1. Infinity War
2. Civil War
3. Age of Ultron
4. Avengers
5. Endgame
1. Infinity War
Other urls found in this thread:
IW > Civil War = Endgame > Avengers > Age of Ultron
ones without aliens and shit >>> aliens, magic and other bullshit
3.Infinity War
4.Age of Ultron
5.Civil War
Avengers > CW > Infinity War > Endgame > Ultron
>without aliens
But that means no Mantis!
No way Endgame is worse than Age of Ultron or Civil War
IW > Avengers > CW > Endgame > AoU
Yes it is, cause of the boring convelouted time travel plot.
Time travel ruins everything if it's not the central part of the film series or in a stand alone movie.
I don't even like capeshit, but I can barely recall anything of substance from Age of Ultron.
Civil War > Avengers > Infinity War/Endgame> AoU
Infinity War retrospectively feels worse to me after endgame, but on its own it was on par with Civil War
1. Captain America 2
2. Captain America 1
3. shit
9001. Captain America 3
9000001. everything else
the movie literally explains their time travel logic. people joked that BvS was too smart for people, but imagine being so stupid you can't understand a capeshit movie.
>2. Civil War
1. Infinity War
2. Endgame
3. Avengers
4. Civil War
5. Age of Ultron
no mantis = no thanks
I understand it, I just don't find it entertaining and it makes events in past entries feel less important.
Civil War isn't an Avenger's movie
ok thats a better complaint
same as my list to be honest
Mine too. Good taste.
Explain how Cap aged naturally into returning to the day he left if he was suposed to have been in an alternate timeline hooking up with an alternate titcow Carter?
correct, it's Iron Man 4
>two opposing factions of Avengers fight each other
> not an Avengers movie
pick one
Civil War is basically Avengers 2.5
In name only, it's a disguised Avengers movie and at least Iron Man get's as much focus as Captain America and shares the lead role.
Can hardly wait for Avengers Footgame.
It's Captain America v Iron Man.
Does Marvel have the best footgame?
I agree with your top 2 at least but would switch Ultron and Endgame around.
You think they like to play footsies with each other?
it wasn't an alternate timeline
Imagine getting foot rubbed one foot each with your dick in the middle.
So Cap traveled back and didn't return to that day by age?
I’ll go with this
Explain aged Agent Titcow without aged Cap in Winter Soldier then.
he was there
multiverse has been confirmed, dummy
Winter Soldier is still the best
Wut? Didn't she have a family? Cap cucked her husband and she was to senile to mention it?
Haha who would even want that
Not an Avengers movie.
You have Endgame above Thor Dark World?
Yes. I'm ranking it below both Guardians movies and Winter Soldier though.
Civil War was a chore to watch how can you like that one
1. Infinity War
2. Thor: Ragnarok
3. Captain America 1
4. GotG
5. GotG 2
I still haven't seen Endgame but if Nebula gets a lot of story then I'll probably put it in the top
She does.
>2. Thor: Ragnarcuck
What was "onions"(liberal?) about it that stood out from other Marvel movies?
GotG > rest
1. Endgame
2. Age of Ultron
3. Avengers
4. Infinity War
5. Civil War
>emasculated Thor
>50% black Asgard compared to the 100% black Wakanda
>blackwashed Valkyrie, the actress portraying her is a hypocrite black nationalist with ties to the five percent nation at that
>blackwashed Heimdal
How was Thor emasculated? And sorry I don't hate black people and I"m not even white
She didn't have a husband and kids in Winter Soldier?
Peak incel
it's more an Avengers movie than a Captain America movie
>age of ultron
>1 week max maybe even less
This is probably the correct answer, although I'm a bit torn over whether Endgame is better as a movie than Avengers 1.
That's gonna be a huge fucking yikes from me
Ragnarok is all about Thor becoming the ultimate chad by letting go of his crutch. It's Endgame that emasculated him by making him a gibbering fool and JUSTing his character arc
Why? Because Thor had black people in it?
I actually agree with the OP.
