What the fuck happened to the costume designs? Just take this, for example. Why not (partly) reuse this for the other season?
GoT Costumes
Other urls found in this thread:
what happened to his gloves anyways?
losing the helmets understandable
>What the fuck happened to the costume designs?
The lead costume designer got eaten by a lion while on safari. There was an incredibly noticeable drop off in quality the following season.
Because the show started off as a Medieval fantasy show and now is a woman's show.
He wouldn't see shit out of that helmet
Lannisters dabbing on peasant northerners and shit in riverlanders
Yeah it's made for protection, not for sightseeing.
kino death at least
It served to foreshadow the the scene after the Red Wedding where they cut the head off one of the dire wolves and put it on Robbs head
That helmet is functional, though. It deflects sword blows.
You really have to be a special kind of stupid to enter an area full of wild animals without a gun.
Christ, looking back, the first three seasons are in a league of their own, they can be considered a whole different show compared to what comes after.
Link clearly says it's the (an) editor who died. Clapton has been on the show since the start
>*rains of Castamere sound in the distance*
part of it was probably the new negotiated contracts for the actors after the show got big. probably less money to go around for everything else
Genuinely pissed off that everyone's wearing leather aprons and, at best, brigandine. All those beautiful plate armors from the frist few seasons are gone, and the viewers don't give a flying fuck so that money can go to Kit Harrington's wallet.
How the fuck did you not realize this earlier? Dumb newfag
>Lead costume design that created this and other wardrobes for GOT was mauled by a lion in South Africa.
This scene still makes me seethe
>dual wielding swords
What we’re they thinking
>Howland Reed's secret technique that prevents him from ever showing his face in public again was walking behind Arthur Dayne and stabbing him in the back
Because uuh it loks cooler haha
No its stupid
I always lose my gloves.
no one stabs your helmet with a sword
>pretending you care about costume design
If you're trying this hard to find something to complain about, maybe it's time to accept that the show is fine
Posting based armour
But they will axe you in the head, so a big halo of metal aotop your helm is great
best actor of whole GoT right here
it was a rental
Been complaining about this since season four or so. Have sex.
I hate got threads because im always painfully reminded how good the show used to be
How much does an episode cost again user?, It's not a fucking improv act on some corner shop.
There design has gotten progressively more HP7 and less LotR for about 5 seasons
Cersei's romulan gown is good, probably the best costume post season 4.
But the engraving gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever
>she didn’t have a kennel master and three dogs
They got superhero costumes now and nobody wears helmets
>and who
>are you
Did Gendry make that armor?
Who do you think isn't aware of this?
Most of that is the actor's inflated salaries. the main handful of talent account for the majority of the ever increasing budget
He's from arguably the richest family there is. Is a pretty boy fag. And is only any good in tournaments, where it's basically one big spectacle anyway. The entire idea is probably to have armour that looks good.
Tywin's was the ultimate kino armour
Obligatory s2 vs s6 posting.
don't cry because it's over, cry because it happened
I find her pauldrons distracting. Looks like she wouldn't be able to raise her arms without them falling off. Also can't stand Sansa's Daedric armor and Aryas ebin asymmetrical anime cloak. Built for screenshots and magazine covers.
> Fashion was invented in the 1900's
Unpractical tourney armor makes more sense than practical tourney armor.
Jesus. I've seen better looking cosplays.
I hope Mace is wearing chain mail under those padded arms. Because otherwise that's a terrible piece of kit.
bordeline mycenian armor on mace
He was the ultimate kino everything, Charles Dance was the best actor in the show, and Tywin was a man's man.
>post season 4 GoT happened
Thanks, user.
Why the fuck aren't women wearing dresses anymore? I get Arya and Brienne but why the fuck is Sansa wearing some leather BDSM outfit?
Enjoyed Brienne's Metroid Prime 3 armor
The old Lannister armors always looked a bit too plasticy and LARP-like for my taste. Though design wise they are damn sexy.
I wish filmmakers brought back aluminum armors instead of these plastic ones. Never looked right in my eyes.
