Yea Forums used to be my favorite board

Yea Forums used to be my favorite board

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It still is, but it used to be, too.

I'm glad you're dead.

you can thank /pol/ for treating this as their second board because their dumb threads don't get bumped enough and therefore get deleted faster.

If the end of game of thrones is anything like when lost ended then you're going to be crying on /qa/ when the people with taste swoop in to finally take over again

Is it used to or use to?

Shut up tranny

Case in point.

yeah, i moved from Yea Forums in 2015 because it started to get too /pol/, now Yea Forums too.
Yea Forums has always been a shithole but now its a cringey shithole




Why is it always cancerous post bane tourists that complain about /pol/ on Yea Forums?

???? Is there a problem im calling you out only trannies complain this much about /pol/. Do everyone a fucking favor and hang yourself

Well, considering that /pol/ is mostly jews, I think it only makes sense that they would find out about Yea Forums sooner or later. It's their business after all.

Because they haven't come to the realization yet that this site is nothing but trolls and shitposters and nobody takes anything seriously. Takes some people a couple of years to figure that out.

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have sex

Yea Forums used to be mije but now its all trap and kpop

It was formerly good

this. few years ago most pol posters got told to fuck themselves and go back to pol. now its unironic poltard cringe. also notice how the iq levels dropped since their invasion and instead of pretentious kino we discuss capeshit and celeb tweets now

formerly it was

Yea Forums died in 2011. If you haven’t dealt with that yet even after 8 years then you are a newfag

i still have the pictures you posted of your gfs saved
does that make me a loser??

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Not at all, my son. She was a good friend.

Here you go, sweetie:

Big @jack will protect you from the meanies

>/pol/ is the problem

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The worst thing about /pol/ is how fucking faggy they are. At least old /pol/-/new/ used to be funny. Now they're full of moralfags fighting their culture war and never ending whining about the left.

yesssssss /pol/ is the problem

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>At least old /pol/-/new/ used to be funny
Your posts on /q/ told a different story
Or are we pretending you didn't do that now to push a narrative?

Based /pol/ defence force. You show those discord trannies what’s what!

Normalisation is a major subversive term.

That is far from the worst thing about Yea Forums

Yes it is. It's by far the most popular board and is infested with teenagers and middle age pedes from redit.

Dont even know what you're reeing about

here comes the "/pol/ boogeyman" excuse. it's all so tiresome/

you crossdress.

>you can thank /pol/
you can just skip the middleman and thank Russian counterintelligence. They're the same thing.

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That’s right show em fellas! Yaaaaas slayyyy pol

It's still my favorite board, although it definitely peaked in the late 2000s.

It wasn't officially dead until 2012 though

Ironic coming from a former Yea Forums faggot. The worst fucking board on 4channelz.
I don't claim to be an oldfag but I've been on Yea Forums since 2010 and that's enough time to see Yea Forums has always been like this. Nothings changed faggot.

This is the very type of unfunny content that I'm talking about. At least say something clever.

>and nobody takes anything seriously.
that may have used to be the case but the number of legitimately radicalized /r9k/ "incels" that literally are full of hate and spend all their time consuming outrage propaganda has completely changed. All this identity politics and sjw boogieman shit has really fucked up a lot of useful idiots.

>being a tripfag in year two thousand and fucking nineteen

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You're right about the IQ dropping on this board... but I don't think it's because of /pol/.

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I think I'll keep visiting a board where I disagree with everyone and then complain about

Holy shit, tranny, the internet is a big place, fucking leave

Please you've been here long enough to see that too. or are you not really him and just the same guy that was pretending to be motoko and spamming black dongers

I know right? Keep up, loser.

I don't mind their ideology but they always have cunty attitudes

>tfw capeshit and cloakshit 24/7 now

I think I see way more shitposters on this board than I do people supposably radicalizing themselves. But that's my perspective.

I don't understand why mods are allowing every cunt to make a new thread, simply to ask one question about GoT?
Contain that shit in a general for fuck sake.

I’ve been here long enough to know it’s always newfags and zoomers they are there problem and the most newfags and zoomers currently reside in /pol/.

I’m a simple math kinda guy.

>Yea Forums has always been like this
Old Yea Forums had waifus, lots and lots of waifus. Now you can't even make legitimate threads about young actresses without fags yelling moooodddds.

but I thought generals were reddit cancer? That's why sneedfags ruined comfy simpson threads.

It’s the only board I ever go to anymore.
But it definitely has been in a massive nosedive since about 2016-2017. The election ruined this entire site.
Not to mention that the GoT reddit parasites have gotten even more obnoxious as the years have gone on.