So basically you only like the first Iron Man
Because Thor Ragnarok, whilst fun, is nowhere near the level of the Avengers movies. Also, this is probably the first time I've ever seen anyone give a fuck over the bland first Captain America movie.
It's because you're a quip loving retard. CA TFA is an actual good movie.
Buy that logic, you would hate white people if you are on board with Disney's double standards and how they portrayed Wakanda when adapted to the big screen.
And I've already heard the excuse of Wakanda being an isolated country, that's easy as fuck, either rewrite it as not being that way or keep Asgard as racially homogenous as the comics, and it's not exactly like Heimdal, Valkyrie and 50% of Asgard being black is by pure luck, they clearly have a political agenda since the series which is most tied to white racial heritage got devirsified the most and not Iron Man, Captain America etc.
There's also no real narative point about making Wakanda an isolated country besides being true to the source material, therefore keeping Asgard as racially homogenous as in the comics are just as legit.
The pass the torch propaganda got even more obvious in Endgame, settling in Norway right in the fucking rapefugee crissis and Norwegians possibly getting replaced as the majority population in a few generations, are you going to tell me there was no political agenda making a black woman the queen of Asgard?
Have sex, polcel.
>liked Ragnarok
>calls someone else a quip loving retard
That's gonna be a double-yikes from me
I liked the colorful art style too and my mommy goddess
So you are saying you are getting cucked by the black nationalist Black Panther fans by not calling them out and being on board with the one way gene flow, open borders for Europe, Africa for the Africans narrative they support?
You complain about toxic masculinity, but in actuality just want a black patriarcy to take over?
Best to worst:
Civil War
Infinity War
Age of Ultron
>keep Asgard as racially homogenous
How the fuck is Asgard going to be concerned with the rest of the realms if it's racially homogenous? Their whole thing is working as an empire and maintaining order in other people's lands
>There's also no real narative point about making Wakanda an isolated country
Maybe you should actually watch Black Panther or at least read a Wikipedia summary of the story, because the thing doesn't work without Wakanda being isolationist
1. Infinity War
2. Winter Soldier
3. Age of Ultron
4. Endgame
5. Civil War (this movie cheated Spider-man out of a proper introduction)
A chad wouldn't let another race take over his kingdom.
Would Black Panther be a chad if he made Wakanda only 50% black and made a white dude the new king?
Looking up to your own people first goes with the territory of being a chad, letting another race take over as the new rulers is beta.
1- Infinity War
2- Avengers
3- Civil War
4- Endgame
5- Age of Ultron
Infinity War was pretty damn good looking back
Avengers was solid and before the whole 'massive grunt army' thing got overused
Civil War was a clusterfuck shit but that final fight with Stark/Cap/Bucky was absolute kino
Endgame was also a clusterfuck but it was mostly fanservice and nostalgia bullshit, Infinity War did everything better
Age of Ultron was just dumb, quips everywhere, a meme villain and bad CGI mostly
not getting assblasted on a korean crocheting forum about the racial makeup of a fantasy kingdom populated by about 30 extras would be a pretty chad move
So you hated Black Panther then cause Wakanda lacked white people?
Yes, I hated that Asgard had black people, Thor is suposed to be the white counterpart to Black Panther, it's as culturally white as Black Panther is culturally black.
Asgardians is as legit white as Black Panther or Shaft is legit black, it's as much raciall.
Can someone explain the hard on people seem to have for Winter Soldier? It's bland as fuck.
>inb4 hurr not enough quips for you
1. Ant-man and the wasp
2. Ant-man
Black Panther takes place in a hidden country in Africa that has existed since before other races were traveling to new parts of earth.
Asgard is in another fucking solar system and is literally another fucking planet and Thor is a literal God. It's not on fucking Earth.
Do you realize how cringey you sound because you're this bitter that black people get a small piece of the pie of attention and entitlement in pop culture you've been accomsted to?
Have sex.
