Why is everyone being a bitch to her

>Sansa refusing to accept her as queen even after my Kalee C humbly comes to her and explains her position
> Jon being a bitch and refusing to shut up at least until the war is over
> Everybody ignoring her at dinner and shit right after she saved all their worthless lives
> The dwarf being a useless bitch, can't even send scout ahead their fleet, makes her lose one of her babies
>no one consoles her after that, they're just worried about the worthless people of king's landing
> Varys immediately jumping shit
> Sansa immediately plotting against her
Hope she fries them all like her father wanted

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incel dany is so cute bros

This episode made me feel for Dany. She did the right thing and is getting punished for it. Shame she's going to go mad like her father and Jon will have to kill her.

have sex

Fuck. How come no one sat with her?

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as someone else explained, D&D are such shitty writers, they are supposed to her make her go off the deepend mad, instead, they made it so she has righteous indignation that is totally justified. they write the opposite of what they intend


>blazes a path of fire, death and destruction across the continent
>boo hoo no one wants to be my friend :( :( :(

This is Dany. Currently she's sad, mad, lonely and confused.

How would you cheer her up, Yea Forums?

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she's going to shoot up her school

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Has she ever been nice to anyone? She's always in "do what I say or dragons" mode.

who else has been this person before?

I know I have.

Fuck her. If that manlet Jon can satisfy her so can I.

How is usurping her nephews throne the right thing?

She's forgiven all those meatbags from murdering her entire family, then saved their lives. Nicer than they deserve.

Imagine being her this scene right here
>my only beta orbiter is dead
>they won't let me bring my nog orbiters to dinner
>all these norf people with norf traditions I dont know what the fuck they are doing
>oh god is that a wildling "joke"? was that supposed to be funny?
>my butt hurt, I wish I was riding my dragons

Shoe on head

top kek this, mad queen dany at this point would be justifiably pissed off dany

She deserves all of it. Everything great about her was nothing more than in-universe memes.


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I was talking about going North instead of just BTFOing Cercei and taking King's Landing.

Her fatal flaw is that she wants to rule over everything at all costs. That's an evil trait that can't be surpassed. Imagine if she had gone to the north with a proposal of acknowledging their independence. That would've won everyone right away. But no, she had to play the power hungry girl.

is that a joke? exactly why does she think she deserves the throne? she's a great conqueror thanks to her dragons but she clearly can't rule as we've seen the previous seasons. everywhere she goes it turns to shit
she doesn't even care about the well being of people and isn't even smart enough to pretend: she just sent an exhausted army to fight again lol

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She saved them so she'll have who to rule, not because she's nice.

but muh rights

I would acknowledge it if she wasn't so entitled to rewards for doing it.
>I came here, when I shouldn't have, and fought for you, and my armies died so you all SHOULD BE THANKING ME AND CALLING ME YOUR QUEEN
Fuck that attittude.

She came to Westeros to conquer an entire continent in one fell swoop. Her going North was in a large part because she couldn't stand being hated by literally everyone.

Bitch should've stayed in Essos where they actually liked and revered her. She spent so long gaining their trust, and now she wants to use everyone who adores her and toss them in a meat grinder just so she can sit on the Iron Throne and rule a bankrupt, war-ravaged country full of people who don't know or like her.

She was cute. I just want to hug her bro's

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>cower in a crpyt while zombies slaughter women and children despite having the only weapon in the room that can 1 hit KO them
>act like a cunt to the person who fought and saved her frozen shit hole at cost to her life and army

Another reasom the Night King should have won

They will rue the day. She is the rightful Queen.
Fire will cleanse the rats from the city. Their filth will evaporate into smoke. Slay the heathens, the degenerates, the schemers, the weak. Leave only the true, the pure, the loyal, the strong. Begin again fresh and let the past die.

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She IS cute

Reminder Ramsay was right about Sansa
>hurr Sansa is the smartest person
This cunt is just Littlefinger 2.0 but without the charisma

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>let the past die.
KyloXDany when?

After it's all said & done, she has lost a lot fighting someone elses cause.

Not only does she have only 1 nuclear bomb left in her dragon which is neutralised now by Cersei because she was advised not to attack, thus giving her time to build a defense. She lost most of her army, & also the people that grew with her, that are essentially part of her identity.

Jorah was there from start to end, Missandei was like a sister. She only has Greyworm (meh) & Daario from across the seas.

Her identity (friends she grew with), & power have come at a cost, & she really can't fight her own battles anymore & no one seems eager to help her, despite sacrificing for them.

yep, she really is /ourgirl/ ;_;

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Her love and lust for Jon is her downfall.

Dany needs to realize you need military advisors and political advisors not making both of them the same thing.

Same here. It's funny because I hate Dany and always have but actually felt more sorry for her here in the "turns evil" episode than I have the whole show.
I'll give Emilia credit for some surprisingly good acting here. The music in this scene was really good too.

This. I want her to go full incel school shooting mode and roast the entire King's Landing. And while Tyrion is objecting roast him too.

& tyrion & varys aren't loyal as evident by the last episode. I bet if she could, she'd have Viserys there with her, just so she can be reminded of where she came from & not feel alone.

she got cucked you mean

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She is a cunt

Why are danyfags so annoying?

they cut the scene where sansa and tyrion fought zombies, dumbass
and even if that was true that why does the fact that salsa is a coward should make us root for an insane, entitled and power hungry person?

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Her mistake is trying to conquer backwater Westeros when her people are from Essos. She needs to go back home and realize these white cunts will never accept her.

