The show has gone too far this time
Game of Thrones failed it's only black female character
Missandei was a literal NPC, this is not okay.
I truly hate these progressive twats.
Killed by the white man
It's almost as if the bad guys are bad. What a fucking shocker.
She's not even black though??
>as if these faux-historical and fantastical elements free one of the most popular tv series in history from fretting about the grievances or concerns of women and people of color.
That's a legitimately disgusting sentence. I hate these parasites.
Its good that people can express their bad thoughts online, but its also important for the public to understand these blogs such as the New York Times are the equivalent of a Geocities website
Nah my dude. Barely even brown.
When a word ends with s you put ' not 's. This is taught to children
>when the only black girl is whiter than you and you arent even black
uhm how dare you
damn brehs varys is so effay
wtf? I love Game of Thrones now!
The fuck is up with all the video game terminology
why are these people utterly obsessed with race?
This forced controversy and social justice shit is so fucking boring and played out. Who even cares anymore?
She’s not black or adult in the books so start being grateful she was in the show at all you dumb, entitled cunts.
>prop up Missandei's lack of character to be "almost magical" using more adjectives to describe her than lines she gets per season
>diminish the two main female characters down to "smirking white woman" and "other white woman" as if white is a negative descriptor
Funny how the people bending over backwards to whine about racism are usually among the most racist.
You're not American, are you
That vocaroo was funny.
>be american
>b-but muh race
shes english and dominican, she isnt even black lol
It doesn't look good but it's correct. No letter after saxon genitive is for plural forms.
This PERFECTLY illustrates the problem with what the show has become.
That people can publish self-righteous articles about how a work of fiction has "failed" to espouse a given political agenda is the greatest proof there is that said work has, rather than simply telling its own story, been espousing said agenda and catering to the expectations of those who support it.
You can only be butthurt about not getting your way if you're used to getting your way.
I thought her name was Melissandra?
>YASSSS QUEEEN! Show them what gurl can do! Smash tha patriarchy!!
>this racist sexist homophopic tv show is very highly problematic and it's 2019
who would have thought
True, but there's also a reverse effect happening on Yea Forums where everyone was pissed off by the scenes from E03 but are now applauding E04 for killing the brown girl.
>How the gorey rapey stabby dragon show failed the SJW movemnt
reminder that light-skinned blacks hate dark-skinned blacks more than white people ever will
>For killing the brown girl
>Not the starbucks
>Not the POINT OF THIS THREAD laughing at sjws for freaking out
>Not the sheer hypocrisy
>No it's because some dumb fucking cunt got her head lopped off
Do you understand how lost you are?
the people who traffic in this type of bullshit are the same people responsible for ruining the new world with the transatlantic slave trade
I'm sick and tired of identity politics. Every piece of media these days is judged on "diversity" and not quality. It's absolute insanity. I read an article on BBC this morning which described Iron Man, Thor and Dr Strange as "white men with super powers". What the fuck is wrong with these cretins.
pipe down leaf
Why shouldn't the dragon matter just as much as Missandei? They are Daenary's children and have been on the show since season 1. Its like arguing the toons don't matter in Who Framed Roger Rabbit
have sex
Why didn't she just duck?
can you IMAGINE a tv show based on medieval england has few black characters?
reminder: the fantasy genre is centered around mythical medieval europe. proper representation of POC is not a relevant issue
A lot of people in the states nowadays (and elsewhere, granted) are completely obsessed with social issues.
>If she was never killed, we'd get an article about how they didn't utilize her effectively throughout the final season.
>If she was actually killed gruesomely, with blood spouting and gratuitous violence like in Season's 1-3. We'd have an article about how GOT is a show for bigots and scumbags.
You literally can not win with these people.
Fictional. Racism.
>Fictional. Racisim.
Election must be coming.
imagine being so racist that you think a black character being killed in unacceptable
As long as the press is in a stranglehold it is only going to escalate. They did the same thing in the 30s and 40s, ratcheted it up in the 60s and 70s, and here we are now. How do you think it's going to be when the posters here are elderly and the demographics flip? The envelope is always being pushed in the same direction, bit by bit. Long March through the institutions and all that.
Truly the greatest ally
>from fretting about the grievances or concerns of women and people of color.
Shouldn't they also be worried that all the blue people died last week?
