What the fuck was this?

What the fuck was this?

Attached: Brawl_in_Cell_Block_99_poster.jpg (220x326, 139K)

the best movie zahler will ever make

A good fucking flick. That's what.

bone tomahawk 8/10
cell block 10/10
concrete 6/10

>ending a movie on a shot like this


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>brawl in cell block 99
>there is a brawl in the aforementioned place
>dragged across concrete
>people haled over said surface: 0

Seriously, what the fuck happened to Zahler?

just to let you absorb what just happened

One of the blacks was dragged when he was get shoted in the legs and other one tried to help

Did that happen? I never finished the movie, I stopped watching when the criminal niggers were acting scared and confused when the based white criminals took a hostage.

pretty much this. Would even give 9 for bone tomahawk.

Did this even play in theatres? Couldn't find the new one playing anywhere nearby. Sad.

i saw both brawl and dragged in theaters. they only played for a few screenings.

Lucky you.

Yes it did

Kino. Nothing more, nothing less.

Pretty accurate

a 10/10 movie

Terrible compared to bone and dragged

Da flick that used to get played in da grindhouse.

bone tomahawk was the best

The woman literally dragged herself across concrete to get to the cops.

It's so much fun showing this movie to people that don't know about it. I love that it starts as slow as possible so any friends get bored out of their mind and then bam it hits in the second half and they're always blown away. Great movie.

>dragged herself across
>title: dragged across concrete - clearly implying someone does it to someone else
keep trying

fuck off incel

>whispers to date during DRAGGED ACROSS CONCRETE when they show a person getting dragged across concrete
"That's Dragged Across Concrete"


Attached: Facelift.webm (1912x1030, 1.04M)


Tbh rankings don't matter because I love all 3 and hope his next film stays as great as the others. I hope he and Gibson and/or Vaughan collaborate again because they work brilliantly together.

I really enjoyed this flick, it was so over the top with scenes like this. Fucking floor made out of a cheese grater

vincekino, why do you ask?

Attached: vince.gif (540x304, 1.65M)

deliberate throwback to shitty violent 80s actions flicks. it kinda worked for me desu

as for the film itself... i thought it was very fun. only two problems were the overlong opening sequences and the pretencious dialogue (a staple of zahler films it seems)

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bone, 6.4
brawl, 8.0
dragged, 8.2