Why didn't Tyrion and Vary's fake their deaths at sea and become lumberjacks?

Why didn't Tyrion and Vary's fake their deaths at sea and become lumberjacks?

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didnt watch Dexter after season 4

as much as people ragged on the ending, it ended at the perfect time, just before everything turned into pos. The next season would have been about Dexter saving le smart black scientist from le ebil nazi huwhiteman

>mfw I watched the end of Dexter on Showtime

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Nothing really wrong with the ending either. Don't get why people are mad, seems like a logical ending. Some nice drama with his sister too. Why be mad

It ended 4 seasons too late, user-chan.

>mfw Dexter s08 is actually a good season when compared with Game of Thrones s08
We really have come a long way since 2013

it was the stupidest possible ending for the series you retarded faggot nigger

How is it stupid? He goes into hiding or he dies, what else can happen to him? The fact that his sister dies gives some sense of closure to the series. What exactly is stupid here

No show has ever fallen off as hard as Dexter. Season 1 was some of the best television around, and by the end the show was a fucking joke.

It really wasnt.
Dexter openly revealing the dark passenger in front of the camera was badass.

>before everything turned into pos

you mean season 5?

>mfw Dexter s08 is actually a good season

I did like killerwaifu.

>No show has ever fallen off as hard as Dexter
What are you on about. Even Simpsons crashed harder than Dexter. The season where his wife dies was pretty cool, admit it


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when you end a show of Dexter's nature you need to either have a definite end (he dies) or an end that allows the audience to imagine multiple scenarios as to how he continues life. He abandons his son, buries deb as his "last kill", gets a job as a lumberjack, and there is a very vague shot that, possibly, implies he's just accepted he will never be happy and so---possibly, maybe, perhaps---is still a serial killer. Is he still wrestling with his urges? Does he now kill without a code? It is too definite without giving actual detail, pigeon-holing any interpretations. the quality of episodes were very low, leading up to the finale, as well.

what the fuck

Because everything about his entire character arc was leading up to him dyingor otherwise atoning for his sins, not going into hiding like some coward just because the producers want to keep their options open going forward. It was stupid and rushed in every sense of the words.

I wasn't counting cartoons but in that case you'd be right. John Lithgow was the only redeeming factor of the later seasons of Dexter.

>or an end that allows the audience to imagine multiple scenarios as to how he continues life
Sounds exactly like what you've just described. One thing we know is his life as lawful evil is over, so the show is over too. Works for me.

Seasons 1-4 of Dexter were good schlocky fun. Not high art but genuinely entertaining. Seasons 5-8 were a descent into utter madness and true dogshit. Season 8 is so bad it literally feels like I’m watching a comedy show, all culminating in possibly the worst series finale of all time

shutup cunt

>or otherwise atoning for his sins
Did you miss the part where the only person he cared about on the show died because of him

Seasons 1 & 2 are top tv actually

We were so hopeful after the first episode too of that season

For all the ballsy moves they pulled throughout the seasons, that they would just tack on such a halfhearted ending felt like a bit of a cop-out in my opinion. All camp but then it pitters out in an unremarkable way. If they were going to bother us showing him alive and specifically that he chose to be a lumberjack, at least give a bit more. For the information we got, the same result would have been accomplished had they just have had him called Harrison one last time and Hannah understanding, after seeing that article he was "lost to the storm", that he was alive.

Not many finales have made my blood boil as badly as Dexter's. What the shit made Scott Fuck think that ending this show the way it did would be a good idea? iirc Breaking Bad had ended either right before or right after Dexter did, and even though BB had somewhat of a contentious ending as well, it was still better than whatever the fuck happened to Dexter.