>user, we were just discussing the influences of abstractionism in German cinema of the 1920s had on Hollywood, you talk about movies on that forum all the time, help us, did big money makers like Hitchcock make it too mainstream, therefore, making it easier for large studios to commodify the concept?
User, we were just discussing the influences of abstractionism in German cinema of the 1920s had on Hollywood...
I need to lie down and ponder this... don't move, I'll take the carpet.
>influences of abstractionism in German cinema of the 1920s had on Hollywood
absolutely none
First of all, why are you in my house.
5 is leagues above the others, although I would sniff each and every foot there if I could
whats it like watching movies with a group of roasties?
Shut up you pseud cunts
Good list, could swap 2 and 4 on a good day desu
you mean expressionism right?
they all look that same to me
let me lick a titty
3 looks like a legitimate psycho who would try to poison you
taste-lets lmfao. From left to right, 3 & 4 are the patrician's choice. get cucked, fags.
>influences of abstractionism in German cinema of the 1920s had on Hollywood
not german expressionism?
based 'let me lick a titty' poster
Can be really fun. Me and my sister got super drunk and watched aliens with her two friends. They were laughing then shrieking in terror by the end of the movie. They wanted to watch some Avengers shit but I said fuck that.
lookin good ladies
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the influences of abstractionism in German cinema of the 1920s. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike it, truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in exstential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a abstractionism in German cinema of the 1920s tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
did any of them stretch their feet over you and beg for a foot massage?
>user, why that's very crude haha!? Is this what you watch and discuss on that Alaskan mountain climbing forum you're always on? It's crude, yet very based & redpilled in a way. Tres belle, user.
Implying I wouldn't lock myself up in my room if my sister had friends over until they're gone
wat would u be doing in there? :^)
All right whose going to let me suck their toes
Browsing Yea Forums and playing vidya
3 is the only uggo in the group though
I think, as much as we might look up to some idea of "purity" in art, it's by it's nature commodified the moment it's released to the public. Hitchcock was a respectable artist, even if what he made was intended as entertainment but to claim art is only art when it's specifically not meant to entertain is absurd and elitist.
>1 is the only uggo in the group though
>... help us, did big money makers like Hitchcock make it too mainstream, therefore, making it easier for large studios to commodify the concept?
Pussy bobs vagina lol
you must have some serious problem dude
Is 5 Amy Jorgensen?
imagine being a toilet slave for these lovely ladies
5 > 2 > 1 > 4 > 3
>Well, Becky, Ashlyn, Liz, Steph, Morgan, the foundation of your discussion is flawed - it presupposes popularity of a concept can degrade the quality of a concept. The idea that the more widespread enjoyment a particular thing can bring lessens the value of that thing, well, let’s examine the inverse implication: quality increases the fewer people are capable of enjoying it. Now, what would make a person draw that conclusion? Could it be that this person feels lost within the larger groups with which they identify, and are attempting to set themselves apart in stating there’s a truth or quality only they and few others are capable of seeing? Are they so inherently bland inside, so predictable, so bereft of any distinguishing characteristic that their only hope to be noticed is to surround themselves with unpopular opinions and interests? It’s not for me to make these sorts of conclusive judgments about people, but it’s definitely something to think about. Great success is not always an indication of great quality, to be sure, but to execute a concept that resonates with so many people, each with their own identities and motivations, that is not deserving of scorn, not at all. The upshot of all this is, you don’t have to be ashamed of being basic bitches. It’s okay to like popular things. I know it seems like you need to put your individuality on display because most people you meet will judge you on what they learn about you in the first sixty seconds of meeting you, but if you were actually concerned about building depth instead of the appearance of depth, you’d appreciate someone who takes the time to appreciate your layers. You’ll get there someday, girls. I believe in you.
>being this much of an uneducated pleb
I bet you think Citizen Kane was completely original and avant-grade too
>talking about a subject you like, with actual knowledge of the subject, makes you a pseud
Yeah, that's a yikes and cringepilled from me
5 is the most slutty, look at how she arches her foot and exposes her thigh; she's pretty, but she knows her price very well. 2 is the most wholesome, look at her kind, warm smile and calm, relaxed pose.
based foot smeller
By 5 you of course mean 4. Easy mistake to make, but if you look closely you will realize that 5 has a man jaw.
A proper ranking would be 4,3,5,1,2
2 also has very nicely shaped feet and toes from what we can see
Wtf is wrong with you people the only correct answer is 4>3>5>2>1
Not one white women would talk about this OP you perma virgin.
Why do most young women look exactly the same? Plain and boring, I can't even tell them apart.
You could have just asked me how GoT was last night if you wanted to talk with me
do you even know what abstractionism is?
5 3 1 2 4
feet are so good
roasties btfo
Yes. Do you? It's not a particularly complicated concept...
I-I don't know. I'm more into superhero movies.
Thanks doc!
4, 3,5,2,1
Who the fuck let you in my house?
that's gay. I brought my dvd of Leprechaun 3, we're gonna watch that
Citizen Kane is kinda like the Beatles of movies - it synthesized tons of then-uncommon techniques into a highly polished and enjoyable product, which was seen by thousands of people who then had new ideas about what a film could be and how shots could be constructed.
Contrarian fags always feel like 300iq geniuses pointing out that this is different from having INVENTED the aforementioned novel techniques, even though this is evident to anyone who knows enough to be participating in the discussion.
Okay first of all put your bare feet into my mouth, this will help me think
I want all of your feet in my mouth right now.
