These guys give you 400 million dollars to develop the next big thing...

These guys give you 400 million dollars to develop the next big thing. You have total creative freedom BUT you will be replaced after two seasons with in house showrunners AND you must pander to the Burlington Bar audience. What do you do?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The Sopranos, but it's a GoT spinoff

finally get the god damn Night Watch series off the ground

Adapt pic related. Get David Fincher to direct. 13 episodes and done.

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Animated Horus Heresy series

400 million for a From Hell adaptation is quite the dough. Are you gonna rebuild London from scratch or what

im currently unemployed and broke.
IF you think im giving away the only valuable thing i have for free your must be joking

show based around Ufo mythology. kind of like dar skies/early x files

roswell, dulce, mj12.
keep the aliens mysterious, only shown briefly. focus on government agents desperatley trying to keep to hidden from the public because they have no idea who the aliens are or what they want.

Whatever happened to the sequel to Band of Brothers and The Pacific about airmen over Europe?

Literally adapt this word by word

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not marketable nowadays, I guess. Hbo new ceo said that he wanted them to follow Netflix path, so forget about the good old days

gritty reboot of pic related taking place in the body of a criminal

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A hiking program starring me, with all equipment operated by me, and a 200 million dollar per season budget for salary.

This would never work. It's too esoteric for mainstream audiences.

Rome starting with Marius vs Sulla

The movie was so disappointing.


Fincher would be perfect for this. And HBO does crime thrillers well. The Night of and True Detective both prove they get these kinds of stories.

Why a criminal?

I'll just adapt the Malazan Book of the Fallen series for two seasons. Luckily there is already a teen girl assasin in it. I'll make her a hot slut as well but like an empowered one. Lot's of CGI and blowing shit up lot's of unnecessary fucking Anaomander Rake fucks hoes and has a giant dick he also as a sword battle with that other guy. Throw in some rape here and there. Especially the second season can rely on rape as it will have a highborn teenage girl in slavery but eventually they will all get female empowered. Also have lot's of cool anime like fights with OP characters. Have one eye played by Samuel L. JAckson and Kalam played by that black nigga from Spartacus. Dujek played by Charles Dance Ganoes played by Jaimie Lannister and have Whiskey Jack played by Bronn

Fincher is too cerebral and rational for a material like From Hell. It would need a good, subtle horror director. I can't think of none that would fit.

> One eye
I meant Quick Ben One Eye is the other nigga wizard from a different book series

>Malazan Book of the Fallen
I keep seeing this popping up lately. Quick rundown on it?

he's a drug addict so his body is essentially a ghetto
also I was thinking that it would be interesting to see how a lethal injection might get handled on a microscopic level

It's like GoT but more autistic and badly written

Proper, edgy adaptation of His Dark Materials which is relatively faithful to the books with a little more action.

I would make 40 different romantic comedies that all feature beautiful white women falling in love with black guys.

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>cerebral and rational

But that's largely the tone of From Hell. And I think Fincher has shown his ability to do more than direct by numbers. I think of his style more as very "deliberate," not necessarily restrictively rational. Kind of like Kubrick.

They are already doing this.

I got a better idea, it's the inside of Ozzy Osborne.

Adapt the first 2 parts of Seveneves (Neal Stephenson). Leave part 3 (after the 5000 year time skip) open for a spin-off.

More autistic how

Make my own version of Old Republic Star Wars. Have no unique main character a bit like early GOT. Have multiple story arcs that focus on different aspects of the galaxy. One about Jedi, another about underworld, etc. One of the storylines would involve the rise of a young soldier of the republic fighting though multiple battles of the war and quickly being recognized as a good soldier and leader. His character would feature the death of the youth and innocence through war.

I write a single episode and film it on a cell phone and pocket the money.

