Attached: 645645645.png (569x549, 323K)

>"oh no the nigger lady died, better pitch a fit."

Attached: 7F746FBC-495F-4EEA-8783-E1DB1EE88D4A.png (466x492, 187K)

>tfw D&D only had Arya kill the NK specifically to balance out what happens in the second half of the season
Absolute madmen

Attached: 172E517D-4E95-4D0A-968A-BCD370F33F3A.jpg (1065x742, 65K)

Time to drop the show with two episodes left you fucking rotten-snatched harlots

she should have sex

can’t wait for Yea Forums to start defending game of thrones to own the libs

This lol. Think of all the bullshit gurl power moments in the show, they all led up to dany going full hitler lmao.

>caring about an article who's author is PRINCESS WEEKES


>nig dies

>Google Princess Weekes
>Pic related
plot twist of the century

Attached: Du4lTX7XgAA16MT.jpg (800x1200, 115K)

These people will never be satisfied, never pander to millennial white women. They are braindead whores with the mentality of a child


All women want to see more successful women fail.

What in the hell is that horse doing wearing lipstick and what in the hell is that tattoo?

Literally Mouth of Sauron

Usually this stuff makes me seethe like an incel, but I'm glad more people are shitting on dumb&dumber


>S-tier chompers

these people are beyond NPC level.
I seriously dont understand the process it takes to get such a thought in the first place.

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>Arya killing the night king was totally within character and awesome, they subverted your expectation that Jon would be the hero
>Euron suddenly being a Mary Sue that can kill a dragon is bullshit, and them ditching Dany just because she is a woman set back women's rights 40 years

>mass brown people massacre to save their white lords in ep3
>make a show out of beheading the last nigress remaining in ep4
Looks like D&D were based and redpilled the whole time

It’s already begun.

>It's great that Jon's entire story arc was butchered in favor of Arya teleporting behing the night king for shock value, the show is about subverting tropes and men don't always have to be the hero, this is excellent writing and deconstructs the patriarchy
>wtf mad queen Daenerys this show is trash D&D can go fuck themselves this is bad writing and sexist

The show was covered in shitty writing since season 5, D&D's fingerprints were all over it. Yes, the way they're going about wrapping up Daenery's character arc is terrible but only recognizing it due to some warped notion of perceived sexism and gender politics doesn't actually cover the extent of what is happening here. It would have made more sense if her advisors didn't ride her from one dumpsterfire to the next because the show unintentionally makes her rage justified. The disdain the north and Stark women still have for her makes zero sense after the Battle for Winterfell so the intended effect of displaying her encroaching madness loses its impact because it's perfectly reasonable for her to get angry. Do the showrunners realize that this mirrors Tyrion's anger in season 4 when he goes on a rant in his trial how he should have let everyone die after the thanks he received for saving their lives at the battle of blackwater? Out of all people that Daenerys' still counts as her advisors Tyrion is the one that should understand her state of mind the best.

I have no idea how D&D can keep fucking this up. They state that a character is smart and end up making them look like retards like they did with Sansa and Tyrion. They want to showcase Daenerys descend into madness and give her character perfectly reasonable circumstances to be pissed. This is unbelievable. How do they continuously end up writing the opposite of what they want to portray with the character?


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this was the best episode since Winds of Winter


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this was the first episode of the season i liked. Whats the problem whit these people?

I can relate to D&D honestly. If I had seen my show being invaded by legions of lib retards making a fucking mockery out of the mythos and lore and then suddenly having to hear executives telling me how to run the show in order to please these invaders, I too would say fuck it and go all out on the last episodes, what are they going to do? get me fired?

the idiotic little girl killing the giant and arya killing night king and the "men are so stupid" lines were there to calm the angry roasties about the last episodes and the show's ending. its pretty obvious

Damn. She could eat an apple through a fence

D&D are just bad writers, no executive meddling involved. One of them was responsible for the deadpool in xmen origins wolverine to set a precedent of them completely failing to understand the characters they're writing

>episode where man's head is chopped off
>episode where man's dick is chopped off
>episode where woman gets raped
>episode where woman gets her head chopped off
Feminism is poison.

good post....sums up why ive had some unwanted sympathy for danny this season even though i hate her

They're used to getting their way in every single aspect of life and damned if that's going to stop now.