So bad it hurts. When you read about how this is handled in the books rage starts to fill your insides.
Post more. I read in another thread that one of the later season pieces of armor was bending in some shots. But I've never seen a screenshot of it.
Is that suppose to represent chainmail? Or is he just wearing a Norwegian hiking sweater or some shit?
I liked Brienne back in these scenes. She looked like a woman trying to be a man, which is what I thought was the entire point of her character. Now she just looks and acts like a large woman.
You bigoted user. W-Women don't have to conform to standard dress codes REEEEEEE. They can wear whatever they like!
you don't obviously know shit about swordfighting
to be fair the northern armour was always like that. kind of retarded given how the southerners have 15th century gothic plate
Honestly kind of follows the books.
the first three are tight! Book for has good moments but drags and book 5 is just a total slog until the last 100 pages
Well yeah because the northerners don't have the money for fancy plate armor, but considering Jaime's status and history he should be strutting around in one of his many plate armors, right? Same for Brienne, the Hound, etc.
>probably less money to go around for everything else
Shouldn't affect the quality of the writing and directing though. I'm so glad I can always watch seasons 1-3 and enjoy them over and over. Can throw season 4 in there too I guess, but 1-3 honestly feel like a different show.
I heard that Monty Python used crocheted sweaters coated in silver metallic spray paint for chainmail.
I would say first 4 seasons
5 is where things went really wrong, really quickly
>let me tell you about swordfighting
>wow screenshot
Jesus fucking Christ m8
Sansa looks great and everyone else looks worse basically
If it is supposed to be chainmail, it's pretty funny that they can't afford some plastic rings or to buy some chainmail of some Indian woman for 40 bucks.
Yeah it's meant to be chainmail. It's a standard thing low budget historical shows do.
S4 was last good season
Which is better?
Any of you faggots that reply to this seriously:
Its a phrase from the game Metal gear solid 3. Jesus christ lads, lurk more
Or pic related.
I think they are both retarded
its shit
What went wrong?
the whole
>bad guys dressed in black
suck ass and reek of pandering to mongs
>they dress in black they're bad btw
Dick knob helmet is the best helmet.
It looks like a cosplay. She should be wearing furs like her father.
unironically this. It was a way to make his character visually interestying/unique
jesus christ that looks like shit
They stopped giving a shit
I always liked the chest of Stannis'. To much chain mail otherwise with out the cloak
The black and silver colour scheme is based, but the actual design in is better.
if we're gonna complain about logic and not just aesthetics then wearing armor outside of battle is always retarded
Look at the quality on this. It's genuinely impressive.
Season 7-8 kingsguard armor looks like absolute shit. Ridiculous helmet and torso shape makes the mountain look like some blocky misproportioned retard with no neck while previous armor looked like a giant man in metal.
He basically went from immovable object to silly big guy.
Also like another user said, villains in black is just really cheap
>wearing armor outside of battle is always retarded
It's like you don't want to use the extra weight to train hard and improve your power level, fag.
What's good for Son Goku can't be bad for me.
He looks like a fucking He-Man action figure.
Yeah it looks legit, prob my fave armor
I want to cup her chest.
I like it simply because Cersei is trying to brand herself as queen and gets her own spechul queensguard.
It's like someone saw a suit of fluted plate armor in a fairground mirror for 2 seconds whilst drunk and high and is struggling to recreate it.
lol wtf
I always thought something this style would fit the mountian, and would make sense since they were going for fear and intimidation factor and hiding his ugly mug
Why do non of the main cast wear a helmet? Yeah I know it's to see the actors faces but still it becomes kind of ridiculous.
>freezing cold blizzard summoned by the white walkers
>no one has a helmet or a cap to protect their ears, they don't cover their noses
>no one ever fucking protects his head, the first part of your body you want safe
I have such a hatred for GoT's shit quality and its popularity, but this thread made me remember how much I used to like this show
That one looks like they were trying to create a medieval Darth Vader costume
Go choke on French cock, Lindy.
