Black people love Star Wars

Prove me wrong

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I've met one black person who really likes Star Wars and one who doesn't like it
I have met 0 black people who "love" Star Wars

so... anakin comes from a slave planet? NOPE FUCK THIS SHIT I'M OUT.

it's not SW anymore, now it's the trainwreck that used to be SW

>Galaxy's Edge
Lawsuit from Samsung when?

They like capeshit cause its basically live action dbz anime

That's just what Anaheim looks like now

Why do Americans pander so much to black people? Movies, marketing and so on... Serious question.

they like whatever is popular on social media

It's honestly hilarious to see how Lucasfilm is still doubling down on their agenda with this shit.

because the media types know it triggers white people

Good question. Im my coutry we do not pander to minorities. They can be there but they have to adjust to majority. It's democracy after all. Americans won't understand.

We pander to every demographic because we want money. It's pretty normal in a Capitalist society.

is there anywhere safe for a straight white male to move to bros?

it's literally perfect

The gun range.

your country sounds based
don't tell me what it is though; I don't want to risk fucking it up

white women control the vast majority of disposable income and their current pet project is black people

media power. most americans believe that blacks are like 40-50% of the population despite them being only 13%. im not joking its real.

>Im my coutry
whats that

what people are saying about politics is partly true but its also the fact that blacks in america are retarded with with money and will spend away any they have.

I am blown away by how obsessed the people on this website are with black people

Anywhere. Just bleach these hoes with your dick you coward

I don't like it. I call it Meme Wars. Because that's all it was, is, and ever will be; a meme.

negroes, star wars, capeshit. 3 terrible things

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Statistically they don't, but when has statistics ever mattered black people.

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because white natiolists show up from time to time and its fun to fuck with them since their anger advertises your products for free.

its indonesia. we got lots of chinks and christians here but all our films and tv shows pander to the muslim majority

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That is so based. Imagine what will happen if Europe and USA are 100% Islam. No more pandering to the minorities like what they're doing now.


nigga yoda

Gotta make people think the weapons are human.

Incredibly based

>Imagine what will happen if Europe and USA are 100% Islam
It will be just as miserable as the islamic world is right now, likely even worse as there will no longer be a world power/global community for whom to keep up a facade of non-islamic common decency. It will be a literal theocratic hell on earth.

>Disney names Star Wars Land "Galaxy's Edge" instead of "Star Wars Land"
>Disney sets Star Wars Land in Disney-era Sequel Trilogy
>Disney Troopers do dab and floss dances

No Tattooine
No Endor
No sale.

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