4,2 rest doesn't matter
I want to smell those socks
Why do you talk as if burgers are the only "people" in the world?
>I watch movies on an intuitive level which doesn't consider the underlying machinery but soly the art itself. I don't know, I only know what Hitchcock make for me.
You're talking to me about stuff.
I'd rather see your titties.
5 kind of reminds me of Anya T Joy though which makes her the best among them by default.
Only exception would be if one of them were Jennifer or Ellie from my senior year of high school. Mmmmmmmmm.
Same order, except that I like 2 more.
Brunettes >>>>>> blondes
2>>>>>>>>> 5 > 4 > 1 > 3
all these girls would do is parrot what their text book or professor said and act like they have any kind of understanding of what they're talking about
You dumb roasties are mixing up German expressionism and abstract expressionism which originated in post-war America.
I’d lick all their arseholes, one after the other.
One of the big theatres Orson worked at just before his turn to filmmaking was notable for their incoporation of German abstractionism into their stage design i.e. props and sets. It wouldn't be a stretch to say Orson took inspiration from this.
In filmmaking, the invention of technique takes a backseat to importance of perfecting technique. Hopefully this is the point you were trying to make.
Excellent taste
*expressionism I mean fuck you fuck you fuck you
That's a lot of uggos
Look like British slags, still would give them one though
Do women know how boner inducing tights are? They must do, right?
Kys retard
>they all took their shoes off
My dick is abstract if you know what I mean
Don't mind those pretentious thots, user! Wanna come chat about 80's action movies with us?
5>4>2 (but they are pretty much on par) > 3 > 1
agreed but the real woke answer is none of the above
they're all white
No I'm not a fan.
Absolutely based
If you put out wine and a cheese plate you can catch unlimited amounts of millennial white women hoping to be taken seriously. You don’t even have to wear a suit. In fact, slacks and a button down with properly rolled up sleeves that look like you’re relaxing after a well dressed day at the office is all you need. Make a joke about Trump, nod and smile a lot while they talk about their girlfriend’s trip abroad and how they now have wanderlust and how they’re learning a new language (LOL Duolingo) because maybe one day they’ll go, and by the time the wine is gone they will fuck you in your car and cry when you don’t call.
>Let's play a game user, we ask you a movie question and if you get it wrong you serve our feet for the next 10 minutes :)
Aww that's okay. See you later user! :)
unless they come to the wine party and talk to your stupid Dad the whole time, trying to get roles in his next movie...
1 Has a black kid her Mom is babysitting tonight
3 Has a boyfriend in jail
It helps if you’re not a skinny manlet who calls Target “the fancy Walmart”
I don't, faggot. Burgers made most of history's best-known films, 2nd place would be France or something. The Hollywood machine dwarfs other countries film industries, which is the main deciding factor in how many people eventually see it. American directors and producers matter more, it's the truth. Stay mad that you live in a background-character country.
only 3 and 4 are actually hot, 5 and 1 are just decent and the rest is trash
4, 3, the obvious trap, 2
Idk what you're talking about bitch. I'm off to watch Avengers Endgame. No you're not coming and Yes I'll be binge watching GoT like last night when I'm back so no sex tonight.
Fuck off hyphen wanker
>thinking the few hundred million people in america compare to the billions in asia, nevermind europe
Do you even have schools over there?
Based footfag
How can you binge watch one episode of something? Or are you telling me you're not caught up?
Yes. Even Elliot's dad said, "this is such an American phenomenon."
cheerio [/britbong accent]
There’s a 90% chance there’s one guy they all know and have fucked, each of them convinced they used him for sex and not the other way around
red pilled
Based and kinopilled. I bet you’ve got a wicked sense of humor and if anything, you’d be the one in the kitchen.
*takes out fully loaded Remington model 1875 revolver*
Let. Me. Smell. Your. Vaginas.
Even now, I could cut through the five of you like carving a cake
>wut is Bollywood etc etc
Also I’d bet you seen more British movies than French, you fucking slack jawed turbopleb.
>not feet
ya. me.
terrible meme, these women look like they fuck blacks regularly, not wasting their time watching some silent garbage from 100 years ago
Japan ONLY, you mean
I hadn't considered that anyone would even mention that crap, are you intentionally bringing the discussion off topic?
Also the only reason I said France instead of UK is because I figured we were talking about the 30s since that what this dumb thot themed troll thread is about
I went to high school with the girl in the middle
Out you go tranny
For me its 2
Have sex
they are aware that various men are creeps who have weird fetishes, yes.
some definite cheerleader effect going on here. only one of them is a 6/10 and the rest are 4s and 5s in the face.
*start sweating*
2 looks like an absolute milf and a qt at the same time.
4 is the best by far. Anyone who thinks otherwise is an official faggot.
Nobody cares about that nerd shit
Have you heard that marvel is going to beat James Cameron for best selling (and therefore best) movie?? Because I have no concept of what inflation is??
she's literally the 3rd best lmao
I hereby bestow upon you the official rank of faggot by imperial decree.
Thanks doc :D
>"Have sex"
Imagine being born as one of these girls. Life on pure bliss mode.
numero 3 is gorgeous
You're conflating abstractionism with expressionism. They're two different things, user.
Have sex
wtf? Now 5 from OP is the least attractive and 2 is a fat pig.
#3 here would get it so hard holy fuck
based savage
any cock you wanted
any time
say anything you want
nobody gives you swirlies between classes