"There are racist stereotypes in the 3 Stooges that was wrong then and is wrong now"


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Cinemassacre was always anti SJW and mostly apolitical

I hope this doesn't change

There's something about the way james speaks and the bodylanguage of all three that is very recognizable whenever something like this happens. It's like they realize that what they're saying isn't their own words. Look how uncomfortable they are even as James start to go in that direction.

He's right and you're just trying to farm attention from Yea Forums's contrarian userbase.

>it was wrong then
he's far from right

>curator of film
lmfao what a fucking chump

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Pointing out the 3 Stooges had racist skits or whatever isn't "SJW"
Being "SJW" would be shitting on the entire legacy of the stooges because they came from a different time

Fuck women, fuck niggers, fuck bald lawyers, fuck judges, fuck juries, fuck defendants, fuck plaintiffs, and fuck the entire kangaroo court! AND FUCK SCREENWAVE FATTIES!! [birds chirping]

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lol glad I wasn't the only one who noticed this. It was so out of nowhere and so out of character for James. Just ending the conversation on a forced and awkward note.

Yeah I really hope so too. Tony is clearly an advocate of edgy internet humor. Look at his Twitter. I wouldn't be surprised if James was watching these with his wife and she told him to mention that.

Imagine taking issue with that statement. State of the modern right, hope you enjoyed 4 years of the Trump shit show because it's your peak. Literally getting triggered by RACISM IS BAD is the reason you will always be a joke.

The problem is that these shorts aren't racist in the slightest. Politically incorrect by our rigid modern standards, yes, but I don't recall Moe ever calling Curly a nigger-loving kike. It's hypersensitivity that doesn't belong on an apolitical channel like Cinemassacre.

>it was wrong then
except it wasn't. in 80 years people will think and act differently than they do now.


The Stooges were a product of their time, are still funny as fuck and James is a failure as both a man, a human being and a movie Ditector!!!FACT!!!

Yes retards, James is aware people were racist back then.
He is saying is, with hindsight, it was wrong to be racist. This is not controversial


not even that, you low iq brainlet.

James made a whole video praising the stooges you dumbass namefag.


no, it's not wrong to be racist. racism is a natural protective mechanism.
only libshit trannies such as yourself make a big deal out of it.

>Imagine taking issue with that statement. State of the modern right, hope you enjoyed 4 years of the Trump shit show because it's your peak. Literally getting triggered by RACISM IS BAD is the reason you will always be a joke.

user, I think Trump's a fucking scumbag but the left wing has gone fucking batshit with their "FUCK WHITE MEN/PEOPLE!!!" bullshit which is why there was such a huge push for Trump and why he's President, as disgraceful as that may be!!!FACT!!!

I don't even recall seeing any niggers in Stooges shorts

exactly, you low iq brainlet. it's not relativism.

>I don't recall Moe ever calling Curly a nigger-loving kike.

Not on film at least!!!FACT!!!

bruh look at this dude


>James made a whole video praising the stooges you dumbass namefag.

Yet undermined that praise with "There are racist stereotypes in the 3 Stooges that was wrong then and is wrong now". So he can suck Zulu nigger cocks in Hell!!!FACT!!!

yes it is

>based Mantan Moreland
>racist stereotype

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too late

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everything left of /pol/ is unironically sjw

James is clearly speaking against his will these days, like how he said the Universal monster movies were a sausage fest. Like you can tell he's being coerced into saying this shit by either the Screenwave cows or his cunt wife, essentially they're forcing him to insult the shit he treasures the most just for optics, especially after the Ghostbusters statement, probably the last time the obese cocksuckers let him have a mind of his own.

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the weak should fear the strong

>was wrong then
That's the thing: they weren't wrong back then. Back then, blackface wasn't considered offensive by your average person. It was just considered a joke, and a funny one at that. Societies change, and our views change. There are things that society as a whole considers fine now that society won't consider fine in a hundred years. One of those things is eating meating: as synthetic meat becomes more and more a thing with "meatless burgers" and so on, you might wind up with society 100 years from now looking at eating real meat as barbaric and savage, and they'll wonder how we ever did it. Jokes on fat people are already becoming intolerable, whereas they used to be a staple of comedy. That's just speculation on the future, but you can look to the past and find more examples: the Flintstones used to advertise cigarettes on television, as did other shows, and now you can't really show smoking on TV, let alone tell people to go smoke, all because society has changed its view on smoking due to new information and a new understanding. Alcoholism used to be portrayed as a joke, and now it really isn't because society views it as a disease. Hell, drinking and driving used to be a joke in television and film, and now that's completely unfathomable. Even within your own time, Apu from the Simpsons went from a character most people didn't even really think about to being so offensive, they've had to remove him and apologize. The Simpsons have also pulled episode that are now considered offensive but back then were considered harmless, like the Michael Jackson episode. Homer's Phobia went from being praised by the homosexual community at the time of its release to being hated by modern audiences for being outdated and making a ton of gay jokes that, nowadays, would be considered homophobic.
I get what he's saying, I get he's trying to condemn things that are offensive, and good for him, but pretending they "always were" is just a lie.

