Just got diagnosed so let's get a kino cancer film thread going (testicular cancer)
>I'll start
Just got diagnosed so let's get a kino cancer film thread going (testicular cancer)
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Hurry up and die you fucking fag
Saw Heptalogy
if you get testicle cancer can't you just chop em off?
Be nice user, he didn't have the decency to be a woman with breast cancer so the majority of people won't give a fuck.
Are they cutting off one of your nuts?
Also, watch And the Band played On
testicular cancer is nothing, just chop them off and hope nothing happens to your other nut because then you'll have no testosterone and you'll be on therapy for the rest of your life
pretty based, thanks for the response user. Unfortunately the survival rates for testicular cancer are pretty high
I'm not sure I just got diagnosed today so awaiting further tests
I think you already know, user
Breaking Bad
Unironically good luck man. It for sure cancer? When I was 17 I had a lump on a nut, turned out to be a mineral deposit that juts went away with time.
Best of luck. Hope it hasn't metastatisised
Get AIDS and start fucking roasties
Yeah it's cancer. Got the news from my general practitioner this morning. My grandpa had it too and I'm pretty sure its partially genetic
Sorry fren, hope your illness is dealt with swiftly and easily.
Bladder cancer here. I'll have my bladder and prostate removed soon. Good luck user
thanks buddy and good luck to you too
I also got a lump in my knee when I was 17, doctor said it was a calcium deposit, 3 years later, it had grown and I was diagnosed with ewings sarcome. Based incompetent doctors
Not a fan of cancer exploitation movies but I unironically loved pic related. Haven’t watched it in ages though
Fuck that. Will you need one of those external bags to pee?
Only breast cancer matters. Who do you think you are, privileged pig?
Medfag here. Testicular cancer have really good probability of being solve and cure, so you would probably be ok if you start treatment in time, do not waste your time and start treatment immediately
Better that than having your body torn apart by itself I guess.
No ovarian or uterine cancer?
One or both, and to you know which part? I believe if it's at the base and fairly contained they can still save part, just at reduced functionality.
I don't know if bladder cancer has a good 5 year survival rate. Enjoy your time while you have it.
Good luck user
Sorry you got the ball cancer user. Can't think of many movies about cancer. Could name a lot that are, though. But best of luck with your cancer, friend. I'm sure you'll pull through as long as you aren't a total faggot or something.
fuck men
>testicular cancer
malignant tumor here
no big deal user, 3 days in hospital and surgery took like 20 min
everything will be alright
Check yourself regularly to be safe, user.
Good luck
Can't squeeze those
I had my left one removed due to this. If you catch it early enough that's all they need to do.
I was a dumbass though and let it go on for a long time before talking to anyone about it so I had to do chemo and shit too. That sucked, but it was over 15 years ago now.
ball cancer is the best kind to have
really high survival rate
Man I wish I could take the cancers of all those anons ITT. That would save me the embarassment of cancer, I'd just say it didn't get diagnosed in time or something like that.
don't fall for the chemio jew bro. It will make everything worse and slowly kill you
kys nigger
thats what you get for watching game of thrones back to redit
that would save me the embarassment of suicide*
see it wouldn't be a great loss
this thread is cancer
I am, blood and CT scan every 6 months
No wonder why you people are so bitter and negative all the time, you've literally got cancer.
Wishing all a successful recovery despite that.
No one deserves that shit.
just cut your balls off lmao
Protocel 50
There's no such thing as cancer
Is it a lump on the testicle itself or the skin over it?
>Dude cancer is so rare
>Literally half the people I know have a family member with it
I don’t wanna die bros
Man there’s this lump behind my nuts and it hasn’t hurt or anything but I’m worried. Hopefully it’s nothing, but I guess I’ll have it checked
Him name is Robert Paulson
It's 1 in 2 people now apparently.
Hey, dude dont worry.
Everything will be fine. Just chill, get healthy, do sport and trust your mates and family. Chemo or radio?
Everything is on its tracks already, just be sure to get a decent plot after this cliffhanger!