Warglaves are not swords
Can't wait to see if they choreograph the inevitable car crash that is cleganebowl with ridiculous clumsy over the shoulder shots or with hilarious armor-shed Frankenstein Mountain.
>went to SA
>lions 2 meter away from me looking at me
I was kinda scared anons
That was when GRRM was around doing 90% of the work producing/directing the show. The fact that the quality fell off so fast after he left, AND that coincided with a noticeable change in direction and cinematography should be proof that Dumb and Dumber were doing much, much less than they took credit for. IF GRRM was actually doing that much on the show, I'd absolutely understand him not having enough time to write.
Even if GRRM wasn't officially directing and producing everything, he sure as fuck had D&D's ears, explaining why something wouldn't work or why something was important to the plot. That alone explains all the bullshit they've been pulling in the last 4 seasons. They want to prove themselves.
No, you need specially made big guy armor
>that bondage chain mixed with that pose
Pretty hot desu.
I want to grab that chain and walk her like a doggy
I like the whole costume, chain and plate armor, could use a few more plates though.
That would have been cool, and clever, but most of the audience are fucking retards who would forget what happened to the Mountain if they couldn't see his zombie face through his helmet.
To be fair, she’s supposed to be in mourning for Tommen (I think)
North costume design was always shit
Nothing resembling the books and nothing reflecting their tactics or culture
Come here user
Lmao white people are so fucking stupid sometimes
>absolute unit powerbulking armor
Guess he found the breastplate stretcher
I'm more mad that they changed the dialogue like the original ToJ dialogue wouldn't have worked?? It was much better.
But that was some fancy jousting
Jaime almost got that norf bastard Rob. if only that dude's spine didn't catch his sword. Lil bitch rob must have been scared shitless.
grrm has considerable tv experience and he has autism so you know he was fact-checking every original scene and the scripts before he left
she's sayin " you're allright kid"
>Renowned for sex scenes and asshole knights
>Not a single gigantic codpiece
>that sack on 1540
holy shit based
I always liked this quilting, and the padded look was perfect for his character
Robb's armor with his cape was always my favorite, but yeah, Charles Dance as Tywin was perfect in every regard
WRONG. Lots of layers of leather is exactly what you'd expect considering the weather, and not having them all match reflects the fact that the northern army is men from dozens of castles all over a massive area who don't coordinate styles.
Sorry wrong pic
Not just fact checking. You can bet he was putting the breaks on any dumbass fast travel shit or nonsensical battle tactics. None of the stupid shit that D&D have pulled over the last 4 years would have made it past him. All the fucking need is someone to tell them when their original ideas are stupid and the show improves tenfold.
>be robb
>set 300 IQ ambush
>win battle
>surround the last lannister forces, expect jaime to surrender honorably
>jaime unzips his sword and cuts his way through 6 niggas in full armor and only is stopped once his sword gets stuck in the 6th dudes neck
he probably shat his pants
A thick gambeson with a mail shirt and some plate here and there would be much better gear for the northerners.
Joffrey was so /fa/
Absolute UNIT
Pretty much this, give or take some autism
How do the golden company's armors look like?
/fa/ and autism go hand in hand
That helmet is beyond retarded.
This is how it should have looked like
>you will now remember that GoT used to pay attention to detail, they even included a goat's foot lever for the crossbows Joffrey and Tyrion used.
The fuck is that? Looks like a space cat
If they wanted to go more for warmth then they should've all just used a thick Gambeson and fur. Its not just that, its that they all wear shitty brown and are all mismatched. Sure they're from dozens of castles, but so are all the other armies. The thing is they all look horribly prepared for war, with barely any armor and those shitty helmets and they all just look like peasants, which is ironic since they were winning every battle. Reflecting the fact that they use mostly shock tactics and are really strong, they should've looked more professional and with a heavy cavalry and light infantry looking more like pic related, which is from the ASOAIF tabletop game.
Why did the women in GoT start wearing edgy inauthentic clothes since s7?
