/seethe/ General

What is wrong with these people?

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By the end, everyone will hate GoT. Should have stuck to the original script where women knew there place.

>calls jon a straight white man
>doesn’t call dany a straight white woman

I don't get it why just now people are realizing Game of Thrones isn't a Disney movie? Like, these are the same idiots who bragged about liking the show because it revealed itself on killing anyone and how no one is safe, but now that it's THEIR favorites that actually aren't safe, they are having a mental breakdown?

She's bi in the books

To be fair, in the books they talk about how her three handmaidens pleasure her when she's feeling horny

>feeds a dragon with her tit
Wtf, this is the show all the normalfags love?

Keep voting Democrat and giving these alt left wackjobs power and a voice to take down the white man.

now she can go bye bye


Dany is a power fantasy for every 30+ year old professional woman suffering from alcoholism and severe sexual disfunction. Their fantasy selves must have the happy ending they feel they’re missing out on, that’s the whole point of the tv show for millions of women and it’s not going to happen lmao

So she fed them her titty milk? Why didn't we see this scene?

I'm loving this

>low iq dumbfucks behave like low iq dumbfucks

who woulda thunk

>raised them from HER BREAST
Wtf, is this true? Why didn't we see this on screen? I want my mommy of dragons dammit.

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>last week
"omg how dare MEN have critizisms 'bout YASSS QUAAAAN SLAYIN'!??"
>this week
"this is why GoT was always problematic"

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Because her story arc has to be as least interesting as possible.

this is the books?

Black twitter is also sperging out about Missandei dying in chains

book 'em Daeneryso

>/seethe/ General
based thread

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Look at it this way: whether it's right-wing Trumpcucks or batshit insane lefty retards, literally everyone hates this show now, whatever the reason.

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I don't see anything wrong, that tweet is right. Poor Danaerys not getting the recognition she deserves from them mean northerners.

You don't remember when that thot was teaching her how to fuck Drogo?

not really, she has some lyseni whore to keep her bed warm and finger her if she wants to but she mostly just fucks daario

>thinks a sheboon can read

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This is probably from one of the notes GRRM gave them. She's ruled on love, but the people of Westeros aren't going to love her like the people of Meereen did. Can definitely see her being spiteful of their rejection.

>So, on this question of being loved or feared, I conclude that since some men love as they please but fear when the prince pleases, a wise prince should rely on what he controls, not on what he cannot control. He must only endeavor, as I said, to escape being hated.

fapped to that sex scene desu senpai

>All that seethe at Arya not being acknowledged at all
Based D&D
She killed the NK but who gives a fuck.

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>all those bullet points about people’s REACTIONS to Arya killing the NK
See, it’s not about being heroic for heroism’s sake. Women don’t give a shit about that. They just want the perks and praise that come afterwards. Better if they don’t need to put in effort at all.

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This pleases me

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what i mean is Yea Forums's main argument about the show is "this is tv it's not the books i dont' care what happens"

Holy shit, it's gonna be so sweet when Jon kills Dany

Based D&D subverting SJW's expectations

Honestly looking at the three seasons before this one it might as well have been a disney movie

This is what happens when you try to cater to feminists, you dumb fucking hacks.

>couldn't even glue on the stash straight

You think it can't get any worse but they start shitting on Kelly C and angering the normies by executing Missandei. Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in!

This actually got me thinking, did d&dany ever kill anyone personally or did anything she could be praised for? First season it was that dothraki dude who did the work and from that point onwards it was her dragons.

Bravo D&D

>raised them from her breast
Pretty sure she didn't titty feed her fucking dragons.

>it's a Dany dies and her body is carried off to some unknown place by Drogon episode

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>to some unknown place
He will drop her off North of the wall and she will become the Night Queen

Screencap this.

Good chance that this will be an actual thing.

The one who dismisses her most is fucking Shansha though.

>that thot
Godsdamn why is the past so much better?

Uses concubines lmao

some one should cap this

Like all women

No, I don't know where she got that from. Dragons aren't mammals so wouldn't drink milk anyway.

Never. Shes always been doing evil shit. Have yu not noticed Danny fans are all over weights cunts with colored hair? Theres a reason for it

She's just subconsciously inserting her fetish in her crazy angry rant.