Says the guy defending the black nationalism message of Black Panther and it's black nationalist fans, you can deny your cuckery all you want, it's a FACT you attack people like me over the black counterpart fans of Black Panther and therefore by default are on board with black nationalism and open borders for Europe while Africa for black people only.
The black nationalists laugh behind your back.
Do people look at Civil war as an avengers movie? Because I do
>Starts thread
>Puts most recent movie as last
Every fucking time. You incels are super predictable.
Civil War
Infinity War = Endgame
Age of Ultron
Didn't they open their borders at the end of Black Panther and share their technology with wh*tes?
You realize Killmonger was the villain and is what you're describing right? Did you even watch the movie?
God Tier
Iron Man 1, Infinity War
Good Tier
Avengers Assemble, Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, Captain America 1, Captain America 2
Average Tier
Iron Man 2, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Thor Ragnarok, Guardians Of The Galaxy 2, Ant Man And The Wasp, Avengers Endgame
Bad Tier
Iron Man 3, The Incredible Hulk, Spiderman Homecoming, Captain America 3, Black Panther, Captain Marvel
Shit Tier
Thor 1, Thor 2, Age Of Ultron
In the comics, Asgard is more of a country than a planet, and even if Hogin is an immigrant, it's still more racially homogenous than Japan.
The fact that there is white people living in Japan today is a reason to have every Japanese movie 50% white?
If it doesn't work without being isolationalist, why do a sequel then and how would that equate to being impossible to keep Asgard as racially homogenous as the source material?
What you are doing is making an excuse for the clear black people first message, establishing the Wakandan help center in the black hood at the other side of the globe and not for example Tibet is the dead give away for that.
It's like when Spike Lee complains about Trump being racist while he idolizes Malcolm X and would build a wall in his black ethnostate to maintain a black majority if he could.
Tho Ragnarok, Guardians 2 and Ant Man 2 are Shit Tier, everything else is right
>God Tier
>Iron Man 1, Infinity War
You mean just like you who thinks Wakanda is super serious bussines and that it should be kept racially homogenous for the sake of high art?
Sure thing, pal.
So you claim races gets created by isolation? That rule wouldn't apply to aliens then? Why do you demand realism in Wakanda, a made up country, but not Asgard?
Show me the superhero movie that's as racially white as Black Panther is racially black, with a clear white nationalism message then?
The fact that you agree with the agenda cause of demands reparations isn't the same thing as the agenda not existing.
All you just did was admiting the anti-white agenda and that you think white people deserve it, which race deserves this or that or has suffered the most is subjective.
Black people have been in America since the beginning. You enslaved them and gave them no rights but they were part of the country. I don't get why you are so bitter about treating them as your fellow countrymen hundreds of years later
No, export isn't the same thing as opening the borders.
The refugees they referred to are black people from nearby areas, unless Black Panther 2 will be full of Syrian rapefugees, which I doubt.
The few white people being there are temporary bussines men for the export without any right to vote or even citizenship.
civil war is the worst mcu movie
1. Avengers
2. IW
3. Winter Soldier
4. Age of Ultron
5. Endgame
So Japan can't have Ikea furniture without open borders for Swedish people?
The Ikea furniture would go up in smoke without a constant Swedish flow?
>I agree with the anti-white message cause of white guilt, therefore the anti-white message dosen't exist
>Scandinavians born in Scandinavia should pay for the American slavery by having their heritage blackwashed
Infinity War>>>Endgame>Civil War>Avengers>>>>>>Ultron
Dont @ me
age of ultron sucks, more like "a few hours of ultron"
I'm a product of race-mixing so I don't care. Even without a NWO Illuminati banker agenda miscegenation would happen due to technological advancements connecting us and travel. It's inevitable. And in terms of heritage white people are goat fucking hut living savages, meds built western civilization and they have blood from middle east and africa.
I've never been to Amerifat, jag är svensk, negerjävel, du är en hycklare.
Why should we Swedes welcome anymore black immigrants when there are anti-white blacks like you with ill and ethnocentric intent of your stay here?