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Have sex

stop oldfag LARPing faggot, 2010 Yea Forums and current Yea Forums are nothing alike

>Yea Forums - capeshit, star wars and game of thrones only
we need a /vr/ version of Yea Forums where everything after 2000 is banned

nah m8 the real cancer is GoTfag and Starsois and capeshitters desu

Tired of ordinary Yea Forums? Eight chan Yea Forums is on the web!

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>lots and lots of waifus
it was a better time. don't forget Yea Forums also used to be extremely slow and threads would last for days

8tv is the same garbage as Yea Forums tv is because its used by the exact same fucking retards

best emma cummin thru

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The photo that saved this thread

filtered :)

>since about 2016-2017

Thank you :)

Same here bro, In the last 2 years Yea Forums has gotten littered with BULLSHIT! I hate it. I've thought about not even coming on this board anymore and I've been coming here since 2012.

>Yea Forums has always been a shithole but now its a cringey shithole


Based and truthpilled.

yeah im sure pol is responsible for the 57 GoT threads right now

hi emma

I really do much prefer slow boards. That's what I liked about /cel/.
Hopefully it comes back.

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At least they're not shitty, negative, cancerous and asinine people.
Former Yea Forums were shitty, negative, cancerous and asinine people too but they were funny.
>inb4 m-muh tranny
Nah nigga

>threads related to popular television and film are bad
"/pol/" is responsible for the threads designed to trigger rootless white males using sex and race scandal bait. Cancerous, off-topic spam the purposely just turns everyone into screeching unfuckable faggots.

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More than half of those threads are people whining about normies and sjws, and saying how much they hate and don't watch GoT. Also the GoT threads will only last a week or two after it ends, but by then you'll be complaining about the Pikachu threads.

This place was never good. It's one of the lowest iq boards there is

Yea Forums has always been shit because television and film is an inherently pleb lowest common denominator medium so anybody can jump on Yea Forums and make on topic threads
the only way this could be solved is with a mod team that enforced quality control like Yea Forums used to do but thats kinda autistic

all boards on Yea Forums are /pol/ plebian... /pol/ owns Yea Forums so you are my bitch

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Holy shit the cringe.

a few weeks and got is over a few months and nobody will care or post about it. meanwhile poltards are here to stayand they wont stop spamming their shitty twitter screenshots and fighting their pointless culture war

They had a weekly movie thread pinned for a while but I think it's over and it pretty much is the same as this Yea Forums with game of crap and the capeshit du jour



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8ch is even worse. Less shitposting but more moral faggottry.

>/pol/ is the reason the board is constantly spammed with 95% starshit, capeshit and swordshit
Kill yourself

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The mad max feminist stuff has been a thing before /pol/ invaded in 2016(according to newfags like you mind you) though

>"/pol/" is
...a bogeyman you deranged faggot. YOU fuckers created and embraced commie identity politics, and now you're pissed because they're being thrown right back in your degenerate face.

kys already.

To all the tannys in this thread

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either you're a dishonest poltard or simply dumb. the majority of the captain marvel spam was pol, just to give an obvious example

Quit blaming /pol/ guys it's pathetic. Take a good look in the mirror and improve Yea Forums.

>tfw /cel/ is down for good and I never got a chance to donate

but yeah, the slow pace of Yea Forums really used to be a positive thing. people keep talking about how /pol/ ruined this board but it was actually all the redditors coming here for GoT and BrBa threads that did a number on Yea Forums. it has never been the same since

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It used to be ironic tho.

>tfw /pol/ has shat the bed so hard you're now on the side of literal trannies

So you are actually saying that it is /pol/'s fault that Yea Forums never discusses real films and only spams starshit, swordshit and capeshit? That is your argument? Can you explain to me then, why do you non-/pol/ people who presumably also post here not make and bump threads not in those cathegories?

It's all true though.

the problem has and always will be trannies. they are the niggers of this board

the biggest problem with tv now is that there are simply too many people. Any kind of cancerous posters aren't that big a deal if it's a slower board, but on fast boards there is a kind of race to the lowest common denominator and people who might have been posting in good threads get sidetracked by bait and flamewars because of their sheer quantity.

But I thought m-muh white men had the highest suicide and death rates.
You're shitting on your own agenda in an attempt to push it. Ironic.

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The people blaming /pol/ are the same cancerous meme parasites that ruined Yea Forums in the first place. Note how none of them talk about how awful 2013 to 2015 was
the years swaglord let every low iq mexican teen flood in and feel welcome. for example
This is your average poster that cries about "election tourists". They believe the whole anti-reddit thing here only started during the election

This is also true. Yea Forums was only good when it was a zit on the ass of the internet. Now it's a shitstain the size of Texas.