>Dragons aren't mammals so wouldn't drink milk anyway.
They'll drink whatever they want

>Brought dragons back to life
>Got them as a gift

I'm just disappointed by the dramaturgy. The only thing that can safe it is if Jon's honesty ends up ruining everything, like in a proper tragedy.

>raised them from HER BREAST
It's not like she breastfed them like babies. They snuggled up next to her bosom but thst is a bit far from the truth to imply what she is implying.

She did in the book

They suicided the Dothraki without affecting tzhe nk army.
The unsulied died without slowing them down or making any difference.
No wonder that most think Jon is the hero when he got so many fighters together, fought the dragon in their eyesight.

As it turns out, fragility isn't just a white male thing, it's a millennial thing.

the ending is tonally inappropriate for the story they've told up to this point no matter what.

I get why people hate Dany but she's clearly written as a protagonist and it's much too late to change that and still have the ending work dramatically.

>that’s the whole point of the tv show for millions of women and it’s not going to happen lmao
And if they just knew that its borrowed politics from the war of roses, they should know that it wil not be a happy ending for dany!

it's glorious, the same relentless defenders are suddenly critical now that it ran afoul of their political agenda.
Really makes you think!!

I read several articles in a liberal but middle point magazin about todays trigering.
Its a time of globalism, internet and expression of yourself that we all dont learned to understand/cope with!

>original script
>where women knew there place

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>straight white man
I hate racist like this bitch nigger

Maybe you should rewatch the show, being a protagonist doesn't mean you get a happy ending, and literally all of the previous protagonists that died were better people than Dany. Having a vagina doesn't make her more deserving of winning than Eddard, Robb or Stannis.

Hijack. Bi-Jack

im conservative man perfectly healthy and i like Daenerys, she is not my favourite character, but i like her a lot.

Stannis better than Dany, he fucking burned his child u moron. Dany will get her revenge next episode, burn them all.

I love how they keep ranting about race even though the show has a 98% white cast. Can you imagine how nuts they'd be if the show actually had a diverse cast? There would be countless think pieces everytime one of them dies off or gets cucked.

Jon is just as valid as Dany lol. Muh Mary Sue Muh strong female xd

I for once welcome our new David "David" Benioff and Dan "Duke" Weiss Showrunners. Especially the later, boy that name is program.

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Nothing Daenerys has done or wants to do is all that crazy.

Her father was called mad (mentally ill) because he became an actual paranoid schizophrenic. He heard voices and saw plots against him that weren't there. He refused to clean himself and died muttering the same thing over and over. He wanted to burn everything and everyone. He was not behaving rationally.

Daenerys is a sane person who wants to sack a city and conquer a kingdom. 10,000 civilian deaths is unfortunate, but not unreasonable. Are we going to pretend that innocent people don't die during conquests?

Executing the Tarlies was not a sign of insanity either. She was willing to send the Tarlies to the Wall to take the black but Randyll rejected her authority and chose death. That's on him.

Was executing slavers back in Essos suppose to be a tragedy? She made slaving a capital offense. Slavers wanted to keep slaving. They paid the price. Just like that brother of the Night's Watch who fled the Wall had to pay the price. Desertion was a capital offense. Ned wasn't "mad" for executing him.

Has Daenerys shown signs of paranoia? Well, she fears what could happen if Jon's secret is revealed. But then we see Tyrion and Varys (our sanest and cleverest characters) come to the same conclusion a few scenes later.

She's also suspicious of Sansa. But then we see that Sansa is actually scheming for Northern Independence and actively leaking information that could hurt Daenerys. So she should be suspicious of Sansa, shouldn't she?

She suspects that her advisers, Varys and Tyrion, have divided allegiances, but again ... they do. Tyrion's in love with Sansa, still loves his brother, and has already lied to her. Varys is serving "the Realm" (which really translates to "whatever Varys thinks is best at any given moment").

If this is a depiction of someone becoming paranoid, why are the person's fears all justified?

That mongoloid obviously hasn't read the books and is tweeting about the show. She didn't call Dany a straight white woman because "straight white man" is a pejorative used to try and tear down white men in any context, even if the situation at hand has nothing to do with his race. Anytime someone uses that phrase, just interject to ask them what the man's race has to do with anything and watch them fall apart.

what's this spacing rofl

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Remind me how many innocent people Dany had crucified again.

