>This board unironically believes these guys are good critics and sucked their cocks as if their word was gospel for years
Tell me again why am I supposed to believe anything you cock gobblers say about movies means anything?
This board unironically believes these guys are good critics and sucked their cocks as if their word was gospel for...
you upset about starwars or capeshit?
It's probably Star Wars. I bet user is a prequel fan.
how do i call you a faggot without looking like i watch these faggots or care about their opinions at all? they're faggots and so are you. especially the fat one i hate his fat fucking face so much
Which one? There's 3 fat guys on the channel.
Nobody believes that. Yea Forums skips all their capeshit reviews.
Is this the post-sexy-pics-of-Jay thread?
Literally their entire schitch is pretending no movie ever is worth an actual critique so they'll half-ass it because "that's the joke" but they tell you that if they wanted to, they could do a serious critique. They want to pretend to be smart and shield themselves from any criticism by pretending like they're not entitled to actually show any serious analysis. Then they wanna pretend to be above petty fanboy shit but they are huge fanboys of stra trek and star wars, two series which are really not that good but they pretend like they're holy grails of storytelling.
Also, YELLING and LAUGING A LOT doesn't make for good comedy.
t. seething prequelcuck
The fact that they ignore the existence of movies prior to the 1970s is more than enough for me to dismiss any opinions they have
No need to make this thread friend. RLM quality is dropping fast. Big Mike got all the money he needs, now it's just a matter of dragging the corpse till it stop paying out.
you've got the wrong board buddy, it's Yea Forums you're thinking about. Yea Forums barely has RLM threads anymore
no i've been saying for years that the only interesting thing they ever did was the phantom menace review, and even that was proven wrong in the end and george lucas is the chad genius rooster giblet neck hogwild billionaire and who are rlm? exactly exactly.
The more you watch their other content, the more their behaviour will make sense. They are actually consistenly aweful movie critics. They like to get high and mighty about how much better they are than others and do these endlessly long fake podcasts, but at the core of it all they are just the exact same. They are grade A hypocrites . And pretty lackluster movie reviewers in addition.
You can pretty much predict exactly how they are going to react. The only thing they are good at is detecting a bandwagon starting to roll, so they always jump on it the first chance they get, and if they can't get on fast enough but sense potential for an anti-bandwagon, they will try and start that. That is exactly what they did with TFA. When the wind started turning after TLJ and fans suddenly hated Disney again, they turned right around and "admitted to their mistake" to get onto the bandwagon nice and early while people didn't realize whether the "love it" or "hate it" faction was going to win out yet.
They are good social manipulators, I will give you that, but they pretty much just say what ever will get their audience nodding, and they know how to make a tear-down entertaining whether substantiated or not. In that regard, they are just the edgy """high brow""" mirror image to all those shill-casts they like to mock.
And they do that with every movie, not just Star Wars, I got sick and tired of them real fast. The more I watched of them, the more they reminded me of the higher tier corporate bullshitters I have encountered in large companies, you know, the type that don't just rise through hot air and convincing other bullshitters, but that can hide their unsophisticated behind sophisticated wording. In the end, you develop a nose for that nonsense anyways. RLM are the same, beating dead horses and unsophisticated "criticism" hidden behind nice wording.
they were unironically pushed by disney shills/bots.
Why? Reminds you of yourself too much?
The fact that these guys are still posted here amazes me. There's really no avoiding it, I've grown up, and Yea Forums simply remains infancy. Look, RLM are the living embodiment of the smug, detached Gen-X ethos. What do I mean by this?
Well, I'd venture to guess none of them has felt a single sincere conviction about anything since childhood. They exist as polyps upon the colon of culture, satiating themselves on the perceived failures of others (i.e. "The Man") while adding nothing new to the discourse aside from ironic complaint.
They're a group of insecure, lost, rapidly aging burnouts who silently believe they could do a better job of making films than the professionals in the industry. Yet they lack the ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry they're obsessed with. They choose instead to fuck around and make student film piss-takes well into middle age.
They are awful, awful people. I've met thousands just like them, and the last thing we need is for these people to gain any attention for their navel gazing.
Please, Yea Forums, do not aspire to become anything like these people. Theirs is a lonely and pathetic road leading to depression and a life devoid of real purpose.
I hope they disappear and their disaffected followers stop subsidizing their lifestyle. Perhaps that would force them to do something productive with themselves.