Wtf.../pol/ invading Yea Forums was the best thing that could happened to this board. The truth is that movies coming out from 3-2 years ago are-were awful

fuck off pedo

There are way, way too many third-worlders on the Internet now.

>/pol/fag is illiterate
That explains a lot. He was saying threads baiting identity politics, politics itself, twitter screencaps, you name it, all originate from /pol/ rejects.

If there's anything to be said about Game of Thrones show, is that it's unarguably the realest thing here on the board. The hatred for the product is the one thing that probably everyone here has in common whether it be the users with a real interest in Yea Forums, /pol/, or the bad actors farming this place for troll materials. I'm fairly sure everyone here universally agrees it's so fucking bad:

- It's actually popular; arguably the most popular and universally acclaimed ever
- Based off of something that was once good
- The show was once good
- Written by villains both the book and show
- Actually shit in literally every way imaginable:
- bad dialog
- bad acting
- the worst scenarios that surpass even the most dedicated shitposters ideas
- outdo themselves in awfulness with each episode and season

The last thing like Game of Thrones was James Cameron's Avatar and that was well before the /pol/ shit. /got/ basically could be a unifying force but once it is done the place is just going to return to being a political conflict zone.

Dilate, dude.

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Unironically considering leddit at this point. That being said, I like that a few anons are starting to see through the cracks. Gonna stick around till the shit reaches it's breaking point and enjoy the mayhem.

No it wasn't you fucking new-newfag

I used to thing Yea Forums was a tragedy then I realized it’s a comedy *honk*

Personally I blame bane. That's when Yea Forums got fast and started turning into just another generic meme board.

See this homo right here is the greatest cancer of all.

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it is mostly Paul Dano spam now , mostly

All trannys must fucking hang

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>implying that every non-/pol/ poster is a tranny
This is the kind of extremist viewpoint that shat up the internet and society in the first place.
Ironically, it will also be the downfall of the two sides when they eventually clash.
Nature's way of natural selection I guess. You kill off the morons and the normal people remain.


Anybody have that webm of the big titty girls in white bikinis bouncing and then the flat chestlet tries to bounce and they push her down?


Except no because I personally only started doing that shit myself when actors and critics started injecting politics, and I'm sure this is typical of most people. /pol/ exists only as a reactionary movement. It only has the power it does because of "woke" culture. 2009 saw a handful of ironic racists on Yea Forums, in the mid-late 2010s /pol/ is the most trafficked board on this website and its culture has spread to every board and every social media outlet on the internet. That doesn't happen for no reason. As soon as the "woke" shit stops, /pol/ will be kill. Until then it will only grow stronger.

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you know already that the rope is your future, why deny it? just accept it..

>I personally only started doing that shit myself when actors and critics started injecting politics
so you ARE doing it?

>I personally only started doing that shit myself when actors and critics started injecting politics
If you had some examples I'd be willing to hear you out, but there's always some mouth breathing retards that shit up threads with politics, no matter the subject. Some retard tried to say Paddington 2 was jewish propaganda or something. Paddington 2 user.

>wtf stop being an extremist dude
You'll be executed eventually. Until then, dilate.

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yeah man, fuck people bringing their toxic culture into our previously peaceful home
we shouldnt let them in, why doesnt hiroshimoot build some kind of firewall to keep them out

kys pedo

You're right but I don't think that applies to us. Are people from societal trashfires like the Phillipines actually here though? Sure they can speak English but they're fucking bad at it and stick to their own godawful social media gutters. Yea Forums probably is still majority Westerners. And let me be clear, I'm not saying this place hasn't gone to shit; but I am saying that third-world people are much much worse on the Internet compared to what we have here.

I think that what has happened is that the Internet has become more mainstream to the populations in the West. And that the overall quality of individual from the West who is online now has basically polluted the entire Internet whether it be adults who didn't grow up in the culture or kids who think the culture is meant to be antagonistic and bullshit to begin with and it's a wild west of insulting people and they have few examples of what good the Internet once was.

Think about it, you or I have zero tollerance for invasive ads because we always knew it was bullshit. Think about all the people in the West who were late to the Internet who have absolutely no problem with the ad-ridden hellhole that is the current Internet.

Classic Paul Dano!!! RFLOL

I was considering it until I realized white men don't have high suicide rates. Now there's no purpose.

Trannies are cool

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Nope, I literally never start threads. I just support it.
You either have your head in the sand or are bullshitting.


>/pol/cucks actually take their culture war seriously
Embarrassing. Real /pol/chads do it for the keks.