The tone is far more esoteric and mystic. It shows that Moore take the social aspect of magic quite seriously. Something like the visions of the future or the journey through the city in the search for the places of killing would be odd in the hands of Fincher imo

Shakespeare show. It's like Game of Thrones but all the kingdoms/houses are the courts of various Shakespeare plays. The history plays are the Targaryens with Richard II/Aerys II leading into present day Henry IV. Hamlet is like the Starks. After season 8 this expands into Shakespeare Cinematic Universe with multiverse plotlines (clash with Luhrman/Branagh adaptations)

It's hard to explain. It's more anime like with ridiculous characters that are OP and demi-god like doing cool shit. The battles are on a much bigger scale. It has it's own magic system and takes place on like 4 seperate continents with a character cast of like more than 100 people and it just goes on and on.

I'd make an American revolutionaries drama.

Splice in a liberal dose of leftism, maybe make one of the FF's secretly gay. Make sure thre British are portrayed like cartoon villains to ride the "USA USA USA" wave.

Shit will be $$$, now gimme the job.

Heavy metal
with ramdom episodes but somehow related.hard to screw and good for plebs

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Sounds kinda bad

>kino shots of giant bat heads falling into the stomach
could work


The BBC is doing it which means it will be garbage.

Do either a live action or fully animated Berserk adaptation with nothing cut or changed.

Well it's not great

well thanks for the info user

It's a show about the events leading to, and the aftermath of the battle of Nesbit Moor. The show is gonna be called 1355

spend 50k on hiring broke 2nd year film and animation students for a 'paid internship' have them write themes down, then pick 5 from a hat and give them a randomised time period and set them on their way. Then I'd spend the rest of the money on hookers doritos and five guys

>The tone is far more esoteric and mystic

I've always thought of it more from a psychological standpoint. To me it's more about the occult as a sociological and psychological manifestation of psychosis trying to rationalize itself. You call the esoteric and mystical; I say it's the logic of an insane person, which (while twisted) follows a certain rationale.

Conan the Barbarian, all of the cheesecake, tits, and violence you could want.

mofuggin hitler survived 1945 and escaped to south america. living undercover as druglord, making shitload of money from cocaine. mix between narcos and breaking bad. everyone speaks german with subs. last words after getting killed by goebbels hitmen would be "bin ich ein schlechter mensch wegen des rauschgifts, oder wegen des genozids? definitiv das rauschgift" german version of good riddance would play in the background. textboards would show faked numbers of casualties from ww2 and the drug wars between hitler and goebbels. show is called "rauschgift"

take the money and run and then go bone some whores

Big budget show about the Byzantine civil war and Thomas the Slav

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It's an interesting point of view too, I gotta give you that.

I'd make a Porg Tv show.

adapt as many of the aubrey and maturin stories as i can before i run out of money.


Create something to one up Handmaid's Tale in terms of graphic depictions of hardcore misogyny and violence against women, while marketing it as a feminist work. Whip up a similar crappy YA Novel style dystopian setting, just go more extreme and over the top with it. Corner the feminist rape/degradation fetish market.

full adaptation of anna karenina, burlington bar would love it for anna and vronksy right up until she kills herself.

Show like the pacific or band of brothers except it's about the airside, the pilots and so on.
Imagine all the aerial battle kino

Sopranos prequel.

Punic wars with gay sex. 400 mil might not be enough though.

Yeah everyone always focuses on Caesar but a show about Marius and Sulla would be kino

Or how about Constantine? Or Aurelian? Or a show about the hunnic invasions

So much potential Rome kino and all people want to watch is fucking Caesar get stabbed

isn't there a movie being made?

Actually adapt I, Robot. I can do it in 2 seasons.

more like Pubic Wars then haha

Catcher in the rye but change some of the names and some situations and lines so I don't get sued.

film myself banging whires and dorfing cokr5e

Live action adaptation of Berserk with the season 2 finale being the eclipse ceremony

All I need is one season to adapt Wizard and Glass word for word.

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It needs a a proper adaptation that hasnt been buttfucked by AMC.

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Some boring unaesthetic show that takes place in the 70s, so the visuals are unpleasant, about some unrelatable rich political family with criminal ties. Oh, and there will be plenty of blacks and gays. In fact, that will be the family. A black political family with plenty of gay kids.
That sounds most likely to been greenlit by nuHBO.

Warhammer 40000.

