
Did people seriously hate him? What was so dis-likable about his character? He was my favorite and I honestly thought he was wronged 90% of the time

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My favorite as well. The addiction subplot felt a bit forced but otherwise he was the perfect bipolar character.

Chrissy is a great character but he was such a dumbass that you really couldn't like him. Every time he felt slighted he did some dumb shit to make it worse. I can't really say I hated any of the characters (in a I want to turn this off kind of way). Even Janice is a good character because she is supposed to be so terrible. I JUST LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH!

Chris and Paulie scenes are some of the best parts of the show.

>Paulie sniffing Adriana's panties

Chrissy was definitely in the top 3 characters for me, I don't get how so many people that watched the show called him a fuck-up, he was on the right track most of the time but sometimes he strayed, which as the other user posted did feel kinda forced. I also don't get his death scene at all, it made me very confused and it wasn't like Tony was justified in doing so at all. It totally came out of the blue, he could have made it but he didn't.

>it wasn't like Tony was justified in doing so at all
the frustration was pilling up, it was obvious to me that the crew at this point had no respect for chris and they hated him, him seeing the branch which could have killed his daughter was the final straw

he was a little bitch. normally, men dont like men weaker than them hence why so many people dont like him

He’s my second favorite character in the show.
>his addiction felt forced
I will never understand this shit

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Your supposed to fucking figure it out yourself why Tony felt right killing him you cocksucker. They literally make it a point by having Tony say he never felt this way before
It’s because of his vicarious patricide that reached it’s breaking point after junior gives him PTSD

Yeah it’s a real mystery why a child born from a broken household with an abusive mother, no friends, a 19 year old drug dealer as his masculine role model, surrounded by drugs would have an addiction. That scene with Chrissy and Julianna Skiff where he talks about the mobsters he looked up to not upholding their code as well as the constant reminder of Adriana being present all throughout season 6. Really makes me wonder why he’s fucked up. Totally forced

>Even Janice is a good character because she is supposed to be so terrible.
I went from completely despising her to actually feel for her a bit in the later seasons, the show is so good it can actually put you in the character's shoes deep enough that you understand the reason they're like that


I went from despising her, to feeling sorry for her, to jerking off to her

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She should have been a capo, warned her bones before bobby

He was a fuck up and a little bitch. Liked his relationship with Paulie.

Scenes with Chrissy and Julianna Skiff in Kaisha were kino

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>That scene with the waiter

>Don’t they have medicine they’re supposed to take these assholes?

>he was a little bitch. normally, men dont like men weaker than them hence why so many people dont like him
this is literally the reason why he ended up getting killed and was abused by the crew and why people rationalize their hatred against him, because of his small posture
Is this the "toxic-masculinity" ive been hearing about? People literally hate him because he was smaller than most of the crew, thats so fucking shitty and actually makes me want to knock their lights out
People didnt even get it, viewers acted the same as paulie and tony and other shits that ridiculed him

It’s pretty surprisingly how many people keep saying that Chrissy’s death was justified because of his addiction when the show itself went out its way to explain that you’re not supposed to ever offer addicts alcohol. Tony literally grabs Chrissy’s glass with his fat fucking paw and pours him the stolen wine right after Chris explained how he has to be disciplined and stay away from alcohol.
Chrissy is obviously a piece of shit like the rest of them, and he has murdered two civilians but man he was wronged a lot of times
>Paulie (during Chris’ initiation): You have any problems, go to Tony
>Paulie: You ever go crying to the big man again, we’ll have a problem my friend

I was thinking to myself "what the fuck is his problem" when watching Paulie interacting with based chris

>stealing from Chrissy’s father in law
>destroyed his lawn and scared his wife and baby
>cracking jokes at Chrissy’s daughter and humiliating him in front of everyone, including some of Chrissy’s own underlings like Benny Fazio
It’s naturally a part of being a horrid criminal organization but man, after all Chrissy did for Paulie. He never told Tony the truth of how it was Paulie who fucked up, he held his code of silence for his capo

Best Chrissy moments? for me its when he's talking about Phillys eyebrows as if he's not close second for Shah of Iran
>And those eyebrows I cant fucking stand em

There is not one character in this show that is likable. Not one you can root for. All of them were murderous psychopaths with no redeeming qualities.

>There is not one character in this show that is likable.

I rooted for Toneh, Sil and Chrissy, what are you gonna do about it bitch?

I dunno he was sort of involved in the murder of that innocent waiter, and he kinda squished that dog...

And you know, he was a greasy fucking italian piece of shit.

People usually aren't good people in real life. It's harder to root for a good person

>Causes problems the whines and won't change his ways like when he harassed the customers and lost his wife then his crush to CHRISTOPHA

He's not the worst but it's hard to feel bad when he causes half of the shit that happens to him

>Did people seriously hate him? What was so dis-likable about his character?
The only people who hate characters because of the character's personality are retards.
You should only ever hate a character if they're written badly, and Christopher wasn't.