>it's a Dany comes back to life just like Jon did and BTFOs all the incels who celebrated her death episode

>they're literally talking about jon like som kind of hero
.........did these people just start watching GoT recently?

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For me, GOT will always end with episode 3 and the Night King winning.

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At this point, women only consume media with that tickles this wish fulfillment fantasy. There is no more hollow and wretched existence than that of a late 20s early 30s white woman. I expect the already rising suicide rate to increase.

Never ever

What in the fuck did he mean by this?

Dany executes Sansa for treason
Arya assassinates Dany
Jon executes Arya

Screen cap this

So how did Varys and Tyrion find out Jon what a Targaryen?

Sansa told Tyrion

You should have watched the episode mate, it was well good. Jon told Bran to tell Salsa, Salsa told Tyrion, Tyrion told Varys


The result would be the same without dany and the 3 dragons. Arya would still 1 shot the NK

I did, it was terrible. Did she tell him when they were talking on the battlements? When he said the thing about Jon saying he's "not a stark".

She is bi like every woman is bi.

And if I understood the scene, Varys had already known that?


Yeah it was off-screen after that scene

what's sad is that this person ALMOST got the point of the scene
they don't love Jon because he's a man, they love him because they know him and have fought shoulder to shoulder with him
she's a stranger to all of them and will forever remain that way because of how she herself perceives her relationship with them
fuck, even SANSA seemed more agreeable in this scene

>why didn’t people praise a woman for things they didn’t see her do

Does every woman have autism?


I wonder how these freaks will react once Jon kills Dany while Bran, a white man, becomes king in the finale.

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>What is wrong with these people?
Can't wait for the salt when they see Jon killing her desu.

Somebody wasn't listening during all that Faceless Man conditioning designed to strip Arya of her identity and attachments

They will be assblasted.

ed was literally a blatant season 1 protag you fucking retard

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>someone else is the center of attention
The worst level of hell possible for a woman.


didn't work though, that was literally the point. she left proclaiming she was arya stark from winterfell you fucking idiot

she's written as a protagonist, but we are also seeing much of her part of the story through her perspective
the point is she doesn't realize how much of a tyrant she is because she still believes what she's doing is right


Why is everyone surprised that Brienne is a virgin?
She hasn't been married. She's even called "Brienne the Maid" in the books.

Why is she ok with Jaime fucking her without a marriage proposal?

Her being a virgin was to be expected, it's not shameful for her being so. It would be shameful (for medieval times) if she HADN'T been a virgin.

Have they dropped all pretense of immersion and worldbuilding and now they are just using 21st century moral and social codes?

Why am I still watching this shit?

Anyone get turned on when Dany visited John and begged him for secrecy out of desperation?

>Why is she ok with Jaime fucking her without a marriage proposal?
Because women always choose the guy who will screw them and leave them for their sisters, instead of the one who want to put babies in them.

They'll collapse into black holes.

She looks like sad Pepe.

Stannis did that to with the right intention, to save thousands of his men. Dany sacrificed her baby to save her one husband.

no, the only thing that can save the show is a greek/shakrespearean tragedy ending in which the protag (Jon) is beggn told that taking a certain action will bring everything down but he can't help himself and then everything collapses.

Whenever Arya isn't on screen other characters should be asking "where's Arya?" Also Arya should have a time machine.

So pretty much they just want an anime style reaction montage every time a character does something?

>jon, we’re going to rebuild the ice wall and have the wildlings pay for it
>essos isn’t sending there best people

And now she's leaving without telling anyone and saying she'll probably never come back, moron

It didn't take completely but it did take, she's been fighting her programming since she left Braavos

So no plot points except for a few dead characters and the red witch saying Arya might kill Cersei. She must have a much higher iq than me

But I voted Trump and he hasn't lynched all non whites yet wtf

That would have been the best ending for the episode even if they planned to somehow kill the NK later.

Post you face when GoT of all things became a fucking soap opera.

AH, The Sopranos's ending. Always a crowd pleaser.

you are talking about a series with Bobby "Bastard Baker" Baratheon

They literally want this

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Can you imagine the nerve the production staff at HBO's Game of Thrones has?!

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Her naked body will be hung from the gates of Kings landing by Cersei and peasants will throw shit at it.

She's not really bi, she had her slave finger her because it was offered prior and it felt good, not because she was attracted to her. It's like saying someone using a tool to cum is attracted to that tool or is gay because they used it. You're a reductive faggot.