I would absolutely wreck the franchise. I would make sure to get death threats from lifelong WH40K fans by getting half of the lore wrong, making actors mispronounce core concepts, centering the story on a female SJW protagonist, and not even mentioning one or two factions. Normies would eventually get interested and show up at events claiming that the tabletop rules are too hard. So in the end even the tabletop game would be screwed up by my HBO series.
I want to see nerdrage in its primary state.

somethnig about paedophile elites in the british government set in the 60s and 70s and then the assasination of a well known tv personality who disovered what had been going on a few decades later.

Make it good up until the last two episodes where I fuck it all up beyond repair and make normies seethe forever

Transmetropolitan or The Boys.
Either buttfucking whatever the fuck we call a press nowadays or capeshit loving retards is peaches, far as I care.

Ari Gold Spinoff or an Entourage reboot where the main protag is actually a good actor.

facial abuse the series

blacked the series: starring your favorite actresses

Life in Gaza from the perspective of a freedom fighter who is labelled a terrorist by the Zionist Nazi Party

Live action of this

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>Must pander to Burlington Bar
Is that the new way of saying r*ddit?

A better GoT highly inspired by The Black Company series and written by an actually competent author.

fuck year right here.

Correct response

I would finally give the world the epic Dragon Ball adaptation it is has been begging for. Starring Idris Elba as Son Goku and Michael B Jordan as Vegeta.


Warhammer 40K but everybody is a cute girl.

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The Red Rising series, duh.

Obviously make an interactive experience where the Burlington Bar can effect the outcome by clapping loudly and giving the finger to the villains

Then when I've lulled them into a false sense of security, I will make an episode where twitter goes INSANE and blame it all on Burlington Bar...and then film my reaction as normies storm the bar!

Is season one of Game of Thrones potentially the greatest adaptation ever put to screen? Its nearly perfect, word for word. Shame about the rest of the series.

How good is Black Company?

That man was pure alpha. A three-way empire-wide civil war would be probably too much for normies to handle, they would have to present Aurelian as a virtuous hero who fights the evil hordes that invaded two portions of the empire. Although one of them is led by a woman, so Aurelian might as well be the bad guy.
Definitely too complex for normies

its grimdark, edgy shit

>you must pander to the Burlington Bar audience
Redpill me on what this is, I must be out of the loop. Newest buzzword?

Yeah but I think it needs a series

The Stand adaptation

I just take the money and run.


I'd make a Lynchian show featuring a tranny that goes from his birth to the time he decides to chop his dick off. New showrunners can take over from there

it's those cunts who cry when they watch GoT like they're 5

Dora the Explorer live action knock off

But starring only gay male child actors (18+)

episodes may contain explicit scenes

WW1 era political drama

but it is good? I like grimdark edgy stuff, if that helps

A bunch of pretentious social justice types sitting in a bar watching GoT, being recorded whilst doing so.

Basically what I thought the Romanovs were gonna be instead of shit

the first three books fucking suck

If you want grimdark edgy game of thrones type shit read the First Law trilogy

A show that focuses on the political families leading up too and through ww1 and the Russian revolution could be awsome as fuck

Also a Napoleon show that goes from his early days as an artillary commander fighting on the frontiers while thenfrench revolution churns in the background all the way through Waterloo

>a final season of Napoleon escaping exile and marching through France rising the people for one final fight against the European monarchs


But plebs probably think Napoleon was like Hitler or something so they won’t show him in a good light

>tfw you will never see Napoleon unloading grapeshot into mobs of proto-commies

It hurts lads

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really just read the first. the end of the third is absolute shit

The one major event in American history that has not been given a good screen adaptation is the great Chicago fire. If you wanted to make a series out of it, it could be an anthology series about Chicago history. The 1893 Columbia Exposition and HH Holmes, the gangster bootleg era, the Ft Dearborn massacre, the reversing of the river, Bath House John and Hinkie Dink Kenna, Leopold & Loeb, the Scopes Monkey Trial, reversing the flow of the river, etc. but a lot of those things have been done. The fire, done correctly, would be beyond epic. The roof of a warehouse blew off and jumped the river, which is how the fire spread. It would be like a Game of Thrones battle episode mixed with Titanic.