Jaime is so fucking hot. Honestly, if he was my twin brother I'd fuck him too
>Mfw Bronn speedloading crossbow
You fucking dunce, in the early Seasons there was no war going on, a time of relative peace so the rich armies, Barantheons, Lannisters, The Flowers, etc were able to have fancy embellishments in their armor with no regard for practicality in active warfare. But as the seasons wore on, the fancy shit gets left behind because they ain't got time to have their armorers make the fancy shit. They do the necessary protective armor - more leather clad armor with plate reinforcements as needed and done expeditiously. Don't you know anything?
absolutely based bait
That's a fully functional helmet made by a master armourer not that larp shit that they made for the Hound.
>21st century master armourer
>not LARP shit
Furs are too expensive to kit your armies with, you need dozens of animals per person, that's why we only see Lords and Ladies wearing them.
>they all just look like peasants
That's because they are, apart from professional soldiers like the golden company and the unsullied, most armies are just peasants who have been handed weapons.
How does this look to you, cretin?
>When they made Sansa's costume in Winterfell too big for her to show how she wanted to grow up too fast
I miss when they actually put thought into this show
Robb's armor was kino
>not costume designer
Fucking retards learn how to read
>manlet boots
>shoots you
>That's because they are
So are the soldiers from the south. And they all wear matching armour. I would have prefered if they kept it like it is in the books with knights having full plate armour with their house colours and sigil while peasant soldiers used mostly mail, gambesons, helmets and spears
I think that was the point. He was the "Knight of Flowers", a pretty boy from a rich family that had never seen actual combat. That's brought up several times.
It contrasted with the Hound who was his literal opposite. Sansa lusts after Loras but will probably end up falling in love with the Hound in the books.
>Furs are too expensive to kit your armies with, you need dozens of animals per person, that's why we only see Lords and Ladies wearing them.
Yeah fair enough, but like i and the other user said they should've just used a thicker gambeson and such.
>That's because they are, apart from professional soldiers like the golden company and the unsullied, most armies are just peasants who have been handed weapons.
And that'd be ok if everyone in GoT was treated this way, but every Lannister or Knight of the Vale has plate armor for instance, while every Northerner, including the nobility, only has shit. In the context of the show and the fantasy setting, the Northerners should've looked more professional. It just looks so cheap.
Also don't get me started on those helmets
>Just a scratch
Ah fuck it, here
extremely underrated post. Can't believe you're the only one to point that out lol
someone post that one vale knight who got killed by bronn
1-4 are great, & from I can tell most people think 4 is great too, some say up until 3?, but 4 I thought was awesome.
bronns a fully grown man not a child or midget
looks like momo
that was a stupid design tho
god, the mountain's current armor is so bad. it looks like chinese plastic LARP shit.
im still seething about this
perhaps he physically edited the costumes
>tfw remember sperging out along with others here on Yea Forums about season 4 sucking because the wall battle was kind of bad and there was no Lady Stoneheart
If I had only one known...
I understand using the knitted chainmail to keep costs down, but it should be for extras in the background, not main characters in close up for fucks sake. There are whole factories of poos making cheap butted mail for larpers.
GoT always had shit armour
S1-4: honeymoon phase of a relationship
S5+: the typical pullback, no try efforts.
he's not though
>armies are peasants
Kys you subhuman fag.
based high res poster
Bobby B's Stormlanders looked really good, the season 2 Tyrells also did so.
Nigga are you retarded Rabbits have been farmed forever for food and fur there has never been a shortage of fur ever
bruh look at dis dude
what’s the logic for having everyone have the mouth cloth?? I get Gregor but the rest?
They are. Do you really think they maintained a standing army during a decade of peace? Protip: Joffrey even complained that they didn't and he had to call in his banners when he needed them.
>And is only any good in tournaments,
>this is what showfags actually believe
He's Jamie 2.0 in the books.
>dude le darth vader armor lmao
He's right dumbass. Most feudal armies in Europe consisted of knights of noble birth leading levied peasant militias. In the Dark Ages their lord armed them but more often than not they also had to arm themselves. (This was specially true in Scotland and North England when fending off viking raids)
My gripe, imho, is that the Starks seem stuck in the Dark Age armor whereas Lannisters, Vale Knights and Tyrells seem to be using Late Middle Age armor.