This. I actually felt bad when she started taking anger management ans mellowing out only to have Tony bring up her estranged son out of spitel

Has to be the scene where everyone's at Chris' house to talk about his drug problem.
It's one great joke after the other.
>h-he killed my dog..!
>why, was it barking?

that ending with a smug Tony walking away and I'm Not Like Anybody Else playing is depressing as fuck imo

That's my fuckin money Paulie!

Point of the show is developing these horrifying, morally bankrupt characters enough that you can empathize with them and understand their plight and why they are the way they are. Plus they’re funny.

Artie and Bobby were tortured souls who had a hard life and in the end Bobby got fucked so hard
>wife you love so much dies leaves you with two kids to take care of
>shitty janice essentially forces herself into your life and ruins it
>mocks your confidence and masculinity to manipulate you to get shit from her brother
>tony makes your dying father do a hit in which he dies after doing so
>bobby never killed anyone and kept his nose clean for sopranos standards
>tony makes him kill someone because he won a fight against tony in which tony started
>go to the store to buy a nice train for his collection
>"your son will love this"
>"nah...he dont care..."
>proceed to get shot a million times
RIP Bobby he had a hard life

This is an absolute classic

>Paulie's look when Ad says he can't function
>Silvios "disgusting"
>The whole dog reaction
>The escalation into a full on brawl

This works on so many layers, Absolute kino

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>you’re the guy that broke into Stew Leonard’s that time, you stole all those pork lions
The image of that and the fact Chrissy pretty much points out the hypocrisy of the intervention before it even happens is great

I saw this scene before ever watching the show and seeing Christopaah babble during the wake like they mentioned was the funniest shit.

>3:36 Chris: HO HO THIS IS YOU
This was my favorite, fucking Paulie
>what I’m saying is...
I felt the second-hand embarrassment from that. Had something similar to that talking while high

i wasnt referring to his physical strength or size smoothbrain. he was weak minded and very emotionally unstable. a beta male. would be completely the same if he was 6'5 and ripped. remember that scene from bakery? he only got respect when he drew out a gun. do you think richie aprile would get that treatment from the baker? it is all part of our animal nature. like all pack animals, we respect and gravitate to the strong ones, the pack leaders and dismiss those who we deem lesser. humans are only animals with beta leaders. chris was what he was only because he was tony's cousin. he would never get there if he wasnt. thats why everyone on show and many viewers disliked him. if you cant understand this, it's probably because you are young/unexpirienced/oblivious to social world/the very thing im describing

>chris was what he was only because he was Tony’s cousin
True, he wouldn’t have been a scumbag criminal if it weren’t for Tony

I bet your favorite show is The Wire and you empathize with everyone it in, niggerfaggot.

>The only people who hate characters because of the character's personality are retards.

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Chrissy rules.
The episode where they get lost in the woods. So good.
>Paulie sniffing Adriana's panties

explain, who is that guy

He’s right though, only patricians hate fictional characters if they’re horribly written. Not because of how mean :( they are

>Relatively insignificant/non-memorable character ends up majorly influencing the plot
Tony B was Chase's worst creation in the show.

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>majorly influencing the plot
You mean setting up the most kino season that is 6A and 6B?
Was he really that bad? Richie and Vin Makazian were one season characters and they were still great. Some characters like Svetlana who barely get any screen time was based too

He was a fucking drug addict. Him choking on his blood was the best death in the series

*pshew pshew*

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You're an idiot, then.

You're supposed to detest most of the characters in this series. The fact that autists actually root for characters in this show demonstrates just how retarded Americans are.

Christopher was a sad piece of shit who failed to break the cycle of shit he was born into.

he was a constant bitch, a prick, an idiot, a wannabe who had no understanding of the mafia OR Hollywood, or how to write a story, a script, etc, and it was shown time and again. He was a liar, a cheater, a wife-beater, a druggie, an addict, a murderer.

You can hardly fail MORE than this piece of shit.

OP, you must be a total moron.

>Was he really that bad?
He wasn't really bad but he was unnecessary/could've been better.
He was basically the poor man's version of Richie or Ralph, except that those characters were completely based and stole every scene.

Moron, this was the best bit in the entire series. Tony B was fucking KINO as fuck. Absolute legend.

Also one of the few characters you could genuinely like and feel sorry for.

Prepare for feels.

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He's a sociopathic junky, who's handed the world on a silver platter, being groomed to run the family, and throws it away on smack, and when he's not being a junkie, he's being a wannabe screenwriter with delusions of grandeur. He's a complete manbaby and fuckup.

>he was unnecessary/could've been better.
Pleb-tier arguments. Nothing is "Necessary", you autistic waste of space.

Don't ever diss my boy Buscemi or I will come fuck you up directly in your home.

This mise en scène is so kino I cried. Never saw this when it happened.

as of the wedding day anything that touches her pussy is off limits

>Christopher was a sad piece of shit who failed to break the cycle he was born into
Wtf user, I thought you said we weren’t supposed to root for them. Now you made me feel bad for Chrissy

Yeah tough guy? I'm in Charlotte NC, your welcome to come by.

>being groomed to run the family
Chrissy, like Tony, subconsciously know that this isn’t exactly a good thing to do though. Are you a Mexican? Only Mexicans glorify crime bow.
>wannabe writer
He did have acting chops though

Maybe because he was addicted to heroin.

