TFW Last of the Starks is the worst reviewed episode in the history of all 8 seasons of GoT

>TFW Last of the Starks is the worst reviewed episode in the history of all 8 seasons of GoT

This is why it's good that they are ending this show. This season has basically sucked ass. I don't know if it's because they are trying to tie everything up or throw everything together, but GoT has never had a sub 8/10 episode form the composite IMDB reviews.

LotS is sitting at 7.5. That's pretty bad.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I honestly thought this was the best episode of the season. 1 & 2 were garbage filler eps, and 3 was just a brainless zombie battle.

why yes there are currently 39 other GoT threads but you just COULDNT use any of them, no, your opinion is far too important to be just a post in another thread, you needed a thread just for it, we all needed another GoT thread, we all- FUCK YOU

It was one of the best episodes of the entire thing

a piece of corn in a pile of shit doesn't make it any less shit

>a bunch of over the hill roasties and constantly complaining black people have too much time on their hands and we're supposed to care

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last season was no better

No but this is arguably the most important season and they've already fucking blown it beyond all redemption

Yeah we know about your raids on IMDB they're pretty cringy if I'm honest

This episode felt like like good old GoT. Well of course many things didn't make much sense, but at least this episode wasn't a bunch of one-liner references to older seasons and it didn't close a huge storyline the way it did with the Others.

Who do you wish to talk to?

Episode 1 was the worst by far though

1 was by far the worst
2 was really good, yet it got ruined by how uneventful 3 was


>of course many things didn't make much sense
you got low standards man, a story making sense is kind of a key element


This episode was heaps better than the winterfell battle. At least the plot moved forward

How is this dumb yas slay queen bitch still alive?!

I thought GoT was supposed to be some gritty series, yet it turned into some female empowerment fantasy.

>surprise deaths that actually made sense from worldview perspective, unlike literal plot armor in episode 3
>characters talking with one another actually causes some character development in them unlike episodes 1&2 when it was *sip* remember that time when....
>building up groundwork for the conflict of Jon and Dany
>Tyrion and Varys doing their little talks
I'm honestly am excited for next week, last week I thought about finishing this shit as of a chore of sorts

who cares what some r*asties and reddit brigadiers do on IMDB

Best episode of the last 2 series by far

>defeating the whitewalkers wasn't moving the plot forward

Those brainlets have Battle of Winterfell episode at an 8.5.
When the episode first came out it was at a 9.8

But this was the best episode in this season. Fuck triggered tumblrinas. We in GRRM territory now.

how did bronn get in winterfell armed?

it was finally an okay episode in a sea of filth. its literally triggered feminists who downvote this episode,its like poltards brigading captain marvel

>Dany dies
>Cersei dies
>Jon sits on Iron Throne
>Brienne sits on a bench for the remainder of the thing while Jaime does important shit
>Missandei gone, Grey Worm alive
>Tyrion and Varys plotting treason
>Euron dabs on the Queen of Dragons, I'm sorry, a Dragon

Basically only strong females by the end of the show will be Arya and Sanda, which are played by Maisie and Sophie which fuck each other, so they are basically men anyway.

exactly this

>women hit with reality
>women shown who they are

I liked it a lot

>which are played by Maisie and Sophie which fuck each other, so they are basically men anyway.

Wait, they're dykes?

Pretty sure they've already started hinting Sansa to be queen

He probably just told the guards at the gate "hey I'm here to extort and possibly murder some Lannisters" and they let him in without any hassle.

It isn't even close to being the worst episode. It's only getting bad reviews because normie FAGGOT women can't stand that they're showing Dany in a negative light. Plus all the other SJW bullshit controversy over this episode.

It's sour grapes. But shoddy writing was A-OK when it wasn't their woke slay queen faves being the victims of it.

Where the fuck is the new burlington bar video

He is a very good man.

Holy based...

how was the episode bad according to "reviewers"?