I'm more convinced than ever to vote against further black immigration, and with your own ethnocentric black people first policy, you would be in no position to complain.
Infinity War
Guardians of the Galaxy
That's it. Those are the only Marvel movies that I really could call "good". Everything else is mediocre at best
Thor Ragnarok and Endgame get a mention cos they are pure fun, but had retarded script
By default, you just admitted to not treat white people as your fellow people, so who are you to complain then?
If your people are so smart why are they being outsmarted and controlled by their Jewish overlords?
Because you're racially inferior.
IW >Avengers > Endgame > Age of Ultron > Civil War
Civil War was shit.
Age of Ultron is fucking horrible
My fellow people are humans. We're the same race. Countries and nations are unnatural man-made bullshit.
It wasnt an alternate timeline. It's the same timeline.
He waited until Carter was dead and then went back to the future only a half an hour early, then walked over to the bench to look at the sky for a bit.
You are a mulatto clearly identifying with your black side, therefore you are on board with black nationalism but not white nationalism and support a multiracial Europe, but wants to keep Africa black through border control.
There are plenty of mullatos who wants to outbreed whitness and have their future offspring as black as possible so their own mullato genetics isn't noticeable anymore through the full black genetics outnumbring the white genetics.
You being a mullato dosen't say shit, you can still be anti-white, so can a white person.
Wakanda isn't real incelbro.
Blacks didn't even have boats when the white man arrived.
Why should your logic apply to white majority countries only?
The sionists are the ones I'm voting against, they are the ones behind the African immigration, you would be nothing without them here in Sweden.
>Blacks didn't even have boats
They did and traveled to islands and India.
>Why should your logic apply to white majority countries only?
Wakanda isn't real.
Your women use you as cuckolds and take us to breed with them. If you can't control your women how could you control us?
>2. Thor: Ragnarok
Most European women actually really hate niggers. There are some trying to stick it to daddy, of course, but the majority will admit that they would never date a nigger if you know them well enough.
Infinity War
Civil War
Age of Ultron
None of those are in my top ten
No, if it was, you wouldn't demand black power but go against white nationalism cause of reparations.
You want black ethnostates, but Europe for everybody.
You want white babies born today to inherit white guilt.
You claim I shouldn't make a distinction between you and me, that there is no race, yet you make that destinction yourself, all I have to do is watch and learn and adapt to the same ethnocentrism.
Suicide > All of them
citation needed
Ultron is fucking garbage, endgame was miles better.
>unnatural man-made
You are schizophrenic. I don't want black ethnostates. I want race mixing. And "white guilt" really means treat nonwhites with the same worth as whites get treated in culture.
how the fuck do you find baiting like this amusing
literally the most braindead bait you can make
except it actually makes more sense for there to be non-white aliens, if they're supposed to be the ones that seeded life around the universe.
not that it matters though, because its fucking fiction. this is like caring about how santa is depicted.
>black people didn't have boats
this is your brain on racism
>anyone who isn't a white nationalist polcel is a troll
how do you find this amusing faggot
Are we only doing Avengers related movies? Then it's
Infinity War > Civil War >>> Endgame > Shit > The Rest
If we're ranking MCU movies as a whole, then it's
Homecoming > GOTG1 >= GOTG2 > Infinity War > Winter Soldier
I'm being serious. Not everyone is a racist virgin for life polweenie like you. Go back to your hugbox circlejerk or watch your Blacked porn.
>I'm being serious
No, you aren't.
Go outside and literally have sex.
No, if they are humanoids, they also have races who evolve through isolation, or are you implying the black asgardians can be born from white people and never outbreed the white genetics?
bizarro freak
Nice try, but you just admitted Africans deserve an ethnostate and therefore are on board with Black Panther's black people first message, while you don't think Scandinavians deserve an ethnostate, and therefore are on board with the Norse mythology isn't inheritly white, it's inheritly human narrative as a tool for multicultural and multiracial brainwashing for Scandinavians.
imagine being this delusional
Asgard isn't real either, kill yourself fucking hypocrite.