This kills the Jungle fever


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why would you smile like this?

Attached: UniqueSmiles_SMM_20171101_austin-powers[1].jpg (1280x960, 167K)

>My master Sauron the Great, bids thee welcome.

Attached: 1550681020836.jpg (141x115, 4K)

With jews you win

>dem gums tho

Attached: 1557159312007.jpg (400x392, 50K)

>worst episode of the season
Did they miss the last one?

Shes missing an eyebrow

You just double checked because you know you wouldn't have noticed it

>by princess weekes
No doubt a reputable outlet published this.

>Hi I'm Dany, I'll be your barista today. What'll be your order?

What do?

Attached: D53bjdRUcAE2cYw.jpg (1138x650, 135K)

Man imagine waking up to that chomping on your dick it's like something out of aliens

>last week all the feminists thought GoT was the absolute greatest show ever made because they gave badass Arya the kill on the NK. They don’t even mention 3 main male characters died and only that literal who little girl died
>now they say GoT is the worst because another literal who female character died and the leaks that Dany is going full mad queen is looking very true

Women will never be happy. The yasss queen crowd will ONLY be happy if every single female character ends up in control. Dany needs to be king of the 7 kingdoms. (Jon can either be her little bitch or dead they don’t care) Arya needs to have another badass scene and kill Cersei and live to go on adventures somewhere and Sansa needs to be the last of Winterfell. Anything less than that and the twitter feminists are going to riot.

Much want more.

is that a horse?

Its a neigh-gro


>yass queen crowd cheered when they discovered R+L=J
>either too stupid to realize Jon was really the next Targ in line for the throne or just thought his true heritage would have zero impact on the story

>the normies are just now mad
>their reason for saying the show has shit writing is shit like characters they like dying
>no problems before now
Just fucking nuke us


Would you, Yea Forums?

Fuckin chiclets for teeth


I wonder what kind of show would women actually enjoy without seething

>Last week they claimed Arya killing the NK was a glorious moment of female empowerment, praising the show purely for allowing a woman to do something cool and deflecting any and all criticism as "angry virgins being angry that a female character is capable"
>Now that something they don't like has happened, they hate it
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
These rancid cunts never liked the show to begin with.

what are those teeth? she looks like a baboon

Greetings Undead Warrior
I am the Primordial Serpent Darkstalker Kaathe
I can guide thee, and illuminate the truth.
Undead Warrior, conqueror of the Four Kings, is this not your wish?
To know the truth of men, and the Undead?

Attached: bcb.png (564x468, 333K)

>worst episode of the season
>not episode 1


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> all the kings die, thousands of men die, man gets dick cut off and tortured, dany is unstoppable, cersei is unstoppable, arya is unstoppable


> now the queens start fighting amongst each other like the kings were, and one female character dies


Attached: npc.jpg (408x431, 12K)

Usually a smile makes a person more beautiful.

Ah yes, Browniefax, princess of all horses

I knew there'd be a bunch of these articles coming out after Varys even dared contemplate the idea that Jon might be a better ruler than the mad bitch.

Of course the absolute cavalcade of problems with episode 3 are non-issues and you're just a sexist because the strong waman did the thing. True pottery.

With each day I start to think more and more that the NPC meme isn't just a meme...

Member when people still had the ability to separate fiction from reality?
Member when politics wasn't injected into every single breath?

>Aragorn kills the envoy
>clap clap clap
>Cersei kills he envoy
>Oh noes, why?!! abloblobloblo
I don't understand

So this is the average GoT viewer

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Because they immediately started fighting the battle rather than just staring at eachother


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Can someone copypaste her butthurt please so I don't have to google this?

