How is she so beautiful, bros?
How is she so beautiful, bros?
>be 2/10, 8/10 in bongland
>get famous as a 'cute' child
>grow up to be a hunchback afterbirth
>still manage to retain (((fandom and fame))) despite your looks because you're on the most popular tv show and "yaaas queen slay"
>pretend you're a model
>bathe in it's glory and reap the benefits as much as you can, even on zoomertube
Pretty based desu, she's playing the game quite well. I'm looking forward to her UN speech about the dangers of kink-shaming.
>so beautiful
Beautiful is a stretch, but in the earlier seasons she was pretty cute desu.
She's got nice legs tho
those eye brows make her look like a dude.
So...this is the power of pure white genes...whoa..
She's got about 6 months before nobody gives a fuck about her. Let her enjoy it.
>hunchback afterbirth
Fuck you, my tea is everywhere now
she looks 41, how does this happen? literally all all self consciousness has left my body
She has nice tits, I would love to fuck her (not that this would mean much, as 35 yr old kissless virgin I would probably take any woman that is not a landwhale)
why is she so hot, lads
>how does this happen?
bong genes
>British Potato Face Syndrome
fetal alchohol syndrome b2b cushing syndrome.
can we get a seperate GoT board
She looks like James May the fucking thing
God, I hate it when these celebs start JewTube channels that try to emulate indie films in order to express their "deepness" or shit. Fuck these people.
tfw no bongland gf
>"maise, you should model your own fashion line"
lol dieded
If she always projected this innocence I'd actually date her, but the fact that she's a fucking british slag now made me lose any affection I had
>maise, you should model your own fashion line
Makes sense
Goblin fashion needs to be worn by a goblin, humans won't make it justice
Why do you guys have such a hate boner for Maisie?
She's not, literally a goblina. Even being popular doesn't help in her case, she's just unatractive by nature.
Because even she is out of reach for the incel
She looks significantly better with her hair down, like a 4 or 5 maybe? Better than the 2 or 3 she is in the show.
>tfw no bongland gf
Bong women, as well as Anglo women in general, age like milk, user. They're genetically predisposed to be ugly as sin as they mature over time.