Then after S4 it all becomes retarded anyway.
>pleb armour
Nothing wrong with underlings kitted like shit.
The only good book adaptation was the first season, the rest veered into retarded fan fiction territory and now retarded fan fiction is all that's left.
Why did armies stop having good uniforms?
Stop you nigger. Each lord has men sworn to him, men who are provided lands with peasants to work them in order to pay for the soldier's equipment.
*ocelot meows in distance*
No, he is not. He believes that medieval armies consisted of shit covered peasants, not landowners who gather to train and fight, or professional soldiers who belong to a retinue.
Because the french god fucked to death in WW1 with their glow in the dar suits not fit for new tech of modernity. Funny ended after that.
Was season 2 the last one where effort was spent?
So what do you think the sworn men do during the 99% of their time that they aren't fighting battles? They're peasants mate. Remember when that old man comes to ask Bran for help fixing his castle's walls because he'd sent all his men off to fight?
post some examples.
What the fuck happened?
Because humanity lost its sense for romanticism. Noticed how everything became meaningless, artificial and dry? That is because le science is le awesome.
What the hell are you smoking? If you gathered all the landowners in the country together you'd barely have a garrison, never mind an army.
Outside of combat i mean,they could still wear the traditional uniforms
They train for combat, they don't work the land themselves. The show fucks this up because it's American trash.
there was also conscription. no one would claim all 100% of an army was peasants and BYO weapon was a thing
what did D&D mean by this
about as subtle as tywin skinning the stag
>mfw newfags romanticizing old seasons of GOT
I distinctly remember Yea Forums shitting all over the first seasons as well. Does no one remember the maymays about how gold doesn't melt at that temperature?
No you stupid faggot. It's because machine guns and bombs make it really easy to kill lots of people really fast, so if you go walking around like jackass in a gilded rainbow costume you going to get seen and wrecked real fast, like the French in WW1.
well in that case, they still do. check out any of the royal weddings
At least they used helmets
Yeah, a spear, sidearm, shield and armor if the person could afford it. This only applied for poorer areas during the early medieval period. The books take place in a world inspired by the later period where kings and lords would have retinues of professional soldiers.
Most countries dont wear uniforms like that anymore,only some european monarchies
That's book shit though. Anything recent is envisioned from D&Ds minds and it shows.
Depends on the time and place.
Feudal armies were mostly levied peasants. During the Middle Ages knights become a thing and the Lords come to depend mostly on standing armies trained full time but they also recruit peasants when needed. Only in the Late Middle Ages when feudalism ends, full "national" standing armies become a thing.
actual fucking paladin right here boys
That helmet is the dumbest fucking thing in the entire show. Literally what the fuck were they thinking
It's called a gambeson. A padded and sometimes quilted jacket to protect against cuts.
The way he pulls both swords up like he is pulling them out but....that's not how it works and one of them isn't even sheathed
they are all qyzombies
it was fun for a little while
>Suddenly, there was a loud yell and a rush of galloping horses around the corner. Red and blue uniforms and glittering sabres were visible through the cloud of dust. A squadron of the 10th French Hussars, the captain well in advance of his men, came on at full gallop. 'Charge' shouted Captain von Ploetz, and the two squadrons came together with a mighty crash. It was an unequal contest, the big Cuirassiers on their heavy horses and the little southern Frenchmen on their cat-like Arab mounts. The collision of the heavy Irish charger of Captain von Ploetz rolled over the little thoroughbred of the French captain. Even as he fell he gave his adversary a sabrecut in the face. Then followed a hand to hand encounter in the narrow roadway, the long German lances against the keen sabres of the Frenchmen.
- General von Poseck describing a cavalry skirmish in 1914
How can you be this stupid in an era when google exists?
what does rr martins dick taste like?
The fact we never got to see a Baratheon wearing an Antler helm is the biggest disappointment.