>inb4 some retard (incorrectly) goes hurrr reddit spacing, as though RLM threads weren't as reddit as they come.
I like them
I dont want to go to cinema alone so I watch the reviews and then practice what to say in case anyone asks me what i thought about a recent release. Of course nobody ever has but if they do I'll be ready.
>The fact that they ignore the existence of movies prior to the 1970s
What makes you say that?
Rich: Do you need any kind of training to use the Force? Any?
Jay: [Kylo] has training.
Rich: She dudn't.
Jay: Well we don't know where...
Rich: Neither did Luke in Empire... Well the minor training, he had like a week of training with Yoda, that's all you need, you need a week?
Jay: And then he went back for his training in Jedi and Yoda just died immediately.
Mike: Yes, can I point out that this is, we are now back to real Star Wars.
Rich: Yep.
Mike: There is never any bullshit about... The only thing that Yoda says is that he's too old to begin the training, that's all. But really, it's more like, okay, I've taught you a couple things, how to levitate stuff, how to do this, your real training is confronting Darth Vader, blah blah blah blah blah, and this it's kind of the same thing, it's not the stupid prequel idea of "we have to get you when you're one, and you have to stand there with a thing over your head holding a lightsaber..
Jay: In a room full of other children.
Mike: In a room full of other children
Jay: That are as close as we are now, with lightsabers.
Mike: Yes, it's not a literal training, it's not an academy of little kids in a classroom, like the stupidity of George Lucas' ideas in the prequels.
I like best of the worst. It exposes me to movies/videos I would never bother watching. I can not stand watching them talk about real films though.
Jay: Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford, I loved their relationship in this movie, I loved that it didn't work out, it makes perfect sense that it wouldn't work out between the two of them. It didn't feel like... Because that's the biggest problem with Jedi, like now they're just there. They're together.
Mike: Yeah.
Jay: There's one line, where she's... Where Han Solo is concerned she likes Luke, it's just like tossed in at the last minute for no reason.
Mike: Yeah.
Jay: So I love the way they handled those two, their dialogue back-and-forth is great without feeling forced or like "remember their relationship in the past?" Like there's more through the decades since then, there's a little more drama. A little more weight. I like that.
Rich: There is a throwaway line of dialogue to explain it, but for me... It's a little bit weird that like, here we are like 40 years later, and these characters are still doing the same shit they were doing 40 years ago...
Jay: No...
Rich: ...Leia's still the one in charge of the rebellion, organizing things, and Han Solo's still the brash smuggler flying around the galaxy.
Jay: I like Kylo Ren a lot. He has more character to him than Darth Vader does in A New Hope. Darth Vader of course, there's more going on in Empire.
Mike: Well, Darth Vader's character wasn't really established until Empire.
Jay: Exactly, exactly, so I like that the villain established in this new series has a little more going on.
t. passionate about shitty soulless corporate slop
pre-1970s movies are quite primitive and uninteresting desu
Because they never talk about classic films as far as I've seen?
Spoken like a true "movie geek" manchild
it's true, films back then were restricted by technology and the Hays code
depends on what you consider a classic, they've talked about Psycho, Eraserhead, Dawn of the Dead and a lot of cult horror films
but user, that poster isn't rlm?
their most famous videos are mike's autistic review of literally every aspect of the movie, the plinkett videos. I actually don't know about movies and normally don't post on Yea Forums or care, I am just a pleb who watches things for fun. I just came in this thread and saw you being wrong. now as far as if it's *good* criticism, I don't know, but those plinkett videos are more than just a cursory bunch of snark, some of them are longer than the movie itself iirc
someone somewhere is giving them something, access, previews, money, who knows.
why do none of their videos get taken down? why do they just magically happen to give rave reviews to every bucket of slop with a disney stamp? why do they get so suspiciously defensive about being mocked for their soft touch with marvel films?
They don't give rave reviews to all disney products. Thor 3 mike just ranted about how much he hates movie theaters, they were extremely luke warm on TLJ, and weren't fans of end game
You really captured his lack of will to live.
Jay needs to squat and squat heavy.
They don't try to be anything other guys who like to watch and talk about movies. When I think of Mike and Jay, I don't think critics, I think alcoholic and secretly gay.
Yes and no. The ‘auteur era’ was established in the 70s and was certainly groundbreaking as far as changing the way the film industry worked. I can understand why Yea Forums isn’t that interested in Golden Age Hollywood films.
Are you legitimately this retarded?