>women getting btfo
>reviewers hate it

surprise surprise

Last season and we get this filler piece of shit with plot holes and other bullshit

>a black woman dying means it's the worst episode ever

Prepare for the worst episode of Minecraft ever

this, only disliked eurons ambush fleet

Sansa doesn't want this, just independent North.

the cast realizing danny is unfit to rule makes sense but not 2 eps from the end, it makes varys come off as a retard since he set the hole thing in motion.

yep same, the low rating is literally seething danyfags

dany is a cunt

Not really. The story didn't change at all.

That was a mostly irrelevant sideplot

True but she's been out-cunted by Sansa.

what went wrong?

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Death to Lannisters. Long live the King in the North.

this. Normies love her and are raging in denial.

Because FUCK men and FUCK wypipo

caring how normies rate the epsiode lmao. First Yea Forums complaining about normies liking episode 3 and now they like normies hating episode 4. What is it? Episode 4 was great. All those "YAS QUEEN SLAY" trannies are seething

>what went wrong?
giving women rights

So the whole point was to push her over the edge so she can be removed and not take the throne?


>LotS is sitting at 7.5. That's pretty bad.
I hate this episode, too, but people were downvoting it before it even came out. There were thousands of 1's given to it as a reaction to last weekend's shitty episode.

This was unironically the best episode since S06E10. Not saying much, but it's true.

he's bronn and everyone was drunk

The varys and tyrion dialogue was pretty good too, gives a little nostalgia to little fingure and varys dialogue from early seasons.

She was never going to take the throne.

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For the episode to be getting 10/10s all around something like this would have to happen
>Missandei gets captured by Cersei
>couple of scenes of her getting teased by Cersei herself, no one else in some dungeon
>Grey Worm and his 20 Good Ex-Men break into King's Landing prison to break Missandei out
>they succeed by Grey Worm gets hit on the arm during escape, oh no!
>Missandei and Grey Worm kiss
>next episode Grey Worm is fine and dandy, just with bandage over his arm
Here, something that retards would enjoy


>giving women rights
i mean you are not wrong

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Is King's Landing full of NPCs? Why exactly is Cersei now loved?

She had the walk of shame. She then blew up the sept of Baelor with popular nobles inside and the leader of a fucking commoner movement.

But now everybody loves her.

This. Plot moved fowards, and there was a lot of character development.

In the end, only incels who raged when Arya killed their hero will like this show

Have sex


Arya is either going to die or fuck off and go back to assassin academy.

2 was a filler episode but was a good "before the battle episode". Way better than muh couple drama and wallhacking pirates

>I honestly thought this was the best episode of the season
hardly saying much, still had massive inconsistency and immersion breaking fast-travel

>But now everybody loves her.

No one fucking loves her. They just are terrified of her. She blew up all of her enemies in one instant, through means no one in the public knows about. She's a fucking Saddam Hussein, and even he only imprisoned his sons. She drove one of hers (the actual King) to suicide.

*fear her

Arya's gonna trade her eyesight for eternal, restless body and become Zatoichi, traversing the realm and popping fools

No, they just grew up close to one another. And drugs.

>abandons dog
>doesn't even pet him one last time
what is jon's fucking problem?

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based if i may say so user

this only show that the plebs who are now the main audience of GoT is a bunch of yaaaas slaaay queeen

They've set up a trap on a strategic points they knew an inexperienced, proud military commander with overreliance on 'muh dragons' would take. They used their element of surprise to kill 1 of her 2 remaining dragons.

Shit was genius, Euron is the fucking man.

Why the FUCK wouldn't Melisandei jump down when Cersei grabbed her

Sansa is a hero for stopping Dany. She did good.

>Is King's Landing full of NPCs?
This is medieval-based seeting. Of course it fucking is.

Dunno about you but Dany looked very kissable in this ep.

people who didn't like the episode, but loved last week's episode, are pea brained drones who eat up feel-good capeshit with the depth of a puddle.