>a show about a fire that doesn’t fucking matter to anyone outside of Chicago

Don’t make me puke


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All the historical suggestions aren't gonna cut it try harder faggots. We need action we need CGI we need gritty realism nihilism and characters with shades of grey as well as a feeling of mystery and horror.

It all goes to shit after season 5

Would definitely adapt this

>show about ww1
>show about Napolean
>show about a medieval civil war where both sides have Greek fire and literally inspired the entire idea of kings landing in GOT.

There is plenty of fighting and fodder for action

I go for the cuckold audience

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Two season historical drama on the Reconquista. Focus on the moors for a fourth of the show to appeal to discord trannies.

Would normies watch it? Probably not. But it would be kino.

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Planescape: Torment or Persona

Which persona?

I dont like any of it normies wont like it. I need world ending stakes, lots of sex quippy ironic dialogue and morally grey shit. Also I need dragons or some kind of CGI monster.

P4 probably


ill check them out, thanks user


back talking hbo like that is going to get you kicked out of the writers room

season 5 is dog shit. the show falls off a cliff after season 4 - and thats subsequently when it became extremely popular. fucking normies

lets say i have 50years left before i die.
i will make a documentary about how i spend over 20.000 a day on whatever i want. 1 episode will be 24hours. every season will have around 9000 episodes. 18000 episodes total, or around 50years.
the deal is made, nobody can stop me. fuck HBO.

Why do you want cool things to be destroyed and fucked up by movie faggotry?

So Steven Spielberg present's Taken?

>no moral grey, political backstabbing and sex in the French Revolution, World War One, and the Byzantine court during a civil FUCKING WAR

This shouldn make me rage but my inner history nerd this pisses me off however you are probably right. Plebs are fools.

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Easy. Harry Potter the series. Ratings will be insane. The books were much much better than the movie adaptations and doing it as a series will allow the series to be much more immersive.

BLACKED: The Series

how many characters would be gay in your version?

Tow long a time period just narrow down to focus on the last campaigns to oust them from corduba

the only correct answer here is Metro

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I'd make an anime adaptation of Final Fantasy Tactics

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Read the first and then everything after the trilogy. Heroes is fucking based.

A series about Tudor era England. One can never miss with that.

>all these idiots posting material with no YAS KWEN SLAY moments in it
Ok here are the things the source material MUST HAVE if HBO ever thinks of make an adaptation

1-NO SCI-FI (no space, no giant robots none of that shit) AT MOST something like blade runner
2- The main character can be a guy but it MUST have a strong Kwen to slay shit
3- the source cannot be japanese shit you weeb fucks

Ok what is there left

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I can hear you clapping, American.

I want to see a good adaptation and his whole story from the 1790’s -1816

all of them except dumbeldore. he's a pedophile in my version.

The events depicted in the Kingdom of Heaven but historically accurate except for the fact that Sybilla is actually a secret Shia and lover of Saladin who is inducted into the ranks of the Hashashin and every major death is actually her doing mad ninja shit throughout the Kingdom of Jerusalem and County of Tripoli.

I'd do the Iliad with the goal to move onto the Odyssey after. And I'd have Lena Heady play Circe.

Reboot The Munsters and cast Scott the Woz as Eddie.

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Hnnnnnng fucking based. One book could fill half a decade of content without breaking a sweat

Obviously Harry Potter serie. Literally the easiest goddamn thing in the world if JK Rowling wants to play ball.

Make it gritty as fuck, start off with Harry almost getting killed as a baby and kill a beloved main character in the first season (Dumbledore, Snape or Hagrid) so everyone's all hyped about the 'new' game of thrones show.

Also, no complex and muddy historical settings. Things like Byzantium, WWI or Napoleon are most definitely ruled out.


The series literally starts with him shooting at the Parisian mob.

Bloorborne series, concluded in 2 seasons so all following seasons don't ruin my vision.

Burlington Bar audience would probably hate it though.

