"How will Preston react?" Edition
/got/ general
Other urls found in this thread:
The man who saved GoT.
>Bran doesn't outright deny being the rightful lord
>Merely says he doesn't want to, not that he can't
>"Have you considered that the best ruler might be someone who doesn't want to rule?"
I actually can't fucking believe it's going to be him.
what if naruto was in GoT?
I fear more for the sanity of alt_x
>cartoon avatar
Who is the SJW cunt and why should I care
>Tell them
Apologize to your rightful king A.K.A. Better Dany.
I don't want to say this but, Sansa is in love with Jon and they made it quite obvious. Every time she's confronted over JonxDany she gets sad, pissed and jealous. She was desperate on her talk with Tyrion (just after learning the truth) over Jon leaving to the South with Dany, that wasn't being calculated. She took no joy over her being the next Warden of the North. That was despair in her that he'd ally himself to Dany, someone she sees as dangerous to her family and realm.
Then there's the interview with Sophie:
>“The past few seasons for her and the whole series for her, she’s kind of been somewhat lost as a matter of where she wants to be, who she wants to be,
>who she wants to surround herself with,
>and this season she is very very self-assured. She knows what she wants. She knows what she stands for.
>She knows who she wants to be around, and she faces threats to that this season. But, well, we’ll see how that goes.”
Jonsa won't happen because Jon probably won't forgive her, though.
I like Robb Stark I hope he wins
Naruto has better plot than GoT
Now that they fucked over Jaime, is he the last good character left?
Harry Lloyd is way more handsome out of character. Wonder why.
preston is 100% having a mental breakdown as we speak
>Finally we arrived to new /got/
agreed desu
boltons contact the priests to resurrect theon and torture him
ITT: we pretend we're back in time and Season 2 ep 1 is just about to Start
Imagine being Nikolaj in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Gwendoline Christie, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your oversized body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck his sister in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Nikolaj and not only stand in that room while Gwendoline Christie flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her moles and saggy tits, and just stand there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that stripping scene. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, GWENDOLINE CHRISTIE LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Denmark. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you stand there and endure, because you're fucking Nikolaj. You're not going to lose your future role in The Witcher over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
>did you know that despite being only 13% of the populat-
>the leaks
>this last episode
We had to suffer through the long night for this but it was so worth it. Not only has Dabid gone full clown world and driving normies insane but he's actually executing it pretty well IMO. Good episode
>iron, but fair
Bog connection?
Reminder that the great "dragon" """""queen""""" tasted Drogo's seed like a whore and remembered the taste years later.
Imagine being a 13 year old Jaime and cumming inside this for the first time in your life
i imagine preston came to terms with how shit the show would remain last year
Nothing to apologize for, I always believed.
>Gregor ''heads up'' Clegane
>Gregor ''off the wall'' Clegane
>Gregor ''One hit kill'' Clegane
>Gregor ''ISHYGDDT'' Clegane
>Gregor ''Swordmaster'' Clegane
>Gregor ''The mountain'' Clegane
>Gregor ''Manlet creator'' Clegane
>Gregor ''Pain in the neck'' Clegane
>Gregor ''making thots cry'' Clegane
>Gregor ''Walking genocide'' Clegane
>Gregor 'Like carving a cake'' Clegane
>Gregor ''one shade too dark'' Clegane
>Gregor ''Give me a nun, hun'' Clegane
>Gregor ''Took a bit too much'' Clegane
>Gregor ''Decapitation station'' Clegane
>Gregor ''haircut on the house'' Clegane
>Gregor ''I cant bend my torso'' Clegane
>Gregor ''the pope? haha nope'' Clegane
>Gregor ''POW? more like KOS'' Clegane
>Gregor ''take you down a notch'' Clegane
>Gregor ''if I cut this off will you die'' Clegane
>Gregor ''let the bodies hit the floor'' Clegane
>Gregor ''I'll just take a bit off the top'' Clegane
>Gregor ''+set g_sabermorerealistic 2'' Clegane
>Gregor ''Never liked brunettes anyway'' Clegane
>Gregor ''im dead, so whats your excuse'' Clegane
>Gregor ''its not like you could fuck her anyways'' Clegane
>Gregor ''Rape, murder, late term abortion specialist'' Clegane
>Gregor ''behead a man before throwing him off a wall'' Clegane
Reminder House Bolton is the best house in the show.
reminder that instead of finishing the books george rr martin is seething over trump in his blog
say what you want but I bet Drogon boom n zoom divebombing King's Landing will be kino as fuck
guys, please tone it down
why didn't robert complain about her not being a virgin?