>She's forgiven all those meatbags from murdering her entire family
Jaime for killing her father because he's gone completely mad and murdered Rickard Stark and Brandon Stark in cold blood for absolutely no reason and was about to commit a genocide for no reason?
Her rapist/lover killed her brother.

hey wana burn kings landing my queen? fire and blood after all. not gonna lie id be a sycophant just to her smile lads

Because ruling is hard and have sex incels.

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>What the fuck is that?

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what did she really sacrifice? Her destiny? She only fights for what she thinks is owed to her because of her family. Her whole story is a lost cause.
She helped the north because if the white walkers won, her fight for the throne would've been meaningless.

>she has lost a lot fighting someone elses cause.

It wasn't someone else's cause, it was everyone and especially hers that claim to be Westeros' Queen and protector. She's a fraud, a stupid bully and everyone can see it.

She could stay in dragonstone and done nothing

>mfw the Mad Queen is going to be put down

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should've, just like the pirate said

The NK would come for her.

Cersei has no right to the throne now but no one has the balls to kick her off so its might is right for the Retarderos people.

>we all would have died if you hadn’t come north to save us but we’re not going to even thank you or show a bit of gratitude for sacrificing a lot for us even though you didn’t have to
nah, fuck that attitude

I would've sat down with her and shared a Starbucks coffee with her unironically.

Kys astroturf nigger faggot

>Leave only the true, the pure, the loyal, the strong, the white. Begin again fresh and let the past die.

>Not cute
kys actual faggot

When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.

She pushed everyone away with her horrible lust for power. Jon isn't there with her because she doesn't let him in when it comes to ruling matters. When she asks his opinion, she always expects him to agree with her, and when he never does it, she stops asking because she doesn't want to be questioned. Same with Tyrion and Varys who have to forcefully intervene in order to stop her. How did she push Sansa away? By not respecting the North's decision to ask for their independence, a decision they earned with rivers of blood. She talked to Sam in such a cold hearted way about the death of his brother, a lack of empathy that would be dangerously cathastrophic while ruling a whole kingdom.

No one wants to help her, because she doesn't want to let anyone help her.

Danyfags are so low they have to compare their queen to Cersei. Nobody but KL and some deluded lords want her on the throne.

You must be a poo in loo to find that disgusting bong cute. If that's so, i am sorry for you cannot fight the impulses that run through your veins. The impulse to be enslaved by the brittons.

>she really can't fight her own battles anymore
She's never fought her own battles though. Unless you want to count arson against Dothraki matrons, which involved nothing more sophisticated than tipping over a torch.

What part of MIGHT IS RIGHT cant you understand?


If they were going to give her such fake looking white hair, the least they could have done was to color her eyebrows too. There's no consistency. Her character design looks like a low-budget LOTR elf cosplay.

Why would a political leader fight in a battle? This isnt the bronze age where Alexander the great can ride with his soldiers fast forward centuries later and he gets killed by archers.

The realm still remembers what the mad king did and all the problems that Targ's caused. Robert's rebellion was only 25 years ago.


Except it's not, and that's why both Dany and Cersei will fall.

If she didn't entertain the idea, they wouldn't have had a dragon to pass the wall in the first place. She could have taken Kings Landing right there & then & then rallied to the North. But them asking her to help their cause accelerated it until she had little choice. Ideally, she would help their cause & still have enough intact to remain in good sted in rallying the people she helped, to add to her numbers in the conquest of the throne. But she gambled having being advised & won the battle but can no longer finish the war without the help of others. Ultimately it was a choice she made for selfish & selfless reasons, like most reasons.

>Saying she's never fought her own battles though
>She rides a dragon into battle

Aegon literally did that. If Aegon was smart he would have jsut genocided the kingdoms he didnt need like the North for example they are basically middle age Sweden tier that adds nothing to Westeros.

is there anything worse than danyfags?

Coffee breathe

People in the north didn't care for her help, didn't ask for her help, certainly wasn't willing to give her anything for her help, and definitely they weren't going to bend the knee just because she helped them. Would they be dead right now if it wasn't for her? Maybe, but then again, maybe not, after all Arya won the fight, not Dany. Dany gave the NK a dragon.

Imagine being Sansa in that moment and having to be all like "damn, Daenerys Stormborn, you fuckin' smart, all plotting with your huge body and horrific Targaryen insanity genes. I would totally ally my house to you, both my brother and my siblings." when all she really wants to do is fix the logistics and financial situation of the realm. Like seriously imagine having to be Sansa and not only sit in that room while Daenerys Stormborn flaunts her foreign revolutionary queen status front of you, the awful lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and crazy eyes, and just sit there, drink after drink, hour after hour, while she perfected that speech. Not only having to tolerate her barbarian horsefuckers but her feminist attitude as everyone at the feast tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, TARGARYEN RULE LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her parade her legions of trannies and brown people you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been enduring nothing but a healthy diet of spymaster plotting and rape marriages for 10 years. You've never even seen anything this fucking pathetic before, and now you swear you can taste the horse shit wafting around her as she flaunts her royal prerogative at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to give her the hospitality of the North and revel in her "benevolent (for that is what she calls herself)" rule, the rule she worked so hard for with slavemaster genocide in the previous years. And Jon calls you for another toast, and you know you could have slipped tears of lys into the food killing everyone in the room before Varys found out, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Sansa. You're not going to throw away the future of House Stark just for this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

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>lets dragon breath fire
>doen't actually do any fighting herself


Aegon's time has passed. Keep up with the plot.

She unironically looks better in blonde than with her natural dark hair.

Im pointing out the Dumberosi submitted to might is right. The problem Aegon did was not completely replacing Westeros with the Essosian people his kind came from in order to ensure his rule for good. Demography is destiny after all.

>Why would a political leader fight in a battle?
Because it would show both commitment to the fight, and firsthand experience with the brutality of the conflict. Those that rule from a distance in absentia of the reality of their decisions make for terrible rulers.