Is she mad about Missandei dying or what?

A sacrifice I'm willing to make.
These next two episodes are gonna be beautiful.
There might even be suicides when Dany gets killed.

Attached: 6ad.jpg (362x447, 62K)


>by Princess Weekes
i'd say about 85% chance of tranny and 1000% chance of twitter echo chamber.


Only smart people can write smart characters.

>block me because you didn’t enjoy an episode of tv as much as I did.

Who the fuck are these people? Jesus tucking Christ we let these retards fucking vote.

>tfw I feel for the mad king

Burn. Them. All.

Attached: DDB3C700-9936-4F72-AA4F-EB93986C57E1.jpg (720x738, 122K)

women don't like anything for themselves. they see other popular people liking something, and only then will they like it as well

Why beautiful black girl is so rare but horse-like nigger like this is so common?

nigger women truly have no utility

if mad queen dany happens, it'll be the only time i watch one of those 'bar patrons watch GoT' episodes
seeing them seethe extremely hard will probably be good enough to fap to

Pretty sure it's the other way around. They killed a negress to calm down /polcucks who still watch this show.


this is how leftists work these days, they think that blocking opinions they don't like means that they're gone

>if mad queen dany happens
Entire episode showed that it's already happening.
That dead glazed over look on her face when her begging Jon to keep his birthright secret failed spoke volumes.
The leaks spoke more.
Then there was Missandei's last words literally translating to "burn it".

Go back to r/the_donald, grandpa

i will give dany some credit, she acted her ass off in this episode. watching her struggle between BURN THEM ALL and ruling in peace was great. and yeah you're right, looking again at the last shot, it looks like all of her previous humanity is gone, she's ready to fuck everyone's shit up

those tears.

Now they know what it's like.

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lol Dany’s doomed

oh no her self insert character died... damn that must be rough

They have no idea what's coming.
In a week or two they aren't even gonna remember who Missandei is. They'll be so mad they aren't gonna remember anything at all.

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Is that a real name?

>slay queen is going mad
>you go girl burn everyone!

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>What do?

Look for a more qualified male


Kinda looks like that predalien hybrid.

I look ugly when I smile too. Like Moe, or the kid off Mad magazine.

>every roastie who unironically wants Dany to burn millions of innocent people and claim the throne are gonna get told they're wrong and have to watch Dany die inches from the Iron Throne
I cannot hate these guys. They're idiots, but goddamn if this isn't gonna be the best fucking shit.

Attached: based brainlets.jpg (1200x675, 206K)

it's sad actually, she'd be fine if not for that mouth

Based Dabid.

>the deepest symbolism in the episode was a starbucks cup

Attached: the-real-meaning-of-the-starbucks-logo_o_5274341.jpg (460x920, 80K)

>watch Dany die inches from the Iron Throne
Based and regentslayerpilled

what a retard

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Are the Dabids, dare I say it...redeemed?

Dammit you stole my thread. Anyway did people like the ep?

and I'm loving it! here is why: fuck women

this. the basic problem is that the writing is bad.
cognitive dissonance is the consequence of that, not the cause.

unironically cant wait.
is it me, or has dnd been really redpilled these last couple seasons?
>women only get into positions of power through other's work, or because someone wanted to fuck said woman
>the only one that doesn't get powerful this way is a mary sue tier ninja assassin
>sansa is said to be smart
>three seconds after swearing to not tell jon's secret, tells tyrion
>dany's tactics fail because she doesn't stick to the original plan (e3), or because she charges in head first without one
>both women in the north are still squabbling even though their mutual enemy still exists (cersei)

kinda funny when you think about it

>three seconds after swearing to not tell jon's secret, tells tyrion
That's a very smart move from Sansa's point of view.