Did he die a Stark? Or was he a Greyjoy all along?
>Pod dicking down two northern wenches at the same damn time
Only good part of the season so far.
How was the Stark vs Boltons something other than a meme werewolves vs vampires trope?
Why the fuck would Jamie ever go back to save Cersei? He doesn't give a fuck about her, I thought? That's what I got from where Jamie left off in book 5 and was the vibe I was getting from him during his whole goldhand arc, and now he's going to save her? Fucking D&D
where's stannis?
This season has rekindled my interest in the books with the hopes that they do things differently
It has become so cliche and predictable, that's not how it was before
Is this how you expected things to turn out?
We've been looking for you on the catalog
shes so cute bros FUCK
He was both
Who's excited for Roberts Rebellion by d&d
s1 ep 1
>In contact with the 3ER
>Owns land in ashai
>The iron bank owns money to the bogdanov
>Are said to have lived since before the children of the forest
>Created the night's watch, it wasn't Bran
>Control the night king like a puppet
He went home and fought to defend his family.
>Giant frost spiders vs an army of fire breathing toads
Wuld watch desu
Add Varys
Where the fuck is the...winter?
>the price for keeping Ghost alive was mistreating it
I-it was worth the price, right?
How do I move to London?
SOMEBODY has to have a reaction image of briennes fucking face in that one scene, right?
He's dead you crazy bitch.
I miss them so much.
Post cute Dany
as if he could tell the difference
tully are extinct.
frey are extinct.
This was the last time we saw Arya and the Hound
There will be a spinoff series based on the adventures of these two
There will be no Cleganebowl
There will be no Arya killing Cersei
They will just disappear. Poof.
I want to cum inside Yara.
>The stormlands
Woe to the usurper if we had been, or the thread would lie beneath the archive.
I read them all in 2013, im gonna reread them agai now desu. go for it bro.
*has a prince that sides with Dany*
No explanation or context given
>who holds Storm's End??
I thought it was a joke because it was never addressed after the Baratheons died
Someone make a full copypasta
>silly place
>Final battle outside King's Landing
>Jon has found out his sword can talk from the pommel
>Longclaw: Looks like these defences are tougher than we first thought
>Jon: You're right! We need Wolfzord power!
>Jon's new theme, "White Ranger Lupine Power" starts playing
>A giant white wolf mecha with red eyes appears
>Jon leaps on top of it and starts fighting the supersized Gregor Clegane, defeating him
>Qyburn uses his magic to transform Cersei into a giant bipedal Lioness
>Jon, being half Targaryen, uses his dragon flute to call the Dragonzord from the oceans outside of King's Landing, but then let's Daenerys pilot it
>The Wolfzord and Dragonzord are still no match
>Jon: We need Megazord power now!
>All of the characters from the different houses start calling upon their sigil zords: Eagle from the Arryns, a bear from the Mormonts (there's a survivor), stag from the baratheons etc
>Lightbringer is called from the skies and the Megazord uses it to slash Cersei, who falls over and explodes
>Jon becomes king
I want Yara to cum inside me
he was a Goodmen
Should've ended it all right here
in our heart
>Goblin and Dog series
>Instead of Dunk and Egg
what videogame?
>tully are extinct.
RADmure and his hot Frey wife and Tully child are still kicking around
yeah, I'm thinking the real GoT IS BACK
High in the halls of the Kings who are gone
imma fooking legend m8
If they don't cast Henry Cavill as Robert, then no
>Should've ended it all right here
Especially why not at least fill Tyrion with arrows? Cersei was willing to pay Bronn to do just that.
