>Did Hulk's snap bring back any of the millions of people who were killed in the immediate aftermath of the snap (such...

>Did Hulk's snap bring back any of the millions of people who were killed in the immediate aftermath of the snap (such as half the people aboard airplanes at the time)?

>What about the millions of people who an hero'd as a result of the snap?

>Or the untold number of people who were killed as a result of civilization collapsing after the snap?

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>snaps everyone back to life
>they all drift in space because the earth is not on the same position as before

just turn your brain off

Was it explained how he became professor hulk? All i remember was banner saying something like "i realised hulk is the cure" and thats it???

it literally answers this in the movie
'only bring back the people snapped away'
so its only people that snapped, not people that died because other people were snapped

Probably not.
I mean Vision didn't come back, even though it was established that he didn't need the stone to live, only that it would be difficult to remove, and Hulk's snap didn't bring him back to life.
He died just before the snap, so presumably the snap dealt exclusively with direct victims of the snap, not people who died as a consequence either after it, or before it in Thanos' quest.

OP knows

He says in the movie that no matter how much he tried to bring Natasha back, he couldn't. Meaning he can't bring back people who weren't snapped.

So no he didn't

>bring back the snapped people to life
>plenty of them die due to the circumstances
>the people that died due to the snap's aftermath remain dead
>in 5 years the world has adjusted to the reality
>now the population doubles and chaos ensues again
>not to mention all the alternate timelines they created where everyone gets fucked (they didn't fix shit in the end, the alternate timelines remain)


the directors confirmed she couldn't be brought back because the soul stone required her sacrifice (if she was brought back by the stone it could be paradoxical)
the soul stone can still bring back people who died for other reasons

>Millions, potentially billions of people still dead
>Oh well, at least we got the other Avengers back lol

>your dad got snapped white taking a shit
>Hulk snaps while you're taking a shit
>dad bursts out of your chest and ass
I fucking hate it when that happens.

Vision was never alive, stupid. He was an irreplaceable programming fluke but not a living creature.

Did the people that got snapped during airplane rides rematerialize in the air and fall to their death?

>we're giving the Infinity Gauntlet Dragon Ball Z rules now

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So The Leftovers is about the Thanos snap?

I'm still not clear on why Red Skull is now immortal, on an alien planet with floaty powers, acting as a tour guide for taking the stone.


>hey isnt that that bad guy from captain america
>why is he
>what is this

"Bring back all the people!"
Vision is not a people.

Black Widow could have been brought back through time travel, since Gamora died the exact same way and came back.

Pretty sure the Soul Stone on its own can bring dead people back to life like the Dragon Balls, but to reverse the snap, Hulk needed all of the Infinity Stones (which he had, obviously).

Yeah that's not to mention the immense psychological trauma the first half of the planet would have undergone for 5 years, just for the other half to pop back in like nothing happened

My understanding is in the comics, Nebula steals the gauntlet, and as a 'fuck you' to Thanos, undoes the snap. She doesn't bring people back, she undoes everything Thanos did.
Hulk's snap should've been a reset to before the snap, not a fix'it after.

But if the Avengers took a Black Widow from any period of time from the past into the present (THEIR present, that is), it could cause some major timeline fuckery.

So everything in movies needs to be meticulously explained? Should Tony or someone just have a long monologue about the exact rules? Should they hand out reading material in the theater?

I don’t think anyone turned into a hero because of the snap unless you mean the multiverse stuff from Far Way From Home.

Black Widow could be taken from the past just like Nebula was(and killed), but Black Widow was also a tortured character and wanted to die.

