Google soviet union ww2

>Google soviet union ww2
>turns out it ACTUALLY existed and beat the bad guys against all odds
WTF why don't we get more soviet ww2 movies? They were the real heroes..

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Other urls found in this thread: ost&oq=generalplan O&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.4987j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-übung

there are plenty of Russia films about the eastern front.
but thats not why you made this shit thread is it?

>the far larger country throws human beings at the enemy with no regard for human life, only caring if the country wins the war against a foe that has to be beaten
>the bigger country wins

no shit. the soviet system did not care for the average human life, who the fuck would invade a country 3x's their size with 3x's population and even less of a value for human life.

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Why would the hollywood jews venerate the evil russians in the current year?

>kraut scum murder millions of people even ignoring muh shoah, planning on colonizing Eastern Europe and destroying Slavic culture
>roosky scum invade and murder and rape millions more, essentially do what Germans were planning to do anyway
Truman had the right idea, supply whichever side was losing so that as many nazis and commies would die as possible.

>(this thread will turn out well)

Bamp. At least is not game of shit

Well, it kind of makes sense in Hollywood, right? Americans don't really want to watch a WW2 movie about non-Americans I guess. How many non-American perspective WW2 movies are there generally? Dunkirk? Das Boot? Defiance (which was about the Soviet perspective, kind of)?

Try Come and See and The Ascent.

because americans won the culture war and cold war in europe

seething polish subhuman detected

they're the real an heroes LMAO

In that they fucking kill themselves like it's a sport.

Why are Russians so degenerate bros?

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>I-i... it's not fair! Z-zerg rush! No fuel! Winters! Two fronts! Mongols! Rapes!
Seethe harder, nazifags.

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Why do Russian """"men"""" kill themselves more than trannies?

Are all Russian """men""" trannies?

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>beat the bad guys against all odds

They literally had every advantage and constantly lost anyway due to sheer incompetence and Communist corruption.

Have fun while whatever shithole you live in is raped to death by niggers, arabs, or mexicans. We're still over 95% ethnic Polish here and very conservative.


Commies and Nazis wasting all their manpower and resources killing EACH OTHER was the greatest gift of WWII.

lmao you are butthurt as fuck that Hitler raped your ass while Stalin fucked your mouth

There are a lot of movies from Russia itself, some crap ones, some decent ones.

My personal recommendation would be the Ascent based on book Sotnikov. Incredibly gruesome story about two partizan soldiers being captured by Russians that defected to the nazi side. The only problem with the movie adaptation is that it tried to bring a bit of religious symbolism, but it's still a very good adaptation and I can see how director could see the symbolism there. To me it just speaks more of strength of source material that people can draw from it.

Don't watch any modern ones, a lot of them cynical garbage like or straight up garbage like Stalingrad. Surprisingly in period somewhere just a little bit after WW2 lie the most objective stories, be they fictional or real, regarding Soviets in WW2 (like in the aforementioned Ascent, main villains are defected Russians, it does highlight that things like that happened) and even the Soviet government (Tomorrow was the War, incredibly deep story about high school children whose classmate's dad was accused of treason and they have to decide for themselves if they believe their classmate or their government)

>he still believes in this myth
Must be an americano

No amount of historical revisionism will make your ideology not a failed one

Why do you "people" commit suicide so much if you're so happy?

America is shit!

And our culture survived. Yours wont when Abdul fucks your wife and Ahmed fucks your daughter.


>ethnic Polish
>i.e. 2/3 German

Wow just like Japan so cool uguuu

THANK FUCKING CHRIST that Russias are all just expendable niggers for their government. Imagine had all these fucking retards not been thrown into the meat grinder and killed by their government's corruption and incompetence. That'd be so many useless cunts now!

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user stop seething, you're just being silly at this point

More German than Germany will be in a decade

Holy shit seething

Wadja made the best Soviet WWII kino anyways so what's the problem?