Radmure isn't dead yet, fucker. House Tully just doesn't quite own the Riverlands right now.
at this point, the show is so bad that i can't focus on one single error and analyze it, there are so many of them that it's impossible to focus
The Hound & The Goblin
I'd watch it
Preston gives zero fucks about the show
based and Daynepilled
this was kino and you fucks know it
>it wasnt like a real sword fight!
yeah but it was cool
He needs the forest to live happy. In the south he would have died soon.
If only. Imagine Gerold killing wights
Is Jon going to marry Arya or Sansa? Or both?
To be honest, if the show never got shit I probably would have never read the books.
Maybe it's snobby of me but I do kind of view genre novels/ fantasy as manchild tier but after I got invested in the show and it so suddenly became completely awful and stupid I had no choice if I wanted some kind of satisfying continuation to this thing I got invested in.
Man I hope Winds is announced soon
Mount and Blade: Warband. The faction is called the Sarranid Sultanate
>let's force someone who doesn't want to rule to rule
What's the point?? He doesn't care about anything and would be a weak and ineffective ruler. A puppet at best. No one would love him or rally to him, most don't even know him. I have similar issues with Jon, who is a terrible ruler and military commander
Promise me at least 15 children, Ned.
really, user?
>There will be no Cleganebowl
At this point it's a far better alternative to inevitable disappointment.
he's LOVIN it
>at this point, the show is so bad that i can't focus on one single error and analyze it, there are so many of them that it's impossible to focus
At this point I just want this shit show to end so winds of winter can be declared.
Is this the guy who believes ASOIAF is 3deep5me?
None of them He will become the 1000th lord commander of the Night's Watch after killing Daenerys
his she-wolf sister seems to be doing well enough for herself tho
only because he's in denial about more books being released
this is the only end asoiaf will ever have
not to be rude but is englush your first language user
Just wait until Jon finds out Dany murdered his nephew
it looked completely fucking ridiculous and you are an easily impressed retard
>Reminding me of Bannerlord
I want to protect her smile
My only complain is the color of the blade. Dawn's blade should be white
>A puppet at best.
really fires those synapses
Tryion's solution of marrying Dany and Jon and making them rule together makes perfect sense.
Is Varys just a fucking wrecker? Does he not like stability?
If he's remaking the Night's Watch then he change the vows so he's allowed to have as many wives as he wants.
No it's actually french so consider yourself happy already
>Jon doesn't even pet him to say goodbye, or tell him he's a good boy
Lost all sympathy for him right there desu
this is a guy who believes that asoiaf is set in a post apocalypse setting with computers and robots
threesome on top of Dany's corpse
what if she didn't? could qyburn have his own agenda?
Too drunk to care. Besides, Tywin's whore daughter was no match for Lyanna's fertile northern-born pussy.
But love is the death of duty, user...
yeah, because its in a forest in the north?
by south i mean KL south, not south of the barrier
>Alright this guy's supposed to be one of the most talented sword fighters to have ever lived, how do we visually show the audience that he is not meant to be fucked with?
>How bout he picks up two swords and twirls them about like some cheap carnival trick.
>*Finishes coke* perfect.
They is just something so maddeningly wrong and pretentious about this quote, and they still managed to say cock
>HEMAfag complaining about a fantasy show
Tormund will be a better friend to Ghost than Jon ever was
Fucking scumbag didn't even pet his loyal companion who saved his life more than once
I hope he gets Euron's big fat crossbow bolt through the chest
Reminder stannis is still alive in the winterfell forest
How come everyone alive is utterly uninteresting? Even characters that had something before behave like drones now
based Cersey going full Rhodok
we shall become the Clarkesguard
me on the left
Dany would never agree to it.
She's only fine with Jon as long as he's her subordinate. She'll turn on him if he becomes her equal.
there was no rape, Jon....