Bobby is literally the only redeemable character.
>b-but Artie!
He made decisions that made him look like a tryhard faggot e.g. the French vodka

The best example of who Chris was, was when he shot the kid in the donut shop. Total bitch move. Or the awkward as fuck scene with Jon Favreau in the hotel room when he's practically giving him a lap dance.

Why are HBO series so good my lads? Eg, GoT S1-4, Barry, Rome etc

Glorifying crime? Lol, you fucking spastic. Project much? And no, I'm not mexican, you fucking waterhead.

>fans complain that Chrissy is a weak fuck-up and a plot-magnet
>Paulie couldn’t put remote down on docking station
>Paulie snitches on Ralph for a Ginny Sac joke when Paulie was the one who started the onslaught of jokes
>Literally the cause of the season 4 conflict
>Is the one who spreads the rumor in Irregular Around the Margins
>Paulie’s a fan favorite
What did normies mean by this?

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Obviously the most tragic character of the show but was a fuckin’ junkie.

Fucking Artie haters need to GTFO

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Paulie did nothing wrong. He’s the only one alive at the end of the series because he stuck to the code, never settled down, and looked out for himself.

>Character is a piece of shit therefore he is a bad character

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That was such a weird scene. Artie and Merkel looked really out of place


The hydrocephalus chick in front of Artie was the most out of place. Maybe I forgot a scene that actually shows where the club opening was advertised to soccer moms

I loved spider

Your snide attitude aside, good post

I mean I love Paulie too. He’s like an ass-kissing Starscream, he’s an amazing character. I just find it annoying their are way more normies that don’t notice the hypocrisy. Hell there are some people on Yea Forums that put Paulie as their favorite character while also shitting on Chrissy and saying he’s nothing but a “plot-magnet.”


Paulie, Chrissy, Janice, Livia, and AJ are all notorious pleb filters. Anyone who shits on them only reveal their ignorance.

They’re so well-acted that it’s not irrational to dislike them.

Streaming season 6 live at

Basedstream com

Come shit post and chill out it'll be going all day

Im an attention-let and honestly didnt get what the fuck was his problem
Was he really just a kiss-ass? Thats all?
>Youre speaking to the boss of this family!!

this is hands down the best Chris scene. This and "you're dropping your fucking oranges!"

Chrissy was the only character with 0 plot development
He was driving tony around in episode 1 and he was driving tony around at the end of season 7
dumb druggie who couldn't stay clean

>Hating on characters of sopranos means you are a pleb because you cant understand writing
Its just like wwe, its hard to say which one is worse, the fan who buys into the kayfabe and treats the characters like real people or the fans who doesn't and ranks the characters based on arbitrary values of good writing

He’s one of the most slimiest opportunist but lacks that cold intelligence of Johnny Sack and Carmine Lupertazzi.
He’s a smart cat, in that he outlives almost everyone by the end.
>Beansie tells Tony that Paulie loves him almost like a son
>Paulie is totally willing to sink the Soprano family by not handing Carmella the 200k while Tony is in a coma
>Was ready to replace NJ management in season 4 as tensions rise
>Got an envelope of money from Tony and no show job while in the can, proceeds to complain about not getting enough money
>tells Feech that “you get points for bein out of the can”
He’s extremely selfish, like how a criminal should be.

He’s literally the second most developed character in the show user

Wasnt he low-key talking about taking out Tony too? Or am I horribly misremembering?

Ah bloo bloo, ass blasted over fictional characters. LOL, you fucking pathetic worm.

>You learn his backstory
>We see he has a knack for acting and but his upbringing and insecurity prevents him from being able to confront his feelings, instead bottling it up and exploding in rage
>Literally the only character to have an arc. He goes from a cowboy willing to start a war against Leotardo to telling Tony he should meet Leotardo’s demand and that “life is too short”
>While Tony still puts his father in a pedestal, Chris outright tells Tony that Dickie, his hero, was nothing more than a junkie. Severing the mentor-son ties with Tony
I think the problem is you didn’t bother in paying attention

Yes he does in season 4 near the end. Johnny Sack is talking to Paulie outside and he tells him about “new management” for NJ. Paulie isn’t against it he says something along the lines of
>if its ME, god forbid...or whoever
Meaning Paulie is willing to take over

This is the objective answer to all of Vito's questions and enigmas. Please refrain from ever discussing them like the pleb ignorants you are:

>Was Vito gay?
>then why suck the guy's cock?
It was a joke
>why did he he make such a homossexual joke?
Because of the medication
>what does the medication have to do with it?
It changes a mans sense of humour
>was he still under the effects of the medication when he ran away?
>was living with the fireman a joke?
>why did he leave the fireman and the happiness he had found, even knowing Phil wanted his ass dead?
Because the effects of the medication wore off
>how did Vito sneak behind Jackie Jr and "nothing personalled" him?
Objects of large mass can collapse upon themselves, create black holes and teleport themselves in wormholes. Vito was a man of large mass
>did Vito also teleport the car and the driver?
>Could Vito have teleported himself to another place when his jokes were found out?
No, the medication made him lose too much mass
>how did Vito kill Jackie Jr with a toy gun?
He didn't, Jackie had a collapsed lung, as we can see by the snow already having blood when he falls, and Vito took the credit for it. Lots of luck
>why does the scene where Vito threatens Finn DeTrollio look like bad CGI?
Objects of large mass, such as Vito, can deform their surroundings due to excerting a stronger force of gravity
>was Finn really his arch nemesis?
Yes. Thin. Kind of tall. Looks like Daniel Day Lewis' son. Couldn't take a joke
>would Vito kill him in the Yankees' game?
No, he just wanted to make a new friend, and share some jokes
>why did Phil want Vito's death so much?
Because he was a closeted faggot
>wasn't it all a joke?
No, he wasn't fat, so he wasn't on medication

