Movies where earth gets hit by an asteroid?
Movies where earth gets hit by an asteroid?
Other urls found in this thread:
Deep Impact
>not even a mile wide
who cares?
it's literally a manlet asteroid.
>scientists name a meteor after a greek god
Journalists need to be killed, it's the only way.
a meteorlet, if you will
The only thing nasa cares about is keeping their budget. They once in a while release these stupid claims and like always nothing happens. Waste of money
>a decade to prepare
Benis in bagina :DDDD
>Greek god
Fuck journalists.
baited for this exact response gaywad
that's a kickass headline honestly
>nigger tree apes are ITT
nice animu faggot
All movies that dont feature dinosaurs
I hope this is real and God has come to end our suffering
Only if apoopis falls on top of your shack
Without Warning
What do they mean? It hitting earth or just flying by? This headljne and photo make it seem like its hitting earth, but seems like its just flying by, according to the sub text of the photo.
Fucking journalists are such sneaky jews.
>"haha uhh I'm not retarded, i-it was just uhh, bait! Gotcha!"
baited for this exact response gaywad
>implying others are retarded when you fell for bait
Perhaps you are just baiting him now? This is too good.
God I wish that were me.
now this is clickbait
>What do they mean
Well lets see. a "God of Chaos" is about to hit us and they don't want to panic everyone, or a "God of Chaos" is going to fly by and they want clicks.
Either way you are lving in clown world and the people who control it aren't even sure if they actually are controling it or if they are being controlled by the clown world.
So ya know, honk.
Fell for my bait now, faggot. Send me a pic of you shirtless
armageddon is the quintessential asteroid kino, I cant believe it hasnt been mentioned in this thread yet
seeking a friend for the end of the world
The one that exploded over russia was similar in size and had the energy of two atomic bombs. They don't need to be big to fuck shit up.
I think the completely disfunctional stupidity of this post single-handedly broke the clown world meme.
Ok go ahead, explain the "Disfunctional Stupidity".
I'd love to see you make a clown of yourself trying.
They said it won't hit. But if they knew it WILL hit, do you think they would tell us? Of course not.
and all it did was knock down trees.
oh DAMN!
Obviously the writers just wanted clicks. "They", as in people running things, have no panic to try to quell. No one "controlling the world" decided for this article to be written. In no conceivable way could the headline either calm a panic or cause a panic that needs to be calmed. Everyone who read your post knows these things. It wasn't interesting, thoughtful, or funny.
Ice age
> or a "God of Chaos" is going to fly by and they want clicks.
You must not have read that part.
>No one "controlling the world" decided this article
Ahuh, yeah the media dosen't take orders from no one.
You're a retard.
It just needs to hit a big city to fuck shit up. I'm hoping for New York, that filth infested city would be a good riddance.
God I really wish it would hit.
Humanity needs a good extinction event.
Shut up stupid phoneposter
Space isn't real, they are setting up a flase apocaplypse to reduce population and create new world order from the ruins. But, nothing we can do about it so might as well just get wasted.
I was agreeing that they wanted clicks. And saying it was obvious, which means the other option was stupid, and that the post was disfunctional because there was no point bringing up the whole thing.
Your mom's so fat she had a threesome and the two guys never met
>Ahuh, yeah the media dosen't take orders from no one.
It's not that they never take orders, it's that they are capable of writing clickbait without receiving orders. And do you think the Illuminati were interested in that particular news source writing one more clickbait and making a few bucks?
Take your meds and get to your next therapy session.
Yeah, well your mamas so fat she developed type 2 diabetes and congestive heart failure
>Its disfunctional because there is no reason to bring it up
I was answering a question mouthbreather, gave two possibilities and one outcome applying to either,
And your entire point was....oh yeah, you're a retard.
>Why would they be interested in asteroids heading to the planet you dummy!
I too allow trains into my chicken coup.
Also, if you read the piece, it's slated to skim past the Earth, and NOT hit it.
Fuck what a letdown
Of course that's what they have to say. Imagine if everyone thought we're all going to die and there is nothing we could do about it. Society will dissolve in a day.
>New York
>Not Commiefornia
Based and steelepilled
>Everyone will go crazy over a < mile wide meteor
Because it happened to explode over one of the emptiest parts of the world. If something similar happened over a big city it would kill hundreds of thousands or maybe millions of people (not that this would be a bad thing if the right city was right).
Which one? Slaanesh? Nurgle? Khorne? Tzeentch?
cringe and hopefullyunderagepilled
>Hits China or Africa and wipes them out
We have to pretend to care
actually the meteor is 400 times the size of jupiter
You put out "they don't want to panic everyone" as a possibility of what the article was saying. Flatly wrong and no way would they be saying that. The shit they didn't say was not a possibility, and no one was directing the news source to say the thing they didn't say, so why were you babbling about control? One clearly clickbait headline whose existence contradicts what you are saying doesn't prove your cartoonishly simplistic paranoid delusion about how the world works.
Please hit Seattle
that's a big rock
ur moms ass is 400 times the size of jupiter
I live there. Seconded.
Good choice.
Nasa needs to prove its usefulness again
Damn he just got BTFO
No ammount of time spell checking can take your retardation away from you, the second you failed to understand the post you became one and from that momment on you have went further and further out of your way to prove that you didn't get it. At all.
Congratulations retard.
Enjoy your shithole. I won't misspell on purpose to somehow prove you wrong. Have fun.
Let's try this again retard as I can tell you are finally seeing it.
>Well lets see. a "(this)*God of Chaos"(this)" is about to hit us and they don't want to panic everyone, or a "(this)""God of Chaos""(this)" is going to fly by and they want clicks.
Does that help?
Do you see the word "Asteroid" anywhere?
>that guy who was reading the fucking newspaper as the asteroid hit
That's because the angle it entered our atmosphere luckily caused it to explode while still high up in the sky. If it had hit a city directly it would have probably destroyed the entire thing.
wandering earth has to be one of the worst edited together films i've ever seen. i like the premise but everything about the editing and pacing should be used as an example of how not to cut a movie.
Fucking clickbaits. It's fine. No threat.
>not chicago
>Archaon the Evervirgin
>'God of Chaos' space rock
Shadilay, Kek be praised.
but muh gravitational keyhole;e