>Do the showrunners realize that this mirrors Tyrion's anger in season 4 when he goes on a rant in his trial how he should have let everyone die after the thanks he received for saving their lives

Tyrion said it out of anger. He wouldn't have let innocent people die, and he certainly wouldn't actively kill them. Dany is going to actively burn innocents to death in their thousands because she's angry. She's been told the way to get Cersei without murdering innocent people and she is ignoring it. Terrible writing, but she is in no way justified in burning KL.

Who team Cercei here? Unironically the best choice.


Cute. I want now a pit fight with Daisy.

Shes getting the throne next episode

Last episode when shes torching people jon kills her


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retarded post, kill yourself.

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She’s not that bad

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She is not bad at all. Black Daisy, a cute with a remarkable maw.

That's true, but it does play into the concept that women are incapable of keeping secrets.

Are normies turning on this dogshit show now for the last two episodes? Please let it not be so because that would mean we have to read autistic shitposts about how based and redpilled GoT has always been on here for the next six years.

this picture is even worse

Literally none of that disproves what i said

>dany is executing everyone in kings landing
How do you think shes doing this if not in charge?

Youre like the 10th person to cite the leaks that is too stupid to fill in the gaps

C'mon man, no ponyshit outside the containment board.

Monsters live among us

The absolute state of nigger lovers.

Legit the best episode of the season

so based

Dios mío, espíritu del Señor, espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada. Ángeles, arcángeles y santos del Paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor. Lléname de ti. Expulsa de mí todas las fuerzas del mal. Aniquílalas, destrúyelas, expulsa de mí los maleficios, la magia negra. El Ogro de Las Tinieblas. La Luz Extinguido. El Insecto. Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica. Todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia. La enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica. Destruye al Monstruo. A La Creatura. Quema este mal en el Infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí, ni a ningún ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente en nombre de Jesucristo salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a todas las presencias del Goblino, que me abandonen inmediatamente, que me abandonen definivamente y que se vayan al Infierno eterno. El Chupa-Chupacabras no puede triunfar. El Monstruo. El Abominación debe morir. Encadenado por San Miguel Arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado por el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada. Aleja a la aberración genética. Al Ogro del Este.


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Go back to your man-cave, Bill.

can't believe they would pull off such a based move

but I thought [current year] was the time of YAAAS QWEEN

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Oh my god what a wonderful post. I kekked hard.

It was never "just" a meme


>DD finally get tired of being called SJWs so they BTFO their women in the greatest way possible
Thank you DD. Thank you for this.

>Is there any in this chinese cartoon board with authority to treat with me?

Attached: Mouth-S-1.png (413x470, 202K)


I'm going by another leak. She might sit on the throne at some point, but she does die reaching for it in the end.

I gave the Lannisters my blessing on the very first episode;I know Cersei will not win, but I am glad my preferred house was filled with interesting and at least decent characters.

>its bad because the female characters arent flawless

That would be the last reason this season is shit

user it was written by a millennial black woman

Attached: freaky fred.gif (500x419, 487K)

Its always been very real

So wait, they were fine with last week's raping of the core concepts of the franchise but as soon as a woman loses her head it's over the line?

The biggest group to shock is the sjws, thats the entirety of their motivation

You know why black women write articles like this? Why they glom onto "MORE REPRESENTATION" arguments? Because they're taught by black leaders, at a very young age, to only look out for yourself. To grab everything you can and fuck everyone else. To take advantage of the system and make it work for YOU and YOU alone.

So what do you expect once forced diversity starts trickling in these brainwashed retards and giving them a modicum of power and influence. Even the light-skinned WOCs act this way. They're natural born hustlers and this is just the hustle. Angry white boys are kindling for the fire, bundles of sticks, "faggots" I call em. Posting shit like this here is tantamount to your goal. You should just be ignoring it.

>depicting how women were treated in medieval times accurately is sexist

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I'm a /pol/ fag and I liked the Arya ending. It's the incels that are having problems with it but they hate everything.