>Indirectly caused conflict between NY and NJ and fucked over Tony by snitching to Johnny Sack
>Was one of the biggest sources of stress for Tony throughout the show
>Wasn't earning much for the mob even though he was a seasoned Capo
>Was a general creep, e.g. sniffing Ade's panties and hanging a weird painting of Tony in his apartment

Those are the things off the top of my head by I could go on.
Despite all this Paulie was still valuable to the mob and greatly respected by Tony.

People forget the badass moments that Paulie had in the show:

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that scene in the forrest where silvio took care of Adriana #neverforget


>You say we hit him with a brick

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Was ralphie the most competent member of the jersey mob

Ok anons give me ALL your possible theories about the ending, I need a list
>Tony gets shot in the back of his head
>The audience gets shot
>The ending shows us the paranoia he has to carry with himself for the rest of his life


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>the paranoia is Tony knowing the jaws of the underworld is about to close in on him for all the troubles he has caused

depends on what you mean by that

Paulie getting kids hurt when he cheapskates on the fair is all you need to know about him. He made pennies scream harder than Hesh.

Granted, Janice making a big fucking deal about "OMG I ALMOST DIED MY WHOLE LIVE FLASHED BEFORE MY EYES" dramacunt bullshit was totally eye-rolling, but at least it was true to her shitty character. I know women like that, grew up around them.

But Paulie is entertaining as a character. Janice is just rage inducing, with her "We're looking at major label" crystal rubbing narcissist shit.

The episode where Tony is deciding to whack Paulie, but lets him live when he sees him laughing like a jackass at 3's Company, and realizes Paulie is just an autistic fuck...that's good writing.

In terms of making money

Nope. That would be Silvio.

rewatching that scene where the therapist gets raped, forgot how soothing her voice is.

>Tony didnt want to kill Vito
What was that supposed to tell us about T? That he was more compassionate than every single guy in the mob except Bobby? That he had no values and just saw this hit as hurting his money and his ego?
>Gets hyperventilated because he couldnt handle a small dispute between Paulie and Vito
The scenes of dr.MILFi talking to her therapist were so fucking cringe honestly

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Lorraine Bracco is cute when she is cussing
>I’m gonna call my lawyer you, FUCK you

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We dont know the exact numbers but we have to consider Vito too, both him and Ralph described by Tony as great earners

I’m a sucker for anime/Soprano crossovers

Was a big earner but he also was a complete loose cannon that always started shit and clearly wasn't loyal to Tony. I wouldn't trust a guy like that for shit.

Italy are massive weebs though

>Make Ralph, the top earner of the entire family, the capo of the Aprile crew instead of sending someone from Junior’s crew
>Instead of hitting Ralph for killing Tracie, bar him from Bada Bing like Sil did and also tax him
Literally all Tony had to do. He was a childhood friend with Ralph, literally Tony’s fault
The Jackie Jr situation was Ralph’s fault but not the Ginny Sac joke.

You don't kill the golden goose though, he facilitated the whole HUD shit and seemed like the only one in the gang with a sense of business acumen

Ralph was about to start a mutiny, Jackie was always gonna try to be a big shot

The mutiny was BECAUSE Tony went against the mafia code and layed his hands on Ralph. Like I said, Tony was undermining the MVP in the first place

Ralph is the type of person that is only loyal when things are stable. With all the escalations with NY (which Ralph had a part in), I'm sure that he would've betrayed the family the moment he felt like Tony was going down.

>Literally the only character to have an arc.

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>tfw no pussy in season 3.

I thought he took off to his gay escapade later on.

Bobbyfags should be executed

I can see that too considering Ralph’s personality. As well as Vito Spatafore siding with NY before he got found out to be gay. The most ambitious members are always ones you have to look out for.
But the NY conflict only began because of Paulie.
Not only that, season 4 proves isn’t so much the case with ralph now that I think of it. Remember that Ralph was skimming NY with Fernandez Paving? Johnny Sack trying to kill Ralph ensured that he’ll stick to Tony for safety

Unironically Patsy ordered the hit. He clearly held a grudge from the start, and he was playing the long game by hiding his true intentions until the opportunity presented itself. "Our true enemy has yet to reveal himself". Just watch the scene of Tony/Patsy and their respective families talking together on the final episode. Watch both Patsy and his wife's mannerisms and expressions. It couldn't be any more obvious. Patsy was the real mastermind.