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The only good answer is Reconquista

>Bad Muslims
>Good Muslims
>Bad Christians
>Good Christians
>Strong women

Don't listen to dipshit over there it's the best written thing in fantasy since Wolfe croaked.

Elric of Melnibone'
Starting with the 1st book.
Aiming for one book per season.

>Season 3
>quippy Stormbringer
>Moonglum is now a sassy stronk blackwomanwhodontneednoman. always calling Elric "white boy"
>Smiorgan was a tranny the whole time, which is retarded as fuck becuase the between the gods of chaos and the Melnibonean court all that degenerate shit is covered 1000 fold, but oh well, fuck it I got paid

At least Seasons 1 and 2 would be metal as fuck.

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kind of. without the retarded ending

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Dresden Files (better than the scifi one)

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the best choice would actually be bone if only the 3 main characters weren't literally doodles
My god imagine the burlington bar when Thorn literally goes full YES KWEN SLAY

Feminist would gobble this shit like they gobble abortion pills

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>actually good

The shadow of the torturer book adaptation with lots of pussy in it

Back to /pol/ with you


Space vikings with Greek myth parallels.

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Is this shit like Game of Thrones? Which would be easier to make into a tv show? Also don't tell me to read this shit books are for fags

I make a $1million adaption of John Carter of Mars and I pocket the $399million and take it to Amazon and make a new John Carter of Mars series 3 years later with full creative control

Carnivale seasons 3-6 I want to see the other two books.

>Tfw we'll never know Lodz true intentions
>Tfw we'll never hear another Brother Justin hate speech
>Tfw we'll never see Ben and Justin come to a compromise to try and stop the nuke
>Tfw we'll never see another Sampson soliloquies opening
>Tfw we'll never see the Lizard Man again

And I forgot one more

>Tfw we'll never see Jonesy play baseball again

Ben healing Jonesy has to be one of the most underrated and saddest moments in modern TV history.

>everyone in this thread straight up forgetting the 'pander to the Burlington Bar audience' condition


I mean, look at this shit and tell this isn't some shit the GoT writers would come up with and the GoT fans wouldn't love
as I said, too bad the main characters are cartoons otherwise this would be a gold mine

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I'd make an Isekai

looks like some manchild beta bullshit

Fasbinder or James Franco for Dresden

Adapt Pluto.

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and this is exactly why it would made loads of money

robots/androids are a money repellent
never gonna happen

I finally make the high budget tv series of the warlord chronicles which I wanted. I would try to follow the books as close as possible.
Also the last kingdom is based on the book series by the same writer and its pretty popular so I'm actually optimistic.

>fucking up warhammer
Yes please. My shitty game group has become 40k cocksuckers and thats all they want to do anymore. If you kill it i will personally give you like 2 grand

A series about the reconquista. First season showing muslims doing their thing: raping, enslaving, spreading their religion of peace, murdering and pedophiles. Then show who the good guys are and epic battles and sieges slaughtering thousands of Muslims and niggers.

Rome Season 3-5

In contrast to this faggot I'll make a tv series about the seljuk empire .
First season will be about how Seljuk and his tribe left central asia, conquered persia and adapted to settled life.
Second and third season will be about the seljuks massacring greek boy diddlers by the thousands.

You have to do it the opposite way round for Burlington Bar crowd user. Don't you know muslims are just misunderstood and Christians were the real aggressors. Normies wont stand for your historic revisionism.


you guys are actually terrible at pitching ideias, do you guys actually think the fat girls from the burlington bar will gather to watch a series about the Byzantine empire? I mean come the fuck on

They were royalists he grapeshotted, not Jacobins.

Adapt Gundam 0079.

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They'll watch anything if it's memed hard enough

Animated version of 120 days of sodom

>you really think fat girls would watch a fantasy series about dragons and magical Whitches and ice zombies

Yes there is plenty of yaaasss queen and evil step mom shit in Byzantine history to win over women

They are great setting, but the problems is that there is none of what I would call the nerd fetish shit of fantasy he you can't redditise history with meme or feminist characters

Eh whatever still kino

Byzantium could work with Justinian and Theodora, her especially for the queen slay crowd

The Years of Rice and Salt adaptation. No evil white men, muslims are the heroes, strong women yas queens in china, north america and islamic western europe

It will be a redpill, they can't fight it. Based on real history facts.
Just read the legend and how beautiful would play on screen :

Two words:
First season is setting up the crew, Second Season is the heist - show runners can do whatever after the heist

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>, they can't fight it.
how innocent you must be

I would like this- i think.