/pol/ isn't about hate. /pol/ is about love. /pol/ is about pride. Truth. Justice. These are concepts that a mixed race mongrel from a conquered tribe of rape baby spear chuckers would never understand. In GoT he Northerners are the pinnacle of the white race, iron bound by law, justice, and truth. Westerners are pinnacles of the degenerate jew, sister fuckers, faggots, obsessed with wealth and power. Easterners are what the white race look like when influenced by the Jew and their kike psychobabble, fighting pointless wars, focused only on their own status and legacy, zero thought given to how the realm is treated. The southerners are the the spic mongrelized hordes that to an outsider don't even have a functioning society. Westeros is quite literally an amalgamation the modern US.

Laughing at the butthurt does not mean thinking the show is good. This is basically the equivalent of seeing a dirty hobo pissing on some Starbucks hipsters and calling him based.

I for once welcome our new David "David" Benioff and Dan "Duke" Weiss. Especially the later, boy that name is program.

Attached: Wehr-Chan.png (417x500, 230K)

>Princess Weekes
>Immediately knew it was a nigger
Only a nigger would name their child something fucking retarded like Princess.

>by Princess Weekes

lemme guess

500 lbs and blue hair.

I hope eventually studios might actually learn the fucking lesson here. Don't pander to them because no matter what they will eventually turn on you.

Just ask Joss Whedon how he has been doing after he went full feminist hero.

Load up on crossbows and bring your friends
It's fun to lose and to pretend
She's over-bored and self-assured
Oh no, I know a dirty word
Hello, hello, hello, how low?
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto, an albino
A mosquito, my libido

Attached: 1503239386599.jpg (620x721, 231K)

>show has a diverse fan base
>therefore only white men can have bad things happen to them
>everyone else must only have good things

Every day i'm glad I'm allergic to racemixing.

great now you retards will pretend to like this shit

>every single piece of fiction has to go through 100 test screenings so we can make sure it has the right message for the right year.

GoT has a lot of shit in it but the point of fiction isn't to make sure every single person that views it is 100% happy with it. It's to tell a story, and sometimes, to some people, it's a shit story.

Welcome to 4 seasons ago when most people figured out this show had a shit ton of flaws.

anyone who truly hated the show jumped ship years ago

False flagging tranny spotted, /pol/acks hate the Arya ending because it robbed Jon of his story

color me surprised

Attached: 1311144270179.jpg (649x650, 60K)

>I showed you my in-group bias, answer me

dabid i luv u again

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Fucking based.

Is Cersei the True Azor Ahai?
Think about it.

He belongs to a certain breed of viewer who also said the Lost finale was awesome/True Detective S2 was awesome/Star Wars prequels were awesome etc and that anyone who disagrees is just too dumb to understand intelligent, nuanced, storytelling.

is she
>our queen?

Top Jaj

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Attached: creepy.gif (320x180, 1.2M)

Kek literally every male leader has been brutally murdered. Ned, Robert, Tywin, Stannis, Jon, Kevan, High Sparrow, Renly, Balon Greyjoy, Joffery, Tommen, Drogo, Mormont, Mace, Oberyn, Littlefinger, Blackfish, and more.
When are the articles that "Game of Thrones hates its leading white men characters" going to come out. Kill literally one translator and the SJWs freak

I can't imagine the shitstorm that will come once they see Jon killing Daenerys.
Another thing, why do these retards suddenly eant everything to be happy and shit? I don't remember this SEETH when they killed Cat and Robs wife.

Based freaky Fred, Courage was kino af for a kids show

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The cup from the show should be added on one of the tables

>why do these retards suddenly want everything to be happy and shit?

um, could it be because the main story ended last episode and they expected some kind of emotional payoff for their time invested?

oh boy here we go

>when the jew subverts the subverters
Pretty fucking based

Attached: 1555610586942.jpg (500x362, 23K)

this turns incels into volcels

OBJECTIVLY the best episode since season 4 and now they're throwing a hissy fit? I mean it had problems. Dany forgetting about the Greyjoy fleet. Characters teleporting. Time lapse doesn't make sense. Rushed pace. Etc etc. But it also had good character interactions and actual game of thrones scheming. Haven't enjoyed the show this much for a long time.