It was awful
what a comfy thread
nymeria is in the riverlands
Arya, he leaves to go North, rendezvous with Arya, make incest babies and Arya uses face magic for birthdays and holidays cause kink
Targaryen fucking shits
Qyburn knows Bronn is a wild card and sent him up north just so he doesn't try anything weird on his War of the Queens. It fits.
God, I hope so. We need a player that nobody is anticipating.
so....uh.... Whats Howland Reed up to?
>something wrong, i hold my head
>rhaegal gone, a nigga dead
>THIS CANT BE HAPPENING IM IN CHARGE HERE is faintly heard from the screen theyre watching
>>"Have you considered that the best ruler might be someone who doesn't want to rule?"
That's such a retarded train of thought. Let's say you want to get some job done, who would you rather get it done, someone who would want to do it, or some guy who wants nothing to do with it?
>iron bankers bow to the Bogdanoffs
>in contact with Children of the Forest
>rumoured to possess greenseer abilities
>control the reach with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over Planetos
>direct descendants of the ancient First Men blood line
>will bankroll the first cities in the Lands of Always Winter (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>own basically every maester's lab on Planetos
>first lab-bred greenseers will be Bogdanoff Babies
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Andal scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Planetos and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own temples to the Lord of Light around the world
>You likely have the fire of R'hllor inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Lord of Light, forwarding the word of God to the Red Priests
>They learned fluent Valyrian in under a week
>Kings entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in the Iron Bank, only the Iron Bog
>The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the Bog bang to the end of the universe
>The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
She's somewhere in the Riverlands IIRC, that ain't that far north from KL
arya is travelling in the riverlands when she meets her
if so, his plan seems to be working perfectly, given jaime is heading south
The fuck is this from?
But Jon is only recreating the Night's Watch so he can run away from being king. It literally serves no purpose now that the Wall has fallen, the Night King is dead and the North has made peace with the wildlings.
Jon would be running away from duty if he established the Night's Watch again. There's no reason for him to bring back the exact same vows or even adhere to them himself if he does find some idiots to hang out in Castle Black with him pretending that they're defending the realms of men.
If you have any last words, now it's the time, /got/.
he dying next episode, he conspired against the queen
I thought the episode overall was pretty good aside from the scene with Bronn and the last scene. Missandei isn't a character anyone who watches the show cares about. Her death held no weight. I didn't give a shit about that whole final scene. The set itself looked like it took place in a rotten baseball field at a school just outside like Philadelphia or some shit.
being forgotten about along with most characters, shoul've had him telling jon he was a targshit all along
>jon being a chad war hero, nice to everyone, being drinking buddies with tormund as everyone laughs along
>dany seething in the corner and mistrustfully looking out for a threat as no one tries to talk to her
so she goes mad queen mode because she wasn't at the center of attention, got mogged and felt like an ugly male at a party?
Checked but wrong. Even in the books she thinks on how she's have married Aegon and how she'd give up her crown if Daario wanted her to so they could live in some house somewhere but Aegon's dead and Daario would never ask her to or love her as anything but the Dragon Queen. Quite sad
Yeah, that was totally unexpected with Tyrion saying that Cersei gonna kill them all seconds earlier. Soys still shocked
*kills cersei*
*ends the war in 5 seconds*
oh wait that didn't happen....
Bannerlord will release when Stannis returns :^)
I want to protect this smile.
i thought the basedboy stereotype was an exaggeration of hipsters, I didn't think these people actually existed
I think they are confusing George Washington, an already accomplished and humble leader who was perfectly willing to retire instead of an incredibly difficult job, with some barely twenty year old with a mixed record who gave up the crown for pussy. Merely not desiring power does not make you the best candidate
meera sneed
Fuck you
If french writers were in charge, GOT would be much better
Also this show lacks french actors
Can we all agree at this point that this "bittersweet ending" will be just killing Dany?