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Will Bran end up king?

what the fuck is wrong with his face?

finally someone here really gets it
it's about how you build your relationships and even some master-slave dialectic

You probably shouldn't post again for the sake of everyone that might stumble upon your retardation

Seriously, acting like a woman who hasn't never married is still a virgin is odd would be completely out of place.
She is also a proper lady not some barmaid which makes it even more out of place to chastise her for it.

>we made the world love the show because we agreed with its politics and now we don't agree with it but we can't stop the monster we created :(

GoT was always a soap opera with tits and swords

Do they give out checkmarks to anyone these days?

>“””Yara””” mentions how she’s taking back the iron islands in case dany/jons armies need to fall back in the fight
>lol let’s just have le troll girl kill him with no explanation

Also after all that cheering and the toast to "Arya, hero of Winterfell," somehow she still hasn't gotten any credit.

This picture sums up the cancerous boards of Yea Forums, /pol/, and Yea Forums

In the book when the dragons are "born" one of them was sucking her nipple like a normal human baby does to his mother. But in the show they didn't show that.

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what the fuck is a culture writer?

what animu is this

She's literally gay for the stay. The only reason why she fucks her Handmaidens is because there's no men around except for Jorah.

why do these people even watch the show if the outcome is either them being satisfied or them writing off the show
and why is this so satisfying to watch, especially in combination with her profile pic?

where is this meme from ? im sure i saw it somewhere else

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they're already angry about their YAS-QUEEN self-insert not getting validated be all the other characters

can you imagine how great it's going to be when she gets killed

They're going to be throwing around their buzzwords and farming grievances for dayyyyyys

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So I can get a blowjob from a guy and it's not gay as long as I'm not attracted to him?

yaaaaaaaas queeeeen

Poochie from the Simpsons

Not really, because she's been hateable for 3 seasons for nascent reasons. Now that it's bubbled up to the top, its pure catharsis.

Basically someone who takes a script and finds ways to change it for an sjw agenda. Like “why not in the background we have same sex couple making out” or “let’s add this line where a woman bosses around a man”. That’s all I can think it could be

Women aren't men. The sooner people remember this the better.

Poochie from the Simpsons

unironically woke post

>culture writers

That this episode was filled with ironies and tragedies that befall humans not fantasy and that this is the best episode of the season so far

>feminists and "gurl power" middle aged women summarily BTFO last night with no take backs since the show is ending

>blackies summarily BTFO last night with no take backs since the show is ending

>Trump in 2020

Pretty great timeline all things considered.

>Anytime someone uses that phrase, just interject to ask them what the man's race has to do with anything
That doesn't work, it sounds like complaining. It makes you sound like a triggered SJW cuck.



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Enjoy the tears:


Cant wait to see the outcry with Miss Sunday

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they want their character to be validated by everyone, they can't understand a thankless hero

men understand being a thankless hero, from generations of working thanklessly to support wives and children

D&D /ourguys/?

I think the point here is not that Dany is mad, but that she's an egotistical, power-hungry ruler who will stop at nothing to sit on the Iron Throne. She actually has a higher civilian kill count than Ramsay, Stannis, Robb, Jon, possibly Cersei. So... what makes her better from a villiain?

For the entirety of the show, she has been treated as one of the de facto "heroes", protected from criticism and given plot armor to appease feminists... effectively turning her into a Mary Sue character.... until now.

Jenna Guillaume is a writer for Buzzfeed, a "culture writer" is a polite way of saying "writes clickbait about TV shows".

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>be a woman
>have zero skills
>can't even govern properly
>get married into a position of power
>manage to fuck half decent so the guy falls in love with you, as guys do
>you get him killed because you're a dumb bitch
>oops lol, well time to kill myself
>1 in a 1,000,000 chance magic happens and you get GIFTED 3 dragons
>get two of them killed almost immediately when putting them to work
>steal an army
>fuck up nearly everything but brute force it with your dragons anyway
>fuck up everything else

What has she honestly done that was good?