That guy's Polish. They don't commit suicide. I'm from Belarus, and although we don't seem to kill ourselves at quite the same rate as Russians, life is truly grim. There's no real hope of anything getting better, and all the men have alcohol problems that just spiral down even more. Just imagine living your life with no prospect of anything. It's like staring death in the face of every day.

nope. Russia is literally the WORST place in the world for men. Japanese suicide rate for men is half of what it is in Russia. The only people competing with Russia for suicides are the countries that Russia ruined and African failed states.

Kr*uts btfo

>ie 1/4 polish 1/4german 1/2 russian liberator

>the soviet system did not care for the average human life
Hey wagie dance, and you might get a tip

t. rape baby

>literally the WORST place in the world for men
That would be in the womb of an American woman

Not necessarily, but at least they are smart enough to realize they are a strong contender, otherwise the rate wouldn't be as high.


Polack men aren't Russian tier but they still kill themselves more than Japs or any first worlders.
>I'm from Belarus, and although we don't seem to kill ourselves at quite the same rate as Russians
you're right there
>life is truly grim.
t russia

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Hard to make people who beat the nazis out to be heroes when they ended up killing more innocent people than the nazis.

I'm surprised that South Korea is so high. I don't know why first-worlders would kill themselves so much. No way is Korea that bad.

>Russia had the highest number of abortions per woman of child-bearing age in the world according to UN data as of 2010.[2] In terms of the total number, in 2009 China reported that it had over 13 million abortions,[3] out of a population of 1.3 billion, compared to the 1.2 million abortions in Russia,[4] out of a population of 143 million people.
I'd say kys Russcuck but you LITERALLY will LMAO

Why are you so upset? What did the Russians do to you?

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Oh look, a Soviet revising history.
What a shock. How out of a Soviet's nature to blatantly lie and try to actually revise historical events.

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It was 5.1 million deaths for the axis to between 8.7 and 10 million for the soviets.

That's not too bad at all considering the soviets were on the offensive for longer and you generally lose more men even when you win an offensive action(allies also lost more men at D-Day). The statistic is also thrown off by much worse performance in 1941 than in any subsequent year(The Germans either executed or starved to death about 3 million soviet POWs)

Holy shit seething

>I have to work for a living, that means that Soviets cared about human life


Why did the americans shop that guy on the 1st picture in?

Why are you projecting? What did daddy do to YOU? Why do you all kill yourselves? Why do all your women get babies sucked out of their pussies? Why are you all such degenerate drunks?

Why should people be nice to a bunch of cant-cope faggots that were trained wrong on purpose? You're cancerous fucking retards and you offer NOTHING of value to ANYONE. Don't throw rocks if you can't handle the banter you sniveling fucking hypocrites. Cry more about your life before you kill yourself LOL.

You do realize that Soviets themselves wanted to revise Soviet history to paint Stalin as worse than Hitler? Particularly Khruschev who hated Stalin and was hellbent on destroying all good memory of him whatever little there was of it to the point where Stalin was meant to be in mausoleum with Lenin and he got him kicked out of there.

The soviets themselves revised historical events to show themselves in most negative of lights than US could ever hope for. You are the living proof of that.

I'm not Russian, and I don't see where I can't handle the banter or threw any rocks. Just don't get why you're so mad.

>commie revisionism
Fuck off

>lol, we meant for you to think we were this shit
Fuck off, mate.

Post pics of your tits nigger.

Why does someone need to be "mad" to think that belligerent, suicidal, drunk assholes are annoying and cancerous retards? Why is it that niggers and jews and women and everyone else eats shit here, but the second someone points out that Russians are literally WAY more cancerous than all of those things, suddenly I get feelsfaggot retards like you rushing to their cause?

You some kind of cocksucker or something? You a useful idiot?

South Koreans used to have 68 hour work weeks, that would make anybody suicidal.
Now they lowered it to 52 which is still a lot

The eastern front is far and away my favourite historical event/period.

It's so singular. It's so incomparably dramatic and important and gargantuan in scale. It was like the final battle at the end of days, a completely ruthless, merciless clash of civilisations, but also literally the largest war in human history with the highest stakes possible. If you were on the soviet side, and you lost, every single person you've ever met in your life and tens of millions besides would be literally killed or, if they're very lucky, enslaved. Virtually every single one of them had lost family and hated the enemy so much.