>no one has shopped this face on the dragon yet
that's just rude
did you watch the rest of the episode
top left 2:40
friendly reminder: even though dany goes mad and dies she WILL SIT ON THE IRON THRONE
even if its for 1 day, thats 1 more day than stannis ever did LMAO
IIRC Arya had just met hottie in the Riverlands' Inn where he stopped a few seasons ago
Why the fuck should the wildlings go back beyond the Wall, the North should almost be completely depopulated
>targaryens bow to the Bogdanoffs
>in contact with R'hllor
>rumoured to possess warging abilities
>control essos with an iron but fair fist
>own castles and holdfasts all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient valyrian royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Ulthos (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>own basically every dragon hatching facility on Earth
>first non targ dragons will be Bogdanoff Dragons
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Ghiscari scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Terros and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own maesters around the world
>You likely have Bogdamaesters inside your castle right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Old Gods and the New, forwarding the word of the Gods to the Faith
>They learned fluent Old Valyrian in under a week
>the Bravosi entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in the Iron Bank, only the Bog Bank
>The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base smallfolk
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the Bog bang to the end of the universe
>The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
Quints of TRUTH
That's a weird-ass description. Is Gurm saying cum tastes like mother's milk?
dany = feech la mana
you now remember old nan
Why is she so perfect bros?
I want those panties
Who's cooler in the books? Darkstar or Euron?
Who would win, 1v1?
>last of the starks is at 7.3 now
emilia a qt
>It literally serves no purpose now that the Wall has fallen
Thormund's wildlings will begin to pillage and rape again in a few decades user, now that the Wall has a giant hole the watch is more needed than ever
It's literally the most naive goody goody trope shit you can think of. Fucking reluctant ruler bullshit and fantasy philosophy that if you're a good man you're a good ruler which is exactly what George called out Tolkien for regarding Aragorn
fuck jannies
>yfw Jon Connington next episode
She is cuter when she is sad
>the stormlands were mentioned this episode
First time in two seasons
bittersweet more like bittershit
Literally the opposite. Dany will get every single main character killed and then rule unloved and lonely.
But Washington was still willing to take up leadership when it called to him, he just didn't want to become a tyrant. It'd be like if Washington turned down the Presidency and went 'worship Marie Antoinette, she's your Queen now' its stupid, and no one would respect him. If you willingly cuck yourself, it doesn't mean your respect gets transformed over to the other person, it just means you lose it.
ok ok she was in riverlands
but still needs forest as playground, cant be good doggo at jon's side
They shouldn't but they just did. That's why Jon gave his dog to them.
It made no sense and Jon even said they could stay in the North. But apparently the North isn't "home" It was some real dumb shit.
>no drakes around to pander Dany
>she activates her mad queen mode
What did D&D mean by this?
Why is she so perfect bros?
It changes taste as she drinks it, starts off nasty but becomes better and better as you drink it. It just means she likes Drogo's cum.
>no Roose, Tywin, or Ramsay
2 beauty
user please moar
>yfw Jon Connington next episode
ONly way they can save this piece of shit show.
>Have you considered that the best ruler might be someone who doesn't want to rule?"
they got this quote straight from gladiator and I wouldnt even be surprised this will be the ending, however they completely missed the point of the movie then and put an autistic cripple on the throne who's only going to spend his time warging into birds watching people get raped
Show Euron is better. Unironically speaking.
Especially with them admitting Jon would be Dany's bitch, but somehow expect him to be a good ruler despite far greater pressures
behold the power of feminism
>reminding me of both stannis and bannerlord all at once
why must you hurt me so user?
>it turns out that based Jorah waifufagging Dany is the only thing that kept everyone alive this entire time
Rip to a real nigga.
still SEETHING over the fact a shitskin barbarian emasculated him, fucked and impregnated his sister, then poured molten gold on his head to outright murder him with pure irony
there was never a bigger cuck in the series
*head falls off*
Not for nothing but I would bet one of my testicles that they literally had Jon riding Rhaegal in an earlier cut.
Once test audiences screamed and cried their hearts out at seeing Euron shoot him down, D&D put Jon on a horse instead and went with the Mad Queen ending.