Wakanda is more of an original Jewish creation than Asgard is.
Cause of the Jewish brainwashing, yes. Like I said, you would be nothing without the Jews, you could brainwash white women into breeding with white men only just as easily, why do you think Jews target women foremost with their brainwashing?
You think your black women would be as feminist and pro-LGBT without the Jews?
What is this then? :
Blacks in general aren't as feminist or pro-LGBT as whites. The propaganda works on whites not blacks.
He or you specifically claimed Scandinavian heritage should be blackwashed and that Scandinavians should be brainwashed with pass the torch propaganda cause of the American slavery.
It's not as much being against the nationalistic principles as it is wanting to punish white people, even the ones who never put their foot in the US.
There are plenty black women who are and if it wasn't for the Jews, they would follow the African anti-LGBTQ standard.
It's a fucking pop culture sci fi fantasy movie made by a Jew. If it bothers you so much make your own. oh wait you can't because you're white and not genetically capable of doing something like this. you're a joke and your race is a joke and you should be thankful we are breeding with you and that you have jews ruling over you to keep you tame and in check
>Ant-Man and the Wasp
>Iron Man 3
>Guardians of the Galaxy
>Spiderman Homecoming
A lot of black people are LGBT, so no you're wrong.
>Age of Ultron
Professor Hulk once again absolutely correct.
Yes, but the straight ones would be strictly anti-LGBTQ if they stayed true to their raciall heritage and followed the African view on homosexuality and transgenderism.
wtf is the "african" view? and you don't have to be jewish to have the views jews have, i agree with their pro lgbt propaganda
Pleb filter'd.
>Stop being a racist, you inferior white man!
You don't have to stop but we will ruin your life and you will be laughed at and exiled by your own people.
You're a joke.
And as long as it was made by a Jew then, you wouldn't complain if Asgard was 100% white? I call bullshit. And how would you know I'm not Jewish? Most people think I look Jewish and I haven't discovered my genealogy by blood test yet.
A Jew wouldn't do something like that because Jews have been exiled and genocided by whites and understand that whites can't be allowed to be nationalists.
The African standard is treating it as a sicknesses.
Then you are brainwashed by the very same Jews you just claimed are ruling over white people while black people are suposed to be immune according to you, clearly you are not immune to the Jewish brainwashing.
That's not the "African" standard you racist brainlet loser. And I'm not brainwashed I contribute to the brainwashing.
It's what Age of Ultron should've been
>Civil War was a clusterfuck shit but that final fight with Stark/Cap/Bucky was absolute kino
Agreed, more people gotta respect that final fight and movie in general.
First hour has New Avengers taking out Crossbones, then introduces based as fuck revenge T'Challa and the chase sequence between him, Bucky, and Cap. Airport battle was fun. But that final fight between Tony, Bucky, and Cap was legit one of the few great emotional and personal final fights in the MCU, it's fucking great.
And how would that motivate me to vote for further African immigration and not to vote nationalist?
How are you supposed to make an argument against ethnonationalism and looking up to what's best for my own people first after your comment?
You think your threats will make me give it up and vote for open borders? You are not THAT many here in Sweden yet, the only thing the would stop us from repatriate black who live in their ethnic enclaves with zero ties to the Swedish people, which the majority of black people, is liberal subjective morals, the same morals you just threw out the window with your comment.
Infinity War
Civil War
Age of Ultron
Yes it is, Africa still is anti-LGBTQ for the most part thanks to not being taken over by sionist social engeneering.
African countries with pro-LGBTQ politics are so under white or Jewish influence.
Brave yet respectable Top 5.
How are you less of a racist brainlet than me? You just claimed black people are superior and bragged about take over.
So you are not against nationalism per se?
We are.
Based opinion.
IW was just the perfect ensemble movie, with lots of character getting their due screentime.
