Why did ready player one feel so soulless? Pic related was the only part that felt on point

Why did ready player one feel so soulless? Pic related was the only part that felt on point.
Why wasn't it all cgi?

Attached: 2555900 - Queen_of_Cats Ready_player_one zorryn.jpg (1200x1400, 875K)

>Why did ready player one feel so soulless?
Have you read the book? it's literally fat kid wish fulfillment combined with as many lame pop culture references as the author could remember

why are the Na'vi so ugly in comparison to proper fluffy girls?

Attached: Ready Boner One.webm (1280x532, 2.93M)

Actually, the key where they go through that haunted mansion shit gave me the feels...then it was just generic trash after

her ears are too vertical in that picture

It's weird because it has some genuinely good moments but falls in line with meh stuff that pedoburg has made since war of the world nothing really stands out overall.
I liked it more than warhorse and didn't even see the big fucking giant
Yeah that was also genuinely good
God no it looks trash from what I've seen of it on here
No fur and weird alien proportions

Hollywood is all over the place
they still have no idea how to tacle exoworlds
one edgy film that caused a reaction and all of a sudden sheep want to copy it and make it "pop" culture

Attached: Queen of Cats n Tats.webm (600x250, 1.85M)

No one cares about your beastality fetish user

Uh meow
I genuinely wanted to discuss the movie and just to happened to have that image save when another thread 404d
Its a 5/10 streaming tier bad movie but the cgi parts are quite neat where it falls down hard is everything outside of the oasis the acting is terrible hell everything is apart from the setting

I just don't understand how someone can find shrekly lanklets with negroid piercings and nappy braids more attractive than this

Attached: irish_cat_person_with_spy_kids_3_sphere_in_hand.png (1863x753, 1.14M)

Is there more than fifteen seconds of this character in the film, thanks

Attached: d02.jpg (1280x1046, 90K)

different time perhaps, just the begining... experimenting?
he could have been trying to perfect his craft all that time ago, perhaps the na'vi look more like spielberg's virtual space cats

it's fucking bullshit

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Sadly no and there's Fuck all fan art of her
I honestly like both
We need Thicc navi tho I agree I think cyber meow is way better
At least cat lady has better curves
I think the navi have better animation and visuals especially the face and body

big kitty titty

>the way her waistline disappears into nothing
Other characters like this???
Saved, but also, FUCK

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even if they're nine feet tall you'd still cut one in half trying to impregnate it because of how fucking sticc they are

I want to fuck that cat

That waist is disgusting. As an artist who draws females for a living, I’m genuinely mad that people freak out about “male gaze” bullshit when things like this exist. Pick your battles, you fucks. God damn it I’m so mad right now. I didn’t see this film and now I’m glad I didn’t. I will avoid it forever.

Does only fapping to the girls make me a furry?

Attached: 20.png (490x489, 365K)

it's a video game you retard
if unrealistic proportions are possible you bet your ass people are going to go for them

Eh I was kinda turned off by the fiber optic hairlu shiz as well.
I hope the sequels don't suck so we get more porn
Also where the fuck is the Thicc preggo navi? They all literally look the same it's my only complaint.
No way.
If you engaged in anything remotely furry irl then yeah

Attached: giddyup.jpg (975x1055, 349K)

anyone who tells you that something you do makes you a furry is just trying to groom you
as long as you don't associate with them you're fine

It was a hollywood documentary on how to access the Atari® Adventure easter egg room and why gaming industry creatives need unions, if you got other vibes you were WRONG

Lol post your (art) or fuck off she's my catfu and I will make her real one day
Good take honestly.
It also was having go at how workers get shit on in general and some meta about how badly cgi drone workers are treated and the insane time crunch when developing vidya and cgi heavy movies with little to no extra pay and horrible hours

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Stfu queer

Attached: 1525164253.zorryn_zorryn_queen_of_cats_02.png (960x1280, 1.64M)

>As an artist who draws females for a living
funny way to say you take commissions for Deviantart furry porn

>as an artist

500$ says you're shit. Prove me wrong

can we go bigger?

Attached: DcxGRE1W4AAegiy.jpg (1200x1199, 217K)

I like OP’s image, but the waistline of the character in the actual film is really gross.

Difference of opinion here

we're a diverse lot

We need more art of her.
Ironic the only decent oc character in that shit movie gets zero attention
Lol whatever barrel chest tranny

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gas furs

how'd I do?

Attached: here you go.png (600x600, 7K)

it could be done, like we've seen with rise of apes, but cameron is all about making breakthrews anyway

but can you imagine, giant cute and blue m'ress's?

Attached: Lieutenant Shiboline M'ress.png (3920x2204, 1.59M)

I'd settle for a smol Te

Attached: te.jpg (1280x1024, 673K)

Uh meow?
Fart in my face madame
I'm so pissed Disney canned that giant waifu movie

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You couldn've just said the waiste was a bit much, talk about an overreaction

Attached: 2E995151-D477-4FBE-A3B9-5FB8687DD272.png (220x358, 122K)

literally kill yourself


A furry is an anthropomorphic animal or one whom takes interest in them

In reality it's quite arrogant for humanity to create terms like "anthro"
It's as delusional and blindly in-over-your-head as "extra""terrestrial"

>take pop culture icons
>load into shotgun
>fire into dark-coated film
>rinse and repeat
Is the movie even watchable? I was really put off by the trailers.

>I'm so pissed Disney canned that giant waifu movie
wait, the mouse did what?

Attached: oh just kiss me batboy.gif (480x270, 1.86M)

But this photo is what her proportions look like.
And these spergs are sperging out over the character. Don’t you see the problem?

no its fucking terrible

Furgin threads have gotten really sad, jesus

Dunno if many people like the waist, pretty sure it's everything else

You can tell this poster is a furfag from how pseudo intellectual and dumb his post is

Well, for me the waist ruins it, and it’s a damn shame because everything else looks great.

shoo Yea Forumsirmin

there are plenty of Game of Thrones threads still up for you user

Did they break her ribs to get this photo?

I could understand this if you focus on the waist too much. Everything else is just so hot I pay no mind, and knowing thinness like that exists helps too

probably but that wasn't anything special back in the day

Furgins seething lmao

Nice digits
Why are they so insecure?

kill all furries

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Speilberg did the best he could given the source material

My issue is with the live action part of the movie tho that's 100% on him the bad acting writing all of it
The vfx stuff was great and felt like real oldschool amblin 2d and mohaa vidya kino like he used to do
He's a nerds nerd but idk something felt off story wise it's why it didn't make an impact at all
>mfw Queen of cats

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one sonic makes people run away from him fast... the other...

Attached: 5E801BB6-7DAF-4551-B879-74ACBE1869D6.png (714x854, 771K)

I unironically wunna fuck sonic the female hedgehog
Get a Thicc black chick in body paint kgo

Attached: IMG_20190506_115551.jpg (1216x1029, 74K)

Her name is sonia


I'm the guy with the gun

It's definitely an N word....

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