How would the internet have reacted to this scene if the movie came out in current year?
How would the internet have reacted to this scene if the movie came out in current year?
I don't think this is a fair question. A lot of the stereotypical "strong, independent women" cliches were made stereotypical and cliche because they were all influenced by this very scene.
It's one big chain of events, you can't take out one link and move it to a different part without the whole thing breaking.
Was Tolkein a cuck? I mean, this scene was in the book, right?
Don't kid yourself, Yea Forums would (rightfully) be bashing Jackson for making basedshit. The whole trilogy is basedshit for losers. Ya'll just regard it with rose-scented glasses cuz its from your childhood.
fuggin filter
White woman kills a black man, people would want it banned.
In the book she only kills the Witch King with the help of Merridoc, he wields a magic sword that's capable of making hin vulnerable. It takes everything the two of them have to slay the Witch King and they both almost die in the process
Yea Forums would have a meltdown and claim that jackson is a jewish puppet
9faggots have been complaining about this scene on Yea Forums and elsewhere since the dawn of time
The lotr is simply a way better story than most of the other big blockbusters, and its world is much more fleshed out
incels would explode and make 800 outraged youtube videos and lower the movies score to 1
Sure, but the movies are objectively shit. one that isn't retarded
ridiculous thing to say, they have many flaws but the art design, the acting, and especially the score are phenomenal
It was stupid then, and it's stupid now.
SO the same as in the movie?
t. didn't read the books
Jackson is a fucking hack who raped the lore. The only people who think the movies are good are those who saw them for the first time as kids.
I have read the books and while the movies don't represent the books properly at all, they still used elements from them to make something of much higher quality than is typical for a hollywood blockbuster.
>just rape the lore bro
>just turn your brain off bro
t. embryo
I challenge you to find a way to do a better adaptation to film. Certainly not as good as the books, but Jackson brought them to film while keeping quite a few themes from the books intact. I can’t imagine anyone could do it better.
Ok then smart pants, give me an alternative trilogy better than lotr. Pro tip you cant
>Wow I sure do hope they make 6 movies out of the shortest book
Film is simply an inferior medium to literature.
Imagine being triggered by literally half of the world's population.
We know that already but movies are great and entertaining as well. Now would you kindly admit defeat.
>muh happiness
It would be the same way people here reacted to the GIRL POWER scene in Endgame; mild annoyance and cringe-ing at something that honestly was incredibly minor and forgettable and was outpaced in immediately the next scene.
But that's all it'd be. It's not like the movie focused around that storyline, it was just an ancillary thing they brought up as a 'heh, women are strong too, incel" moment. So most people would just move on.
yes it's literally the same as the move
Everyone would be annoyed because the stronk womyn narrative has been being shoved down their throats at every opportunity for the last 15 years and because the stronk womyn of today's film can't just be heroes, they have to be heroes at the expense of men; constantly delivering deprecating anti-male quippy one-liners, having 10 year old girls act stronger and braver than old grizzled war heroes, etc. That is the problem today, it's not that men are angry that women are being portrayed as heroic -- it's that they are being portrayed that way in a glaringly ham-fisted, contrived, and clearly politically motivated way.
Nobody thought this was bad because it didn't come at anyone else's expense and because it wasn't forced.
it's the difference between 'this woman is exceptional and can compete with men' and 'women are the same as men and can fight just as well'.
but in the context of the movie that whole scene was actually clever and made sense from a narrative point of view
whereas today stronk independent womyn are forced in without regard to the story itself creating broken messes with unlikable mary sue atrocities in a form over substance sort of way which makes the whole film seem more like something off an assembly line (which it is) instead of actual art
>Why wasn't she black?
there were plenty of blacks in LotR
they outnumber the whites by a fair margin
its just that they lose in the end
Nah, I'm a man and I'm pretty mad at women being heroes, period.
Now that I think about it. The whole battle of Minas Tirith seems like an alt timeline of the siege of Constantinople except the good guys won. The Haradiam look like discount Turks.
How fucking tiny is your world user?
I don't think the internet would be that bothered, neither eowyn nor merry nor the witch king are particularly important characters in the story as a whole, if she killed saruman and sauron there would be shit but otherwise it's just side characters fighting
joan of arc my dude this little girl barely out of puberty skewered full grown men on actual battlefields. heroic girls exist even IRL just not in the way the hollyjew has been portraying
We'd have at least five threads a day from now until the end of the site whining about how feminism / liberals / cultural marxism "killed Lord of the Rings"
lmao the Joan of Arc of legend was purely a propaganda creation
does she say the same cringeworthy line?
why are so many fantasyfags in love with the idea of 'shield maidens'? you know they didn't actually exist right?
>his little girl barely out of puberty skewered full grown men on actual battlefields
that is not what Joan of arc did lol, she was a sort of symbol and she advised the military leaders
>does she say the same cringeworthy line?
It's a lot more poetic and references her protecting her father/king. It's more about filial piety and duty to king.
Also, it was not influenced by intersectional feminism and wasn't about deconstructing anything, like movies are now.
well I know she got fucked up by an arrow in the neck and still went back to the battle afterward, and that she was captured ON THE BATTLEFIELD so
>joan of arc my dude this little girl barely out of puberty skewered full grown men on actual battlefields
No she didn't. In her trial she said that she never even wielded a sword and never killed anyone.
You fags would've chimped out for days on end
She was incredibly badass but by her own words she wasn't a warrior, she carried a banner around mostly
it was basically just like that in the books and those are like 80 years old you retarded faggot
Fuck off fag
>well I know she got fucked up by an arrow in the neck and still went back to the battle afterward, and that she was captured ON THE BATTLEFIELD so
Yeah, she was on the battlefield in the vicinity of the fighting. She stepped on a caltrop, got a bolt to the neck, another to the thigh and at one point almost got decapitated by a cannonball. That doesn't meaning she was actually fighting.
either way all you have to do is look at russian/soviet military history to know that there are in fact heroic women out there in the real world but that's not what most (I guess barring actual incels?) men are complaining about -- its they way they are portrayed by media as these godlike creatures that have to come in and save all the useless men
It's way better in the book
>A sword rang as it was drawn. 'Do what you will; but I will hinder it, if I may.'
>'Hinder me? Thou fool. No living man may hinder me!'
>Then Merry heard of all sounds in that hour the strangest. It seemed that Dernhelm laughed, and the clear voice was like the ring of steel. 'But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Éowyn I am, Éomund's daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin. Begone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him.'
what the fuck these books are written like the bible
i need to read them i guess
bud you and I both know you would piss yourself like scared little dog in a thunderstorm if you were anywhere near a 15th century battlefield so she's still more heroic than your sorry ass
I agree with you there are heroic women, id count Joan of arc as one of them even without her having actually fought. I was saying earlier in the thread that Eowyn is a good representation of such a woman because she is made to seem like an anomaly, it is genuinely impressive and rare for a woman to be able to engage in hand to hand combat with men.
And the way they show Eowyn is believable, she does seem slower and weaker than the men, but it's her bravery or whatever that allows her to confront the nazgul guy.