Tony (Hack the Movies) is a cool guy.

>eating meating

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>Screenwave cows or his cunt wife

It's his wife guaranteed. We all know about Mike and Loco Bandito. Tony is a Metokur fan and Kieren browses Yea Forums (I'm sure Tony does too). I'm sure they're liberal which is fine but I'm certain they aren't fans of modern PC culture.

Reminder James does not "get" the Lord Of The Rings films.

James is the kind of person to watch Passion Of The Christ and criticize it for not having monsters and aliens in it.

>One of those things is eating meating: as synthetic meat becomes more and more a thing with "meatless burgers" and so on, you might wind up with society 100 years from now looking at eating real meat as barbaric and savage, and they'll wonder how we ever did it.
That's gonna be funny when that cucked society all dies rapidly. Research the effects of eating more Omega 6 Fatty Acid than Omega 3.

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haha what a stupid person

When you're talking about how people view things, in particular whether or not something is offensive, yes, "relativism" is correct, because people from different cultures and times are inevitably going to view things differently.

people's views change, what are the correct views does not

That really is just speculation, something that "could happen" rather than something that "will happen." Science fiction as it were, but the point remains the same: people in the future are going to look at some of the things were think are completely fine and dandy in complete disgust, to the point where they'll wonder how we could ever be so cruel and offensive. This is supported by the fact that, historically, that's always happened and is happening today, in fact what James Rolfe just said demonstrates that it's still going on.

based FACT!!!poster

What is considered "correct" changes. In the past, the statement "blackface is funny" would have been considered a correct view by practically everyone. This is no longer considered correct by practically everyone.

Blackface is still funny.

post yfw the 1.14 update has got you playing mineycrafta again

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>What is considered "correct" changes

Reminder that the person who keeps posting Harry Knowles pics is a pedophile from Chud/Trouble City where one of its members (Fabfunk aka Gabriel Toro) was convicted on child pornography charges while his good buddy Devin "Fingers" Faraci was accused of sexually assaulting a woman while he and Alan "Nordling" Cerny both worked at Ain't It Cool News whose owner, Harry Knowles, was also accused of sexual assault. Chud/Trouble city, including Faraci/Toro/Cerny and its owner/creator Nick Nunziata, were also once big supporters of Victor Salva, Director of Powder and Jeepers Creepers, who was convicted of sexually assaulting a young boy.

These people, along with whoever is left writing at AICN are self loathing closet faggot numale SJW lapdog's who virtue signal in order to impress women who wouldn't piss on them if they wer on fire and/or secretly crave nigger cock and hate their Fathers which is why they constantly suck up to blacks and cry about the "EVIL WHITE MALE PATRIARCHY"!!!FACT!!!

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One thing I've observed is that these "progressives" are absolutely obsessed with the absurd notion of "being on the right side of history". Like what the fuck, only when something becomes a thing of the past does it come history. Do you seriously think you can tell what the future history will be like? Even the wisest of men can't predict the future, what makes you think your twitter-ass-reading, huffington-post-engorging, Brianna-Wu-semen-swallowing bitch ass can?

>based FACT!!!poster

You may have noticed that the whole SJW thing really didn't start gaining steam until post 2012 and has "progressively" gotten worse.

Know why that is?

It's because Obama got his first term and from 2008-2012 the left kept their bullshit on the down low because their primary objective back then was to make sure he got a second term. But as soon as he won the 2012 election these shitheads went fucking rabid because they were absolutely certain Hillary would run and win in 2016. So they were banking on 12 more years of Democratic rule in the White House. So they took the brakes off the crazy train.

It's no coincidence that in 2013 we started hearing these fuckers crying about the collateral damage and amount of FICTIONAL people killed in Man of Steel when they didn't say shit the year before when Avengers had New York getting BTFO. That's when I knew something was wrong.

