Whats a good Gym movie other than pumping iron and pain & gain

whats a good Gym movie other than pumping iron and pain & gain

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do people ACTUALLY do that?

do what?

crash bars look a little low but what's the problem here?

its photoshopped
no one would be dumb enough to do that in the gym at least not without the owners kicking them out

How the fuck was this faggot not kicked out of the gym for that?!

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post body. i bet you've been on /fit/ a week and don't even get this meme

Ahh, fellow /fitizens/

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here ya go

Attached: 2019-04-29 20.01.06.jpg (937x1171, 100K)

Pumping Iron 2

Attached: What Doth Lift.webm (1920x1080, 1.51M)

Kek no matter how hard you try you can't ever cover up that jawline you fucking faggot. I'd still fuck but only from behind.

good choice

wanna fuck that boypussy

I'm getting seriously pissed off that this meme has been around for months but nobody has explained it. On the other it is an excellent troll.

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is this the one that tricks people into taking hrt?

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explain what? do you seriously not see what is wrong with that pic?

Probably the drink cup on the crash bars but I’m more concerned at the lack of clips on that bar. Maybe you get away with no clips on bench press but I think squats is pretty dangerous.

>tee hee UwU I'm such a cute trap uWu
literally KYS

Sex: you need it.

A rope: you need it.

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Seething and insecure


Is he not aware? How can he even justify doing this?

Sauce on this filly?

>haha le funny inside joke
general thread behaviour i.e. reddit behaviour

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