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I think it was a mix of everyone that had beef with Tony desu, including Patsy. Tony made too many enemies and he was aware of it. The most powerful of which was Little Carmine with the Rusty hit

The onion rings did him in.

It's common knowledge that Little Carmine is retarded.

I generally accept the idea of "everyone wanted Tony dead for one reason or another" as a reasonable explanation for the end. But I tend to think Patsy was the most willing to play the long con and actually go through wit it.

Can't disprove this but I don't think so.
Patsy got over his grudge after a while and stayed loyal to Tony. Plus, if he really was planning to exact revenge then I wouldn't think that he still would've done so much dirty work for Tony. Why would you risk yourself getting caught by the Feds just to appease a man that you despise and are planning to kill?

IMO it was Butch that did the hit, aside from Tony's beef with Phil, Tony also crossed the line by pointing a gun at Butch and then curb stomping one of his men. I think that was reason enough to show Butch that Tony was unstable and not worth to keep around.

>He doesn't root for bad people cuz they're bad
How have you become such a paragon of virtue yourself, if you can't see yourself in any of the characters

>the final time at the pork store
>Paulie stays, sunbathing as usual, because he was the only one that survived from the crew and remained loyal
>Tony leaves, because he dies
>Patsy isnt there because he betrayed them
Its too perfect

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>Only mexicans glorify crime
America invented the crime drama and worships people like El Chapo and gangster rappers

Holy fuck how can one character be so punchable
Literally everything he did was impossible to stomach

Patsy kicks the idea up to Paulie. Paulie being who he is, agrees to it. They have Corky working under them, he can set up the hit and he is also responsible for planning the hit. Paulie and Patsy need a higher-up to sanction a hit on the boss. They give the info to Little Carmine that Tony is responsible for the hit. We get a specific scene of AJ leaving his job at Little Carmine’s production company. AJ is referred to as “Ka the only reliable guide through the land of the dead.” For being a blabber mouth that told Livia Tony is seeing a psychiatrist to, leading to the season 1 assassination attempt. AJ talks way too much to the press during Tony’s coma and is also seen to be a witless moron at his Blockbuster job. He gave info to an informant where the family will be, info is given to LC.

High budget and creative freedom. Chase could have written anything he wanted by season 6 and they would have aired it exactly as he wanted it.

What about the CGI cat? Where does he fit into this?

Paulie is the worst person on the show he's just hilarious so and it covers it

>Corky is responsible for planning the hit on Rusty
what I meant to say

That's fair, but I also use Meadow's dating of Patsy's son as justification for how Patsy would know Tony would be at the diner that night, as it is more than reasonable to believe Meadow talked about it with Patrick beforehand. It's all speculation. The show is as close to perfection as you can get, regardless.

here wear this

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God this show was so based. However lots of characters have arcs, they just aren't as fleshed out and don't always resolve the character. AJ and Carmela for example

>Tfw I've come to struggle with the same depressive problems that Tony and AJ and other characters are struggling through
>Tfw I've told my mother a similar thing to Tony's rant about his "rotten genes" without realizing it
>Tfw rewatching clips on youtube and feeling like complete shit because they apply to me as well, barring the mafia parts

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>t. Unmeshed Water Bottle

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tfw Tony has a near arc when he was on a peyote trip but like a “blue comet.” It never lands, just barely grazes his consciousness before leaving and going back to status-quo
>So I believe that, in that desert sunrise on the cusp of Arizona, in fulfillment of his identity as Kevin Finnerty, solar heating salesman, Tony saw his “son” – Christopher – “rise” and realized that, in murdering him days before, he (Tony) was really “rising” as a “son” against Johnny Boy. And in that linkage, he suddenly realized that “everything is [indeed] everything.” He is both Chris and Johnny Boy, both abused and misguided son and abusing, misguiding father. He is murdering uncle and would-be murdered nephew. He is both the mother that sees suffocation as mercy killing and the son who is suffocated. Christopher is both his son and his father. Johnny Boy is Coach Molinaro. “Kennedy” is “Heidi”. Opposites are really two sides of the same coin. In that fleeting moment of insight, Tony was truly feeling “one” with the universe.

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>ignoring Mommy Melfi

I have no basis for this, but I have a strong feeling that Tony is celebrating finally understanding Glorias comment about joyfully participating in the suffering of the world when he yells I GET IT

Bros... Sil wakes up in the end... right?

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>season 7

Doesn't he get sprayed by like 20 bullets? He's dead bro.

>participating in the suffering of the world
That is literally a part of his revelation
>He is both abused and misguided son and abusing, misguiding father
When he killed Chrissy to save his daughter from his influence

Has any show even come close to this kind of perfectly layered writing? This is literary tier subtext

hes in a coma, he COULD wake up
Why would he be written to survive if he wasnt supposed to wake up?

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you're a fucking idiot

He didn't do it to save his daughter, but he used it to justify it. Truth is, he was a liability (that he enabled) and he saw the opportunity to take him out with no repercussion.