Looks like FLCL

white women in their 20s-30s have inordinate senses of entitlement. it's bad enough that they feel superior because droves of dudes are trying to fuck them. now they've got pop culture telling them they're great just the way they are and we should all recognize that. it's like telling a narcissist that they really ARE the big shit they think they are.

society has been enabling mental illnesses for decades. look at the whole tranny thing.

the GoT audience changed so much, now all the normalfags just want fan service after fan service and everything to have a happy ending.
Fuck things becoming popular.

No, she didn’t write for the show. She writes for Buzzfeed and other shit publications about pop culture. I guess she’s saying that she stood up for GoT against the other SJWs who were criticizing it because it wasn’t woke enough, but now it’s become too problematic even for her.

jesus christ

> Make Daenerys look paranoid to use the mad queen route
> She is actually not paranoid because literally everyone is talking of treason

Stop D&D... just stop. We already know Jon won´t be king anyways. You are fooling no one with this shit. Sanza won´t be queen either. She is the most pasive character in the fucking show so mad or not Daenerys is literally your only option. We all know Jon will either kill himself or fake his death to remove himself from the equation but damn this shit´s become dumb.




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The worst cliffhanger would be better than what they did.

The thankless hero is one of the biggest archetypes for men.
Really shows a difference in mentality.

why does it have to be sexism? can't it just be bad writing?

>Stefania Ferrario cast as Brienne of Tarth
Would follow into battle with the undead for a tall qt knightfu

>/got/ seething since before stannis died
>still seething


lol you guys are so pathetic i cant even cringe anymore

According to the leaks, Tyrion and Varys would betray Dany, she would burn KL, and Jon would turn on her, killing her and taking the black.

The leaks have been spot on about last episode, so I think this is the retarded ending they are going for. Ghost going north even seems to hint at the fact that Jon will return there.

Thus the triggering of danyfags will begin.

ummm sweetbreads, she has VAGINE ok? That's heroic.

This person is stupid. It's all deliberate. They're snubbing Dany so she can flip out when she gets to the Iron Throne and go all crazy like her dad.

Someone needs to watch WWF circa 1997 where Bret Hart was getting snubbed left and right, which led to him turning "heel" (kinda, he just became more insecure) and jaded.

I know I'm giving this show way too much credit, but it's pretty clear what they're doing.

A good show would have Littlefinger OR ANYONE WHO WAS NOT BORN INTO POWER in contention for the throne in the endgame.

A good show would have had a good explanation for how the lord of light, the night king, and the 3 eyed raven interconnected before the NK attacked beyond the wall (esp as the wall was collapsing)

A good show would have clever characters being clever in the endgame instead of murmuring about "we can't say this, it's treason!" the way Littlefinger was right before he died.

A good show would have had EVEN A SINGLE PLOT TWIST during the arc with THE FACELESS FUCKING ASSASSINS

The GoT we started out with would kill people without consideration for their character arc or their importance to the throne; it was chaotic. This feels like a soap opera in medieval times. I'm fine with women being in contention, I'm fine with Arya killing the NK, I could even be fine with the little things like "what about the undead in the crypt?" I'm so frustrated with the decline in dialogue quality, the binary good vs evil, and the emphasis on main characters. It's like riding in a lazy river with minimum wage workers in Disney costumes on the banks.

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>>She is actually not paranoid because literally everyone is talking of treason
Jaime and Tyrion were playing a drinking game, and Tormund isn't from the seven kingdoms

What said

Now that's a 90IQ post if I've ever seen anything.

ic what you did there. kek

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Can they not understand this is MEANT to make them feel upset, it wasn't a coincidence, theyre not pro everything that happens in the show, do they understand what fiction is?

It is pretty strange how you are not allowed to have villains be villains anymore.

user it ain't going to happen. I'm sorry.

Whom Grey Worm is going to defend now :(

he's dying next episode
it doesn't matter

>he hasn't read the leaks
Dany goes full mad queen and gets unceremoniously murdered by Jon. Bran sits on the throne.

This is the best summary of the last few seasons of the show, reddit spacing notwithstanding.
Literally wrestling-tier writing.

>Grey Worm and Missandei will never walk on the beaches of Naath

Am getting the feeling that this person is Arya's #1 fan...

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>Bran sits on the throne.
Bran refuses to be Lord of Winterfell, how the hell is he going to end up King?

He'll take revenge on Cersei

I mean at least she isn't a journalist.