Because the fanbase wasn't a fucking pile of shit back then.

based and Londorpilled

>it's diverse fan group

They can't even write English properly.

>D&D said they will avoid social media and avoid going outside for a couple of days once the final episode airs
the normalfag shitstorm from ages

You aight Pablo, hop over before we build the wall

Attached: 1526944933301.jpg (1023x702, 253K)

>>Google Princess Weekes
>post articles at ""

haha pottery.

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>There is only one race, the human race

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How can dany conquer KL, when she has like one dragond and handful of cockelss soldiers and few dothraki (whom should be 90% dead) against 2000 well equipped soldiers? They have at least 20 ballistas also to shoot the dragon.

They were only in on it for the queen who slays.

>How can dany conquer KL
Plot armour


Attached: SMELL_IT.png (1385x939, 1.68M)

No that's you that's upset about that you neckbeard virgin manlet. Cope.

It was never a fucking meme.

That's your projection again, you disgusting liberal shitlord
Have sex

It's at least comforting that the SJWs are losing their shit over this garbage show, at least the sane people aren't the only one suffering through this.

>only episode so far that wasn't mindbogglingly bad
>"its the worst because muh woman"

"Princess weekes" has to die. Please murder her! PLEASE! KILL HER OR I'LL DO IT MYSELF!

What a disgusting fucking animal

Attached: F1778F19-8470-4B7A-B4A5-3BDF143BD6CC.png (1242x2688, 2.62M)

The butthurt over episode 6 is going to be GLORIOUS. Dan and Dabid will be undisputed kings of Yea Forums after the concentrated butthurt over the ending reaches the internet and provides a glorious salt mine.

Why do people view this like a sporting event? It’s a story not a contest

GoT was ruined for me years ago. I'll gladly just sit back and laugh when the same happens to them.

>>only episode so far that wasn't mindbogglingly bad

Have you watched this episode bro?

Attached: e5r6lyftckw21.jpg (668x767, 42K)

This is probably the one episode I enjoyed in the past 4 or so seasons. The show's quality is absolute garbage still but knowing the reaction of the snowflakes as I watch had me grinning like a motherfucker through all of it.

>Sansa implying she'd gladly get raped and terrorized by toxic white males all over again
>no one giving a fuck about Arya
>complimentary whores for the men on the celebration
>Sansa trying to postpone KL assault but getting put in her place by Jon
>strong independent Brienne reduced to a sobbing little girl who can't even move, simply because Chad won't fuck her anymore
>Dany and Cersei going mad as fuck
>another dragon BTFO
>negress getting killed in chains
I know all this will get turned around in the next two episodes but god damn the aftermath of this one is satisfying as all fuck.

Attached: 1238602042450.jpg (265x320, 17K)

>that Bulma

Attached: giphy-tumblr.gif (500x349, 306K)

Because it wasn't posted about on twitter so much back then.

This has to be done on purpose, right? There's no way producers and writers or even the fucking CGI crew don't just say "doesn't this seem a little stupid?"

It's like they're deliberately testing the limits of what absurd situations and asspulls they can safely get away with.

Wahhhhh one female died. Three men died last ep but one female died wahhhh

>"uhhm i'm like, entitled to happiness after all my hard work"

You're really not, though, no one is.

>it's diverse fanbase
this is journalism c 2k19

it was one of the better episodes

its like sjw medieval fantasy land suddenly got invaded by realistic medieval fantasy land

is this metasubversion?
subverting your own subversion?
whos jewing who anymore?

Based Game of Thrones working all the SJWs and incels into a SEETHE

oy vey very transphobic


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Twitter will be the doom of western civilization

post end of episode dany she looked cute

This is basically the equivalent of seeing a dirty hobo pissing on some Starbucks hipsters and calling him based.
Absolutly based hobo

GoT was an actual story and not a feminist wishfulfilment back then. GRRM once said something along the lines of "art isn't a democracy" (if he had asked audiences "what do you think, should I kill Ned at the end of the book" it wouldn't have happened, which wouldn't have been right for the story) These people clearly do not agree.

