
So his power is that he stabs people?

Attached: stabby.jpg (1100x600, 83K)

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His power is that he was genetically modified to be able to kill Thanos, but MCU kinda dropped the ball on things like that,

His power is that he's autistic

he doesn't actually do anything. He just stands there with some cutlery. Momoa was right to pass on this shitty ass role.

was he like that in the comics?
I mean he's literally called Drax THE DESTROYER

I mean, in these movies being really durable seems to be a stat worth having. He's seemingly indestructible. Played for laughs when it's funny but when it's battle time, yeah, he stabs shit and won't go down at all.

Attached: 025drx_com_inl_10.jpg (540x803, 118K)

he's staring at fairy ass

>tfw he's impenetrable but not super super strong as well

gib tiny fairy puss

In Annihilation, he kills Thanos.

Attached: 8545725c7b7fde221799f0eba18901e2.jpg (410x640, 59K)

Well in the Comics he's actually Hella Fucking strong:


Immortality: Drax cannot be slain by physical means. Drax can only be killed by a mental attack.
Invulnerability: Class 1000 resistance vs Heat, Cold, Electricity, Radiation, Toxins, and Disease. However, Drax can be stunned and slammed by physical attacks.
Life Support: Unearthly
Regeneration and Recovery: Unearthly
Force Beams: Drax can fire beams of Amazing Force and range from his hands.
True Invulnerability: Incredible
Flight: Drax can fly at Class 1000 speeds in space, but is reduced to Monstrous speeds in a planetary atmosphere.
Strength Boost: +2CS with a maximum of Shift-Y strength when he gets mad.

In the comics he is just a badass, personality-wise. It’s honestly more fun to make him autistic instead.

What's Class 1000 speed and Monstrous speed? What about Shift-Y Strength?


Here. Just give this a look.

Class 1000 speed is like Superman Flight speed. Shift-Y strength is like Thor when he has his hammer strength. It's the Strength level Hulk has when he gets mad.

70s Drax is strong.

He got nerfed significantly when he was resurrected before Annihilation.

>So his power is that he stabs people?
To be fair that's a pretty good power usually.

In what religion does one get a stripper on their shoulder?

He has the power to make me laugh for some reason. It's all I need, I rarely laugh from intentional comedy.

Him and hulk could have tag teamed thanos

I'd have probably spent a month or longer beating my dick to that.

yes, also invisibility