Why did they anger their core fanbase?

Why did they anger their core fanbase?

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literally crying here

>male characters are all flawed
Not an issue.

>female characters are flawed

literally who?

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based d&d. if the leaks are true this will be a kino season with all female power fantasies crushed and men back in power desu

>female queen kills female

Why do you give this shit attention instead of letting shitty sensational journalists be put out of a job?

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We hate them and for some dumb reason people like D&D take their criticism seriously even if it undermines the show.

You're crazy if you think SJW extremists are their core fanbase.

>jorah's death was hard because it made dany sad :(

kek what a cunt.

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Dumb&Dumber don’t have really have an agenda, they just stumble around writing stuff they think is edgy and subversive, regardless of who it alienates

Because if you don't say it's cringey, everyone will go along with it.
Being passive is how we got here

the show is finished user, it's produced

Umm yes it is, this show panders hard to millennial white women(aka SJW extremists), this show is made for them

That's not how tv shows work, retard

this will go down as one of the greatest toasty roasty moment of the 10s

Your forgetting they got the next three Star Wars films and that Kathleen Kennedy and her dumb agenda are still at Lucasfilm. They also scrapped there dumb civil war show because it was too offensive to the people it was trying to pander too (blacks and liberals).

Do you honestly believe even 1% of the population is like Christina Tucker? Sure they're extremely vocal but there aren't many of them.
Most people watching Game of Thrones are just normies rooting for who they think is the good or bad guy or whoever. Only SJWs and their opposites feel the need to pick teams based on skin color and gender. Normal people don't need to find some "agenda" or political statement in every little thing they see.

What do you mean

>white savior
>benefits from privileged birth
>only makes good decisions when counselled by old white men
Why exactly do the SJWs champion Dany? Simply because she's a woman?

I think I figured it out. Women want every female character to be like Arnold in Commando.

This show panders to sjw-lite normies, who’s furthest political discourse is “drumpf bad”, for the most part they just want to clap at big dwagons and cheer on jon snow

thats why they are easily influenced by people who care about these things. if its not too much or too on the nose then normies like a good (or at least popular) show/movie with any kind of political messeage. thats why it doesn't matter what they want to see in it politics wise, its the people influencing the news that matter not the pleb who consumes the product

It's funny, they don't really care about giving women more roles in general, they only want invincible heroic mary sues who smash the patriarchy

This seasons has been one giant SJW virtue signal fest. And they are seriously complaining now?

Do you honestly want them to take advice from SJW articles and Kathleen Kennedy on how to write a fantasy story? If they have any desire to save the franchise they would tell both to fuck off or just make a good female character that is organic like OT Leia.

you will never be SJW compliant enough.

Reminder that Lyanna rose as a Wight and killed scores of people.

Got a rundown of those leaks? Have they been true so far?