Ok, let's be honest. This season is awful, but we're not going to pretend that those ratings by "critics" on IMDB, Metacritic and all that shit are objective in any way. The last two episodes, as shitty as they were, are being rated based on "REEEEE Arya is a female and she killed the NK I hate you commies you ruined the show" and "REEEEE They kill only black people and women I hate you nazis you ruined the show"
Welcome to the 21th century, lads

how low is it going to go when dany dies next week?

Do we live in peak normie times media wise? What will normies even do with their lives now that evil purple man and evil blue man have been defeated?

get the fucking dog out the way don't you know we've got 5 minute stealth scenes to watch

it's only immersion breaking if you're a brainlet who doesn't understand that time is passing rapidly in this season

>Stop sacrificing women... it's a major problem in this episode
Meanwhile, the episode was literally about women fucking up other women while men watched. Sansa and Arya fucking Dany up the ass, and Cersei doing the same thing by killing her dragon and Missandei.

>what is jon's fucking problem?
Non-western scriptwriters

She destroyed the church so now the peasants don't have to shower every sunday

So does Euron wall hacking a mountain count as the drowned God rising up and destroying Aegon the conqueror?

GoT is boring when all the characters are together doing the same fucking thing.

agreed, also i'm 100% sure arya is going to kill daenerys now

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He ran out of CGI budget.

kings landing is full of pleb, its d&d showing how pathetic, dumb and petty average people are. bravo

>Varys asks why won't they just get married, it will solve everything

great writing

This. Remember when the show had varied locations and different branching storylines going on? This season and last are such a fucking borefest.

Nope. Ep 1-2 were bad set up filler eps. Episode 3 was at least entertaining, Ep 4 was absolute dogshit with its tone and structure all over the place, not to mention some of the worst dialogue ever

Right? I’ve never been much of a Dannyfag, but now I’m actually starting to sympathize with her. Aside from her retarded decision to attack now, she’s done very little wrong. The obvious implication that she’s going mad is so forced this close to the end. Every other questionable thing she did in seasons past was just that; questionable.
For her to turn villan now (which she almost certainly will) just feels forced.

If episode 3 didnt happen, episode 4 would be awesome.

But after the episode didnt start with an explanation by Bran, just nothing matters anymore. It will all end as bullshit.

When the dragons died i just started laughing. Before Ep3 i probably would have went full HOLYSHIT mode.




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yes but the former is 20 nerds on Yea Forums the latter is mainstream movie critics

nah it was shit just like the rest of the season

I actually enjoyed this episode. I stopped giving a shit about these people. Now it's time to just kick back and watch the petty squabbles we all loved about this show in the first place.

She left Essos in a worse condition than when the show began. She's done nothing but fuck up since arriving in Westeros. You haven't been paying enough attention, just like every other brainlet NPC on social media whining about it today.

They left a fucking Starbucks cup in one of the scenes this episode.

We know, we had a bunch of threads about it.

>expecting me to believe 'people' enjoyed ep 1 and 2
>filler episodes with no development
>could have been handled in 30 min not two hours
Have sex.

it wont work because the north will not stand for it when they learn that jon is basically the literal textbook heir to the throne, which happens to marry his own aunt, it kinda makes sense
But you could argue that with the ice wall being useless now the north lost a bit of its importance


The ep was good if you just ignore the scuffed romantic scenes and the fact that NK died.
>Euron being badass (dragon dies, fleet destroyed)
>Arya and hound finally fucking off
>Daenerys going mad
>Missandei dying
>political game beginning

same, finally some god old fashioned GOT scheming

it's the yes queen people. i say this as someone who actually somewhat likes dany.

It really wasn't. Just the ending

Nothing. Danyfags BTFO

Indisputable fact.

She’s helped the North enormously with dragon-glass and assistance against the WWs. The state of Essos is debatable I’d say. History has shown that abolishing slavery causes economic depressions that can last a few generations. But from a moral and very (modern year)-oriented mindset, it’s largely agreed that slavery is cruel and immoral. I realize I’m pretty much playing devil’s advocate from how I usually view Danny, but she’s no mustache twirling villain. At least not what the past seasons implied. Just a cocky mideivel SJW who has made mistakes.