It even has good dramatic pacing. Things seemed so bad for the soviets at first. The Axis got within pissing distance of their capital, and the next year pushed even further in the South at which point you had this real Riders of Rohirrim tide turning moment outside the grinding hell of Stalingrad.

The soviets go from such a pit of despair, that pitch black hopelessness across a whole continent, to the tide breaking, the clouds parting, and they push the Germans all the way back to Berlin, turn it to ash and cinders and make Hitler kill his own fucking dog and then himself to escape them.

It's fucking insane. It rendered all heavy metal music redundant decades before it was even invented just with the sheer facts of what happened.

Also this video is a great, low effort start if you want to develop more of an interest in this part of history:

Also this YouTuber turned out to be retarded but he did make some really good, accessible videos:

>Why don't we get more Soviet WW2 movies
There are some, it's just that they're propoganda that refuses to show the Scorched Earth policies that lead to mass starvation all around Eastearn Europe , mass rapes, gulags, the absolute incompetence in the Soviet military after Stalin purged a mean estimate of 800,000 people in the Great Purge a year before the war broke out, or at all try to show how much Lend Lease helped them to not stall their counter offensive in the later stages of the war.I think Americans would find it especially hard to stomache the fact that a lot of war crimes committed by the Soviet Union in the later stages of the war were committed with american made ordinances, and of course tankies on the internet will vehemently deny that Lend Lease mattered despite that fact that Khruschev admitted to it.

Most popular movies about WW2 are either block buster action films that skip out on the brutality of war or try to spin the war towards modern propoganda.

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>Heavy metal music
Wew lad

>Khruschev tried to revise history as well by revealing the fact that Stalin was a bloodthirsty authoritarian who let nothing stand in the way of his power

It's not a myth to say that Russia had a much larger army than the Germans who had only begun re-arming themselves until 1935 at all. The fuck are you talking about?

>become global superpower in 10 years after being reduced to third world nation
>it takes every major power on earth to beat you except the one that's your ally who also needs every major power on earth to be beaten

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Leave Khrushchev alone. He was autistic about Stalin bit he was still probably the best leader Russia ever had.

In fairness even if 60% of their economy was sold to them by the US and UK, the fact those countries had to give them said resources instead of using them themselves shows the USSR was pretty damn competent.

There were heroes on both sides.

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>become global superpower in 10 years after being reduced to third world nation
Are you talking about Soviet Union?
>it takes every major power on earth to beat you
Are you talking about Cold War?

Lend Lease mattered, but David Glantz, almost certainly the top western historian of the eastern front who has looked at the relevant numbers and genuinely understands what happened in more detail and with more empirical rigour the Krushev, estimates that without western support or a western front the war would still have ended with the Germans unconditionally surrendering to the Soviets, but it would have happened in 1946 rather than 1945. This is consistent with the fact that like 95 percent of lend lease material only came after the soviets had turned the tide. It helped them finish the war, but the Germans had already lost it.

Also while the soviets committed serious and large scale crimes, and were far too permissive of rape by their troops, they still pale in comparison to the absolutely anti-human insanity of the nazi's mass evil. If the nazis had won the soviet peoples would no longer exist. The fact that the soviets didn't completely genocide the entire population of eastern germany is proof that there's no comparison between them and the nazis.

Additionally, the soviets being incompetent and poorly organized early on wouldn't be a problem at all. In fact that kind of matches how stories work. The soviets were bad at first but became more and more skilled until they were sinifigantly better at strategy than the Axis. You don't pull off Operation Bagration without having become an extremely effective land force. A hero starting off extremely brave but unskilled and improving through hardship is kind of standard.

Who is Peter the Great?

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>The Ascent
that traitor

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>Are you talking about Cold War?
>getting into a spending race with commies and letting them bankrupt themselves

>they still pale in comparison to the absolutely anti-human insanity of the nazi's mass evil.

Then how did the Soviets genocide more people?

Best sww2 movie of all time.