I have no idea, reading that fucking +22,000 essay cemented this show as one of the best.
It explains the meaning of that fucking Test Dream.
I remember thinking it was obviously to realize he had to kill Blundetto but this happens
>Tony looks for his gun to stop Blundetto, he can’t find it
>black gangsta: Yo ain’t that the Tony there, you suppose to cap to prevent all this from happening?
>Tony: idk, guess not
>Dream ends with Tony failing to kill Coach Molinaro
He had to come to terms that the mafioso aspect of his life is poisoning everything and it was because he followed his fathers footsteps. To prevent ALL THIS from happening meant the life he chose, not Blundetto situation

cope more


This show is so fucking good

Idiot nigger

he did get shot twice only
Also I was rewatching the scene and I noticed they just looped the scene of Sil reaching for the back seat when he got shot in the side and dubbed in his voice in post, see:

This show has such shitty editing at times
>stock shitty sound effects
>scenes like this

No, the liability was the conscious reason, the daughter was the deeper reason for what why he wanted him dead, he saw himself in the backseat like how he was in the backseat of Johnny Boy cadillac dreams. The unconscious reason was revenge against his father and surrogate fathers that made him who he is.
Tony literally says that he never felt this happy killing somebody. Pussy was a liability but he felt fucking terrible. THINK about it

I'm in the middle of the rewatch and I never realized how bad the sound editing was so often

But nothing beats "random screen wipe for no reason, literally not even Chase knows"


Anyone who says different doesn't get it

>random screen wipe for no reason
what are you referring to? I hope its not the ending because I will knock your lights out

>rule number 1: be nice to others
it's not your safe space reddit bitch

Everything is everything
Lol the one with Carmella leaving the teacher? David didn’t even know the purpose too? Why did he allow it?

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I think he means that weird transition while Carmela was walking.

how the fuck do I even get into this show when I hate dago wops and gangster shit?

Watch it, user, I'm talking about when Carmela runs into AJs teacher and rushes off

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I think that this is a coincidental consequence of great writing that went on for years.
I don't think that David Chase was aware of all this subtext when he made Tony kill Chrissy, it's just that he created such perfect characters and themes that you can look deep into it and find things like this lying beneath. Not trying to detract anything from Chase's writing of course.

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opinion discarded reddit nigger

>Why did he allow it
As far as I know it was an editing mistake that somehow didn't get caught
I suppose that's what happens. Hemingway said he never once intentionally wrote any kind of symbolism or meaning into his books

you stick to watching friends and the office like the faggot piece of shit you are.

>says the queer who idolizes literal niggers and their nigger behavior
wew lad

I wouldn't trust a dude who likes getting fucked in the ass by Janice.

Sopranos season 1 is the weakest season, still amazing, sad because I love Livia and thought it was the best season at some point. Season 1 is a bit glorifying of crime and Tony was ‘nothing-wrong’ tier.
Season 2 is where David mends that problem. The Commendatori episode shits on Italian Americans that think they are Italian and establish Tony for being a predatorial human with the Dave Scatino story.
Sopranos proceeds to be more like Mad Men, where its about characters, drama, how they react to situations and what not. Just replace Ad executive with Mobster.

>what are you referring to?
fucking casual

What a surprise, the racist is too dumb to get the show

>"change my meat to black forest"
>Chris digs up the Czech and buries him in the pine barrens
based show

Mad Men is like Sopranos though. Matt Weiner wrote the pilot while working on it and David Chase gave notes

user, everyone says lol now, kek is overused here now

I have to either stop smoking weed or keep an autistic sopranos journal because this rewatch was the first time I completely got chrissys dream but now I can't remember

That;'s just Chase fucking with everybody. Plus, playing into how retardedly superstitious Italians are.

yeah kek kind of became gay after all the /pol/ praise kek shit. Turning korean laughing into a meme god or whatever the fuck ruined it.

Yeah I know but just giving it context that it’s less like some garbage crap show like Breaking Bad where it’s about plot twists and cliffhangers. That’s like the number one problem for people going into Sopranos, less crime thriller, more drama

Excellent post I've said this for years in these threads. I think the movie will be about since it's literally called moltisanti of newark

The point of the family is that they have an anti arc. They all probably end up worse people than they started. Tony descends further into resembling his mother, Carmela becomes even more of a gold digger (remember in the last ep how bitter she was that hunter was in medical school but gets happy again when meadow's starting salary gets mentioned), AJ is even more retarded, and meadow goes full circle to justifying her family (poverty of the mezzo giorno shit).

Actually feel embarassed that I forgot about it fucking lmao

I'd just keep watching it and noticing new stuff each time

It could very well be so. But Sopranos is also a team effort with extremely talented writers. Lightning in a bottle. You can even argue the subtext was born out of the sea of information

>Implying there isn't a strong possibility it was actually Chrissy/Adrianna reincarnated

The show isn't a stranger to the paranormal. Remember Pussy's reflection in the mirror? Remember young Junior at Livia's wake? Also all the dreams Tony has about the literal devil.

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That wasn’t young Junior man. It was a sight gag where Janice is making the vibe awkward at a wake that people didn’t even want to participate in the first place

A commendatori for keeping thoughtful analysis in these threads

Also on the subject of Tonys character decline I just started season 5 and noticed that they went from portraying Tony as a mad dog on a leash to a wild bear in the yard

criminal, murderer, junkie, racist, sexist

o gee, why do people want to put trash in the trash can

>the cat is Chrissy reincarnated

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>user, everyone says lol
we arent posting in a yahoo chat room in 2000 user. you're embarrassing yourself.