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20 good men

>For her to turn villan now (which she almost certainly will) just feels forced.

It's unbelievable to me that you didn't see this coming. It was the same when Stannis torched his daughter. "I thought he loved her!" Jesus Christ you idiots.

Do you guys also sometimes pause for a second and reflect how fucking good we have it where we are at this point in time? I mean we can sit comfy at home and watch this show and rant about it online while other people out there, at the exact same moment, die from bombs and actual war.
Really makes me think sometimes tbqh

It's the autism, user. If it ain't pro-wrestling heel vs face simple, it's too complicated for them.

Yeah, when our biggest complaints revolve around shitty writing, you know you have it pretty good.
Wonder when that inevitable societal collapse is going to happen.

Everything is shit after our King was taken from us before his time

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Yeah we basically live in a utopia. But it's one where everyone complains. We've literally reached a level of material affluence and access to knowledge unimaginable to the greatest kings and emperors of human history, but man, kill a black girl on screen or have a woman kill a bad guy and the whole universe caves in.

based and maybe I share dare to say redpilled too

>First kino episode since season 4
>Worst rated
The absolute state of Yea Forums

>kino episode
>they assassinated jamie's character


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Jaime was always doing it for the pussy

Oh I’m going to be called a simpleton by fags who justify Stannis burning his daughter as being in character and decent writing? You don’t even deserve a response.

>danyfags on suicide watch

because of buyed ratings i bet

but this episode is only getting bad reviews because the yassqueeners are mad

>jaime finally gave up the shitty good guy facade
>omg they ruined him

based retards who's opinions are based solely on being the opposite of the masses at all times

>cersei orders archers to fire 2 volleys at people
>scorpions unload on dragon
>roll credits
what the fuck was dany's plan if shit went south?

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We don't have it good at all, we are relatively better than other places because our ancestors fought for it. Bronn touched upon it, we are the grandchildren fucking it up.

Yeah it wasn't that bad in terms of moving things from A to B. The fleet battle being incredibly stupid is the main problem. You could rewrite that scene to make sense and it's a good result.

let me translate your post:
>reeee no please not danny she helped them win!! its not fair!

Where is the Mario Naharis poster?

Exactly! They even gave him an entire scene to establish how much he loved her. He basically pulled a Thanos. Like Danny he got desperate and was willing to do the unthinkable if it meant getting power.

Look at this fucking CGI

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How? Ep3 was the worst of the entire series, so ep4 can't be worse


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it just looks so goddamn weird. all the archers have blurry feet. some elements look 2D. if this was sketched out in an Art 101 class you'd get a C for poor grasp of perspective.

>back to season 7 level teleporting
>jamie's character gets assassinated
>ghost dropped like a sack of shit
>dragon killed like nothing
>euron has better aim than the night king
>speaking of the night king the great war and the white walkers will never be mentioned again
>cersei not killing everyone the second they came up to the gates

The only reason we don’t have slavery today (and we do they make our clothes basically) but the only reason slavery isn’t still the standard is because of industrialization

What used to require mass slaves can now be done via machines

Abolishing slavery in feudal society would mean economic stagnation and limited food production

>We don't have it good at all
Get some perspective, you fucking retard. We -glabally even- have it good as fuck. Never has there been less people living in shit and more people living in relative wealth and security.

What the fuck lol, those crossbows or whatever look like they have some shit range of motion.

I keep trying to explain this to my normie friends but it's no use

This. Would have been 10/10 if not for Euron rescuing the CGI budget

episode 4 was pure kino and none of you faggots can come up with a reason why it's not.

>Episode 3 was at least entertaining
literally why was any of that poorly filmed fan fic entertaining to you?

plot armour

Agreed. It's really telling that when they actually have an OK episode, the audience thinks it's shit, but when they have two filler episodes and arguably the worst episode of the entire series, everyone thinks they're all great and have few complaints. The literal only reason Last of the Starks is the worst reviewed episode right now's because of identity politics and liberal outrage. People can't accept a black women being killed on screen and the main female protagonist being portrayed as being mentally unstable and overbearing. Even if an inevitable decent into madness makes sense in terms of her character and has been hinted at since early on in the show. Fuck these people.