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So we gonna ingnore japs, doesn't we. We just ignore that they deny Nanjking massacre while when it was literally caught on camera

Soviets definitely had a collosal advantage in reserves but you're still limited by how many men at a time you can industrially and logistically support in the field at once.

If the Axis had managed to win in year one or even year two by capturing the crucial objectives the soviets wouldn't have had time to develop their industry and put so many men on the field. Even then the defeat of the Axis was already inevitable a fair while before the soviets had built up a 2 to 1 advantage across the front.

I mean in 1941 the soviets were actually outnumbered by a fair bit, but the soviets still fought hard enough to deny them the thing they needed to win the war short and fast in the classic German way.

>95% came after the soviets turned the tide.
This isn't in agreement with either the time line of the western front on Wikipedia, nor the lend lease program on Wikipedia. Additionally, most of the lend lease supplies ($350 billion in current value) went to winning the western front.

The soviets genocided people 'prone to nationalism at the expense of the soviet union.' they clearly did not have any moral high ground.


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>David Glantz is the top military historian of the Eastearn Front
No, that would be Sokolov and a lot of the Russian researchers who have greater access to Soviet archives
>Most of Lend Lease didn't reach the front until the Soviets had won the war already
Completely false. Most of the ordinance didn't come until shortly after Stalingrad to assist the counter offensive. It's highlighted in my source that about 92.7% of the railway ordinances were supplied by Lend Lease. I shouldn't need to tell you how important it is to have well coordinated system of supply lines in a war, I think it was Von Moltke who first really made the case for its importance. Without Lend Lease the counter offensive would've dissolved and it would've been up to the western front to end the war.

>Society war crimes don't compare to the Nazis
No they really do. You should Ernst Nolte sometime. The purges, genocides, and famines induced by state policies under the Soviet Union are pretty comparable all in all. In fact, much of the Hunger Plan rested on the Soviets starving most of their own citizens.

Red Army was a slave army of drunken, illiterate rapists horded at gunpoint by (((NKVD commissars.))) There was nothing heroic about them.

>Wow just like Japan so cool uguuu

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The fuck is wrong with NZ?

Thats actually a pronouncable word.
Nobody would be named that however

>Then how did the Soviets genocide more people?
they didn't

You just described the USA.

shitty kids kids bullying the brownies.

"There's a combination of reasons, and it's important not to only focus on one statistic, warns Dr Prudence Stone of Unicef New Zealand.

The high suicide rate ties in with other data, showing for instance child poverty, high rates of teenage pregnancies or families where neither of the parents have work.

New Zealand also has "one of the world's worst records for bullying in school", says Shaun Robinson of the Mental Health Foundations New Zealand.

He explains there is a "toxic mix" of very high rates of family violence, child abuse and child poverty that need to be addressed to tackle the problem.

New Zealand's own statistics also reveal that suicide rates are highest for young Maori and Pacific Islander men.

"This shows us there are also issues around cultural identity and the impact of colonisation," he says.

According to the most recent data of 2014, the suicide rate among Maori men across all age groups is around 1.4 times that of the non-Maori."

this one?
i feel sorry for you then

nope. Nice try Ivan. Reflexively whatabouting is a major reason you're all so miserable in the first place. You're trained NOT to be able to deal with your own issues without whatabouting to something else. You're taught only how to lie.

This is why you all kill yourselves my dude. You literally cannot cope.

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They didn't.

Deaths Hitler is responsible for:

26.6 million soviets

At least 6 million Axis soldiers.

Victims from non soviet occupied territories- also in the millions, particularly millions of Polish Jews. Let's just count the jews to keep things simple, that's about 3 million

Plus some change in non eastern territories and fighting the western allies.

So we're talking easily over 36 million people directly killed as a result of nazi aggression and extermination in 12 years, and between 11 and 17 million of those were deliberate genocidal murder of civilians. In 12 years.

Soviets don't even scratch those numbers, not even across the whole 25 years of Stalin's dictatorship. And unlike Germany a lot of their aren't from deliberately started wars, but accidental famine, so its mostly comparing homicide to manslaughter.