John is respected because he's put his life on the line for both his goals and his fellow fighters. You don't whine, moan, and plead for others to respect you like Dany tends to do. You show it through your actions. Despite everything she has gone through, she is still annoyingly impetuous, impulsive, prone to hubris, and demanding of others. She asks of others what she is rarely willing to do herself. Add in her regular unwillingness to seriously consider expert advice and she will make a crappy ruler. Let alone an administrator or King's Hand.

>why is everyone being a bitch to her
She's an upstart cunt and a foreign invader who keeps calling herself Queen, and demands fealty from people who've just fought a bloody war to obtain independence in which

>their royal family/king was betrayed and murdered in the most gruesome and humiliating way possible
>they were forced endure a reign of terror from the psychopaths who killed them

Then after that, they were forced to fight an army on undead abominations. The last thing they want is the last scion of the house who burned the leader of their original leading family to death to arrogantly demand worship.

All the nonsensical plotholes in this season and you choose to complain about this. Fuck you. Daenerys is the villain, and always has been.

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I when I heard the spoilers of her fate, I thought it'd be fun because I haven't been a fan of hers at all for 98% of the show, but I think the shows made all the other characters so unlikable, & her the victim I've found a soft spot where I hope she burns them all.

Oh, okay. So imagine going into a battle and your horse does 95% of the fighting. She should really be respected for the 5% she put in. Ignoring that her own poor tactical decisions have been the root cause of the deaths of all of her dragons so far.

Yeah the way they're making everyone hate her is not flowing well and actually making me take her side

>has been

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she needs to go full aegon the conqueror

Jon is only alive due to plot, you dont send our leaders in wars unless they are military leaders you dumb shit.

Jon is respected only by the North, the rest of Westeros doesnt give a shit about him to the point they rather have Cersei on the throne. Jon is too much of a moral oral to be a king he would become a hand's puppet in a couple of weeks.

The moment she becomes the most sane character twatter and plebbit start to hate her. Since when was burning cities against the rules of war. I hope she burns everything.

>arya won the fight
true, but I have a tough time believing arya would have gotten the chance to do that if danys army and dragon weren’t helping to keep a good amount of the dead at bay. As for the people not asking for her help it just goes to show how worthless the people in the north are. all they’ve managed to do in the show now is make me hate pretty much everyone in westeros, so I’m glad she’s going to go scorched earth on them now. even if I didn’t ask for it I’d still show some appreciation if someone saved me

Guys Its SO PREDICTABLE. They have no chance on winning a siege against cersei. So what do they need? John Fooking Snow, because he is the true heir of the thrown and Cersei has no right being there what will cause a rebellion in the people inside red keep...

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Have sex.

>She did the right thing and is getting punished for it

Isn't that a running theme for the show. I mean that's been happening since like first season with Ned Stark.

I hope she rapes Sansa again

Why is Varys acting like someone wont assasinate Jon if he tried to become king?

>this is the thing you notice

Damn she looks so fashy, I love it. Look at that red and white. Would worship as my God-Queen Empress 10/10.

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In before Gendry becomes king after Jon and Dany both die. He'll probably marry Arya and have little assassin babies.

Spoilers already said Jon kills Dani and goes to Castle black and bran becomes King

>stops being center of attention for a day
>Goes into full meltdown mode
All hail teh queen!

>Daenerys is the villain, and always has been.

This has been clear from the start. Her lust for power and wanting her throne back when it was taken away rightfully through conflict, neverminding that Jon or now Gendry have a stronger or equal claims.

the moral of the story: be more like stalin, even napoleon got cucked by his ((advisors)) and made men

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>find dany an annoying cunt
>show starts shitting on her and portraying her insane
>normalfags turn on her
>suddenly want her to torch shit landing

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Gender is a bastard

The Ayra killed the NK argument is so dumb. It's like ksing in vidya, "look I killed him :^)", yeah & what about the 100,000 people who got you to that point? we'll just send you vs the entire dead next time so you can get the last hit essentially.

Not anymore.

The part with Jon going to the wall makes no sense since there's no more white walkers, but everything is possible with Dumb & Dumber

sounds terrible.

bran will tear down the wall in relation to his namesake bran the builder, Jon will probably sit on the throne and arya is just gonna wander the world

Honestly, she should have ignored all the useless advice and did as her ancestor did.
You bend the knee or you burn with everyone with you.
Had she sent letter demanding everyone to bend the knee and burned couple of cities down, the rebellion would have been over, she would still have had all 3 dragons, and the NK would still be stuck on the other side of the wall.

>No more WW
>Wildlings are ally
He just wants to go back

I'd hump her ass

Either you're loved by everyone like Alexander or feared by everyone like Stalin, there is no middle ground.

Daenerys is pretty much a nice guy, she is very transparent and that put people off

ohh man she is gonna fuck them all up, including women and children. can't fucking wait.

>Sansa enjoyed it the whole time

Ned Stark never trusted Cat for good reason.

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She's an insane tyrant with no claim to the throne.

The throne is rightfully hers, or at least that's what we thought.

This actually made me support her. They're betraying her for no reason and giving her shit advice all the time.

This. Tyrion and Varys are turning against her too. I can't help but relate to Dany now.

Last night I dragon CIA you’re sister?

No usurping going on. Jon already bent the knee before and after he found out his birthright.

Who cares there is only one episode left.

