How did he get it up for that?

How did he get it up for that?

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Alcohol...and lots of it.

he was probably lonely and very horny

>not wanting to fuck a tall handsome aryan woman
must be manlets

Arya is worse IMO


Alcohol makes it so much more difficult. Have you ever actually been drinking around women?

I've never seen a woman who looks like she's balding.

>Alcohol makes it so much more difficult.
Not when what's blocking your boner is psychological. If you're not some fat limp-dicked boomer with high blood pressure, getting an erection while drunk is easy.

don't be gay

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nice gyno fag

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>tfw failed erections despite Viagra
Being born ugly and depressed wasn't enough, God also had to take my penis aswell.

death by snusnu

She has a nice pussy at-least, just close your eyes and think of England

You clearly have not been drunk.

being attractive to someone involves way more than just being physically beautiful. in fact, you can even elevate your beauty percieved by another person just by being a amiable.

Most women have shitty hairlines

Amazonian as fuck. She just has a weird hairstyle in the show, and armour that hides what femininity she has.
Give her a Red-Sonja style outfit and grow her hair out, she'll be an 8/10.
Totally fuckable as is though.

Can't imagine what you look like to type that

I'm pretty average.

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Literally me on the right

Holy shit Draco Malfoy is that you?

I'm sorry for your impending loss

No? Tom Felton is pretty rough thesedays, the poor bastard.

Of my hairline? Ha.

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I'm not as cute or classy as Reviewbrah.

Damn he lost that silver blood look didn't he?

some of us like em tall

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Turns out he was a mudblood the entire time.

>not accepting flattery
Shame. I would've asked you out and made you wear dresses to humiliate you.

You're pretty cute user, with jaw surgery you'd slay puss

Death by snu snu

she has a decent face but then her body is a trainwreck


It was a different time user.

>Implying that would humiliate me
Nah, I'd dress up for an amazonian waifu.

What'cha mean my man?

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I have the exact body and I’m male

>tfw love women who are taller than me since teenager
>hit growth spurt at 16 and now 190cm
>can't even remember the last time I saw a woman who was taller than me, even with heels

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>average /pol/tard
Next thing you're gonna say is the 'N' word

Is that Alexa grace?

Nah, not my style.

post pusy

I mean you have a weak lower third and it makes you look really feminine

>same body
sweetie, pick one

those tiny buds are a disappointment
she could have been a huge titty and ass monster like i see in my animes
but, no, she is 3d and a disappointment.

>be manlet
>plenty of women taller than me
>disregarded immediately by most of them

Tis a cruel world.

That's why he decided to leave at the end of the episode, he sobered up.

Domhnall ?

Shit, the bong wall isn't just for women I see

I'm okay with looking feminine.

Try moving out of the shire lmao


At least you can basically get every woman, since all of them prefer tall guys, even the smallest ones won't settle for a small guy who is bigger than them. Fucking roastie trash
t. seething manlet

Who is she, do we have more of her?

>stuck in the body of a child forever (5'01)
>perma virgin

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I'm average woman height at 5'5".
It does suck not being able to reach shit, but I quite like it.
Maybe that's the cope, but I'm also happy waiting for a woman that doesn't place much stock in height, even though that's rare to almost intangible.

Once you fuck your twin sister nothing is off limits

My ex told me she's usually into tall guys and that I was on the edge of not being tall enough for her. Bitch was a goddamn hobbit in size, but (white) women are sooo fucking entitled these days. I'm done with them, they can enjoy raising cats when they hit the wall for all I care. Prostitutes are cheaper than a ""relationship"" anyway.

Legs for days.

Your quads don't change that you're pretty angry about women.
But yes a lot of women are entitled.
It's why I haven't been in a relationship in years since my Ex, who dumped me because I didn't change to her liking.
I'll either meet a kind woman that doesn't expect superman himself, or I will die alone.

but at least she was hot

your insane if you think women care about height as much as they say they do

>ywn lick her legs from toe to pusy

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agreed. We have a society that caters to the emotional needs of white women. They can get anything they want in the west without a worry in the world and they know it. Over the last generation it has bred super entitled bitches. Sadly the men that are raising daughters are instilling the same entitlement in them since those men have also grown up in this generation.

>thinken of Sersee
>very hard
>only southern girl around

>implying women don't use height as a qualifier

They don't care as long as you're 6'+

yh they literally dont

>dis Night King looking nigga

more like 5 "8
less than that maybe you have actual worries

You look like you could play a fucking nazi and i mean that in the best way possible.

based and tormund pilled

>I have the exact body and I’m male
How long have you been on HRT for?

>pretty angry about women
you have no idea my man, Do you realise how fucked you are in today's dating scene if you are below average in looks/height etc? Even the fat ugly chicks can get a man due to dating apps, while the guys get nothing, unless they are litteral chad thundercock tier

tall isn't the issue, it's the fact she looks like a cave troll.


based not-racist ginger friendo.

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Based faceposter

Go to central Yurop, you shall find plenty taller than you in heels, ,and enough out of them

Which one, Richard Brake or Vladdy Furdik? There were two.

Nah I couldn't, chin isn't strong enough my dude.

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>Have you ever actually been drinking around women?
do you know where you are?

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oh it's the "3 metre tall = midget" meme again

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>getting it up


ask me how i know you never had sex drunk

She wasn't so bad.

Get new glasses frames. Your current ones are too narrow for your head.

They've loosened a bit since.


I like women with big tits. I'd settle for one with small tits, but I'd still acknowledge that she's less attractive than one with big tits. It's no different for women and height. They want tall like I want big, but some are willing to settle.

we were born in the wrong century brother.
too early for sexbots.
too late for faithful women.

damn, so close to being clive owen or sean penn

Butt sex.

why did she agree to have such a picture taken? context?
also she has a cute face but that flat chest, jesus

probably like a 4/10. maybe a 5/10 in favorable lighting. +/- 2 points depending on your height.

he's got the same huge bong head genetics as arya

based white male

He is in love with her.

Not surprised loveless incels like this board wouldn't understand.

Drinking a can of beer is not getting drunk

her feet probably smelled nice and cheesy

Literally a cuntboy

quiet little guy

Are some people really salty about them getting together? Is it just self-inserting Jaimefags mad he isn't with a hot chick?

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she's done more than one nude photoshoot

What was the point? It was a pity fuck, right? Was that supposed to be romantic?

has to be shooped

>you're pretty angry about women.
If only you knew how much I hate women

We'll be average together

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