Then they started screaming that GODS OF EGYPT was racist for not casting all blacks in every role. That it wasn't "realistic" in a movie about Gods with gold blood and giant fire breathing dragons, fer fuck sakes.

uh sorry but blackface is objectively correct

Then it was Ghostbusters 2016 when studios, specifically Sony/Columbia, started using gender politics to shield themselves against criticism by pretending that a soulless reboot of a beloved franchise with an all female cast was some sort of triumph against patriarchy. It's also not a coincidence that this was spearheaded by Columbia President/Stupid Cunt Amy Pascal, who is a Jew, who then cast Idris Elba as the mythic Gunslinger in The Dark Tower, based upon Clint Eastwood's 'Man with no Name' in the Dollars trilogy, in the hope of using race politics to cover for another fuck awful movie that also bombed like Shitbusters.

Then Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump and this sent them into their current frenzy. Turns out screaming that "SORRY WHITE PEOPLE/MEN, YOUR TIME IS OVER!!!" at voters doesn't play well which is why Trump was given the Presidency despite losing by 3 million votes.

Ever since then it's been nothing but shrill shrieking and the absolute determination to shove their politics into anything and everything that white men enjoy while running it into the ground and if you dare try to criticize them it's "SEXIST, INCEL, MANBABY REEEEEE!!!".

Marvel/Disney used this last year to shill Black Panther, which is just as bad as Captain Marvel, while the SJW drones justify Wakanda's 100% all black ethnostate as being "realistic if the evil white man hadn't of enslaved blacks" but ask them why there are minorities in Asgard and they'll freak the fuck out that "ASGARD IS A FANTASY YOU FUCKING NAZI!!!".

did I claim it wasn't?

Ultimately, it's fun shitposting but you're not going to get any honest debate with these people because they're ideological zealots who want everything their own way and will say/do anything to justify their position at any given time.

Basically, if you're a white straight male, you're the Devil incarnate, have never done ANYTHING to advance civilization or help others and these people wont stop until every single thing we have is given to them or brought to ruin purely out of spite because they think they're owed something that they didn't get from Daddy!!!FACT!!!

Pointing out that something is racist and seeing racism as something bad that needs to be pointed out is one of the worst SJW nonsense things anyone can do.

Did you know a Jew popularized blackface lol haha


this is solely based on MUH FEE FEES, as your caps log raging impotence proves.
there is no correct way. you just extrapolate your very own arbitrary holier-than-though morality, touting it as objective cosmic truth. you are extremely low iq and would fail philosophy 2nd semester.

What "*is*" correct depends on how society views things when it comes to whether or not something is "offensive" since that's a matter of opinion and view, and as state, opinions and views change over time. There's no objective correct in this case.
Don't get angry about this. If you want to disagree with me, that's fine, but you really should try building an actual argument as to how I'm wrong instead of going for pointless namecalling (made even more pointless because this is Yea Forums/nel where it's really hard to effectively insult other users).
Yeah, the whole "wrong side of history" thing definitely plays into this. It's funny, because if you sent some homosexual let's say one hundred years in the past, they'd suddenly be on the wrong side of things, and they'd definitely have to change their behavior and not be outwardly homosexual, or they'd wind up arrested or beaten or killed.

His fat fuck wife should have zero input on what Cinemassacre does, it puts food on the table for her fat gullet to suck down.

imagine being such a turbo boomer that you've actually watched and have an opinion on the 3 stooges

This guy gets it. Thanks, man.

uh sorry but blackface is objectively incorrect

>this is solely based on MUH FEE FEES
>there is no correct way
>What "*is*" correct depends on how society views things

indisputable relativism

But your speculation is very apparent in the future what with Beyond Meat even finding its way into Fast Food. All it will take is another manipulative pity movie of slaughter houses and bam more """"Vegetarians""" are born. Here's the ingredients for Beyond Meat.

>Cheap Omega 6 Oil
Very unhealthy for you
Increases Inflammation
>Tapioca starch
While not inherently bad we get way too much starch in our diet as is

You want to be healthy, eat the stuff your great grandparents ate. What's sold to us now is mass produced junk food. We only got obese when big Conglomerates started producing fast junk food. And then they make more money by selling expensive medication to keep you alive.

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Wow, you really solved the case on that one.

There is no "eating healthy", woman, there is only food that is less bad for you.

That is just your fee fees based opinion.

did I claim otherwise?

it either is or isn't correct, it can't be both at the same time unless we start talking about that magic r-word that makes you start screeching and shitting yourself

Tony is the best addition since Bootsy
the other two are cancer though

My speculation was based on the fact that I ate a plate of baby back ribs right before posting that. Like, that's the only reason I made that example. If it's an example that turns out to be untrue, then I'll accept that, because I'll tell you right now I don't know the exact science behind it.

why is it only underage twitter nigger vagina owners that say "fee fees"?

The omega 6 information is a case of hiding in plain sight, most dont know how bad it is.