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>he saves images direct from
PLEASE never post again, I'm begging

>starbucks cup in shot
>gendry rivers instead of gendry waters (gendry waters wouldnt have been accurate either since he was never officially recognized as a bastard by robert)
>dany wearing 2 different wigs in the same scene
>kings landing is now in qarth apparently

what a disaster

>dany wearing 2 different wigs in the same scene

For real?

if you watch the bronn scene closely you can tell they literally sped it up a bit to save time. it's like at 1.5x speed.

dude everyone was teleporting so bad in this episode
it felt like king's landing was one lake away from winterfell

If I didn't know better I would think these are fake weapons cersei just put there for show. Like inflatable tanks.

I feel the issue is that in the books there's a lot of hints Dany could become a mad queen figure, but the last couple seasons have barely alluded to it at all making it all seem forced.

I think a major flaw of the show is Sansa/Dany and to a lesser extent Arya were cast well as nieve and innocent figures, which they played well, but the actresses are just awful at playing competent and strong leaders. Like what the fuck is Clarke's face trying to convey half the time?

i cant believe my eyes... how absolute low iq do you have to be to think Tyrion varys conversations were anything but subhuman intelligence tier. in earlier seasons, they were cunning and witty and smart, now theyre just basically stating the obvious without any semblance of cunning, like theyre dumb bystanders

>inb4 that's the reason they didn't shoot the dragon

Literally the worst part of the whole episode.
He didn't even fucking stroke Ghost.
Fuck Jon and fuck Targs.

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It was the first image I found when I tried to google the pic I was looking for. Besides, you’re going to pretend this board isn’t already flooded with underaged memetards? I don’t even know what is.

Anyone notice how the funeral pyres at the beginning had maybe a grand total of 150 bodies on them?

he based

not only based but also redpilled

>the last couple seasons have barely alluded to it at all making it all seem forced.

The last couple seasons she's been taking Tyrion's advice. But Tyrion has failed her, and now even Missandei is gone. It's all dragon fire all the time now.

It is so far. Actually, it's the only episode that I've felt good about after watching.

it was objectively the best s08 episode and only non-human brainlets think otherwise

Categorically rekt

I remember back in season 1 they mentioned the trip from King's Landing to Winterfell took a month

>>Tyrion and Varys doing their little talks
Their talks were still low IQ though compared to earlier season, but it's still better than the shit they gave us in ep 1 and 2

Agreed. Something actually happened this episode, and it was interesting to see certain character dynamics, such as Varys-Tyrion and the Stark family.

heroes of might and magic 9 looking good

>starbucks cup in shot
Based Emilia sneaking a starbucks cup on the set, she knew this season is going to be shit

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Perhaps you can now begin to understand where holocaust deniers are coming from

Granted, but it was refreshing to see it in a series that is otherwise full of quips.

Yeah, and is Cersei's pregnancy even showing yet? Does she still have time to designate a different father?

Actually just counted, about 35 per pyre and around 88 pyres makes just over 3000 casualties.

The pacing in this episode was fucked beyond belief. If you actually liked the episode, you are a fucking brainlet. Fuck all this teleportation bullshit.

Me too, even though it had a lot of garbage. It's just nice to see something that isn't quip back-and-forth dialogue for once. And I'm fucking digging Emilia getting to do more than just being a stone faced bitch.

Agreed, felt like season 4 GoT at least.

Not really defending all the teleporting going on right now but maybe it's much faster by sea?

It was the shiner turd out of the turds, yes.


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Angry Jonerys shippers ruining the rating.

the episode was good
last week was bad

Have sex

I suppose, but they never did mention how they reached the destination after their boats got blown up

They literally have no story left to tell. I prefer them filming it this way instead of getting 4 more episodes of pointless quips.