It was the end of the world user. It would be like killing the night king's speaker.

Attached: e.jpg (395x600, 55K)

>it's diverse fan group
People who don't know the difference between "it's" and "its" get paid to write

i think it was ok , why did people hate it even more than ep3 ? i know it was rushed and danny is clearly making an obvious mistake but at least the character didn't act dumb

The nigger afraid whity will get inspired from the show


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>LAW OF EQUIVALENT EXCHANGE: In order to obtain something, something of equal value must be given
>Show's quality was sacrificed in order to tell SJWs to fuck themselves and dab on normies for the rest of time
painfully based

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BMWF is so common for this exact purpose

The true agenda is to create more delicious brown girls and have them inherit from the mother, it's the ultimate plan

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>BMWF is so common
citation needed.

>BMWF is so common for this exact purpose
Stop browsing /pol/.

What if D&D had been playing the long game all this time? Imagine being one of the people who got tattoos of Daenerys, or parents who actually named their kids after a mass murdering madwoman, almost the fantasy equivalent of Bin Laden. They carefully built a house of cards for years only to destroy it in the span of a few days and feed these brainwashed SJWs a dose of sheer despair. It's masterful.

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You literally can't write anything that might be slightly bad for a woman

I mean in how its getting pushed more often in television and movies, if it's all for this express purpose I'd be content

i stopped watching this a while back, this is the final season right? how many episodes are left? im thinking about binge watching them at some point, but i figured id wait until theyre all out.

oh my bad, true. Making black more white is truly noble.

Absolutely disgusting.

la creatura

My argument wasn't that she's justified in burning the red keep, I'm pointing out that there is a very good reason why she would be angry at her advisors and allies. She did exactly what Jon asked her to do, she came north and helped him without any assurance. This was either a writing oversight in season 8 or a white lie but the statement that she wouldn't have helped them without Jon bending the knee to her is false, she already promised her forces to the northern defense on their way back from Eastwatch by the sea before Jon pledged himself to her. I've never been a fan of her character because of the dissonance between the tone of how the show pretended the audience should feel about her and her actions. In earlier seasons she had moments of rage and glimpses of seemingly enjoying cruelty. Her brothers' death, when she locks her former servant into the vault in Qarth, burning the former masters indiscriminately after she suspected some of them to conspire with the sons of the harpy behind her back and rarely was that behavior ever acknowledged to be indicative of darker strokes to her character. But in season 8 that's not the reason she's mad at Cersei or jealous of Jon. That the Stark women still hate her guts after what she's done for them and that the northmen's recognition goes almost entirely to Jon is completely unreasonable. Again, I have to stress that she's never been a well liked character for me and there were moments where she was just insufferable in her self-righteousness and disregard for other people's struggles and perspectives. But if there is one thing that she can't be faulted for it's her response to the undead threat which she didn't ignore. Even if her fate is to go mad eventually, the lack of recognition she got for her help certainly accelerated that problem tremendously and Jon is perfectly justified in giving her the benefit of the doubt and defending her. It's the same lack of recognition that Tyrion is painfully aware of.

im sorry, i see your master plan now. bravo d&d, bravo

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>What the bad writers wanted to write: "I've been through a lot of severely traumatic events and I've come out stronger for it - your past doesn't have to define your future or who you are as a person. Abused women can move on and be stronger for it - it's okay that this thing happened to you!"

>What the bad writers actually wrote: "Lol, you're not a real woman unless you've been abused by a partner, sold into slavery and raped."

I mean, fuck.

it isn't.

This was literally the best episode since Hold the Door. Anyone who doesn’t realize the writing for it was wayyyy ahead of anything in recent GOT is retarded

>colony collapse disorder recognized and steps taken to prevent it
>they aren't going extinct though
I guess if you want to beat the dude on a technicality like that? If we did nothing they would for sure.