A documentary series following trannies around until they kill themselves

I adapt this. They can yass queen slay over the jewess the MC bangs or the german warcrime victim lady that teenage girl who uses her biathlon regional championship skills to kill like three dozen croatian mercenaries, while us based and redpilled epic memers enjoy based gustavus adolphus

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Τhere are endless possibillities with Byzantium.
You can have the barbaric proto christians raze temples and burn libraries and art, you can have psycotic emperors burn christians at the stake or have them fight lions, you can have the iconoclasm which is basically christian civil war with lots of blood and violent riots. Empresses killing their sons, praetorian guards murdering nuns or royal families, paranoid Emprerors killing thousands just because, traitorous generals and rebellions, savage mongol hordes and jihad.

What an era.

Very little like game of thrones. Basically a philosophy book first, follows several groups of people going through a continent wide civil war. Shitloads of magic though, literally impossible to adapt. First scene is the immortal son of darkness flying a... Mechanical asteroid shooting lasers down at the human army as they are blown to pieces and almost all die

Would make 2 seasons of True Detective and leave it at that

Also-fucking-lutly yes.

Reboot the Real Sex series and have interesting episodes on "sugar dating" sites and more American prostitution and human trafficking.

Make a two season show of 12 episodes. Every episode is 5 seconds long. Just a recording of a wall. Pay myself 400 million dollars and leave.

I've got an even better idea...

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Based and Ka Pilled

they're already making the boys though

"the last jewess"

Its 1963 the last jewess is in hiding somewhere in East Prussia ,SS odd couple Oberleutnant Muller and Kretz have been assigned to task hunt her down.

Takes place over five seasons.

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Say it ain't so. They're going to fucking ruin it.

Best served cold is great.

>3 published
>10 planned
I was unironically considering reading this for a second.

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Elder Scrolls.

I've wanted to see a story about a guy who for whatever reason was isolated his entire life. Maybe he lived with his dad in the forest as a young boy and learned how to survive but then his dad passed away. Fast forward 30 years, he gets discovered and we follow him as therapists slowly introduce him to our society and we watch him learn how to talk and interact with people. Maybe it would work better as a book but I think it's an interesting vehicle to examine society.

Random anime Isakai, but live action with dicks and Tits.

look up Bad Boy Bubby

a Mormon book on HBO...

Mini-series, then I’d pocket any left over cash.

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Berserk tv series starring Idris Elba as Guts and Michael B Jordan as Griffith

That looks really good, thanks.

nah this one won't go over well with the normies. They should adapt the one with the magical teenage assasin metal bender instead

It would be like Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee but instead: Intellectuals In International Waters Doing Cocaine. I'd finally give Zizek a reason to sniffle.

And there is lots of gaps other than the major events so there is plenty of room to add characters and events and politicking that doesn’t tinterfere with our understanding of true events

Curb Your Enthusiasm but not fiction and with Kanye West.

Fuck you, Hollyweirdo. Come up with your own ideas.

A 12 episode series on MJ/Pippen and Rodmans dominance during the 90s finals

Adapt Crossed. The bar audience would flip their shit. First season is the original Garth Ennis run with Psychopath, the Livers, and Amanda running alongside it as a pre-credits storyline, ten episode season with episode 5 ending on a cliffhanger for both storylines then episode 6 is just a full adaptation of American Quitters. Second season is Wish You Were Here with the Twins, the Quisling and Smokey, and Smokeyville running alongside it as a pre-credits storyline, with the episode 6 bait-and-switch being the Fatal Englishman. After that I don't give a fuck what happens to it.

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Sandman, SAGA, or Mass Effect

Live action Evangelion directed by denis villeneuve