The only reason I watch this show anymore is to laugh at the reaction of all the Danyfags. Like holy shit did all the Danyfags and 'Yaaass Qween' people actually think she was going to win the throne?

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>Last of the Starks is the worst reviewed episode in the history of all 8 seasons of GoT
It's getting rave reviews.

it was the best ep so far, anyone denying that is fucking braindead.

>can't comprehend the concept of passing time
>calls others brainlet

no, bitch, leaps in time are accepted as a regularly occurring thing in this show since season 1. Your fault for being autistic.

>We in GRRM territory now.
What about that talentless hack?

Go away reddit.

just wait until jon kills her, gonna be the greatest REEE since the 2016 election.

Shut the fuck up.

Take your buzzwords back to your subreddit, reddit.

dany has been lucking her way to victory since the show started.
these crazy fucks self insert as dany and they are going to have a fucking meltdown when she goes nuts and has to be put down.

i bet the only time you write replies on Yea Forums is to complain about other users

I want reddit to leave.

I knew all you american idealists where the kind of söyshits who watch GoT, even the right-wingers.

Mad Queen Chads dabbing on breaker of chainsfags

>"tyrion, you are such a fool for trusting your sister"
>exposes herself, her dragon and her elite before cersei, the woman who blew up the sept to kill most of her enemies in one fell swoop
>she actually doesn't kill them and lets them leave in peace
I'm not sure if this or the first anime fleet that nobody noticed rattled me more

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>Muh superior country
fuck off faggot

The episode was alright. It is jus that danyfags/sjws are mad that d&d are going the "Mad Queen" route.

The big issue here is that the showrunners pampered that retarded fanbase for too long. It is easier to see that the bitch is crazy and deserves to be put out of her misery in the books.

Maybe the rest got wighted and blew up when NK died

>getting wrapped up in team bullshit and not just enjoying people being mad because it's funny

>6 million dead zombies in and around Winterfell
>burned on less than 100 pyres
The math doesn't add up.

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I've only seen the first episode of GoT and that was hot skipping through it for the sex scenes and that was like 7 years ago. What's all the butthurt over?

Actually, forget that, we see some wights among the bodies, like the bear isles girl

The show went to shit a long time ago, nobody really likes it anymore.
People only watch it to get angry at it.

the night king bullshit was retarded from the beginning and should have never been in the books or the show

yeah man, "nobody really likes it anymore", big facts from big brain user

pretty sure the only people on the funeral pyres were the soldiers that started the fight with them. They built pyres for them to give a proper funeral for last respects. Unless i'm mistaken there was a large mound of wight bodies a ways behind all of the constructed pyres.

Agreed, this was the best episode this season. It had some pretty questionable moments but at least the plot moved along in interesting ways. Watching twitter get BTFO when yas kween dies next week is going to be fun.

even when game of thrones is being retarded it's still better than nothing happening

My condolences if you have taste shit enough to eat this up unironically.
I was about to drop it at season 5, but 6 jumped to the "So bad it's funny" part, and Season 8 is full blown comedy.

>My condolences
found the loser who no one wants to talk with

It's really kind of sad how hard some people try to act contrarian just to show people how they don't conform to public opinion.

Maybe they didn't intend to have ghost at all and just added him in quickly to appease people but couldn't reshoot to add the interaction with Jon

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Damn, projection, that's sad.

>Jusy watched this shit
>STILL can't get over the fact that DABID&DABID are actually making YAS QUEEN a bad guy
I was so fucking ready to see some shit off her and Jon just calmly talking it out and sorting out the whole claim thing after Arya killing NK, and everyone just going along with it, what the fuck is happening?

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What's baffling is that any 8th season episode is above 6/10.

He will hug him in the last episode to stem the hatred of the Danyfags and boost the IMDB score
calling it now

Same for me.
The only thing I disliked was how they handled Rhaegal's death.


>7.5 is bad
Based incels

most its felt like Game of Thrones in a while

Euron teached him the shunshin no jutsu.

