So errmm how did Cersei even know who Missandei is and why she is important?

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Why is she important?

tyrion told her

Qyburn little birds

i presume both sides have some kind of spies. Even tyrion knowing cercei is pregnant should cause euron to be a bit suspicious for the same reason.

She didn't know. She just wants to keep westeros white; hence, not going to war with the white walkers.

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She was captured and all she was required to give was her rank and serial number.

adviser(friend) to Dany

Either he pieces it together or he's just thinking "yeah, he knows I'm a Chad that already fucked his sister".

>be 'advisor'
>basically just a translator even though dany is back in westeros and can speak the language fine
>gives zero advise
>is here to read the paragraph of titles whenever someone enters dany's throne room

I will admit she looked pretty cute when she was with grey wurm sailing to dragon stone though

What does she even do? Has she ever helped Dany out at all? She's the most useless character on this show.

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because she's black

Why are there black people in Medieval England?

Little finger

she was there with dany on s07e07 you daft cunt
also, why would a woman be sailing with a crew of sailors if not someone important (or a whore)

GOT is set in Africa dude

Isn't it racist that she's black and "well-spoken"?

Wasn't she there last season when they showed Cersei the wight?

low key kek

hi reddot

They wuz da originul brits real talk.

Reddot would be crying about their nigger character though and calling that pic toxic.

writers at the top of their game

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Edgelord doesn’t like normie memes xDddd

cheddar man was black, that means i can say nigger in public

What were D&D thinking with this scene

These episodes took 2 years to film and are the most expensive television has ever seen.

>D&D Confirmed for Jewing the cashing.

Cause she met Dany and her crew? Just last season too.. do you even watch the show user?


why woudn't she just from the top of the wall and risk breaking her legs and not giving in like a slave?

Apparently everyone knew, even Sansa and Jamie

Cat in a that with a bat to fuck that blyat