at all though lmfao
This is the stupidest thing I've heard today.
It fullfills the Deteronomy curses to a T. Plus Pic related is a real good truth bomb.
Cringe. Worse than /pol/.
Black africans did invade and rule Egypt for 200 years, forgot what dynasty. Except that, no, native Egyptian weren;t black. More semitic if anything
So they were like that from the very beginning.
>African Americans as Egyptian kings?
Why most you fucking american niggers want to take away what was fucking ours? First we sell you to the whites and then you revolt, causing the slave industry to fuck up, now you fucking nigger americans want to take our culture?
Fuck off
its for 60, not 200.
Ben F did regularly BTFO Eurocucks. You may even say he pioneered the art.
>not knowing vitiligo
>not knowing cringe
Ethnic Egyptians ain't black.
The fact that there are and was blacks living in Egypt dosen't make them ethically black.
Egyptians were Nordic
>Not knowing vitiligo
*dosen't make them ethically Egyptian.
No, they were Arab.
Greeks and Romans were Nordic as well
> Established
744 BC
• Disestablished
656 BC
>Greeks and Romans were Nordic as well
they're barely human
By today's racial standards, the ancient Egyptians from pre-dynastic until the Ptolemy era would be considered "black" or "black African" in as much as modern-day sub-Saharan African countries are considered "black nations."
Evidence comes from the first non-African eyewitnesses. All the ancient Greek and Roman scholars described the ancient Egyptians as "black" and compared them to looking exactly like the Ethiopians. From the Greek perspective, Ethiopian equals "black" and/or "black African" or "sub-Saharan Africa." So, to even consider ancient Egyptians to be non-black, one would have to declare the writings of Herodotus, Diodorus Siclus, Aristotle, Apollodorus, Ammianus Marcellinus, Lucian Lycinus, among others during a span of more than 1,000 years (since these ancient writers did not live during the same centuries) described the ancient Egyptians as looking like Ethiopians with black skin, crisp/wooley hair, and thick lips. Herodotus is quoted most often primarily because he was the first to describe the ancient Egyptians and compare them to Ethiopians. Diodorus Siculus flat out said Egypt was a colony of Ethiopia (which incidentally makes sense as the first humans would be from central East Africa and would migrate north among other directions). Herodotus wrote around 425 BCE. Diodorus Siclus wrote in 49 BCE. This was the artwork entitled "Egyptian Youth" created by Greeks in Alexandra, Egypt the second century BCE.
As historical as afrocentrism.
Cleopatra in Xena was black
Also in The Prince of Egypt and Joseph King of Dreams egyptians look pretty black-ish
Good bait.
Based Hitler, people forget how angño-teutonic nordicism was nothing but delusions, Hitler and his version of aryanism wasn't based on propaganda but just flawed anthropology, while retards like Himmler and Goebbels were butching about East Baltics and Alpines being "inferior" aryans.
>3000 year old mummified corpse is black
>he must have been this color when he was alive
>tfw because you're a shut-in that never goes outside you look 5-6 years younger than your actual age
>Cleopatra in Xena was black
Funny enough,Xena was based on a historical black woman;Queen Amina of Zaria, Nigeria.
>All black people look like Wesley Snipes
natrium solution. a sodium bicarbonate soak. part of the funeral ritual.
White/asian people don't have vitiligo you retarded faggot. It's a normal part of our genes. Vitiligo is a disease. And it's also not leprosy so not related to the image. Kill yourself uneducated moron scum.
The pure breeds do, yes. Not you 25%-white-on-average Ameriniggers.
The black guy front left, oh my god he's so sexy
You know there are multiple faggot boards to faggotpost on, right faggot?
>women liking men = faggotry
Learn something new every day
You're not a woman and you don't pass as a woman either.
>a bunch of white women standing around looking a some faggot nigger being carried around by other faggot niggers
America in 2019
>Liking men = faggotry
You people really are obsessed with seeing everyone and everything as trannies.
only fags are attracted to men. Women are attracted to what a man provides. Learn the difference.
That's because trannies (You) spam the board. Now fuck off.
Imagine being this dirt-eating retarded.
>make one post
>dumbass crybaby flings his shit around screaming about nonsense
I'm glad I don't have your life, must be a nonstop torment.
this is how you start your journey into wanting to be the gf.
Those niggaz look gay af fám
>make a faggot post on a non-faggot board
>doesn't post tits to prove he's an actual woman
Two unforgivable transgressions you stupid tranny.
Did ancient Egyptians look like this?
Those men are clearly gay, and roasties don't post on Yea Forums. Gtfo
>you aren't attracted to men which makes you a tranny for some reason
Hello, Shrek? Yes, mhmm. That's the man over there. That's the man that's going in the cringe compilation.
So he's to blame for the entire "niggers are kangs" meme?
No they look like this
>tranny tranny bo banny banana fana fo fanny fe-fi-mo manny
Only if you're retarded enough to think a music video = historical documentary. Which Americans seem to think is how it works.
They look like they fuck rich white men
No gay user, it's pretty simple, you think women are not attracted to man, you probably use terms like Axe wound, you don't like women. Every tranny starts as a "nice guy", eventually gets red pilled about women and end up masturbating to traps.
>american in charge of knowing who’s white
But Americans are white ;^)
The Sami people of far northern Scandinavia are brown and they co-evolved among the white Norse and proto-Norse for thousands of years. The Yakats of Siberia and the Inuits of the far north are also similarly brown. This is despite the fact that white skin is preferable for northern climates, as it generates more vitamin D with less sunlight.
Egyptians weren't black and jews were never enslaved in Egypt though.
Also Three Six Mafia: Kangs of Memphis
Akhenaten had severe Marfan's syndrome. Its what happens when royalty fuck each other.
Yes. Americcan blacks are stupid enough to think that.
Where do you idiots come up with this nonsense? Oh fuck this is probably just ba-