The worst's Jon. She asks him not to tell anyone. She begs him. He knows Sansa's being a bitch. And he can't wait at least until the war is decided? what a treacherous pos.

she should've noped back to mereen to her sweet daario, and left westeros fight the WW by themselves... the NK wouldn't have a dragon so the wall would still be standing, even if he somewhat breached the wall, he would still get rekt by arya, since the dothraki leroy jenkinsed and the unsullied sacrified themselves for nothing...
she could have waited then attacked kings landing by night, just her and her 3 dragons, that's what aegon and his sisters did, but somehow this bitch wanted to go up north to get a zombie to get cercei to help them, and lost a fucking dragon doing it kek....
dnd are either doing it on purpose or they're sub 80 IQ jews

Asks him? She begged him.

no one needs assault dragons.

Shes an outsider and she's getting an outsiders welcome. Who the fuck in the north is going to bend the knee to her? All she got going for is her retarded dragons. She's utterly useless.

Targ autism

Activate order 66

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>Drogon will see Jon kill Dany
>won't harm him

Wtf? If someone did that to my mom I would've wracked them. Drogon confirmed worst dragon son.

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yeah I said both, his tsundere queen gf begs him and he can't even do it in exchange of her becoming an anal sex slave or something because his bitch sisters deserve to know? why'd they care anyway?

But everybody feared Alexander.

Yeah that quarter Indian woman looks really fashy.
Kill yourself /r/the_donald cuckold.

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Finger in the bum

you wouldn't know she's 1/4th Indian hadn't you been told.
Go back to /pol/

Literally just got done watching it

>Varys is literally based
>Sansa tries too hard to be CIA
>Jaime will try to kill Cersei, dies to Mountain
>Dany will get her yass queen moment with Cersei
>Jon arrives to a ruined KL, puts Dany down, king in da norf and in da souf


It's pretty easy to tell when she's not coated in makeup designed to make her look white.
Hell, you could even tell in some of the earlier seasons. She's very, very dark-skinned and her skin texture is not terribly English-looking.

Sansa is unironically a Mean Girl character.

Same here, melted my heart.


Dany (in the books and show, though she's a kid in the books so it's more understandable) doesn't know how to wheel and deal, that's what being a king in that equivalent time period was all about: traveling with your court around the country and keeping the nobility happy.
I mean, the lords "under" her are being ungrateful as well, but she keeps stamping her feet and expecting the lords to fall in line just because. Keeping the nobles happy was the one of the things Robert was good at doing during the beginning of his reign, most of the lords liked him as a person or at least respected him/saw him as useful. Dany doesn't mingle or show any flex, so she eats alone and everyone flocks to Jon.

hitler was the avatar of vishnu so indians are a okay

>why does no one want to sit with me?
>this wine tastes funny
>it's cold here
>Jon look at me
>I wonder what Jorah- oh
>Look over here Jon look at me
>Maybe I should smile more
>Why does Sansa keep ghosting me?

>he thinks there weren’t archers during the Bronze Age

they are about to kill her or fuck her whole story.


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Has Daenerys ever made a joke before?

she has social anxiety

tall jokes

when jorah died she absobed his incel powers

Sansa hates her cuz shes fucking jon. She probably cant admit it to herself but shes jealous and blames her feelings on anything other than the fact she cant stop picturing them together

>"Hey I just made Renly the Lord of Storm's End, that's pretty cool righ-"
>"o-oh your going to go celebrate with him over there? O-okay ;_;"



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>group of people just wants to be left alone
>you don't leave them alone
>group of people starts disliking you for not leaving them alone
wew, this is truly burguerland thinking alright

two episodes, brainlet.
she's a foreign invader

When se stood up and went outside in that scene, I thought for a moment that she had had enough of this and was going to go all Mad King dracarys on Winterfell, like in Godfather 3.

it's almost like the one big happy family act was out of desperation because they needed this delusional brat's help to defeat the army of the dead and now that's over they want to kick out the cool wine aunt as quick as they possibly can without becoming dragon food

This. It seemed as if they wanted to make her look paranoid but 10 minutes later everyone is conspiring against her. She would be totally justified in burning them all to crisp for treason. D&D are trash writters without the fatso´s guidance. They have pulled some shit before but they are really out doing themseleves here.

>After it's all said & done, she has lost a lot fighting someone elses cause.

Dany's whole character is her desire to be queen of Westeros, how is it someone else's fight? If Jon and the Starks died fighting the Others in Winterfell alone, then the south and the rest of the continent would follow. It was all their problem, just Cersi gambled they could solve it without her.

I mean really Dany's character just fucking sucks. Waaa I'm born to be queen, give it to me. All her decisions end up in either tragedy or strife, and she loses her shit if someone so much as points out her own idiotic incompetence. This girl literally sailed across the narrow sea with an army of marauding savages and slave soldiers, plus dragons, to conquer the continent, and yet she's butthurt that people don't roll out the red carpet for her?! I mean c'mon, shit is retarded.

Are people really surprised by this?
Dany has been a cunt almost the entire series.
Glad her and her army of fairies are getting bent.

I honestly hope that if they kill Dany... Jon gives everyone the finger and fuck off back to the north letting them to deal with the shitty politics.

Meeting Jon was the worst thing to have ever happened to her. What's even more sad is that she's more in love with him than he is with her.

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Yeah see the thing about imperial conquest is that it helps to have people to actually conquer. Unless you have lots of settlers to colonize the place, you’re going to need to leave some people alive if you want to get anything in return.

This. Jon is a cunt.

> Sweet home Alabama.

Drogon´s probably going to try and fry Jon to the crisp but fire can´t hurt the dragon

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>> Everybody ignoring her at dinner and shit right after she saved all their worthless lives
oh yeah, like when she landed on a flying nuke in the middle of a sea of wights, instead of just, you know, hovering

I haven't watched the show since it overtook the books, is Young Griff involved at all or has that plotline been cut?