Why did they never give Starks clothes in their actual colors? It’s white and grey, not black and brown ffs
It’s like some agenda to shit on the stark colors because the only time someone actually wears clothes in those colors she gets raped anally
Science is le awesome though. Literally gives the biggest advantage in life. And beauty is just a predictor of utility, if something is ugly but useful then that is just the limitation of your software.
>If you're trying this hard to find something to complain about, maybe it's time to accept that the show is fine
Costume design is one of the most important things. They are omnipresent, like walking footstep sounds in a video game.
>In the earliest Middle Ages it was the obligation of every noble to respond to the call to battle with his own equipment, archers, and infantry. This decentralized system was necessary due to the social order of the time, but could lead to motley forces with variable training, equipment and abilities. The more resources the noble had access to, the better his troops would typically be.
>Typically the feudal armies consisted of a core of highly skilled knights and their household troops, mercenaries hired for the time of the campaign and feudal levies fulfilling their feudal obligations, who usually were little more than rabble. They could, however, be efficient in disadvantageous terrain. Towns and cities could also field militias.
Just like I said.
A core of knights and full time warriors leading levied peasants.
Here's to hoping for some Robert's rebellion spin off where we get to see Bobby b crush some targ fucking shits
Isn't it kind of about him dropping the hound persona and becoming a different man?
Excalibur from 1981 had better armour than GoT.
Holy fuck all these retards swooping in from one post, well played user
Fucking neck yourselves you clowns
the black hound skulls from the "darks ages" at the start were kino
Am I the only one who thinks the armour of the king's guards is utter shit?
When rich people stopped going to the frontlines
>1.98m tall
Absolute unit
When we learned about camouflage 30,000 years later than we should have.
That justifies this garbage?
Grey isn't ideal for many situations, but it sure is hard to spot whilst conquering Paris over and over again.
I was just going off memory.
1.88 actually
That shit always bothered my autism.
>If they wanted to go more for warmth then they should've all just used a thick Gambeson and fur. Its not just that, its that they all wear shitty brown and are all mismatched. Sure they're from dozens of castles, but so are all the other armies. The thing is they all look horribly prepared for war, with barely any armor and those shitty helmets and they all just look like peasants
They are wearing gambesons, helmets and some of them have sort of coats of plates. They are infantry and aren't uniform because they provide their own gear for themselves. Expecting them to be uniformed is wrong.
Not just the gloves but they lost the greaves too. Brienne as well. Now they're just wearing pants and boots.
probably a weak point and poorly designed.
I do. I just didn't realize at the time how much farther we had to fall.
Not him but it's a vulnerable spot for stabbing.
Man the casting for renly is bordering on criminal
That's what happened to the Simpsons as well. Instead of paying good salary to the scriptwriters, they let them go by overpaying each voice actor with $400k per episode
ah makes sense, thanks
Who's the highest paid actor?
Nah, it's a bulging spot in the middle of his torso because the rectangles meet there.
was this ever in the show ?
Exactly. In peacetime, rich nobles would have their own armor exquisitely detailed from years of access to master smiths and jewelers. As soon as shit hits the fan, though, armor will need replacing all across the ranks and practicality becomes paramount. So we are stuck with whatever remains functional. The decline in quality is a feature, not a bug
why did they hire a 90 year old woman to head costume design.
Camouflage isn't very useful when battles were fought by meeting each other in an open field and fighting until one side has beaten the other.
That's a sexy coat of plates
yes but offscreen. they show the aftermath of the whispering wood battle where jaime is captured and i think they mention his suicide charge as well.
S1 was amazing
If i was a lord, would there be anything stopping me from sending nothing but unarmored dudes with shitty hunting bows? They'd be in the back, so they wouldn't die as much unless things went to shit, and i could totally jew out on their equipment.
you'd be known as a frey fucking shit if you did so
So the same as in the books then
>would there be anything stopping me from sending nothing but unarmored dudes with shitty hunting bows?
Calvary charge.