>Nope, I literally never start threads. I just support it.
literally the same shit, kys retard

Very based and very redpilled.

You're exactly the type of dumb cunt I was talking about.
Both autistic sides will clash and I'll be laughing at the casualties from high up.

So you're saying Paddington 2 is propaganda? A kids movie with a talking bear?

its a lot more comforting to believe everyone is just taking the piss. but when "the piss" gets "taken" fifty times a day by the same person, whether that person gets a reaction or not, you can't keep thinking everyone is just kidding around. Especially considering how people "take the piss" in a fashion that makes anyone who tells them to shut up their opposition, because everyone knows the only reason anyone would ever respond to anything is because they were the targeted group.

>not taking it seriously and having fun
>taking it seriously and not having fun

>taking it seriously and having fun

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There are a lot of Latin Americans on Yea Forums, if you go to int or pol you'll see that. Indians too but they hide behind meme flags now.

Im not saying these posters are necessarily bad quality though

generals are cancer because they just degenerate into name/tripfaggotry and become nothing but mindless chatrooms for retards. Endlessly spamming threads is also cancer.

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Most of the retards who post these images don't even know their background.
How many of you know why "discord tranny" is used as an insult?

>muh irrelevant strawman
Go away now retard.

Anyone who disagrees is a r*dditor who came here from the 2016 election

>all these (You)'s from whiny election immigrant faggots
looks like buddy here struck a nerve

>/pol/ is a boogeyman created by this other boogeyman group!

So you are the cancer here. Got it.

Went downhill long before /pol/ thanks to moot bringing in faggots like you

I would prefer /pol/ jr at this point to the mouse shill advertising board it currently is.

you meant, /sneed/

>taking jewish supervillains seriously
you're a walking meme

>dude like just don't pick a side lmao I am intellectually superior for being an apathetic cunt
A daring synthesis.

neither side actually exists though. How can the boogeyman group of one side fight the other's boogyman group?

>bringing in
He didn't bring anybody in you absolute mong. It was exactly /pol/ who started shitting up every fucking board with their ebin trolling and bullshit politics.

The Paddington example is perfectly relevant to the problem we are discussing, I'm curious why you won't comment on it.

Why are people who weren't here before 2014 ignoring these posts and blaming /pol/? Is it because they're actually right?

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>m-muh shilling
Are you that dumb, you cunt? Can't you see that your faggy attitude is what's causing all the recoil from the supposed shills.
I'm a step away from "shilling" trannies just to see you seethe, you're THAT much of a loser and degenerate.

>help we’re losing the argument you guys need to help

when the debate is designed to create two polarized sides that are incapable of thinking rationally, yes, you are a dumbass for getting involved.

I agree with one side more than the other, but that doesn't change the fact that the actual people involved on both sides are overwhelmingly retards

>He didn't bring anybody in you absolute mong
Can you explain why they're wrong? You were part of Yea Forums before bane cancer right, tourist?

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>traps have the least risk of suicide

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Quiet lad you're embarrassing yourself further.

>oy vey it's ya fellow goy heah, pay no attention to da (((man))) behind da curtain, he ain't one a' da chosen he's a goy like you, it's all a big meme hehehe, we're all such jokestahs amirite

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I am a boomer and i came here to get Trump elected but lately its going downhill.


Tv and film itself is dick. GoT and WD are still the big shows almost a decade later and everything available in local theaters has been garbage at best for years, even by hollywood standards. There's hardly any new fodder for the flame so there's nothing else to do but revel in the death of a dying format and jerk off over old stuff sometimes while the population is still high enough for people to see a thread for something they otherwise wouldn't go out of their way to look for. Most of the blood has been squeezed out of that rock now though, Yea Forums had a good run but the energy inside and outside of it is near fully spent. Time for something new.

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>double spaced reddit speak
oy vey user YOU are the "cringe"

>>dude like just don't pick a side lmao I am intellectually superior
You fucking wish it didn't. Both sides exist and both are equally cancerous. I would hardly call either boogeymen though. There's nothing remotely intimidating about it. It IS annoying, unnecessary and counter productive to a modern society.

What evidence do you have to support your assertions? Surely an intellectual like yourself would never fight for a cause with no concrete proof.

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It will keep going and never stop until it gets the last reply no matter what stupid shit it replies. Tell me that isnt cancer

>neither side actually exists though
The cancerous meme hustlers that cry about /pol/ all the time actually do though
The majority of them come from "IMOGENsfavoritepage"

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Except one side is the clear aggressor and the other is a reaction to that aggression.
No arguments here I feel the same way.

Feel free to kill yourself newfag

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