Even so for Stalin we can get:

1.5 to 3 million from actual political repression in the Great Purge, and the bulk of the rest come from famines, but most famine deaths under Stalin are from one in particular, the Holodomor, which was 3.3 to 7 million. Events like the Katyn massacre happened, but in terms of body count are definitely playing second fiddle to famines.

So counting the big 2 causes of death we hit anywhere from 4.8 to 10 million deaths, most of them a result of a combination of bad policy and natural disasters rather than the murderous, genocidal belligerence of the nazis.

Even if we took the 10 million, a very high-end estimate of by far the 2 biggest causes of soviet peacetime deaths under Stalin, then tossed in another 50 percent as a high estimate of everything else, you're still standing on your tippy toes and pulling your back out to scratch a very tenuous 15 million mostly accidental deaths, and it would be surprising if much more than 3 million of those were actual democide, versus a conservative estimate of 40 million directly caused deaths as a result of Nazi wars and deliberate genocides.

And remember, that's Stalin with free reign for more than twice as long as Hitler. If the nazis won they'd have made what they already did look like rooky numbers: ost&oq=generalplan O&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.4987j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-

Dude. You're not even funny anymore. That's pure cringe.

You just described the USA again.

Good. Cringe your way OUT of this fucking website nigger. Nobody needs your degeneracy and shit smearing. You were raised by malignant assholes to think like schoolyard fucking retards. You ALL have mind cancer. You ALL are fucking non-white can't-cope fucking faggot pervert drunks.

There's NOBODY more fucking cancerous and niggardly than Russian """men."""" Keep cringing about your fucking life kike.

You mean how Lenin and Stalin took medieval Russia and turned it into a superpower in 30 years?

what's up with Russians and old women? And isn't Futanari just big dick trannies? Why are you all jerking off to overwatch porn?

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fuck commies and fuck nazis

At the start of barbarossa the axis had more manpower in the field than the soviets.

Whatever floats your goat man.

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>Russia’s Obesity Rate Up Almost 50% in 5 Years, Health Ministry Says

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Why are so obsessed with russia? You seem to know lots of things.

>Terse ad hom

I miss him bros

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This may be us having different ideas of when the war turned, but what I'm seeing is that only 16.1 percent of lend lease came before the turn of 1943, by which point the soviets had won Stalingrad, which represented the end of Germany's ability to launch large, potentially war winning offensives. They tried for a smaller scale one at Kursk the next year but that was basically denial on their part.

If you wanted to really push it only 2.1 percent arrived before the end of 1941, and while the war had by no means turned by then, there are strong arguements that the 1941 offensive failing to take the Soviets out of the war meant the best the Germans could hope for was a negotiated peace.

It just doesn't look like a winning hand for the Axis in any timeline. And while the soviets were imperialists violently crushing resistance in eastern europe, the Nazis just took things to such irrational and ungodly extremes that the soviets absolutely did have the moral highground.

Literally because America pretends the Battle of Stalingrad never happened

what's wrong with making fun of niggers?

What are you ESL gooks doing on an english language website? Why are you so obsessed with other people's culture? Do you not have any culture of your own? Why are you extincting your language?

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(((Bolsheviks))) exterminated 60 million Slavs between 1917 and 1943 when murders from purges, Civil War, artificial famines, mass executions, gulags, and Red Terror are tallied.

National Socialists killed, at most, a few hundred thousand on the Eastern Front. And suffice it to say that the "holocaust" is pure fiction.

*1917 and 1953

Imagine coming home to your village and the only people in your generation who are left are sniper waifus

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>That's not too bad at all considering the soviets were on the offensive for longer
Retard shit.

*600 million

It's a vietnamese basket waving site for retarded girls that is owned by a japanese dude my man you must be mistaken.

>inb4 kvetching

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Are you brain damaged?

Are you familiar with the concept of defences?

>Shifts goal posts
So are we just going to ignore the red terror in the Russian Civil War , the Holodomor, and the Great Purge will assigning all the blame towards the death of Soviet civillians to Hitler and not tht communist government that waged a scorched Earth campaign and horded all the food it could from the civilian population as of they were blameless in the famines? Most Jews died of starvation like everyone else's, it's just that they were given no priority for food by the Germans and we're even executed if they were deemed subversive/ Jewish enough as well. There was mass starvation in the Soviet labor camps as well even if there weren't mass executions.