Unironically best of luck user. I hope you survive this with no or minimal losses
have sex
probably a varicocele or spermatocele. i had both on my left nut. if you can pinch it and move it around a bit independently, it's probably nothing serious. you should get it checked out though because you will be worrying about it constantly
my roommate got testicuar cancer the year after college in 2012. They chopped the nut. Did some chemo for a while. And now he's got a kid and wife and doing great.
Rooting for you bud!
not that user but go fuck yourself you piece of shit. making someone feel bad about medical shit is incredibly scummy, even for Yea Forums
FUCK this movie fucks me up. Just thinking of the word "ikiru" makes me start getting faggy eyed.
First movie that ever made me cry. Watched it when I was ~17 and it maybe has effected me more than anything else ever.
OP you’re a giant faggot. Also I’m sorry for the news. Make the most of every minute you have.
We'll, it depends what stage of bladder cancer he has.
What's your source
is just being a faggot. about 2 million people, or 0.5% of the population in the U.S. are diagnosed with cancer every year. most of them are elderly. the simple fact is if you live long enough, you will get cancer, but you are way more likely to die to something else in the meantime.
also cancer mortality rates have dropped by about 25% in the past 20 years due to medical and technology advances. as long as you go to the doctor regularly and take care of your shit, you'll be fine
Sounds a bit high
grow some balls you faggot, making fun of incels and the mentally ill on here is what has been happening since Yea Forums was first started.
I get random sharp abdominal pains weekly. Do I have cancer?
don't bother m8, the person you're replying to has a life worth less than the effort it takes to type this sentence
No. That's a symptom for a lot of things
I have a small bump on my shoulder
Is it a tumor?
Cause it isn't a zit or pimple or anything like that, looks nothing like it.
could you fuck a tapir? If you had to?
Might be a cyst.
you probably have a shit diet and a drug habit
anal cancer, 100%
may be a Chron. I had that for a while then all of a sudden one night it's like I got punched in the gut except the pain remained. After almost a week I went to the doctor and he thought that was appendicitis. Went to hospital, surgery except they didn't remove it since it was fine apparently. Antibiotics and back home. Day or two later pain comes back sharper, MRI and shit, turns out I had an infection on several meters of intestines and a big ass absess about to burst. Thankfully no surgery needed but they monitored me closely for 2 weeks in
the hospital (constant attention from cute nurses, and since I was the only young person in the ward they were kinda happy to see me). I supposedly have to stick to a diet now but I just avoid peanuts and pistachios since they cause some pains.
sorry I meant Crohn
chemotherapy is a scam created by the jews to drain more money from you
if I had to? sure
i will pray for you, fren
>kino anything
>seth rogen
try again
Does it hurt when you nut?
Does it hurt when you got no nut?
this isnt Yea Forums related op enjoy your ban
Physical sickness has nothing to do with those you edgy gigga-retard.
>making someone feel bad about medical shit is incredibly scummy
I don't care if you're physically ill or mentally ill, I will shit on you if you call for it.
I would expect the same from you.
very few die from testicular cancer
It's about 1 in 8 people
TRT life is best life.
boo hoo
just start fasting retard
stop listening to the big media and big pharma who will make you go through suffering, chemo and all that huge money sink because (((they))) "can't" find the cure for cancer
but if you start fasting asap the irregular cells won't have where to feed themselves to multiply anymore
>as long as you go to the doctor regularly and take care of your shit, you'll be fine
You mean I'm finally not going to die?
good luck man
Please don't reproduce.
>dissing legit advice
enjoy your shitty and painful chemos then
ah and don't forget the monthly 10k$ to keep the doctors well fed, goy
or better just die already
If you lose em both just transition.
I've heard polarizing things about this movie but never really heard anyone's opinion of it here. You'll get through it OP m8. All I have to do is believe and I believe in you
This is the big one that came to mind
fuck off edgelord
gif unrelated but I don't get enough chances to post it
I can have a pee bag if I choose, but I decided to go with the neobladder instead. They will make a new bladder out of my colon. :(
Why the fuck would he transition when he could get easy access to medical grade T without having to deal with criminals?
Chemotherapy is the nuclear solution for a delicate problem
>boo hoo
Not OP and idk anything about cancer but nobody's going to take your advice seriously when you're just a prick (esp when OP wasn't even boo-hoo-ing about it).