They literally agreed to just bring people they lost becuase they don't want to lose what they gained in the last 5 years

>Hulk's snap didn't bring him back to life
>Hulk's snap didn't bring him back to life
>Hulk's snap didn't bring him back to life
>a toaster and/or coffee maker is alive

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So Tony Stark is actually responsible for billions of people remaining dead when the whole thing could've been completely undone because muh daughter

Loki as well, we didn't see him return. So yeah I think you're right, Hulk's snap probably only brought back people who died from Thanos's snap.

so wanda was really just in love with an advanced vibrator

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no, im disappointed we didnt get to see it either. I wouldn't be surprised if we get another solo Hulk movie somewhere along the way that shows it happen.

what annoys is me that both Black Widow and Hawkeye should know who Red Skull is. First day at SHIELD should be a lesson on him since they don't actually know if he died or not on the plane with Captain America and they didn't find any trace of his body.

i hadn't thought of this, thats a bad hole

The rules of avenger-verse don't really distinguish between alive and not alive for vision in the case of having all the infinity stones. Even if he was unaffected by the soul stone he'd be able to be brought back to "life" (or configuration of atoms) by the combination of all of them.

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He got sucked up by the space stone and was placed there as punishment

It's hilarious and pathetic that you think MUH PLOTHOLES is intellectual discourse

>women love their toys
man, this is totally an unexplored potential trope. I'm surprised its never been explored before in television or film

And Wanda was only sensing random electricity when she specifically used her magic in Infinity War to reach out and touch Vision's Soul.

>I copied your style hah what now!
I suggest you consume product.

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nice photoshop MCUck

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Whoa...this is deep. It’s tinted a secondary color and has an 80’s filter so it’s not only redpilled, it’s cool af too!!!

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No one actually makes the disney marvel connection besides people who are (rightfully) cynical about corporations. This image is obviously fake because why the fuck would a marvel fan have a mouse cake.

>you are snapped back into your bedroom after 5 years on top of your wife's new husband
>you die of famine the week after
Thanks Avengers!

>I-Its fake
lmao at the utter state of mousetards

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The style is pretty neat, I'll agree.

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>It's a discord trannies prove they consume capeshit thread
Mild amusement.

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>My optics are so cucked we tried to adopt the other sides but made it worse
Have dilate.


>(they didn't fix shit in the end, the alternate timelines remain)
No you retard, they don't, they explicitly send captain america back to delete the timelines by putting the stones back.

Loki never got the tesseract. The moment Tony put it back in 1970, that accidental incident in New York 2012 never happened, because they were never there

Fashwave is amazing and sexy.

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Gamora will be hunted by death herself

>captain america goes back to the exact time they left and drops off the stones
>all the changes they made (e.g. Captain America beating his past self up, ect.) still remain
The only retard here is you, pal.

>5 years have passed
>all the husbands/wives/boyfriends/girlfriends found other people
>the dead one comes back
>murder sucides follow
>2/3 of all life now extinct
>thanks avangirz!!

Who the fuck cares it's a hero movie watch them boom the bad guy and tear up when thor hugs his mommy

>snapped on a cruise ship
>snapped back into the middle of the ocean

Thor's entire character arc has been growing the fuck up and becoming a worthy king to the throne. One conversation with his dead mommy and he abandons the entire thing to go play space-pirates.
His mom was really Loki in disguise right?

Everyone that was ashed was brought back
5 years happened
All the time traveling they did created a multiuniverse.no one knows how call got back yet

Also, it's implied Pepper is pregnant anyway, so there's no reason to assume Tony wouldn't have the family life he wanted if they unsnapped the last five years.

He spent a few months in a gamma room, implying he just exposed himself to constant Gamma radiation until his body forced the hulk out and kept him as it long after his rage would've otherwise subsided.

yeah, that was awful.
thor in the whole film was awful.
he was only himself in the battle when he says
"i knew it" and "you take the small one"
the rest looked like a guy who had already said he wanted to retire from acting but the producers forced him via the contract.
only, it was written to be that way.

The stone enslaved him for fucking with it. He was injected with the super soldier serum (well a shitty version) as well so he she's slower

have sex

And did the people who got dusted on a plane spawn back to life in mid air or inside the plane?