>it either is or isn't correct
>unless we start talking about that magic r-word
relativism and dialethism are orthogonal

There's not much more to say to that user. He's clearly lost the plot.

>Arguing semantics
Minimally overcooked Meat and Vegetables Good
Overprocessed Fried Food Bad

If Americans ate like Japanese they'd be way healthier. Note that their diet consists largely of fresh food.

Just using the language of the person I'm talking to so he understands me.

>Whole career based on being offensive and swearing at video games
>Uh, racism is bad you guys.

What a fag.

they were all Jews, does he at least point this out?

racism is ok if it's against non-whites

And get demonitised?

I say this as someone who knows him and his wife (I'm related on his wife's side). James has legit autism.
BUT some things to know:
He did NOT spend all the money he earned from his movie actually on the movie. In fact in April of last year he bought a half million dollar house (exactly 500,000) STRAIGHT OUT with cash. I remember April bragging about it at the last reunion saying some (not all) of it came from the kickstarter money.
Their daughter is not autistic, retarded OR half-black. She did have some issues though, but when I saw her she seemed fine.
James is a TOTAL pussy. For example ever since I've known him (going on a decade now) not ONCE has April let him spend holidays with his family. They always spend it with ours.
James almost never talks when he is with us. A few times we visited them in their old house and even then he was just... spergy. Like every time he acts like a literal autist.

For example during Thanksgiving my brother was there and he and I were talking about politics (James supported Hillary by the way). So we got to the topic of Mexicans and I called them 'beaners' (my brother, father and I are all republicans). So James goes (and this is no lie):
"Beaners. Hehehe. Beans. Beans make you fart." Then he made a fart noise with his mouth.
It was the most uncomfortable situation I've ever been in.
He is in his mid 30s... making fart noises.
It was really weird because during dinner the rest of the adults ate in the living room and talked and James went to a different room and ate by himself. Freaking weird, man.

Amos and Andy > Three Stooges

Amos and Andy was racist af.

Go fuck yourself you cock gobbling zoomer. I hope you get septic shock for your poor hygiene

>Amos and Andy was funny as fuck and when the TV Show was made employed Black Actors
>The SJWs of the yesteryear whined and got the show cancelled, causing said actors to lose solid paying work and fame


>In fact in April of last year he bought a half million dollar house (exactly 500,000) STRAIGHT OUT with cash. I remember April bragging about it at the last reunion saying some (not all) of it came from the kickstarter money.

The real racism is putting those actors out of a job. Good forbid blacks be able to play dumb characters, like whites do all the time.

>It's a Jame's Wife's Bull starts writing scripts episode

In regards to blackface, whether or not it's offensive is a matter of opinion, there's no real "correct" there, just consensus. In the future, blackface might no longer be considered offensive. Say we do all become the same brown skin color like some people say humanity will become, then there could be a future society where painting your face black is considered humorous and inoffensive because people no longer have skin that black any more to be ridiculed by it. To them, it just looks funny to them, and they wouldn't be able to fully grasp today's society's issue with blackface in a world where skin color based discrimination is unheard of.

>I'm certain they aren't fans of modern PC culture.

Then why are they bother to lecture people about old movies not being fine in the current year? They're all faggots.

>there's no real "correct" there, just consensus

James was never racist in videos

>There are niggers in the Three Stooges. That was wrong then and is wrong now.

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It's hypocritical to bitch about mild, 80-year-old jokes when you make your living off of more offensive material.

You whats really bizzare? How acceptable yellowface stuff was for so long

I mean in fraiser bulldog literally does a chinaman impression during a radio spot for a chinese resturaunt

We lynched the fuck out of the chinese, why do we not give them the same treatment as blacks? So weird

Asians can succeed in America without handouts and quotas. That's why the blacks bitch about them taking all of the minority scholarships.

>For example during Thanksgiving my brother was there and he and I were talking about politics (James supported Hillary by the way). So we got to the topic of Mexicans and I called them 'beaners' (my brother, father and I are all republicans). So James goes (and this is no lie):
>"Beaners. Hehehe. Beans. Beans make you fart." Then he made a fart noise with his mouth.
Wait a second, I recognize this story.

This is just another copypasta isn't it?

>As a curator of film

What museum do you work for, you fat bald wop?

Yes, opinions are relative. They are not facts.

Ah I love the dissonance when it comes to that stuff

>we minorities be strugglin!
>then why are chinese koreans indians and japanese doing so well here
>th-they aint real minorities!

Yep. It's a copypasta made by some guy who claimed to know James Rolfe. That turned out to be a lie when the photos he posted of James Rolfe's basement didn't match photos that James Rolfe himself posted of the basement before, during, and after turning it into the AVGN lair. People continue to believe the lie, however, because it's funny.