Yeah no, the Soviet Union is about as bad as Nazi Germany when it comes to war crimes and inhumanity.

poolish butthurt

Fuck off russkie.

>about as bad
You're talking to someone who's saying "germany caused these deaths when we intervened, they are solely responsible" don't expect stimulating conversation

>60 million
>National Socialists killed, at most, a few hundred thousand on the Eastern Front

Why should I argue with someone literally living in an imaginary timeline? I may as well try and explain that Blues Clues isn't real.

>against all odds
The Soviets had twice the population of Germany, only fought on one front and got huge supply of food and equipment from the Allies. It's actually quite pathetic that they took all that beating.

Hey jackass, the red cross agrees with him. You're the one living in fantasy land saying "the sky isn't blue, what are you, a retard?'

I actually miss you guys compared to the Twitter or Tumblr cancer we get now. So how many Jews do you think died in WW2 then based on your /pol/ screen cap? You know that David Irving says that 3 million Jews were deliberately killed by the Germans even though he denies the existence of gas chambers , right?

Can you really blame them, the boots that marched into Berlin were manufactured in America

Never heard of it.übung

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hitler didnt starve over 10 million of his people to achieve that goal, unlike lenin and his jewish compatriots.

>The Red Cross thinks that German concentration camps showed no signs of mass murder
No they did, and I know what report you're talking about.

Oh yeah those Jewish stormfaggots, well known for their argumentative tactic where they don't actually respond to something at all so they can accuse and shift the frame of conversation like you just did

Wasn't starvation the side effect of modernisation?

>quick shift the goal posts!
There were 3 0s missing in that report, that's a far more important fact than a debate over the existence of death camps, (which only the Soviets ever """confirmed""" the existence of)

and yet we don't speak your gooksprecht do we?

Have fun watching your culture and your language die while you sit around jerking off to trannies and whining about American movies LOL.

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The Eastern front was just so fucking massive it's insane. The Western front was literally just some small side war in comparison. Imagine having millions of people die in one battle. The other fronts couldn't reach those numbers during the entire war combinded.

not him
it was caused by repeating drought

of course they were

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Jokes on you, I'm not even russian or a slav.

Yes, the red cross thinks Germany only killed a few hundred thousand people in the eastern front.

Ivan propaganda.

Jokes on you, nobody will know or care when you're dead.

Fake news

And the drought was caused by who? Right by stalin.

Stalin never said that quote. It's staggering how much falsehoods and propaganda has been thrown at the USSR by the west. NATO/"western world"/First-world are all words made in opposition to communist countries. The "west" is anti-communist by design yet you people believe in the "neutrality" of research conducted by WESTERN people on communism.

>well known for their argumentative tactic where they don't actually respond to something at all so they can accuse and shift the frame of conversation like you just did
... Moving the goal posts? How do you not know that by name? Look, there's a case to be made that the Germans did not engage in as much mass murder as is claimed by certain historians. A lot of the original information from the Nuremberg Trials has been discarded by even the most Jewish historians there are. Sure.

But "only a few hundred thousand" were killed by natsoc on the Eastearn front? Not even David Irving says that much. Where the fuck are you getting those numbers from?

Classic communist fairy tale. "These massive resource improprieties were an inevitability. The ONLY way to take Stalingrad was to level it to a fine mist and anyone who says otherwise is a western spy"

Wow cool tell me about when they won the war.

Why do mutts pretends so hard that land lease was aome major game changer? Imagine being so much of a jew that you try to unironically say that the Soviet won the war for the allies because of a exaggerated land lease.

The US contributions to the Soviet Union through lend-lease accounted for a measly 1.3% of the USSR war budget

A total of $50.1 billion worth of supplies was shipped, or 17% of the total war expenditures of the U.S. In all, $31.4 billion went to Britain, $11.3 billion to the Soviet Union, $3.2 billion to France, $1.6 billion to China, and the remaining $2.6 billion to the other Allies.