The only thing that can save this show is having the 13th Legion come out of nowhere during the final battle to kill every last one of these faggots. Westeros ends up being ancient Italy this whole time.

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*hits pipe* based


Why didn't Dany just create more dragons?

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She was pop capped.

It was

I think part of it is people applying contemporary morals and logic to characters who are extremely petty, like to their core. Case and point Dany, Cersei, Sansa, Bronn, and basically any character with an ounce of power on this show has been some form of petty sociopath. Arya Baked a bunch of people into pies I mean come on

Game of Normies needs to die

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Tumblrinas can't into subversion

First time I agree with Yea Forums.


The episode wasn't even bad wtf?? There have been MUCH worse.

Bad abrupt nonsensical character development, yeah.

>episode that isn't game of quips or an hour long shitty battle is the worst episode ever

Normal niggers need to fuck off and die, this episode wasn't anywhere near the quality standards of previous seasons but it was better than the schlock we've been given so far.

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Based jeva

Considering the half-assed writing that has plagued this season, I'd bet that you're right. It really seems like the show runners aren't giving the show much of their attention. They probably feel trapped. They're itching to work on that Star Wars trilogy with Rian Johnson and at this point they're probably just rushing through this last season to get it out of the way.

It was the best episode this season but normalfags are seething since they are all dany faggots

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>LotS is sitting at 7.5. That's pretty bad.
If you think this is a low score stop talking about film and tv. Just stop.

The show has been garbage since Season 5 though

Okay guys, i dont really understand anything of the plot hole here, why nedd joined rober in his quest to defeat the mad king, if nedd knew his sister was in love with him and actually having a children.

I dont really get this, what was all of the point of making a coup d'estate when his sister was with the man she loved?

>It was the best episode this season
doesn't make it a good episode

>rail gun scorpions dropping a dragon at over a mile away and shredding ships
>Dany can't see a fleet of ships because of a small island
>Bronn teleports into Winterfell
>Cersei doesn't kill Dany/Tyrion/Drogon right then and there

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>Euron teleporting
>hitting a moving target, high up in the air, using a heavy bolt, on a rocking ship, from behind a cliff
>3 times in rapid succession
>made sense
LMAO. Even his kidnapping Missandei of all people and letting everyone swim to Dragonstone makes no sense, then teleporting right back to King's Landing

>>Jon sits on Iron Throne
Why lie? Jon fucks off to the Wall and rejoins the Watch, or dies according to another leaker

I was expecting Cercei to order the archers to shoot Tyrion, it would have been such a kino moment.

Eh, aside of the hidden fleet the episode would've passed as a 6/10


Euron wasn't the only person shooting, they had a ballista on each ship. Missandei was captured because she took off on a skiff and probably got picked up by Euron's boats. I agree that the teleporting shit is obnoxious but it's been happening since s5 so it's hard to fault this episode specifically for it.

>thought it was going to be Jaime to have a rerun of his decision to kill a crazy monarch trying to torch a whole city by killing Cersei
>it's actually going to be Jon killing Dany
didn't see that coming

The 2nd episode got an 88%, so the scale is way off. These things don't mean shit.

Are you the have sex faggot? Fucking kill yourself.

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Yeah, wtf was up with that??

how will jaime arrive at kings landing without any food or moneys? and wouldnt he be way too late for the action?

no. any chick who's ever gotten drunk and 69'd with a girlfriend will call herself "bi"

The secret art of teleportation, Bronn and Arya are already masters

>when your budget goes to paying actors way too much


Don't forget the dead guy breathing in first scene.

Absolute garbage.

is that digitalph33r?

7.2 now. Boy, is it going downhill.

the greatest Captain in the world.

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It was most certainly the best episode of this miserable season yet

t. seething danyfag
calm down. it's just a show

>entire Dothraki army wiped out in dramatic fashion only a day ago
>commander states they lost only half

Well you can see some of them coming back with Jorah, so I guess there were survivors. Although saying that half survived is just D&D basic everyday nonsense.