Justice for Jorah

Yeah, her holy mother saint bullshit pisses me off. Shes a cunt that brought thousands of useless rapists to westeros, I mean the dothraki didn't even do anything besides dying lmao and her dragon crashed the wall... She is so useless on this side of the sea...

wtf I'm a danyfag now

because she is a fucking bitch, that is why. She deserves to die, she is a controlling privileged cunt. Fuck her

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Turned me on that she still wanted to fuck Jon even though she knows she's his aunt.

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>has every right to go solo and ape shit and take the throne for herself

Dickhead&Dunce cannot write for fucking shit.

I haven't liked Dany for a few seasons, but she will officially be /mygirl/ if she snaps and finally puts Cersei out of all our misery.

Can't wait to see based Dany torching the fuck out of KL. In the end, she was right to want to do it a season ago.


She's actually justified doing so too. Stupid writers.

Yeah, burn all those innocent people.

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>some stupid dumb bitch born with a silver spoon in her mouth even in exile
>lives her whole life among savages in the east
>comes back to westeros like 20 years later
>expects everyone to be like "oh thank god kweeny is back let us rejoice and kiss her feet"
>she doesnt realize or even seem to care that literally all of the main characters rebelled against her dumb fucking entitled family
>is clearly a power hungry megalomaniac
>wHy iS eVeRyoNe bEinG a bItCh tO HeR

Who would have thought Yea Forums would trun danyfags?

Bravo D&D

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It's not fair bros, why can't things ever go her way?

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she should have done it
with her already proven teleporation skills, she could have wiped out cersei, had a snack and a nap, then went to go defeat the night king (read, stall until arya showed up), all without breaking a sweat and losing two dragons. the writing has gone downhill since around s4, the fact that we're being fed this garbage at the end is infuriating. mad at myself for caring this long to be served a shit sandwich

Am I seriously supposed to believe that people besides Varys and Jon give a shit about peasants now?

Since when has Tyrion given a damn about the soiled masses?

Bitch ranking:
> Jon
> Sansa
> Tyrion
> Varys
> Everyone that ignored her at dinner

he doesnt which is why he apparently burns the city with wildfire and blames it on dany, leading jon to kill her at least according to some leaks

I honestly hope this is true because it would be kind of a return to form

If she loves him that much, why doesn't she want to share the throne? It's literally the fucking solution to all her problems.

>all the apologetics for some insane, inbred roastie
>people on twitter, YouTube, real life and even fucking Yea Forums unironically support the massacre of innocent civilians just because Gregor beheaded some negress
The moral compass of progressive Danyfags, everyone.

this guy gets it

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She would but he's acting like a prude now that he knows she's his aunt, no way he would marry her now. The faggot.

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holy shit that would actually be awesome

>live footage of Cersei from KL next episode

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>Tywin gif

I do hope you see the irony here.

She was literally begging him to hide the secret so she could rule all by herself, I don't see how is that predisposition to rule together

How is Dany any different than Cersei at this point?

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Dany has to suffer negative consequences from her actions.

Remember when Cersei blew up the Vatican and then stopped being the Queen Mother due to the suicide of the king, but is somehow still on the throne despite arming the members of the Faith and having no valid claim?

Is that a fucking starbucks cup?

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>rushing to war instead of replenishing your troops
>she did the right thing
She did the right thing only if you are as intelligent as she is, AKA: A fucking moron.

She has no reason to attack King's Landing in a rush. In fact, its beneficial to her to NOT attack King's Landing and wait for Cersei's money to run out and the Golden Company to fuck off back to Essos. THEN and only THEN she attacks. She could have instead tried to unite the 6 other kingdoms while Cersei is locked inside of her keep.

Daenerys is a dumb whore.

Dany ordered/armed her slaves to attack their masters to gain control of Essos.
Dany desecrated the people's idol, the harpy
Dany has also torched people for no good reason.
She's inflexible and vicious when she doesn't get her way. She's also quite vengeful.

poor little blondie who wants to rule the world is met with some resistance :((((

>Hey Dany, you should wait and not attack Cersei right away, even though you just wiped out her army!!

>Dany waits
>Cersei pulls an even bigger army and a gorillion heat-seeking BVR ballistas out of her ass

Worked great last time!

Sansa is a cunt whose main concern is ruling Winterfell for herself.

Yes it is, heard about it on NPR this morning

She singlehandedly sent all the Dothraki invaders to their deaths. Everyone owes her to be honest.

I've trashed her acting in the past, but she's actually been good this season.

Yes, and Dany suffered an extensive armed uprising as a result of those actions, while Cersei hasn't had so much of a peep of rebellion despite blowing up the seat of her kingdom's religion after rearming its militant orders.

But Stalin died convulsing in a puddle of his own dookie

people's reactions are out of eithers hands. the point still stands that they are pretty similar characters at this point.

Ssnsa? Isn't that the stupid girl that tipped her father off for Cercei for Joffrey dick? Wow truly a talented genious.

Nothing is out of the writers' hands, user, which is my point. Villains suffer absolutely zero consequences on this show until the episode of their defeat. It's just comical.

because she is unlikable and entitled

Men shit themselves when they die

My dick is getting hard just thinking about her lighting up the city. Too bad Jon is too much of a moralfag to fuck her in the ashes.

No I mean he was poo pooing all over himself before he could even be graced with the sweet embrace of death

Missandei and Greyworm were probably busy bum fingering each other. Lord Friendzone is dead. Dothraki leader is dead. Viserys abandoned her pretty much. Tyrion got his brother laid.

she's literally pure evil
why would anyone want to be near an evil tyrant?

Fuck Daenerys and her fans

>be more like stalin,

>Purge our experienced officers in the face of a resurgent Germany? Don't mind if I do. We can trust this pact with Hitler to buy us at least a few ye-

Dany was always annoying. "Muh dragons" since season 1.