Well the thought process here is that anyone who understood the difficulties and sacrifices required of a good ruler, would not want to. Someone who strived their entire life to rule would most likely only be thinking about the power and priveledge they would have as a ruler.
unsurprising, theyre both creeps
Reminder Barristen and Jorah keep Dany in check. She's now completely unhinged
>No King Jon hunting with Ghost in the Kingswood finale
it feels bad, user
why didnt dany make sam lord of house ashes?
where did he go?
lol no you fuckin retard
Tryion's a little busy making a fucking sellsword lord of highgarden.
And btw, this story of a great ruler unwilling to rule unless it's absolutely necessary didn't start with Washington, but with Cincinnati in Rome
Thanks for giving me hope again.
even fucking dorne got mentioned
now let's see the eyrie and westerlands
Did anyone else think the Bronn scene felt weird?
I mean I know that friendly guy Bronn is all oc and in the books he really is just a cut throat but in the show they've clearly been trying to slowly develop him into this Han Solo type with him bantzing with Jaime and especially with him leaving the gold behind to save Jaime's life last season, and then they just kind of drop that
Why does Gendry suddenly love Arya?
he's a fat useless fuck not fit to be the lord of anything.
>'nuff said
Wait I thought it was just a meme?
Ned was technically qualified to be a good Hand and he didn't want to accept the job at first because he knew the workplace was going to be full of shit. I see what they wanted to say but yeah it's a retarded train of thought because not everyone is like that.
well nymeria's pack lives in the riverlands, so it's fairly south, not too far from KL and the Crownlands. And the Kingswood is a pretty big place. but still not the best thing for a giant, hairy wolf.
All of D&D's shit writing was forgiven when I saw this.
After 7.4 seasons all the feminazis finally found an episode they hated
he acted like jack sparrow
His arc should've ended long ago but D&D realized he was a fan favorite and so decided to milk him for as long as possible.
She's just so beautiful user
Underrated. GoT Sentai would be better than this.
when tyrion asked him to fight the mountain he was all "lmao fuck off"
he's a bro but his core is not much different from hound, if not worse
In a fight? Oberyn's niece was scared of Darkstar to the point that she thought he'd take down all of Dorne by himself, he's basically the second coming of Arthur but evil. Euron is more fun but he's a reaver/pirate, not exactly a guy who 1v1's people, he's more akin to Tywin or Roose.
>All of D&D's shit writing was forgiven when I saw this.
Wew let's not go nuts
2 more episodes until he has his revenge user.
i would have preferred to see him say something like he is going to be tyrions bodyguard again to ensure that when its all over he is still alive to give him highgaarden and then be with him for the remainder of their time. him just kind of fucking off was a little ham fisted
>you will never be a smith on the street of steel
why live?
Farnsworth's quote about Ocean Madness perfectly describes Daenerys in this scenario with the fleets.
>What kind of person climbs on a fucking dragon? A madman or a king!
>Dany is mad
>Jon is king
It was nice to see him call out the Lannisters on giving him nothing, but when Jaime pointed out he was bullshitting it got really weird. The fucking cross bow made like a clicking noise as if it was a gun
Unironically based
You clearly haven’t seen how the woke side of the internet is seething over her death
nowi tends
Here is Bron's actual plan:
Azor Hot Pie
If everything in the leaks happen next episode (which is very possible), expect some shenanigans in the finale. Tyrion's trial won't happen next week, but most of the deaths and King's Landing being destroyed, probably will.
im a fag mom i wasnt joking its true
The point about the reluctant leader isn't that he is a "humble good boy" but instead that he understands what leadership implies, responsibility first, and he has no power delusions.
The Romans used to tell the tale of Cincinnati for this very reason, so consuls or even dictators wouldn't grow attached to their positions
Excellent work, kid.
>Arya looks like an 11 yo
>Show is trying to nail into our head that we should feel attracted to her
>Also Showrunners are kikes
Jee, I wonder how it all connects
qyburn is the real nightking
Didn't Tormund say he was gonna hang at Castle Black for a while 1st?
Either way, a giant swatch of land is completely theirs now. Plus the previous inhabitants had the sense enough to put up a fence that now has a convenient gate in it.
