Ferris bueller hate thread

ferris bueller hate thread

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Ferris bueller is based fuck off

Awful film desu

he killed a mother and daughter and got away with it, he is BASED

We all have a Ferris Bueller in our heads. Amirite lads?

One of the movies that i've never watched yet i hate with passion

t. Cameron

Broderick is a terrible actor, change my mind

t. Rooney

>hating ferris bueller
What did user mean by this

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>hating one of the most likeable films ever
just have sex OP

I am now listening to the museum music. Thanks op

I'm 49 years and old and never understood the love for john hughes movies. I hated them when they came out and i hate them now.

because you're a liberal and not white

I've seen a few and while I enjoy them I can see how some of the stuff might not be appealing to some viewers

I want to travel back in time and mouth rape Sloan

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I hate it because it reminds me of spending high school without friends or a girlfriend.

I hated this film as a teen because they made us watch it in school at least 20 times. I remember one day I had two classes back to back that played it so I had to watch the first half twice in a row.

But after not watching it for a decade I've rewatched it and it's pretty great.

the movie epithomizes boomer naivete

>yfw you find out it's a real song

And how old are you?

love this movie because of how true it is. everyone has that one super cool mischievous jewish kid in their HS playing pranks and tricking the grownups

30-something boomer, maybe.

I don’t even know if you people are being ironic anymore

It's layers of irony at this point.

I like the premise of this thread . Ferris Bueller was a dick making his friend take out his dad's car when they had a perfectly good car .

based gramps

i hate coming of age movie in general hehe so screw ferris bueller


So was Bueller real or Cam's imaginary friend?

Reminder that this film is about hedonism, and no day off is as good as accepting Jesus in your life

What purpose did that scene where Ferris laughs as he crashes into a crowd of people at a St Patrick's day parade serve?

16 Candles > Breakfast Club > Ferris Bueller

Christmas Vacation > Ferris Bueller > Planes, Trains and Automobilies >>> the rest

Sticking to 80's youth-ish comedies:
Caddyshack > Fast Times at Ridgemont High > Better off Dead > One Crazy Summer > All other shit

When we drink a bit too much and get behind the wheel, of course

Self-absorbed douchebag who doesn't care about anyone other than himself. Appeals to manic depressives and sociopaths!!!FACT!!!

Oh I thought we were talking about John Hughes movies

>because you're a liberal and not white

This is most likely 100% correct!!!FACT!!!

Never understood Americans obsession with this retard and this god awful movie

Then again it’s as stupid as they are.

Didn't know John Hughes made all that crap in . No idea why he's so well remembered for his duck-dong-tier work.

the only funny part was involving the phonecall to the principal
later it becomes too cringey/generic to not skip forward to the end
typical gen X flick for countercultrure gen Xers, "we are very suave, self-aware, post-ironic, carefree and non-conformist - everything we do is original and profound in a non-tryhard way"
absolutely insufferably annoying people

Another John Hughes shit-fest that has no discernible plot, extremely poor pacing and unlikable characters. Did he make a single good film?

Don't google what she looks like now. Just don't do it to yourself.


Is this thread just one user talking to himself? What the fuck am I witnessing here?

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This, I enjoy other Hughes movies but you have to be an absolute seltered manchild to relate with that parasite.

>implying anyone could disagree that John Hughes made his films by smearing poop on a film reel

i've been waiting for this thread for years, thank you op you are based. this film is a pile of shit and so is ferris, fuck ferris bueller and fuck john hughes

Planes, Trains and Automobiles is his best. Home Alone is a solid Christmas flick. Weird Science is his best teen comedy

He only wrote Home Alone, it was directed by someone competent. Weird Science is marginally better than his other films I suppose and people say Planes, Trains & Automobiles is good but fuck, with a shit-pile of a filmography like his I really don't trust them.

I don't like Planes, Trains & Automobiles (not a fan of John Candy)

The video was creepier than expected

This. Hughes flicks are about spoiled rich kids with 1st class 1st world "problems".

shut up boomer

>kills two people, a mother and her daughter
>gets away with it completely scot free

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Everything he did was for Cameron, to shake him out of his depression. Ferris saved him from getting cucked later in life.

>gets away with it completely scot free

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Fuck off eurofaggot

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what? you never killed anyone, user?


Breakfast Club is classic.

it might be but i still hated then and now. they were never my thing those flicks.

I wonder who could be behind this thread

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