>innocent people deserve to die cause she cant handle wartime shit and saw her friend get Xed.
Sounds like shes a fragile cunt who shouldnt be in charge of shit.

>to fuck her in the ashes.

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It's just a gif. Besides, Tywin's was a different style of leadership. He never pretended to be "breaker-of-chains" or a compassionate liberator. Plus, all he's done has either been a result of war or has had a legal precedent behind it. He was a prick but no one bothered trying to white-wash him or say "wow you go guy, slay those Starks dishonorably for capturing your son."

This is the first we're seeing Daenerys suffer for her poor choices. She massacred the nobles of the Slaver cities and desecrated a religious idol somehow without diplomatically isolating herself.
>inb4 Sons of the Harpy
It was literally nothing. They just and chimped out a bit and killed Selmy. In reality, the economies of these cities would suffer under new leadership, productive yields would drop because of higher operating prices and people would fear doing business in a city where the managerial class was just decimated. I mean, say what you want about the slavers, but these were some of the only people in these cities who were literate, numerate and had substantial connections with the wider world. There is now a huge underclass of people without employment and fewer jobs left for them to take up. Tyrion's offer to the lords of Mereen was much more reasonable but we don't properly see that put into action.

Sophie is really cute in this picture

>This is the first time we're seeing Dany suffer for poor choices, except for that time where she suffered for poor choices which doesn't count because I don't want it to

this chick looks literally exactly like my sister but with blonde hair. she's autistic af and acts like a fucking zoomer robot.

she’s not that dark skinned but you can definitely tell there’s something ‘off’ about her features. I always could.

Cos she's his gf and they're supposedly in love. This not being 2019 clown world means that if he shut up they'd get married and be king and queen together. But he's gotta be an actual faggot and ruin it.

You should fuck your sister and tape it

Have sex

She has goblina features but DESU I only noticed after learning about her Indian granny

>normalfags turn on her

This is the weirdest fucking part about this season because it's all layed out that Dany is getting completely shat on besides her being a bitch to Jon. She's on the verge of losing everything, yet normies are going "Oh man she's a lunatic!" Cersei is an absolute evil woman, and people still cheer for her, even after having thousands killed over her own petty shit. At least Daenerys is trying to be a good ruler, and even then she's about to get fucking off'd because someone on the inside thinks she won't win.

I actually always thought she was part black desu

You should hug your sister and tell her that you'll always love her (in a platonic way), no matter how autistic she is.

Dany did nothing wrong

Ok tell me when Queen Dany got her comeuppance. The Harpies did literally nothing of value.
>threw a spear at Drogon, who lived to roast them all anyway
>killed a couple Unsullied
>killed Barristan Selmy, whose role was already effectively filled by Jorah
>stirred shit just enough for Varys, Tyrion and Daario to deal with and forget about
And afterwards, Grey Worm executes a leader from both Yunkai and Volantis and we hear nothing of it. Meereen should be in shambles and the cities of Yunkai, Astapor and now Volantis should be doing whatever they can to sabotage Daenerys.

Cersei is holding the iron throne by force not by right and she is holding the people hostage and using them as human shields. It's a shitty thing to do but it's a war. I honestly don't see anything wrong with what she does especially if it's for the greater good of the realm. All other options seem pretty flimsy and they have waited long enough. Cersei was willing to risk THE ENTIRE WORLD being destroyed by a zombie invasion by not helping with the defenses and if it wasn't for Jon and Dany the whole world would be destroyed by the night king. I think they get to call the shots at this point, especially since is Cersei had offered help they wouldn't have to be so desperate. And desu, everyone owes them their lives, even all the innocent people at kings landing, imo they can do what they want with those lives since they are all in their debt anyway. That's just how I see it. BURN THEM ALL! Fuck it.

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with whose money? you know you need food to maintain an army right?

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>everyone owes them their lives, even all the innocent people at kings landing, imo they can do what they want with those lives since they are all in their debt anyway

The absolute state of danyfags

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She doesn't have any patience, she's super impulsive, strong willed, insecure, and has a very bad temper. She got her dragon and Missandei killed by her impatience

they were probably all afraid she'd literally burn them alive with her dragons lol

She did plenty of things wrong in the past, but now she is about to redeem herself and become the hero this show deserves.

This is Daenerys from the books, he wants family, lemon tree and red door, she was actually great written this episode, not as mad queen but as lonely person. What a tragic character, she deserves her lemoon tree and red door.

>Daenerys' early life was spent in exile. Ser Willem Darry took her and Viserys from city to city, always one step ahead of the Usurper's spies and assassins. He eventually found them a safe home in Braavos, where they lived for several years whilst Robert was unable to kill them without offending the most powerful of the Free Cities. Many times Daenerys thinks of the home she had there with a lemon tree and a red door, and longs for those days again.

Dany didn't save shit. Her damn dragon is the one that took down the wall and let all the WW in. Just admit it, she's nothing without her dragons and that's the truth and the dragons are the only reason she's gotten as far as she has. That and being able to stand in flames, lol

The "Mad Queen" idea only makes sense if you were dead set against her as a character from day 1 so it makes sense that incels on here are satisfied with it. Problem is, it's not the way it was written, and it's a super last minute change that involves absurd contrivances to destroy her armies and every alley deciding to turn on her in 1 episode. It stinks to high heaven, it's bad bad writing.

In order to justify her becoming the Mad Queen

How does this make it through filming and post?

What a tons of bullshit. Her fucking Dragon saved Jon and all the persons beyond the wall. And without dragon Army of the Dead would attack Winterfell without problem u retard, because Night King touch Bran..

>lemon tree
>in Braavos
Pick one and only one

Yeah and her dragon let the WW into the North and her Dothraki, Jonah, and Starks saved her ass.