Have sex

Clearly like 3 and then after everyone but main characters and like 5-10 soldiers were all dead. But no only half lel show is shit and dosent care

>Bronn can somehow instantly reload a crossbow while sitting down
>the same crossbow that Tyrion used
>the same crossbow that he needed a dedicated reloading tool to operate
It's like they couldn't figure out how to make him interact with Jaime without instantly doming him with the crossbow, so they just made Bronn act like he had a gun.

>tfw white walkers are just a plot device to nerf Kelly C’s army
>tfw metaphor for eternal creeping Death is fooled and killed by a child on a knife trick

he didnt know about it until well after the war had already started.

Out of thousands I would guess dozens remain. But LOL who cares let’s call it half


It was the best episode of this season honestly. Gave me some hope that the show might manage to redeem itself a little in the end.

you found the best turd in a pile of shit

for one of the highest rated shows, yeah that's complete garbage rating.

Reviewers can't bring themselves to downboat Ep3 because their NOC programming tells them that "EPIC BATTLE YASS QUEEN SLAY!1!" = doubleplusgood, but nevertheless they can feel in their bones that something has gone horribly wrong with the season at this point, so they took it out on Ep4.
Bad scores for 4 are proxy bad scores for 3.

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100% agreed. everyone is trying to point out flaws of the episode, but they're kinda missing the point.

the episode was still shit compared to the first 4 seasons. it's just significantly better than the first 3 episodes of season 8.

user, there is no ballista on god's green earth that can hit a flying target, that high, from that far away, with any accuracy or enough penetration power to damage a fucking dragon. Much less while you're on a rocking boat. your target is coming at you perpendicular and you get three hits right on target

The US military with modern day technology couldn't build that kinda shit. those ballistas might as well be fucking railguns m8

Well, how does it even shoot is the first question you have to ask.

*and taking Missandei while sparing everyone else, and Missandei getting captured while on a skiff that can safely get to dragonstone before anyone else can swim, is complete bullshit

After so many seasons these retards should understand the concept of the show. All the characters that strive to become king or queen are destined to die one way or another. Jon never asked to be king, he's literally written that way to survive till the very end, Daenerys on the other hand is being set up to go bonkers and have everyone turn against her. Considering how fucking trigger happy social media is the fallout from the coming episodes is gonna be priceless. I'm gonna thoroughly enjoy the coming weeks.

Easily the best episode of Season 8 and a hell of of a lot better than anything from Season 7 as well. If the final two episodes can at least match the quality of this one, we may actually get a somewhat decent ending to the series

>Daenerys on the other hand is being set up to go bonkers and have everyone turn against her.

True. I could see her slowly entering Why So Serious mode during the Long Night. I get the feeling that the death of Jorah hit her pretty hard.

I admit that I didn't know enough about physics to know that this was impossible, so at the time, to me it just looked awesome. Don't hate, guys; I confess my ignorance, and have now been educated.

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Agreed. I guess this place isn't completely full of plebs.

The best Ballistas in history only had like a maximum Fucking range of 500 yards. And these ballistas were shooting at like a 45-60 degree angle at least, fighting against gravity.

Danerys was flying dead at the fleet closing for almost 10-15 seconds before turning back and she was still nowhere near them!

They must have Fucking hit that dragon from like a mile out!

incredibly based, impossibly redpilled



No, it is full of contrarians. All of you need to have sex.

Agreed. At first I didn’t like Dany at the beginning of this season because I thought she we gonna yass queen her way through and I now I feel for her and she has every right to lay waste to the red keep.

For those of you who don’t buy the leaks can you please do me a favor and reassure me that they’re not real.

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>look they're playing that drinking game from season 2
>Oh and he said power resides where we believe it to...
>aren't we great with our call backs
It was worse than fan fiction.

the fact that Cersei didn't fire a volley and esplode Tyrion is the biggest plot armor bullshit so far this season - she fucking hates Tyrion and had no intention of bargaining, it would have been completely win/win to kill the main adviser of the enemy regardless

Good thing it isnt in the books then


Absolutely S U B V E R T E D