Cap undid all of those changes when he went back in time to replace the stones.

Thor was getting better and better from Ragnarok to Infinity War, but the Russos wrote themselves into a corner. If he was as good as he was in Endgame as he was in Infinity War, there would have been no final act of the movie.

>everyone who was snapped comes back to worlds readjusted to feed half of the population
>they come back to destitution as their stuff wa likely sold off destroyed
>they come back to entirely different people, potentially loved ones and friends dead or changed irreparably

I’d rather stay snapped desu

cap just quantum leaped into the original timeline moments before they all went off to gather the earlier stones and gave them the ones he already had, so they wouldn't split those timelines. easy peasy.

>Millions will be suddenly become poor and homeless
>Society will collapse (but probably not because Didney)
>this is exactly what Thanos was trying to prevent

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They literally would not have shown Loki running away with the Allspark if it wasn't their way of bringing him back, after dying three or four times.

Its already been confirmed by the fuss is and spiderman. Old Cap was from a alternate universe. Same with mysterio. Some how Incursions are happenung. Its how they are bringing the x men in

No, but snapping back 3.5 billion people, not to mention all things after 5 years would cause just as much havoc.

No, i'm not clear on that either.

>3.5 billion people
50% of all life, not just humans. All life includes normal animals plants and even fucking microbes. Do you know what would happen if say 50% of the insect population on this planet just winked out of existence? It wouldn't be good. That's why Thanos is a fucking moron and that's the whole deal with the significance of Antman looking out the window and hearing a bird chirp after Hulk snapped everything back, because the bird he heard came back.

They clearly said sentient life

Full stop. Humans are sapient, not just "sentient". All life is sentient on some level but sapience is agency, the capability for self-actualization, this difference was never stipulated either IW or Endgame.

Never say full stop again faggot

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Check your male white privilege full stop

>okay hulk just snap back the people thanos snapped
>and the people who died in the past 5 years
>and make sure they appear on their home planets
>and make sure they don't come back in any place dangerous
>and make sure infrastructure and supplies to feed every planet in the galaxy is materialized at eat planet so there isn't a crisis while the snapped people get back to normal

>autists want this shit all spelled out for them like babies

ya fucks with the multiverse and the multiverse fucks back

An example. Why would someone's father, a single dad lets say, who drank themselves to death due to remorse and depression after their infant kid got snapped, come back to life, with the kid? At best, that's just just the kid coming back so you have here a crying baby who is going to die from neglect.

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>bring back anyone after the snap
No, easily hundreds of thousands were killed as planes, trains, cars, and trucks collided with people already freaked out their passengers were gone.

Nope. Only those who turned to dust were brought back

>bringing back 3.5 BILLION people all at once causes collapse
Yep. Five years had passed, the environment was adjusting well and the food market could easily sustain 3.5 billion people. There would be massive famines and all out collapse.

Thanos did nothing wrong.

>don’t think about the obvious, horrifically negative implications of this stupid idea, just shove popcorn in your face faggot

>Old Cap was from a alternate universe.
No he wasn't. He was the same Cap. He went back in time to live with Peggy, creating a branching timeline, then traveled to the "present" again. The Russos confirmed this.

You have to go back.

Damn, it's been a while.


This is why only complete morons can enjoy capeshit.

Go back and watch CA: First Avenger. He grabs the Space stone (in the tesseract) while it's active. It's our first glimpse into cosmic MCU when cap looks up and sees Skull being zapped into space. We know the stones are sentient. We can assume since they've been around since the beginning of the universe that they have ways of punishing or "correcting" poor deeds. Time stone likely was like "I know just the stone for you to hang out with for eternity you selfish prick"

>There would be massive famines and all out collapse.
plants and animals would have come back too.

Plants weren't erased, just sentient life. That's why Scott looks outside when he notices all of a sudden there's a tree full of chirping birds.

you're hilariously pathetic

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