>Young Junior
Wtf why have I never noticed this

>everyone says lol now
>kek is overused
zoomer logic

I was being ironic :p

When do you think Tone jumped the shark? I think it's when he killed Ralphie

You're on the cutting edge, user, emoticons are back in

Kill yourself dumb fuck

>When Paulie sees Virgin Mary

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best sopranos analysis I have ever seen. well done user, VERY well done

It was Junior, even though he wasn't at the house, on account of his arrest. And besides that, there's other shit. Paulie seeing the Virgin Mary (You can even see her reflection before he does), the psychic, the ducks, and so on.

>being a zoomer poof
Nuke this fucking gay cunt world

When he bullied Vin Makazian
>I don’t know why, but I would run into my room and hide under my bed. There was something peaceful and there was something safe under that bed. And that is where I would wake up the next day

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Smell ya’ll l8r

>It was Junior, even though he wasn't at the house
Fucking kill yourself reddit nigger. Your ilk have ruined these threads with your retarded shit and pathetic, worthless memes. You're fucking cancer.

It's hard to say. On the one hand as early as the Scatino bust out he admits its his nature to take advantage and manipulate and seems to accept it. Then again he kills Ralphie for killing Tracy which, while obviously wrong, is justified in Tony's twisted morality so I guess that is a pretty good answer. I don't know if there's ever one moment before killing Christopher that really sends it home

>No, the medication made him lose too much mass

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Can you prove me wrong?

>the ducks
what was supernatural about that

different 'actor', character wasnt present in the scene. you're a fucking cock sucker
>hurr phil is a house lmao
I hope a nigger cuts your fucking faggot throat

user.. I think that you should have sex

The only paranormal event is Vito appearing in the pastry shop as Gino

>Not liking House Phil
Absolutely plebian

He was Junior. He was bald and he had the big glasses. He wasn't present in the house, but he showed up for one scene like a ghost and then disappeared. In the same conjuncture with Pussy showing up in the mirror. How is pointing that out on the same level of the shitposters spamming Phil being a house and why are you so butthurt about it?

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I enjoyed your sisters cunt

Absolute reddit nigger who wasn't born when the show was airing. Go back you little faggot.

user, stop that, she's a sweet, sweet girl

>Mad about television

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I hope your disgusting cunt of a mother gets cancer.

He should have either been kept really low level or separate from the business altogether.

You probably weren't even born yet in 2000, faggot

my mind is blowm

OH! The balls on this guy! You kiss your sister with that mouth?

me Yea Forums me mean lol, gotta grow up someday friend

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We're not all newfag tourists like you kiddo

>gotta grow up someday friend
kill yourself zoomer faggot

Killing Chrissy was the climax of the show. He had the principal arc. The show starts with him driving tony and climaxes with him driving tony. If the show had been more cinematic, chrissy mightve killed tony in the finale

What was the point of this scene?

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I guess I'lll have to stoop to your level, nigger faggot cunt shit incel virgin loser
addendum, have sex

I rooted for Sil 100% of the time.

That they should have had a shrine and sell holy water in gallon jugs

>Your head was in the toilet water, disgusting.

reddit nigger

>Character is obsessed with having an arc
>Dies where he was in the pilot

It's looking for the rat

chuckled through most of that

8/10 bud, 8/10

Twin Peaks, but it's way more esoteric

Chris was a weird unreliable heroin junkie who's gf was an FBI rat

he also fucked up too many times to count

>be Polish
>have to hear the terrible Polish inpressions from the maid and her husband
Lads why didnt they just hire some Polish immigrant?

>3 o'clock

>hes looking at the picture
>a rat was wedged in there
>Adriana was a snitch
Holy shit
Layers upon layers of kino

They looked polish enough: ugly manlets

>fucked up too many times to count
Why are you describing Paulie >Martin Luther King

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It's Ade and she's seen wearing orange and cat pattern clothing

>A Hit is a Hit

>Chris was a weird
shut the fuck up hole

Who meow~ here :3

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Why did Tony beat up Zellman

It was nice to see Chris get what he deserves in the end, Tony did the right thing

Fragile ego, insecurity. Fucking old jew screwing your girlfriend.
It’s literally something a woman will not understand. I saw an interview about how one of the female writers didn’t understand why Tony would do it. Somebody, I think it was David or Terence Winter or some shit that had to convince her

He’s interesting but not very likeable at all. He’s a woman beater, addict, generally a violent and psychotic grease ball. His only good quality was his loyalty.

That scene is Satanic

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Christopuh I love you~

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just got to the part where ralphie sniffs adrianas panties.



>He’s a woman beater
sometimes they deserve it.

>Look, eitha cough up the 25% to ya fatha, or you’re gonna see anotha Putsch marching to your motel, ya Abrahamic ass!
Paulie took that a bit too far.

