What is Euron starting at with this facial expression in the episode 5 preview ?
What is Euron starting at with this facial expression in the episode 5 preview ?
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>It's the dragon that we're going to attempt to shoot down like the other one
>bad guy wears black
God he's such a chad here.
Brienne's benis
My dick wearing armot
He's back.
But if it was a regular dragon he'd just be happy to shoot it too...
It's going to be a dragon wearing armor. Screencap this.
Golden armor dragon
Already leaked.
Dragon in armour
Fucking stupid shit basically
bran pulling back his blanket and revealing all this time he has been stroking it
his teleportation portal
Stanis 2
Imagine the froth
it's this man.
riding drogon
A cloud of 500 Bran possessed crows that will peck his eyes out
You think that would be the first thing she would do when she got there or when she got her first one killed
That doesn’t sound stupid at all
>Dragons are basically immortal while airborne unless hit directly in the eye with some really powerful shit
>Gets killed by icetaps and ballistas hitting literally any place on their supposedly impenetrable body
>Euron keeps magically appearing in wide open areas and manages to ambush everyone despite people flying on fucking dragons with field of view of the ocean
Fuck this rushed garbage
How is the dragon flying with all that thick armour on it?
You type like you want Euron to breed your boipucci
He is the drowned God.
He does what he wants.
leak source?
Look at the size of a dragon
Imagine the size of the armor
Imagine the weight of the armor
Imagine a dragon flying with tons of steel on its back
Imagine being this dumb
she's going to fly with the sun behind her back so they won't see her until it's too late. Shocking and very original, I know.
Even if true, they can't armour the wings, you know, the biggest part of the dragon and the thing that keeps it in the air.
Under mass ballista fire those wings are going to get shredded and armour will just mean it will hit the ground harder and faster.
Having eyebrows on it is enough armour it needs
It's a fucking magical beast it can wear armor and fly using magic power
Wyvern CIA'd? I don't get it.
Stannis and littlefinger riding elephants together
The Sun
yeah if they want the dragon to crawl
>Cunt just had to come back doing the same shit again.
Sly Marbo???
Drogon is coming, but Rhaegal is with him too, and both are wearing armors
It's literally like full plate armour
Even the wings has full plate armour on
It's absolutely ridiculous
He is smelling his armpit thinking about how long ago he took his last bath
Who wouldn't want that
Armored drogon you heard it here first
if he had the dragon horn....
>What is Euron starting at with this facial expression in the episode 5 preview ?
Cersei is [spolier]flashing him her tits to keep him motivated during the battle[/spoiler]
Aeron Greyjoy.
The only thing that could save this shitshow
>Nights Watch
Are the bad guys
Dragon scales are supposed to be stronger than steel and lighter at the same time. Wearing armor is just stupid
Wearing armor is only stupid in GoT because 90% of the fights involve dudes in plate or scale or lamellar armor getting cut by dudes in leather or no armor like a hot knife through cake.
>NIGHTS watch
There isnt. Just fan fiction at this point although i believe it too...
Hotpie, the true antagonist of the series.
Ned left him a shitty tip one time, he has extracted his revenge. It would be unexpected.
arent dragon scales stronger than steel how the fuck is that supposed to help, 3 of those bolts destroyed a ship ffs
But plate armor is literally paper in this show
Wight just stabs through jorah's plate armor
Maybe Danny will finally put armor on the dragon. They'll try to shoot it with scorpions but it will be completely ineffective and Danny will torch Euron's whole fleet. Then she'll burn down King's landing and kill all the civilians. Maybe Arya was in the city trying to assassinate Cersei at the time and Arya dies in the firestorm. This pisses off Jon and Jon kills Danny and forges lightbringer.
what the fuck would he need lightbringer for?
The leaks said that a dragon burns down Euron's fleet so I suppose the next ep is when that happens
Probably some asspull on why they cant kill it
dragon fingered?
Out of curiosity since so many fags are talking about it
How do you fit armor on a dragon?
Because some people still think Azor Ahai is relevant to the show for whatever reason.
The dragon is diving in from the direction of the sun you mongoloids
To kill elephants.
>Nights Watch aka criminals
yea,bad guys.
If it's dragon armor then that's not an asspull. It's just stupid they didn't do that before.
Dragons aren't full grown gtfo not immortal
Lots of lube and a bit of dedication.
she literally doesnt react at all.
>I guess I should just stand here and btfo
If there's a city watch for protect the people in the cities, and a night watch to watch out for white walkers and wildlings, why isn't there a whore watch for the king?
That would be extremely painful.,
a plate on his chest.
According to the leaks
Drogon btfo of him and his entire fleet
Next episode is gonna be Danny revenge porn
This season is a fucking dumpster fire
My only hope is that drogon survives it all like ghost at this point
The fuck? Don't dragons already have armor? Thats why they need those ballistas.
Using a predatory tactic of attacking with the sun behind you so your enemies are blind.
This is the shot they show directly before that shot of Euron. This is what he's looking at.
>no armor just hiding in the clouds
get ready for those ballista bolts just bouncing off drogons new armor kek
Something is going to happen, and everyone here is going to try to immediately come up with the wittiest reason to be irritated by the happening. Screencap this.
>an army of men to bar the king from fucking all the whores of Westeros
She'd still be really far away when she came out of the clouds to attack. And I don't buy the flying out of the sun thing either because this is a cloudy day where it's easy to stare at the sun.
Bran controlled crows carrying green explosive piss
imagine the smell