>p-please dont subvert my expectations dabid
poor little user

>As a castration survivor I'm appalled at how this show treats its eunuchs. Brave eunuch Theon dies. Brave eunuch Grey Worm dies. Cowardly eunuch Varys survives only to commit treason. Absolutely abhorrent. It's a complete castratistrophe.

t. twitter, probably

>he still thinks characterization matters
>he still thinks writing a good story matters
>he still thinks anything matters in a post MCU world
I weep for us all.

Imagine having your job literally be taking posts from twitter and writing shitty articles about them.
God it must be unfulfilling.

Western white people should do the world a favor and stop having opinions regardless of their nature, and shut their fucking mouths whenever they have the urge to open them. That goes for dumb crazy white bitches who are using feminism to circumvent their white privilege and paying reparations, and it goes for whitecuck males as well. It would be immense help to the rest of the world if every fucking white-skinned twat on Twatter was automatically shadowbanned via algorithm if their picture had white skin tone and a westcuck country of origin. That would remove 98% of SJW cuckery but that's a sacrifice i'm willing to take to not have to listen to stupid white people having opinions.

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>waaaah stop being right all the time it's not nice
Thanks for the pasta nigger

He didn't refuse, he just said he didn't want it.If he saw a good reason why it would be best if he was king he'd do it.

Holy shit

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Unironically based and redpilled.

>Bran sits on the throne.

Can´t. Stairs.

have sex

>ban all privileged white people from Twitter
>all of SJWism ceases to exist

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These people have forgotten what show they're watching. Did they really think Dany was just going to get the Iron Throne after all the other subversion's? They deserve to be disappointed

grats dude, you came into this thread to show everyone how 'above it' you are, now what?

She basically fell in love with her rapist

That's the point, they want to burn everyone


good, I am sick and tired of series getting ruined halfway through to appeal to a wider audience, maybe if enough series crash and burn we can actually have something stay decent

To you and me maybe. But these people believe they are on the level of ancient artists


Jon literally fucked Satin in the books

Some autist should sneak into that bar viewing party and just switch the thing being viewed to a static image of the spoilers for two minutes straight. Imagine the soi chimpout that would ensue, literal crying and sobbing over a shitty show for women.

The fact she didn't give a shit and just dissapeared was so in character for her I honestly didn't believe thaey would go this way. I was positively surprised.

Also, nobody making a big deal was kind of the point. It was a group effort, living vs. dead. And the living won, everyone did their part.

>45 mins ago
>0 points

literally just one asshole howling into the void

This whole storyline is becoming very problematic

Based and sneedpilled.

I hate Dany but I agree with this post. Making Jon king would be truly retarded.

Wait for the World of Warcraft movie about Thrall. Also his childhood friend had her head chopped off by the book's villain which prompted the Orcs to attack the Humans. Also, the Orcs have shaman's and Thrall was learning to become a shaman and he was liberating the Orc internment camps. Thrall also grew up as a gladiator and learned to fight the way humans fight and I think he learns to hunt or at least navigate the forests. He can't even speak the Orc language. I think at the end of the last battle in the book, he spares his old mentor, the guy who helped train him. Oh, and human mages were paid to help heal Thrall after gladiatorial fights, but they still hate him, because he is an orc.


>fragility isn't just a white male thing

It has never been a white male thing.

>t. Roman

One can only hope

t. fragile white male

>White men are fragile
>Also they're in charge of everything and rule the world and oppress everyone

Make your mind up tranny.

What kind of person does climb a fucking dragon. Why did she even rid the dragons into battle?
It's such a stupid position to be in. You can't see shit from the back of a dragon, and it's unrealistic how well she can hold onto a speeding dragon doing somersaults and barrel rolls.
She should have just had a dragon whistle or something. Or just let them do their thing. They'd probably be more effective without some cunt on their back.

nah horseraiders are based

She doesn't know what that means does she

Watching Game of Shits will rot your brain. Read the fucking books and end it at that. Actually that too will rot your brain, the war strategies in the series are written by a fucking idiot who could have avoided half the mental retardation with just 40 minutes of google searching medieval warfare rules and rules of siege defense and offense. I fucking hate brainlet writers who don't research at least the bare basics of a fucking concept/aspect they will fart into their books.

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so it's the /pol/ jew paradox.

They would not allow this in the show because the Puritans would complain that they were including lesbo scenes gratuitously, for the sake of men.


No, address my point.

