Is James ruining Jeopardy! by playing to win the most money?
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this asshole is losing the week after the faggy teacher's tournament
He should donate the money to some holocaust charity.
The (((media))) is just mad that a white man is winning.
This if it was literally anyone else it would be "X EMPOWERS MILLIONS OF Y"
Based, females are seething
james isn't white
or donate it to israel
if CNN kikes are mad, then I'm happy. No fucking shit you should play to win the most money, the entire concept of game shows is based on that fundamental principle. Just because every other catlady and deadbeat who's been on the show has been an absolute shitter with zero strategy doesn't mean /ourhapa/ should be penalized.
It really is surprising how many contestants have no clue what the fuck they're doing. So many times people have gotten daily doubles on easy categories on 200 or 400 dollar Qs and NOT bet it all. Given you have time to think the answer and don't need to beat anyone on the buzzer, what the fuck are you doing? Or how many times I've seen someone go into final jeopardy in the lead, but not betting to have at least one more dollar than the next-highest guy, and then they fucking lose even though they were in the lead and got the answer right.
why are the media ALWAYS wrong?
For propaganda purposes he is.
Did Kobayshi ruin competitive eating? No, he used game theory to elevate the entire culture.
>competing to be the best is WRONG!
they did this with the asian kid who would jump around looking for daily doubles and grab all the 1000 questions first, too
people hate people who play jeopardy differently than just running down columns
So what, he's too good at physically timing his buzz in?
Why not just change the rules to make it less powerful?
"The answerer is chosen randomly from people who hit the button in the first 100 milliseconds where they can"
They wouldn't even need to tell the viewers
Cancer site. Shame on you for even linking it.
If getting the rhythm of the buzzer is so essential how come more people don't go on 20+ win streaks.
He did. Eating a bun and a weiner separate is not eating a fucking hotdog. It’s bullshit and you can’t change my mind because I’m right.
Please spoonfeed me on how jeopardy works and how he's gaming it.
The only rule was that the dog and bun had to be in your mouth at the end of the twelve seconds. You don’t even need to swallow it within that time just keep it in your mouth and don’t spit it out subsequent to the time limit. Kobi did nothing wrong
No, the great Boomer die off is.
you’re supposed to answer questions for money, answer wrong and you lose that money
at the end of the game the person with the most money wins that amount, other 2 get nothing
so apparently people are mad that this guy is using a strategy that gets him the most money
why don't you eat my wiener see if you like that you fuckin homo
So at the start of the game the board is filled with different prompts (which you have to answer in the form of a question) in categories where the easiest to answer rewards 200 and the most difficult rewards 1000. The “daily double” prompts afford the player the chance to wager up to all of their earnings (or 1000 if they have less than 1000) and are typically found in the 600-1000 prompt range. Most people are inclined to play the game starting from the 200 prompt and working their way down the board within that category but you’re not required to. What James does is go directly for the 1000$ prompts. The purpose of this is two fold: he’s acquiring a stash with which to bet for when he finds the daily double and by jumping around the categories in each ones most difficult-to-answer prompt he’s disorienting his competition. Typically he will wager everything he’s earned which will put him up ahead of his competitors by up to five times as much as they’ve earned by that time. Even if you get the daily double wrong, by getting it you’re taking away the opportunity from your competitors for them to double their money. This strategy, coupled with quick reaction time for pressing the buzzer and wide breadth of knowledge of most trivia topics, has made almost every game a runaway. Some people who enjoy relaxing and watching the show be played as it traditionally has been find his tactics off putting but he’s not doing anything illegal, just distinctly advantageous.
Shit's hard yo
Uhh, what's the point of competing if not to win? Fucking dumb.
Sounds pretty based to me. Hope he loses before Alex croaks though; that's not a good send off competitor for him.
Can other players see each other’s score or do you have to remember it?
what makes you think that? He's too smart too.