Why won't anybody think of the poor meaningless side character who only ever existed so that Dany would have someone to talk to?
She is not even black, only in Amerifatland and because the one drop rule. She is mixed.
Holy shit wtf
She's mixed and looks more white than black. The American left is simply ridiculous at this point.
She’s a quadroon who’s like a 15% less white than Emilia whose 1/8 Indian. I’d argue she even has a more Caucasiod face shape, the only black thing about her is her hair and her slightly darker skin obviously tells you she’s mixed.
Yeah because mulattoes in europe and the anglosphere don't consider themselves black
>now applauding E04 for killing the brown girl.
Puh-lease. Nobody gives a shit.
exactly kek
she was far from the only nigger
Shit like this... trump 2020
>A lot of people in the states nowadays (and elsewhere, granted)
Only because the American influence, it's the American left who is pushing this bullshit.
The dumbest thing about this is that they would have been fine if greyworm died because they would rather missandei survive with the righteous pain. For fuck sakes greyworm isnt even fucking dead, he is going to attempt to avenge her, and she is Danys final straw pretty much besides the fucking throne being Aegons now for the most part in her head.
I went to twitter to see reactions for the first time this season and holy shit greyworm for some reason shows up as the highest trending name, but fucking why? Why do blacks need to be obsessed with their skin color, his character barley fucking matters if at all? Why can't we have feelings about one of the Dothraki?
Missandei doesn't even look black she's mixed. Fuck these people.
I swear 100% Sicilians exist that looks “blacker” than this
Mulattoes only consider themselves as blacks in America.
Emilia is a poo in loo? Then where is her the more she drank the more she shat scene?
I'm a black guy living in Europe and I can confirm this statement
>Deanery OWNED her like a slave
>she didn't even have to come with her, just like the rest of them she chose to follow her Khaleesi
>first of her name
she wasnt a king or lord
Why are white people?
Why do people wants shows to perfectly represent their political views makes no sense to me? Like should a fictional drama about Tudor England discuss issues of race? That’s fucking retarded, just let it be what it is.
>muh white people
The "person" who has write this article is a nigger.
They have something to lose.
>Spoiler, it's everything good in the world
Failed is a strong word. We prefeer the therm "fulfilled her destiny".
t. huffington post blogger
>Like should a fictional drama about Tudor England discuss issues of race?
no it shouldn't. But they shouldn't make a drama about that era filled with black people. It just breaks my immersion
has any director gone from cringe and bluepilled to based and redpilled faster than dabid?
That's kinda hot
If she Hadn't her head in her ass she would have notice that all characters had shitty and no relevant interaction since a long time ago and not just afro nigga fucktoy
Shes not even in black in the books but super pale - coming from a snow capped town in the north of Essos
>seething that a one off side character who was shoved into the main cast due to fan service doesnt have good dialogue
Where were these people when Aero Hotah's character was literally butchered and ruined by D&D? Aero Hotah who is an amazing character and the actor was fantastic. Oh that's right he was killed by a WOC so who cares
bob marley's dad was a white british naval officer. im going to go out on a limb and say he didn't think of himself as quintessentially british.
when do the hooknoses get their end game?
Its time they pay for their harm to humanity with their lies and indoctrination.
I don't know about anyone else but these threads have really started to make me more annoyed at "POCs" when before I was content pretending they didn't exist
Both her parents are mixed.
Well said.
Just to be clear, you think your political issue with race is more important than the political issue of animal rights? how dare you!? Ghost was a good boy a deserved some love.
How is standing clearly above the wall of King's Landing, uttering a word of defiance, and dying as the climax of episode 4 that will trigger the battle that ends the series not a moment in the spotlight?
We haven't even seen episode 5 yet so of course we haven't seen how the other characters will exalt her.
ep 4 was objectively a better episode tho
ok... this isn't epic. GoT is officially cancelled
(you) go back to (you)r containment board
>as if these faux-historical and fantastical elements free one of the most popular tv series in history from fretting about the grievances or concerns of women and people of color.
It really never clicks at them that they were crowing up and down that "Lol you can imagine ice zombies and super dragons but can't imagine a 100 pound girl winning the war with one stab?" was a deflection but now its like 'Yeah but that doesn't count for killing off a minor character! The concerns of its fans should matter more than story!'
Ghost was removed because he's white and male.