Chaosh is a latta

Well played Sansha

What part isn't true though? If they didn't fight the night king he would have ripped Kinglanding a new asshole and they would all be dead. And before you say "he only made it over the wall with the zombie dragon", bullshit, he would have made it past with or without the dragon, it was obvious that his army was getting large enough to do it. Without Jon and Dany the people there would all be dead. AND Cersei risked all the lives of everyone in the entire realm by not aiding them in their fight AND she is using them as human shields. Sorry. But Dany has every right to burn whoever she wants at this point to rip Cersei ass off that throne.

Push me to the edge all my friends are dead

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Idiot, WW with or without Dragon would attack northern, wall or without wall. And she saved their hass two times, beyond the wall, and in Winterfell

send her this

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Dany's always been the Mad Queen though. Think about it. Every time somebody has even irked her it's ended in people being burned alive. This is her first time getting to experience Westerosi politics and she's already on the verge of burning down King's Landing. Granted, on the other hand I will agree that everybody turning on her out of the fucking blue after having just sacrificed her army to save them is a little too fucking convenient. Still, look back at the way she handled nearly everybody from season 3 on. The only major difference between her and Aerys is that she isn't frothing at the mouth yet, but now that the seed of paranoia has been planted she's gonna go fucking nuts.

I know right. Innocent children and people be damned. Danys gon die. Get ready bby

>Invites horde of non-white fighting age men to invade our lands
pick one

She is not, and never been mad queen u fucking retard

Nothing Daenerys has done or wants to do is all that crazy.

Her father was called mad (mentally ill) because he became an actual paranoid schizophrenic. He heard voices and saw plots against him that weren't there. He refused to clean himself and died muttering the same thing over and over. He wanted to burn everything and everyone. He was not behaving rationally.

Daenerys is a sane person who wants to sack a city and conquer a kingdom. 10,000 civilian deaths is unfortunate, but not unreasonable. Are we going to pretend that innocent people don't die during conquests?

Executing the Tarlies was not a sign of insanity either. She was willing to send the Tarlies to the Wall to take the black but Randyll rejected her authority and chose death. That's on him.

Was executing slavers back in Essos suppose to be a tragedy? She made slaving a capital offense. Slavers wanted to keep slaving. They paid the price. Just like that brother of the Night's Watch who fled the Wall had to pay the price. Desertion was a capital offense. Ned wasn't "mad" for executing him.

Has Daenerys shown signs of paranoia? Well, she fears what could happen if Jon's secret is revealed. But then we see Tyrion and Varys (our sanest and cleverest characters) come to the same conclusion a few scenes later.

She's also suspicious of Sansa. But then we see that Sansa is actually scheming for Northern Independence and actively leaking information that could hurt Daenerys. So she should be suspicious of Sansa, shouldn't she?

She suspects that her advisers, Varys and Tyrion, have divided allegiances, but again ... they do. Tyrion's in love with Sansa, still loves his brother, and has already lied to her. Varys is serving "the Realm" (which really translates to "whatever Varys thinks is best at any given moment").

If this is a depiction of someone becoming paranoid, why are the person's fears all justified?

because she's never once tried to be among them
her arrival came with the distance of the 'ruler / subject' dynamic, and so really has no bond with any of them
whereas Jon was raised up by pretty much everyone in the room, so even though he 'ruled' over them, they also knew the man

Why was everyone so happy with Jon when he was fucking useless in that battle? The previous battle too, all his victories really belong to his sisters

>daenerys targaryen?
>I'm CIA

she is our girl, only contrarian tumblr degenerates will disagree

The North lost as many as she did. The wildings are same. House Mormont is no more. Stop with the Dany lost so much crap. They ALL lost. Not just her. She's a selfish brat that throws dragon tantrums when others don't obey or question her. Super insecure

That's Bongland thinking.
>Look at everything we gave the Scots and they're so ungrateful they want independence
>Look at everything we did for the Irish and now they want us off their island? Omg, why are they bombing us?

The ones who still had dicks are dead and the other ones can't reproduce, so it's not like there is some great problem.

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>Yea Forums flipping like a pancake and liking Dany now
I should have seen it coming

> I know right. Innocent children and people be damned.
Like I said, those people would be DEAD if it wasn't for Jon and Dany you fool! Cersei ruling is a threat to the whole realm and if some people need to die to get her off the throne it's a sacrifice that has to be made, like the people at winterfell who died fighting the night king. sorry. you are are morally wrong. Dany is right.

> Danys gon die. Get ready bby
The show is garbage so you are probably right.

Love has nothing to do with this. Why is she begging him to hide the truth? If the truth is out they can marry and rule together. If the truth is hidden they can marry and rule together. Wanna know the only difference? If the truth is out, she will have no other option but to marry him, which shouldn't be a problem, because she loves him apparently. Then why is it a problem?

>10,000 civilian deaths is unfortunate, but not unreasonable. Are we going to pretend that innocent people don't die during conquests?
i guess we burgers should lay off Japan for doing that stuff in WWII then huh

If everyone you meet is a bitch....

>Chaosh is a latte
Missed oportunity faggot

your choice

Every time she's faced adversity she's sperged out about being the Mother of Dragons, the Unburnt, etc. as if people just have to give her shit because she has dragons. Every time somebody tells her "That's not how politics works" she fucking sets them on fire. She's been arrogant and impulsive all along. I do agree with you though that them just now brushing on the paranoia by having her be reasonably distrustful of the characters who are scheming against her is total fucking trash writing though. They've made her the most sympathetic she's been since season one during the arc that's supposed to be her mental collapse.

they could have accomplished this by starving the city for a month

bullshit, delusional, thats who you are.

Why isn't she moving her eye brows?

