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Can I keep the head?

Only if I can keep the body


whats up with her gross eyebrows and eyes too close together

you think they sent someone to pick up her head?

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Why didn't she jump?

>tfw in love with her body

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He literally does not have the balls to save her. That's why he cucked out and let it happen.

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Pacifists are goddamn cattle.

Lad’s gonna be tormented for the rest of his days.

>Couldn’t save Jorah
>Couldn’t save Barristan
>Couldn’t save Missandei

She's a mutt.

and qt

You forgot
>Couldn't please a woman sexually

let's play spot the amerilard

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she also lost two of her "children"

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What movie is this from?


Looks like a tranny ?

>tfw no Missandei onahole

Anyone else popped a boner when her lifeless body fell down?


>not grey
>doesn't have a worm

I was actually happy when she died, bringing her worthless storyline to an end.

holy shit lol

Oh, wrong board

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That's a fucking bloke

Guess im gay

Guess you are

You didn't need the video to tell you xD :D ;)

You guessed right my homo friend

These are great, any more?


GoT kills off the hottest character ever on this shit show, why even watch anymore?

So is there a webm of this happening or is it just a lame cut to reactions?

no shit

>charterer who always cared about the little people
>last thing she does is tell her friend to burn thousands of innocents because fuck character development but most importantly fuck wyte peepo

Ygritte > Missandei > Early season skinnyfat Dany

I want to lick her mutt asshole clean.
What's wrong with me, bros?

>humans want to reproduce
Nothing really


>he thinks humans reproduce by licking assholes
Are you one of them lizard people in human body suits?

might fall the wrong way and her death wouldn't be instantaneous, beheading is a far better choice

So what's the problem?

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Try to lick a dirty one, you’ll convert to freshly scrubbed and shaved immediately.

No you idiot, you pay tribute to the stork who brings you a baby.


Missandei > Melisandre > Gilly > Daenerys > Ygritte > Ros > other sluts

>implying wanting to lick her asshole isn't a deviation of your sexualization which purpose is to reproduce
come on, user

My man Greyworm should take the trannypill

this post didn't age well

This. How do I get a cold wildling gf.

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Gilly makes the best mother of your children on this show, the others are good for a few fucks as side pussy. Gilly is marriage material

top kek

It Bonbi, go to /wsg and there will be a thread for her videos.
Also, last time I cared, she was underage

>fuck wyte peepo
tru dat ma brotha

Why the fuck does anyone care about thia literal who character? This was meant to be a sad moment? I genuinely cant remember anything Missandei has done except stand next to dany and not act. Why the fuck am i, a viewer, supposed to give a shit about this non character?

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Book Asha > all sluts.


A few years from now when people look back on the show the only thing she will be remembered for was the scene when greyworm was peeking on her bathing


Doesn't Grey Worm like all the other Unsullied not have a dick? Why the fuck would he be peeking on her to see her nude?

So it's not a dude? Gay.

I think its kind of interesting how inverted Cersei and Dany are

ygritte is cute until she opens her mouth or takes off her clothes


pretty good eyebrow cosplay

>implying Missandei ever had any character development
Her only character is whatever she was introduced with.

>Marrying used goods and then raising her abomination son/brother as your own child
Sam the cuck will probably legitimize Craster's kid as his heir.

Don't even need a few years, that's already true.

Because she was a darkie so she was very important to this story being woke!

hereditary or genetic or whatever it was called

That scene actually made me laugh.