What's kino that educates men on consent?

What's kino that educates men on consent?

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Yes it does

Have you ever fucking spoken to a woman?
"No" is the first thing they say, they literally rely on you convincing them afterwards.

>gf says no
>spoon her
>rub dick against ass
>kiss her neck
>she suddenly wants to fuck

haha dumb bitch doesn't even know I raped her

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>it's a man's job to account for the fact that I'm easily manipulated

Animal house
Revenge of the nerds

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this is not what women do, dumbass.

*unzips wallet*

Says the incel

>invent device that brain scans woman in real time
There you go now you cant ever deny consent once you have proof you consented in your noggin.

how would you know, tranny janny?

she fucked you to get you to calm down. girls get tired of doing this for guys after a while.

I've been mtf for 6 years. We don't do this

Why is it not legal to rape your gf? Whats the point of having one if you cant do what you sexually please to them all the time.

How's that "no" usually means "try harder"? Fuggin liars. Don't let some omen guilt trip you. Most of them, don't know what they want anyway.

>Public schools start teaching boys not to rape
>Boys decide to rebel
>Imagine when rape culture isn't make believe.

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regretting sex later does not mean it was rape. it means you are a stupid slut.

So if a girl says "no" and I say "oh come on", I've committed rape?

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Every fucking time.

Yeah right, incel

This is why you gotta get em young. Have you not seen girl on the train(tm)

W2C that shirt

>I said no, but I wanted him to chase me :(
>he just fucked off home instead
>it's okaaay bbz ur beatiful xoxox

Here's all you need.

It's a filter to make sure he's chad.
She says no to you, expects you to persist to show you are interested, then fucks you while mentally rationalizing it as you being impressive and charming.

It filters out betas who of course are concerned with the woman's feelings. Chad doesnt give a fuck, ergo why chad fucks her first and you get her afterwards.

You’re right, in fact it’s my girlfriend that begs for the sex and works me into it.

even funnier when you realize he raped those women

That's the thing about it today. Woman can totally be into it before, during and immediately after having sex with you. But then she starts to regret that she didn't tie shackle you to her several years down the line when you become successful and famous and then she comes up with a brilliant idea. She'll say you raped her so that she can get some of that money she thinks she deserves for letting you fuck her way back when.

where have I heard of this story before?

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Didn't he just whack off in front of them? He didn't rape them

What a fucking weirdo. Why would you want to jerk off in front of women instead of making them jerk you off. Ginger nonce

Inc story
>have gf, so much win
>fuck like bunnies
>passion slows down, now she gets mad and doesn't want to fuck, gets depressed.
>tried it all, rubbing, kissing, spooning, massages.
>shit gets so bad she does not even want a massage because I want to fuck afterwards
>finally suggests I raped her, because while spooning I fingered her, and then we had sex but she "did not want it" even though she didin't once say no or pushed me away.
>scarred of fucking her
>never touch her sexually without explicit permission
>all that stress and fighting makes me avoid sex, never go for it while spooning or fooling around.
>finally she breaks up in tears and starts sobbing that she does not understand while I don't want to fuck her, she tries so hard (almost never initiated sex), that she feels so ugly and how could I do it to her.

And this, my friends, are women.

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>lookslet detected

That depends on what you look like.

Very soon, simply existing as an ugly man will be considered rape.

>Why are millennial men not marrying and settling down
The mind boggles.