>If i was a lord, would there be anything stopping me from sending nothing but unarmored dudes with shitty hunting bows?
The amount and types of troops you were required to send depended on the lands that your lord gave you, or the amount of income they were expected to bring. There could be contracts stipulating that you were required to raise a certain number of troops and armed in what manner. Keep in mind that the Middle Ages lasted a thousand years, so how the governments worked changed many many times.
darth vader people are reclutnt to point it out somehow
grrm never directed the show. he wrote like one or two episodes per season, then he stopped in s5 most likely because they were forced to go far away from affc and adwd material because its just impossible to turn those into a tv show
That's what the dudes whose lords paid for long sticks and actual shitty armor are for though
>If i was a lord, would there be anything stopping me from sending nothing but unarmored dudes with shitty hunting bows? They'd be in the back, so they wouldn't die as much unless things went to shit, and i could totally jew out on their equipment.
In the books, Lady Dustin sends the least possible number of men she can and expect to get away with. In asoiaf it seems as though there is no stipulated quota that the lords have to meet. It seems more informal and the lords have more leeway. The Starks governed through inspiring loyalty in good faith.
he could protect himself better if he wasn't blind checkmate
Thank god, i thought I was alone. It looks like some Chinese novelty weapon shop bullshit
Could you imagine if GoT maintained even its season 4 quality to now? It would go down as one of the best tv shows ever.
>that bondage chain mixed with that pose
i knew i wasn't the only one
Gif of sansa calling herself a stupid dumb whore
Would she not want to dress like her mother at all, comfy and in furs and shit? How is that even keeping her warm? Why this turbo emo sci-fi looking shit? It has bugged me in every shot it's been in.
Is it so fucking hard to copy cool armor and add fantasy touches?
There is an account of a farmer conscripted to be a longbowman in the british wars of the roses. The lad couldnt be arsed but he couldnt just dodge the draft.
He deployed, fired a single arrow, and travelled back home, having obeyed to his contract and obligation.
That guy was kino
it makes me more aerodynamic when i fight
it is when 90 percent of your budget goes towards three dragons and a dwarf
>retinues of professional soldiers.
This was only a thing in like the 17th century.
what rings you got, bitch?
Rob's wolf helmet was better.
German soldiers aren't allowed to look good after what happened last time.
It's still going to go down as one of the best tv shows ever. Normies will shower this season in awards and accolades no matter how it ends. It's just the way of the world.
But even commie germany had good uniforms, they just ripped off the nazi insignias and said it was OCdonutsteel.
I hate this shit cause I always see a big white pringles mustache
A-listers like Kit, Lena, and Emilia are making 500k per episode. Supporting cast are getting 175k.
>helps to distinguish you among your ranks
>also hypes you up because you're wearing some badass custom shit.
simply being able to distinguish where the high ranking military is on a battlefield is tactical advantage enough
I get it that normies think dual wielding is cool, but that scene would angry me much less if Dayne would pick second sword from the ground during fight or something. Like that was special case, not something he did often.
The show died with Tywin
Loras' armor is supposed to be more intricate because it reflects his flamboyant personality. His dad's costume is obviously going to be more subdued.
Jaime's armor literally looks the same in both pics. The second one is less showy because it reflects Jaime being humbled.
The third one is probably a different faction which is why they look different.
The fourth looks retarded in the before one. The mountain's darth vader is infinitely more better and more badass.
She was so beautiful.
>His dad's costume is obviously going to be more subdued.
knitted chainmail and exposed face
>The third one is probably a different faction which is why they look different.
his face is completely unprotected
>The fourth looks retarded in the before one. The mountain's darth vader is infinitely more better and more badass.
he looked like a giant metal man vs black plastic with massive eye holes
Why did Disney make us want to fuck wild animals?
>Its a phrase from the game Metal gear solid 3
>lurk more
lurking more doesn't make you pick up on every piece of pop culture about games you've never played
don't be that faggot that gets off from "being in the know"
>Why this turbo emo sci-fi looking shit?
They tried to show how rape made her a big bird