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Bandwaggoners who are only watching the show because they hear its the cool thing to do. They didn't become interested in the show for what it is.

A Jewish subversive.

>the war strategies in the series are written by a fucking idiot who could have avoided half the mental retardation with just 40 minutes of google searching medieval warfare rules and rules of siege defense and offense.
Does anyone in the books use a ballista as a battering ram? If not, what's the problem?

Looks like she has enough heavy lifting to do already.



She's heteroflexible ya dingus

i look like stannis, now she knows how i feel

The fuck you talking about, they already had lots of lesbo scenes in the show. They literally turn Yara gay for the show when she's straight in the books. Plus, feminists want all the characters to be gay

d-did dany gib milk to the dragons

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I went on the internet for a split second out of instict while i was pumping gas after i got off work last night and the first thing i see is some dumb cunt sayint RHAEGAR WAS SUCH A GOOD BOY and got spoiled

Kek, true. I genuinely believe women don't understand these concepts the same way men do. Not to rag on women or anything, I just think its a major difference in how men and women perceive things.
>It wasn't Jon and Dany who saved everyone
Sure, Arya was very important, but they are still the ones greatly responsible for giving the opportunity for survival in the first place. Without them it is game over.

>what's the problem
>trebuchets in front of a fucking army
>what's the problem
>using cavalry in frontal attacks over a large distance, tiring them out in the process needlessly, instead of using them for flank attacks only and managing their energy properly
>what's the problem
>having a fucking castle and not filling it up with your entire army while the excess is only kept behind it using it as a fucking obstruction from the sieging enemies and positioning them out of sight constantly until required
>what's the problem
>having the stake defenses behind a defending fucking army instead of in front
>what's the problem
>no fucking moat around a castle
>what's the problem
>not having all your fucking archers on the castle to the last one
>what's the problem
>what's the problem
You stupid NIGGER

this is what you get for watching a show with muh dragons in muh magical era, it´s fucking shit, full of incel fans.

That's the show you fucking illiterate imbecile. I asked about the books.


/pol/ has always thought the Jews were sneaky, cunning, and conniving little shits not literal retards incapable of secretly running the world

Yeah, but right-wingers (the good guys) called out bad writing as bad writing, lefties defended it relentlessly
Lefties were literally saying bad writing was good until Dany stopped yaaas quaning, and that anybody who disagreed was MISOGYNIST and evil.

So there's not really a "both sides are silly" argument to be made here, leftists are just dog shit sub-human retards

Must be fucking easy. I can't imagine their work week looks all that arduous or long. They probably spend most of their time at Starbucks browsing Twitter.

It was being spoiled before the episode even aired, someone got hold of a leaked episode but decided to try and sell it and posted spoilers from it when people told them "why would we pay you for something we can see for free in a few hours?"

you can see them suckling on her when she raises from the ashes

I knew a guy who literally had this mindset. Said he was just so horny and the guy offered, so he took it.

The books are a lesser hit and miss but also filled with retardation regarding the use of cavalry and troops. The Dothraki have plenty of issues despite there being a clear fucking source in the Mongols with the retarded use of swords as an example.

Imagine your entire life you can't just enjoy a TV show it movie because you have to read all this sexism shit into every detail

How are these clowns not run out of town? What the fuck has this world come to.

so does the book mention her having burnt nipples? she definitely should have them

How do I get a job like that? Sounds way easier than having to do actual labor.

What makes you think they want her to just go crazy all of a sudden? She listening to her advisors and trying to help people has only made things harder for her. It will be more interesting if she says 'fuck it' and becomes a tyrant to finally get the throne. You see they are subverting your expectation that all it takes to rule is to be a good person. In the next episode Dany will burn the city, execute the treasonous advisors and the final episode will just detail her tax policy.

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Wait, they don't into spears/lances in the books either? I mean, the lack of bows I can understand, sort of.

Sad thing is they actually believe they are doing something important.

I wan't Jon to sit on the throne because I agree with the concept that a righteous ruler is the one who doesn't want to power. Either way, I want him to get a final duel because they cucked us out of his fight with the Night King.

You and me both... i feel rabbid because Jon did not Pet Ghost. WTF man.

>treated like their lives don't matter

Has she even watched a single episode of this series before tweeting this? Or is she simply admitting to being racist and only caring about a character because she's "black"?