I miss those days

>by princess weekes.
Lol of course. Gotta get dem clicks.


>can’t wait for Yea Forums to start defending game of thrones to own the libs

The internet is a mob and its always done whatever was worth a laugh. Owning the libs is just popular because the libs make funny squeeky noises with minimum effort. If you dont like it all you have to do is stop being a lulzcow.

I thought they swore they would stop covering GoT after the Sansa rape?

I think the very real possibility that she could bite through your dick in one fell swoop would provide a sense of danger that would make her giving you head a sensual exploration of the thin line between ecstasy and agony

what if twitter was right all along

what if all of the entertainment industry is stacked with high-powered stealth misogynists just biding their time untilt he perfect moment to unveil their true nature

and that moment... is NOW

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It was her turn: The article

Mad Queen Dany definately comes from George. I'm glad they had the balls to include it still

the goblin women and the giant women literally fuck Chads, wtf explain

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Brainwashed from educational institutions. Medias gotta push it too or it donts works sooo goood.

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Even with all that shit you still get articles like in OP's pic where roasties are unsatisfied because a female character isn't literally flawless.

Euron is fun once you stop giving a fuck.

Were DABID & DABID /ourguys/ all along?

It's really sad that the complaints about the show have gotten so goddamn stupid. "This is a whole invented arc for Dany! No one ever saw her as a violent ill-tempered, even "dragon-like" conqueror! They've ruined the character overnight!"

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>hi dany, I'm your ballista today

gums to teeth ratio way too high

imagine ejaculating in her

now that's unironic misogyny though

Im black myself but this is just goddamn funny

No wonder this ugly bitch writes for the marysue

I think you nailed it. They want to make her rage and future chimpout justified.

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What happened?


Cersei didn't kill the envoy, the envoy in this situation is Tyrion and frankly everyone agrees Cersei not blasting him and everyone else with the scorpions was fucking retarded.

>Bran becomes king.

How the fuck is that going to happen. Only people who even come close to understanding him are the north and lannisters maybe. Who the fuck else would support that. Maybe they just shove him in there because Dany must die and Jon would want it even less after killing her.

SJWs upset that the female characters aren't Rey tier Mary Sues.


Why, what did they have the stronk womyn do?

It's probably GRRM's ending. They probably changed who killed the Night King from Jon to Arya, but kept Dany going full Mad King/Viserys and Jon fulfilling the Azor Ahai prophecy by killing her.


im sorry d&d, i understand now

Only thing that could have made it better was tyrion being shot by 90 arrows

Dany becoming a vindictive tyrant and Cersei as evil as ever. Also a brown woman gets beheaded, probably the biggest no-no you could possibly do according to these """"people"""".

Also Brienne got pump and dumped by Jaimie.


>Smells like 2019.
The fact that that line is in there is hilarious in so many ways.

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>Person who ruined the show was a writer

Normies are so fucking shit, this show is a trainwreck and they only start bitching about it when Womyn lose. Fucking mindblowing how retarded people are...

You got a point, shit was epic

She exists... La negra mostruosa...


Absolutely not the worst episode

>D&D being red pilled all along but were playing the long con
have you apologized yet?

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>i have no mouth and i cannot quip

nobody cares about pol


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>oberyn was white

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>sexists and racists

Do those people not realize these words have lost all their meanings?

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>hi guise lets sail to dragonstone which isnt far from the largest fleet on the planet that also happens to be in complete control of the sea


All the male characters are already either dead or disgraced.
All they have left is the female characters to work with.

holy fuck fag you typed all that??

>promote cancer in every way possible
>cancer still complains
Sadly, they can't double down anymore.

>Diverse fan group

The only people Ive ever seen reacting to the episodes are white. The only people I see talk about it are white. What racism happened? What sexism happened? Is blonde girl getting beat sexism?

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No amount of lib ass pain will alleviate my disappointed in the Night Kings death