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he had to send a message

I'll never get over how Chris tries explain to Tony how addiction is a disease and compared it to Tony's therapy. Tony doesn't even try to see what he means

>I think it's when he killed Ralphie
This is the point of no return. Whoever Did This... is a very critical episode.


need me some pulp juice.

What was Noah’s fucking problem?

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the only thing more disgusting than idiots who root for the characters are the complacent retards who root against them

guess what, good and evil are just social classifications, at least the mafia maintain honour and a code, rather than being white bread wage slave cucks

He was already far gone when he killed Ralphie. You could say he jumped the shark before the series even started because he's been a ruthless criminal for years. But if you mean on-screen, I think it's when he allowed his old friend to enter a high stakes game and gleefully busted out his business and ruined his life to get his money back (and much more).

Davie? Fuck him, he was a degenerate gambler.


pretended to give a damn about Meadow when he actually only wanted to bang her

It's true that he was an asshole with a gambling problem, but Tony would not have enabled him for the purpose of getting his business if he was a good person.

Everyone Tony killed up to that point was justifiable. Not morally justifiable, but justifiable in the sense that those killings obeyed some sort of mafia honor code. Tony killed Ralph on a HUNCH. He couldn't prove anything, and he still killed him. This is way more different than killing the rat in the college episode, or killing Pussy.

Actually felt heartburn after the ending

>gleefully busted out his business
90s born queers were a mistake

>Like those old Tarzan movies?
Is there any other movie that gets passive-aggressie remarks down as good as Sopranos?

i'd say what's more retarded than that is making some pseudo-psychological bullshit post that means nothing

really the lowest of the low, imo

Tony killed Ralph over a multitude of reasons. The horse's death was the straw that broke the camel's back.

>I'm not most guys

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kill yourself sheltered faggot

>t. sociopath

Punished, abused and crying Adriana makes my dick hard like you wouldn’t believe

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>If you don't commit fraud and crime and ruin a man's life you're a fag
Guess I have to kill you now to prove I'm not born in the 90's. If you get mad about it you're onions.

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>any other movie
dumb fuck

>Chrissy was the only character with 0 plot development

The same episode he kills Ralph, he lectures Paulie about not doing anything about the prank call. Killing Ralph is the point of no return because Tony has never been hypocritical about killing someone up until that point.


user, you don’t need to be so mean...i mistyped ;_;

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im drunk posting, i have an excuse

do you?

Davey knew what he was getting in to. Tony tried to warn him off multiple times. A grown man made a wager, he lost. He made another, he lost again. End of story.

I hope you get cancer

he was literally a degenerate gambler

no one forced him to play. Preventing natural selection is half the reason everyone is so retarded today.

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Paulie burned the stable out of revenge for Ralph's prank call. There's also a scene of him watching meat cooking on his TV near the horse painting. Thoughts on this theory?


So Paulie burned Ralph’s stable so that Ralph could profit off the insurance?

He never liked him and possibly knew it would set Tony off.

yes and proud of it

empathy makes you a cuck

you realize i always win when i'm lying through my teeth every day?

The reasons being equally nonsensical. Like it or not in the mob Tracey was a whooah and Ralph was a made guy. I sense there is another reason Tony hated him that they never show on screen. Even in Ralphie's first appearance theres tension between them and Tony won't name him capo when he's clearly capable. Also, wtf was Ralphie doing in Florida. There's also the fact they were in the same crew when they were young, and they ate dinner after Tony whacked Willie Overall (i think?). Something probably went down and Tony resented Ralphie ever since.

Wasn’t there a scene focused in Paulie worried about Ralph’s disappearance when Tony blamed Ralph’s disappearance on Johnny Sack. Like he was terrified of the implications or some shit. Wouldn’t he be relieved

>I sense there is another reason Tony hated him that they never show on screen
He's a coked up psychopath and Tony knows he's trouble. He made Gigi captain over him partly because Ralph's a loose cannon and partly because he wanted Gigi to keep an eye on him. Literally no one liked Ralph, and multiple people were looking forward to his death even before he killed Tracee because of how obnoxious he was.
> Also, wtf was Ralphie doing in Florida
Managing their business there.

It was Chase being based and making people have a hatred for not only blacks, but Jews too.

fug the memory is pretty hazy but that would make sense. I just get the impression that Ralph didn't do it for some reason because of the "no more fires" line and him redeeming himself towards the end of his life.
maybe it actually was a freak accident.

perfect casting imo

Towards the end when Tony and Bobby are talking about death, how you never hear it coming, implies to me, that the black screen at the end suggests Tony got whacked.

The entire show was kino. I loved the ending.

So Noel, watsya background?

Paulie is worried about Tony finding out that he is the one talking to Johnny Sack. The only thing he says about Ralph is that Tony looked like he was gonna cry when he saw the horse painting "and still no word from ralph"


It may interest you to know he's now in a mental health facility in nevada

Zellman is talking about how you don't mess with these people, but he is going to start fucking irina? Thats why he beat him with belt.

You mean Mad Men is like The Sopranos.

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This scene is the best Chrissy scene

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When is Matthew Weiner going to shit gold again? Those two shows ruined the rest of television for me.

I guess he got what he deserved.

Why did he do it

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