That's chump change, and they provided it for 4.5 years (March 11, 1941 and ended in September 1945). For comparison, in a single year (1945) Russia spent 17 times that ($192 billion). If we assume the 11.3 billion was spread out equally, then the US contributed a measly 2.5 billion in 1945. That equates to a total US contribution of 1.3% of the USSR war budget. And even than the vast majority of the supplies came after the Soviets had already turned the tides against the Nazis.

The guy in this picture is wearing two watches, he's been pillaging.

>commies get weather control in the 20s
if it were true USA would be arizona'ed long time ago

Literally the red cross who counted a mere ~half million kills you inbred cousin fucking retard, pick up a book some time

>Why are you so obsessed with other people's culture?


>In one battle
*That lasted for years.

My favorite meme is how weather control doesn't real but Kissinger is a war criminal for manipulating the weather to starve out the Vietnamese

>Imagine having millions of people die in one battle.
But that never happened.
Also the Western front had huge battles as well. The Normandy landing had like half a million casualties.

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More like 5 months.

>become global superpower in 10 years after being reduced to third world nation
Weimar Germany had issues but it wasn't third world. Not even close.
>takes every major power on earth to beat you except the one that's your ally who also needs every major power on earth to be beaten
It took a bunch of countries on one side to beat a bunch of countries on the other.

>The Red Cross report
Can you even link it to me? I doubt you have a PDF of it on hand or have even read it beyond the meme pic thrown around on forums

>inbred cousin fucking retard
The amount of projection, holy shit.

Snow niggers I swear.

You're right, even third worlders don't have to sell their children for bread, they just have to look sad I'm camera where Barbara Streisand can see it

>why don't we get more soviet ww2 movies
Are you fucking insane? There's shittton of them, some of the best WWII movies like Liberation or Fortress of War are about the Eastern Front.



>Why do mutts pretends so hard that land lease was aome major game changer?
That's how their propaganda works- Tell the story again and again until they believe and repeat it. Reality was just anglo imperialism: Let others bleed and rake in the leftovers.
>say that the Soviet won the war
they claim the win for their own though. Giving credit to the soviets is the first line of defence already.

I believe you actually made the claim "I know which report you're talking about" so were you lying then or do you know the truth and you were lying at the start when you were talking to the other guy

>The guy in this picture is wearing two watches, he's been pillaging.
No shit.
The Soviets actually had a posting system that allowed soldiers to send packages with loot back to their homes and families. They even had certain kilogram limitations depending on the rank, i.e. officers got to send bigger packages of stolen shit.
And that was just the soldiers, pretty much all factories got dismantled and sent back to the USSR.

Just the battle of kursk had over 800k casualties and that lasted just over a month retard.

Garbage bait

>Soviets waste their supplies
>brag about it over the corpses of the peasantry
Muh working class though

>Just the battle of kursk had over 800k casualties and that lasted just over a month retard.
Your claim was "millions of people die in one battle".

>sell their children for bread
Source this happened in Germany?
Btw much, much worse things happen in the third world. If you've seen "Slumdog Millionaire" you'll have seen the tip of the iceberg.

>Literally invade and genocide half of European Russia
>Get some isolated rape incidents in return and cry about them like a bitch for 70 years
It's not like you can call it a rape if they wanted it.

Attached: 1550996538372.jpg (979x422, 108K)

Imageboards is a japanese invention.

>movies are reality
Oh my god I'm talking with a literal child

Attached: 1536465409501.png (220x292, 59K)

The vast majority of soviet logistics, including almost all of their rolling stock and a good portion of their trucks, were provided by America.

There were no heros in WW2, only winners ans losers.

It's not really a genocide when you willingly jump into a meat grinder even if you don't own it outright

The communist regime was just another evil dictatorship.

Yeah, like Stalingrad? Over 1.3million deaths in less than six months.

>genocide half of European Russia
But that didn't happen. Unless by "genocide" you count soldiers killed in battle and people the Soviet government killed themselves. And even then you wouldn't reach "half of Russians in Europe". Fucking retard.
Like a fucking brainwashed Russian.

I know people who grew up in third world countries, moron