>Infinity War
>Iron Man
>Guardians of the Galaxy
>The Winter Soldier
>Why do you claim blacks have lower IQ, and even if you could prove it scientificly, why allow it to make way for white supremacy? Lol, by the way, black people are geneticly superior and will take over thanks to the liberal brainwashing, thank God white people in general don't believe us to be inferior and have lower IQ so they lower the guard for us to take over
It's a direct squeal to AoU.
But what makes a racist then? Isn't the scientific prof irrelevant? Of course it will look like you are superior if you only allow to study white genetics but never black genetics and behavior in the name of anti-racism.
You are still against proving it once and for all scientificly, what are you so afraid of if you are so sure you are superior?
The race science researchers you want to censor sure would prove you are right.
As it is now, your claim of superiority is irrelevant since we aren't allowed to prove it and you fight against proving it.
Could it be you are actually scared of the results speaking against your own people?
Holy shit virginity level 9000
>my subjective preference is objective truth
You might as well claim your favorite football team is superiour.
Alright here's the definitive list bros, rate it.
1. Infinity War // 2. GOTG Vol. 2 // 3. The Winter Soldier // 4. Thor Ragnarok // 5. Spider-Man Homecoming
6. Endgame // 7. GOTG Vol. 1 // 8. Civil War // 9. The First Avenger // 10. Iron Man
11. Ant-Man and The Wasp // 12. Black Panther // 13. Ant-Man // 14. The Avenger // 15. Iron Man 3
16. Captain Marvel // 17. Doctor Strange // 18. Age of Ultron // 19. Iron Man 2 // 20. Thor 1 // 21. The Incredible Hulk // 22. Thor The Dark World
Why are you even here then, discussing a none-black movie by using none-black inventions?
Are there no black forums to go to?
you're joking right?
>GotG2 and Iron-Man Homecoming that high
Opinion immediate disregarded
Not an argument and defense for your double standards.
You still haven't convinced me not to vote nationalist and against black immigration, in fact you have motivated me to vote nationalist and anti black immigration.
>Disliking GOTG Vol 2
Pleb filter
I can understand Homecoming however.
Your vote won't make a difference and you will never reproduce so why should I care?
>4. Thor Ragnarok
GotG2 was a step down from GotG.
I'd be alright if you swapped the two.
So the fact that we don't fuck as uncontrollably as you black people is an argument for open borders?
Nice try, but that would also apply to East Asian countries then.
I...what? You are literally a paranoid schizophrenic.
You should feel bad about posting this desu. Here's the true definitive list:
1. The Winter Soldier // 2. The Avengers // 3. Iron Man // 4. The First Avenger // 5. GOTG Vol. 1 // 6. Infinity War //
7. Age of Ultron // 8. Thor 1 // 9. Civil War // 10. Spider-Man Homecoming // 11. Ant-Man // 12. Doctor Strange //
13. Iron Man 3 // 14. The Incredible Hulk // 15. Ant-Man and The Wasp // 16. GOTG Vol. 2 // 17. Iron Man 2 //
18. Thor The Dark World // 19. Black Panther // 20. Captain Marvel // 21. Endgame // 22. Thor Ragnarok
No, you are the one who claimed your loyalty is with humans and not black people while simultaneously bragging about black superiority and take over.
Then how did he get past Hulk, Falcon, and Bucky? They should've seen him come back in the time machine as an old man.
>7. Age of Ultron
>Thor 1+2 over Ragnarok
I won't stand for it.
Ragnarok is easily one of the worst movies i've seen in the past five years.
T. soiboy
Imagine caring this much about not only capeshit but even worse, Marvelshit
i blame video games
Infinity war
Civil war
end game
>Age of Ultron that high
This is the correct opinion
>iron man gets more lines than cap in the conclusion of his own trilogy
>tumblrsphere has a spergout that continues to this day about how cap was evil and tony did nothing wrong
>sokovia accords just drop off the face of the earth as soon as it's over
What a disaster.
This is correct, good job user
Why do people hate Civil War so much? I don't see how someone could possibly think that it's worse than AoU, that movie is so fucking bland and unspecial it's ridiculous.