>testicular cancer
If it's not stage fuck you in the ass, you don't die from that. I knew a guy who did, but it was advanced and the odds of survival were slim so he quit chemo because he was a pussy.
ah but you see why not
I had 3 lumps on my nuts. Went to get them checked out, turns out they were all cysts.
I watched Tom Green's testicular cancer special. I usually hate that guy but it was pretty sensible. Learned a lot.
sounds like kidney stones my dude.
Colon cancer runs in my family and odds are I’ll probably get it eventually. Should I be worried or nah?
Paddleton. Fucking great movie.
Don't listen to this retard. What you REALLY need to do is regular bloodletting. Get you a good bathtub with a few dozen leeches in it.
And magnets. Get one of those magnet wrist bands.
Best comment ITT.
Post whatever gifs you want, you're still going to die a woman.
Do you have a weekly fatty meal by chance? Could be gall stones as well, careful with that, worst case scenario is a quick death.
And you're going to die a nobody KEK.
you can.
I got 2 relatives(one distant the other not by blood) and they both have only 1 nut now, healthy
>right side of body going numb from the hand and up. Spread to right chest and then downward to the waist. Can still feel pain in that part but it just feels somewhat dead.
>feel wierd pulsing in my head
>this has been going on for like 3 weeks now and is worse in the morning
Is it a brain tumor lads
Fuck you, Johnny One-Ball
Testicular cancer is super survivable unless you let it obviously grow for a year hoping it’ll kill you
It’ll be ok my dude
Or you’re about to have a heart attack
dude, my dad tried to kys himself when he got cancer, and I was the one that found him. One of the docs mentioned that someone would talk to me about the traumatic experience, but no one ever did. Weeks later I went to my family doctor and mentioned I was feeling sad and unmotivated, and that I was looking into the possibility of trying out antidepressants but wasn't too well-informed about them, and he basically just went "eh. *shrug* okay here you go, here's your script, report back in 2 weeks." Just minimal briefing, and I don't think he made me do an emotion inventory until I started taking them (could be remembering wrong). Thankfully it's helped treat my anxiety (not really the depression), but it couldve gone so wrong. (btw dad died, rippers big bud)
doctors are based, what would we do without them?
that's pretty brutal user. sorry you had to go through that. I hope all is well now
I cried.
I just hope that i'll die before my younger brother
sorry about it, but how do exactly antidepressants help? I always thought it was a kike scam but I can barely function in society and it's only getting worse.
I appreciate it. Have had lots of ups and downs since then, but I'm doing very well professionally now, which has given me a sense of purpose
I can only tell you my experience, dunno how they affect other people. I used to get bouts of sadness for seemingly no reason - I call it "chemical sadness" cause I don't think it's caused by environmental cues, just my brain decides to be sad and as a result I start viewing everything in that lens (negatively). Sometimes it WAS for a concrete reason though (usually feeling lonely; I still get this)
Anyway the antidepressants made the "random chemical sadness" go away for me, but the crippling loneliness and demotivation are still weekly struggles. What helps me the most is getting immersed in things that interest me personally, but obviously that's fucking hard to do that when you're already depressed hah.
And yeah as for anxiety, I noticed I was a lot more relaxed in social situations and not biting my lips all the time. This led me to some investigation, and I realized the pill Im taking is also used to treat General Anxiety. The revelation of "holy fuck, is this what socializing is like for most people? Not having thoughts speeding through your head and being as worried about what to say/do next? My face isn't going red all the time when I have to talk to people for more than a minute" was a pretty good feeling desu. Made me retroactively realize that I've probably had some anxiety ailment since my teens
anyway I still haven't been formally diagnosed by anyone because [some] doctors don't give a fuck, but they keep the pills coming
I should also mention that for the one I take (Escitalopram 10mg), at least for me, there has never been an instant "feel good" effect, or the zombie feeling some people get. It's more of a low-key long term effect
this thread is giving me creeps
How did you find out? Was there pain? Sometimes my nuts start hurting for seemingly no reason but I tell myself I must have sat on them a bit or something because they pain always subsides quickly.