The sooner we pull the plug the better we will be, and the sooner we can start opening up the creative market again. Hollywood is trash, and they demonstrate their contempt for us on every single project they try to shove down our throats.
You know it to be true
holywood is, and always has been, an occult psyops control center
California's gonna sink one day
on that day we can begin to rebuild
I'd love to see Hollywood crash and burn, but I think Hollywood itself is the only thing capable of making that happen, minus a meteorite wiping the whole place off the map.
>all Jews are in California
You poor fool.
yet you see anons rooting for the financial success of an avengers flick
>minus a meteorite wiping the whole place off the map.
Positive thinking. I like that. Agree.
did nobody tell you that the antisemitism fad is over? we don't do that shit anymore around here
>yet you see anons
user, I...
>and right on cue
TN: California Love means "reckless hedonism and over population equals squandered resources"
Took me awhile to figure it out, but holy shit.
is... is that top soil erosion?
Is it the ground level?
The BM stands for "benchmark", which are survey points located all over the place.
The "subsidence 9m" means that the valley has SUNK 9 meters in 52 years...which is almost 30 fucking feet.
That valley is literally falling away.
Interesting. Must say I'm glad.
Dubs of truth.
Trips of confirmation
All these digits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!