>Meat slapping against meat

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1 - be a woman
2 - graduate with a useless degree
3 - virtue signal a lot on Twitter
4 - get offended at everything
(optional) be Jewish
(optional) be non-white

This. Are these people unable to identify with any character that isn't their same race? I watched into the Spiderverse a d was able to still identify with Miles Morales because I'm not a complete mouth breathing retard

You are right... i can´t believe i didn´t see it before. All this subversion they have actually been doing since season 4 and 5 actually made the show far more memorable!
They even hid easter eggs like the coffe for future rewatchings of the show! Gee, i can´t believe it took me this long to realize how great D&D actually are!

Can I say I'm gay or maybe identify as a woman?

Even the unga bunga tv writing has made it pretty obvious that Dany is unhinged and a cunt.
I don't understand why people don't see this.

>Are these people unable to identify with any character that isn't their same race?
That's called being non-white, tribalism, etc.

Arya and Sansa are the least interesting characters left in the show, why do people like them again?

>b-b-but how can they be inferior if they own everything morals are just a social construct bro

These are probably the same people who made fun of Star Wars fans for hating The Last Jedi

They are woman



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white """""""""(((((((men)))))))"""""""" BTFO

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Because it was handled poorly over the series. Danny's decent into madness was supposed to be a slow burn over the series. But it's like the show runners forgot that was supposed to happen until the last 2 seasons and just flipped a switched

>A stupid TV show finally gets the proggresives to admit albiet unwillingly that they are infact the racist and sexist ones
Clown problems require clown solutions, they asked for writers and they sent in the clowns. those laffy daffy clowns, boy how they make me laugh.

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Yes that works too.

Dabid are not complete idiots, it's far better storytelling to give her legit reasons to chimp out rather than have her go crazy and start killing people out of the blue

This bitch is fucking racist and all these idiots don't even realize

On second thought i'm not sure being a gay white man is considered oppressed enough nowadays.



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Agreed, I get blowjobs from my flaming gay roommate every night and I'm not gay. I'm straight. What he does to me is inconsequential to my sexuality because I think of him as a blowjob machine, not a man I'm having sex with you absolute brain dead retard

>man who's worked for everything he's ever done
>girl who was given dragon eggs, and through sheer divine luck is given fire immunity and three dragons hatch in the process
>literally begs and fucks her way through essos
>this is somehow more deserving of praise than a man who has been fighting tooth and nail from the get go
I understand why incels hate women so much.

"who look like me" relates to children needing representative media where they have characters that share their gender identity, ethnicity, relationship preference, etc.

Basically it makes race into a child protection issue, much harder to argue against

based retard

I've already resolved myself to consider it a really bad fanfic. I'm not going to let that impending train-wreck ruin the Tolkien universe for me.

>What is wrong with these people?

The writers?
I don't know

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>implying I'm gonna touch that shit

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god i fucking hate sharing a lactation fetish with GRRM

A good show would have cleverly foreshadowed and executed the Grand Northern Conspiracy against the Boltons leading up to and during the Battle of the Bastards. Umber double cross with a fake Rickon. Stannis disappearing after battle at the Long Lake and returning during the Battle of the Bastards with 10k Vale Knights and Manderly and Glover Knights and Mountain Men. Smalljon betraying Ramsay and butchering the Karstarks on the field and joining Jon as his cavalry rushes in. Wun Wun would have been armed with a huge fucking weapon of some sort, and armor like a shirt of shields.

Holy shit my sides are in orbit. These people are delusional.

technically it is fanfic, they didn't get the rights to simarillion and all that jazz so all the old era shit they're gonna be pumping out is pure fanfic

Anyone who cares about LotR is not touching that with a hundred-foot pole.

> Hi , yes, I have a question. Is this like.. some kind of late subversion of expectations? expectation subversion day was last month?

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>all that points about not beeing praised

this is your brain on estrogen

>mfw """"elves""""" of """"""""""coulor"""""""" will be a meme for at least half a decade
kill me right now desu

good thing she's not a child

dying doesn't mean your life doesn't matter ya nog

But saying I'm trans should definitely work right?

Only incels hate women more than shitskins

But her actions in King Landing will be justifed, revenge is something good, and tons of people support her.

>GoT wasn't capitalism in it's most pure form from the start




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If I had a nickel for every time this happened to me.