Cersei going Allah Ackbar on the church was plot armor. But where she is right now makes sense. Mythical bullshit going on up north, your enemy has dragons, all you really got is one frankenstein monster, so either Dany and the Chosen Heroes of Destiny can take care of the supernatural threat on their own, or they can't and there's no use worrying about it.

Cersei being in a good position by literally doing nothing doesn't actually bother me too much and I hate Cersei.

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>Any last words
>Burn them all

dany doesnt love jon, only using him for the throne

>Ned Stark never trusted Cat for good reason.
there's more to it than that
look at it like this: you've been married off to someone you've never really met (they briefly met once before the rebellion, I think), and he comes home with a bastard child
then he tells you "no, don't worry. it's not mine, it's my dead sister's and her equally dead lover's child. I was totally faithful to you." in your first real conversation
are you going to believe that person, or think it a pathetic excuse?
and then you're going to confide in your family about this turn of events, certainly telling the "lie" to Lysa
who will then tell it to Jon Ayrrn
and someone will inevitably overhear this tale
and sooner or later, Bobby B will hear it
and he won't care if it's a rumor or not; he'll want to boy dead on the chance it's true
Ned did the math, and he decided it was better to live with falsely besmirched honor than try to preserve it



Dany just falls for Cersei BS. She's so easy. Like Sansa told her before when Dany was saying Tyrion shouldn't have trusted her. Sansa says " you shouldn't have either" girl def has a learning curve. I'd honestly like to see Dany throw a curveball again. Haven't seen her trick anyone since she took the Unsullied army and burned the masters

>For no reason
Seems they're trying to say that there was a reason se as when dragon lady goes mad there will be a reason.

The poor bastard who tried to end the madness before it began

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go away r/greentext

the thing she dont care anymore, she is alone, everyone dies or left her. She will go full Fire and Bloon and i will cheer her.

Everything in circles. Remember the master when Jon first went to the wall.

The easiest solution to all her problems right now is if Jon just died. During the NK war, she was first row about to watch Jon getting killed. Not by her, not by anyone she ordered, no witneses at all. She just had to wait 20 seconds and Jon would be gone.

But she saved him. Despite fully knowing she could lose the throne because of it.

If that isn't love then nothing is.

She isn't alone. She's isolating herself by her own choices. Varys is the only one that has turned on her. Jon is on his way to support her cause. Sansa never liked her, they never liked each other. This is known. No one has turned on her. She's doing all this herself

>hurr durr dont invade Kings Landing innocent ppl will die and that means you are literally your father!!11!
>meanwhile Cersei blew up their equivalent of the Vatican with the Pope and Queen inside and no one gave a shit

a great picture for a lot of reasons, this one goes straight in the collection

>at least this coffee tastes good

Sansa and Jon are more popular than her in polls so guess she has to be a villain now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ thats what happens when $$$ dictates your writing

Yeah but she has swag and never lost her cool. That's what made it good. She also lost her son because of her choice to do that. Cersei also has nothing to lose.

Lmfao unironically based, im having a shit day and this made me laugh

if she hadn't shown up to give NK a dragon then they would have been in literally no danger.

No other option except to kill him. Also he doesn't want to now he knows it's his aunt

Jhon keeps "doing the right thing" and he somehow keeps living even when he died once.

nice plebbit spacing, faggot

Why weren’t they at the feast with dany? What would be the reason. She had every reason to celebrate with her hot mutt friend.

nice reddit comma faggot

I don't know about anyone else, but I can tell you why I don't like her any more.

Dany commented that everyone she could see loved Jon. The reason why, was because he committed heroic ACTS which inspired people, and that was what caused them to love him. He took part in the Great Ranging, he protected Sam when he was getting picked on, he successfully brokered the alliance with the wildlings, and he was a good administrator for Castle Black and the Night's Watch.

The entire source of Dany's power for probably the last two seasons has been, "bend the knee or I'll feed you to my dragons." She doesn't actually do anything which CAUSES people to love her any more. She just threatens to kill people and gets angry and paranoid with them when they don't automatically, without her doing anything to earn it.

I liked her at the beginning and earlier stages of her arc. She freed people in Slaver's Bay, and legitimately conquered Mereen and Qarth. She sat in the ziggurat hearing petitions and arbitrating disputes. That might seem like boring crap that no one wants to know about, but one of the most important roles for a historical king was as a judge. That was one of the practical things which they did, which people actually NEEDED them for.

Most people these days are accustomed to authorities being corrupt monsters and not doing anything which really benefits anybody, but just staying in their position because they can kill anyone who doesn't like it. Most of us have forgotten that there was a time, hundreds or thousands of years ago, when kings actually DID do something useful. Dany started out being a good monarch like that, who actually helped people; but she isn't any more. Now she just uses her dragons to scare people, and acts like a spoiled brat when she doesn't get what she wants.

good dubs and good post.

All entitled bitches in this crap need to die. Glad the niggress got beheaded and I hope Dany, Sansa, Cersei and Arya are next.

Her last dragon will get btfo and it will be glorious.

She would have been useless on the other side too if not for the bullshit flying lizards.

> rules by intimidation
> why does no one likes her?

such is life user

>>my only beta orbiter is dead
>>they won't let me bring my nog orbiters to dinner

I love this.

>Dany's always been the Mad Queen though. Think about it.

>Having to act with coffee breath
This is what confuses me the most

Silently Pounded

Will she survive episode 5?

>Her last dragon will get btfo and it will be glorious.

It's been glorious watching it happen to the first two.

yep into the trash it goes

Well you're a newfag. This isnt a tripcode dumbo

no u

Drogon will NOT die. Fuck you.

You just KNOT.

Is it like the only gif you have or something?

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