Reminder the Night King is dead
Book Euron. Darkstar is good but not Euron good.
>Rebon baking at the inn
>Salt for the bread
>Smoke form the oven
>Without him telling arya to go north the NK wins
It all adds up now
Has he asked George if this is the case?
>not including queen with "king"
ooo boi user, dem feminist will track your ip and they'll get you. They'll beat you up, but you cant hit them back, because they're girls.
Isn't he going there to end her?
no see that's the problem, they've been slowly turning him into Jack Sparrow since season 2 or 3 but then suddenly in this episode he's acting like book/ season 1 Bronn
That scene with him refusing to fight the mountain is a perfect example, because he isn't like that at all. In A Storm of Swords he dgaf but in the show he gives this whole speech about how he likes Tyrion but isn't gonna die for him. The actor is clearly playing him somewhat remorseful.
I'm not saying I like the rogue with a heart meme they've turned him into, I'm just saying that it's jarring that all of a sudden that's no longer the case
But Darkstar is of the night
Will they make him into a feminine faggot or they’ll discard his gayness?
he couldn't even kill a little girl tho lmao
is she saying bullocks
I could have sworn that the wildlings wanted to farm the lands south of the wall. Guess not, oh well.
well at this point hes been fucked out of 2 castles by the lanisters. he lost the rest of his gold when dany attacked. he has make it seem like this time hes fucking serious he wants his shit.
based as fuck
Worst part of EP4 was Bronn IMO. Dude waltzes in like a bitch, talks like a bitch, and leaves like a bitch. Its like the actor was just fucking done with the series and wanted a paycheck.
You joke but that's gonna happen
you can't fool me.
Dorne is one glorious city state.
dany should have followed tormund and then torched him with drogon for not giving her praise
this would give the wildlings motivation to go back beyond the wall and a reason to rebuild the wall to keep them out
if he didnt play it like that they would have laughed in his face i think
he had to overdo it a bit to make them feel the threat
unexpected yeah, possibly, but not impossible
re-roll (now map includes 6)
baked amidst salt and smoke
He's not gay, he's Rhaegarsexual
But Naruto's "Night King" Madara Uchiha got stabbed in the back despite being a god no one could beat too.
if doubles you stop posting this image forever.
Are there any considerable numbers of wildlings left? Afaik, Hardhome was the largest wildling settlement and it was shoahed and the wildlings that did make it across the wall were just token bands far too small to cause a demographic shift in Westeros. They’d have been assimilated at this point to Northern feudal lands
she's saying "buttsex"
go go go
The rest of us have moved on with our lives.
(You) should too
When my friend hyped up GoT to me in early 2012 his main argument was that it was a show withou any clear good or evil side but rather that it consisted of gray characters with good and bad sides on every side and you could sympathize with all the factions. In war of the 5 kings it was very much possible to love and cheer for Tywin, Stannis, Robb, Theon and even Renly at the same time.
Now all of this has been reduced to one-dimensional "good guys" making quips while fighting the bad ice zomb... Sorry now I guess it's le resting bitch face blonde bitch queen and her edgy pirate sidekick. Blatanly good and evil boring capeshit tier.
>Its like the actor was just fucking done with the series and wanted a paycheck.
Can you fucking blame him?
>Dorne is a fucking courtyard
thanks dabid
You forgot HAVE SEX
Why is their friendship so great bros
I know you are shitposting but that was literally because of a fluke with the horse freaking out so instead of taking her head off, he lopped off her ear and scared her face for life.
he got stabbed and absorbed by the true main villain of the series who set everything into motion for that one moment
unless arya is the new night king and wants to kill everyone and is the reason for his existence then it's not a valid comparison
best thing all season. arya and the hound back at it. the best two people in all of westeros.
nothing else matters and if it wasn't for them i'd drop the show.
Ned was a very shit hand. He had no idea what the fuck he was doing most of the time.