>opinions are relative
Give a rigorous explanation for what you mean by this; I don't think you know what you're talking about.

James did, not the other two. And for James it was extremely out of character and he was obviously put on to do that.

The biggest lynching in US history was of Italians, but it's fine to mock them in the media too
All this stuff is oriented around black people. The reasons why are just contrived later on and often don't hold up under scrutiny. It's especially silly when modern levels of success of groups are used as a way to explain past injustices. Because Asians do so well, it's just assumed that discrimination against them was never that bad.

If you do not know what an opinion is, use this website: grownups.pbskids.org/arthur/games/factsopinions/index.html

I know what an opinion is.

They also try to deny Irish slavery in America.

Go outside

Have sex

>"being on the right side of history"
Saying it indicates the world is on an inexorable march toward a certain outcome. It's meant to demoralize right wingers and it often seems to work.

>Pointing out the 3 Stooges had racist skits or whatever isn't "SJW"
No, but then going on to deem those skits "not okay" is what makes you the SJW. If the racist skits were funny, then they were funny. Racist jokes can be, and usually are, funny. If you agree with him, then you literally don't belong on this site, and you have to go back.

That's nice you think that, but it's clearly untrue if you are having trouble grasping what I've said. You seem to think opinions like "blackface is bad" can be "objectively true" when that goes against the very definition of an opinion and is in fact wrong.

>He's right
maybe. I would have to see the context to make that decision. Also OP has the right to point out when somebody is making a hamfisted trigger warning.

Yep. It's seen in other words they like to use, like "progressive." They're progressing, they're marching forward into the future, caveman. Get with the times, grandpa.

>it's clearly untrue
>You seem to think opinions like "blackface is bad" can be "objectively true"
*statements* can be true, and nothing can be true but not objectively true

Okay, so you really don't know what an opinion is. Cool. I'll stop having this conversation now because I have zero to gain from it. Hope you have a great day and eventually figure out how opinions work.

It doesn't really make sense though.
The rise of non western powers in the world, which are often quite conservative, shows that only we are "progressing" toward this outcome. Most of the planet is slow to change and is increasingly looking at this shit with mockery.

>Okay, so you really don't know what an opinion is
Incorrect claim and incorrect deduction.

You forgot to put that they in triple parenthesis

>I've observed is that these "progressives" are absolutely obsessed with the absurd notion of "being on the right side of history".
I think a lot of this has to do with the way we receive information in the modern technological age, especially for the passive observer (ie normie) who doesn't really pursue intellectual activities. Most people are getting their view of history through the biased lenses of mainstream media formatting: television documentaries, 15 minute YouTube history cartoons, etc., in which a good vs evil narrative has been framed. It just so happens that all popular media outlets are ran by people of a singular perspective.

What a fucking faggot.

If China takes over like some people say, the pendulum will swing the other way and "progressives" will get hit hard by it as China progresses the world right on back to a conservative, traditional one where crazy religions like Islam aren't tolerated and women stay in the kitchen, and minorities are treated like second or third or fourth class citizens.

It wasn't racist at the time, therefore not worth discussing according to the moral relativism that jews concocted so people will still give money to backwards subhuman countries.
Ps: Stooges were sheenies too.

What stereotypes? They mention their Jewish heritage in some shorts but I don't remember any racism. Wheeler and Woolsey and Laurel and Hardy have more stereotypes in their films that I can think of.

Speaking of blackface, I just came across this music video

100% this

Go dialate you brainlet

>No, YOU are the snowflakes
Every time

Willing to disregard this statement because the last nerd episode about the magazines was kino af.

>comfy Cinemassacre threads are now full of pawliticks
Th-Th-Thanks Ryan

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Guess what: Everyone's a little bit racist even today, including the self-proclaimed anti-racists that happen to be the biggest racist faggots.

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it was weird af to hear him randomly say that
just sjw pondering, what a shame

>We lynched the fuck out of the chinese, why do we not give them the same treatment as blacks? So weird

Because of "muh slavery" and playing the eternal victimhood card!!!FACT!!!

They weren't enslaved either and they're being treated as second class citizens by whites themselves.

Racism is a meme word that has no meaning anymore, you better come up with a new one and quick

I like how all of you defend and kind of twist shit around like you know James and "He's obviously speaking against his will".
James doesn't give a shit about you bro. He might have been a friend simulator when you were 14, but that was over 14 years ago.

Did Mike drop the N bomb on his stream already?

The whole time Kieran's sitting there thinking "fuck niggers."