Reminder the Iron bank debt is not being mentioned again at all.
there were a few with Thormund
including D&D
>Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
darkstar is a BITCH
I'd say "poor nikolaj" for having to kiss gwendoline, but then I saw what his wife looked like
Anyone got the image of D&D dressed as wildlings in the last episode?
you sign a contract, you do your job
>Intercepts the lannister Army on their way back from highgarden, burning so many of them including traitor reach lords
"nO fOoD 4 tr00ps"
"fOrCes R eVeN, hurr durr sush an eben battle 4 teh crapital, muh tension buildup"
>Has a "trained" faceless assassin that can take out a millenias old magical being, AND happens to wish to kill cersei since before she got her first period.
"wE 'av 2 burn teh inn0cents 2 kill cErCey"
>Flies several meters above ground level, at sea, with only a few dumb rocks around, cannot see a fucking fleet with fancy giant sails.
> Lands Drogon to burn wights
"onoez teh wites r tickling mah thicc impenetrable scale dragon"
dont joke with this user what if the writers lurk
>Water garden
Too late for sideplots
please stop insulting my wife
the night king of naruto is the crazy lady at the end
Except he's a shit ruler who's hd every group he's led try to turn on him, see Night's Watch and North. And lost every battle until he got saved, see the Wall, Battle of the Bastards, Long Night
He's a gay bear filled with masculine rage. He hates Baratheon fucking shits and nearly killed the Usurper himself. If Young Griff takes the throne he'd probably rape Tommen and Myrcella before impaling them on the wall for what their ((dad)) allowed to happen to Rhaegar's kids.
Doesn't Cersei pay it off with the money looted from Highgarden
this is just not true though. there are people who like cersei's character as its written and performed by lena headey but nobody sympathizes with her
she was literally getting fucked in the ass by her own brother in the first episode. she has always been the villain. nobody sympathized with walder frey, ramsay snow, roose bolton, viserys targaryen or euron the asspull
He fancied that big face blonde one from Abba as well, I think he has a thing for women with weird wide faces
He is the DARKSTAR
They will play the good as conqueror bad as ruler meme but the thing is that Dany is shit at both
It doesn't matter though, cersei either wins and starts making interest payments or she loses and the golden company is wiped out so the bank can't force dany to pay it. Cersei has a great credit score now.
His response to The Mountain burning the Riverlands was actually pretty savvy. A good ruler but a poor intriguer.
She wanted it to be done with the same crossbow that killed Tywin
It's pottery
>varys wants stablity and doesn't want millions to die
>proceeds to undermine Robert Bartheon who keep the Seven Kingdoms at peace and prosperity since the Greyjoys rebellion
>m He will become the 1000th lord commander of the Night's Watch after killing Daenerys
NW still exist... for what purpose?
Roose was very likeable. Viserys and Joffrey were nasty but they were also not the only persons representing their factions. Joffrey also had Jaime and Tywin who were likeable and Viserys had Dany.
>said crossbow took at least 20 seconds to reload
>bronn reloads this crossbow in half a second this episode
They can't be the same.
Because the ending has to follow GRRMs and in GRRMs they didn't instantly end the white walker threat forever
The only monarch I support is whoever supports invading Bravoos and taking the Iron Bank for the seven kingdoms
looks like antoine griezman
Varys is literally just a shitstirring cunt
Bobby B should have been the perfect King for someone like Varys. He didn't particularly like the job and would have been more than happy for Varys and others to do the hard work for him.
He knew his kids were no good
A more important counterpoint would be why did he suggest Aerys to not let Tywin's army enter KL (also in extra DVD material, so I guess show canon?)
I actually agree, Jon is absolutely horrible and he doesn't really understand the responsibilities of leadership (well, he does better than Dany but that's not really an accomplishment, is it?)
I was just trying to explain why "the reluctant leader is the best leader" is a popular trope, not because the person would be a good boy, but because he understands how leadership works and how heavy of a burden it is
A guy who thinks himself a god versus a guy who thinks himself of the night. Sounds like something straight out of some shit anime.
the fooking legend was also very likeable by the edgelords that doesnt mean he was a villian character with no ambiguity
>YFW Immortan Jon is gonna freeze his balls off till the end of time at the wall at the end of EP6