You fags care too much about game of thrones. Im going back to Yea Forums bye!

You fags care too much about game of thrones. Im going back to Yea Forums bye!

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Other urls found in this thread:

that chink is the most overrated garbage human ive ever come across, no wonder vidya is shit nowadays

U mad?

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name one good video game released in the last 5 years

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Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom of course

yo koji its puff puff pass not hold and pass

He's really not wrong, though. The only good things Kojimbo ever had a hand in were Zone of the Enders and Boktai.

I would rather have these shitty GoT threads for months than know that I'm sharing this board with some Yea Forumsirgin faggot. Good riddance and have nice day at school today.

Witcher 3

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Witcher 3
Divinity OS 2
Stardew Valley
A Hat in time
Dragons Dogma

Mgsv was a great video game with the worst story ive ever experienced

Yea Forums doesn't like witcher 3,but apparently bloodborne with 25fps is a masterpiece

Unironically, it is


Ironically he fits more in Yea Forums than Yea Forums

>gaijin simulator

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if it was on pc it would be a 9/10. since its console exclusive its a 1,5/10. felt like absolute dogshit playing it on ps4

You will be ashamed of your words and deeds

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Is Kojambles /ourguy/?

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So does this faggot now share weed photos? Fucking westaboo

Always was

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He's his own master now.

the joost is loost

The story was fine, but it was explained like ass. And unfinished.
As usual with Kojimbo, his ideas are great but he can't seem to get them across without over exposing things.
>Anything regarding Huey in V
I thought the part about the viruses was awesome, and then...
>Dat exposition in the truck
Losing your mother tongue equating losing your true personality and history is pretty compelling. If only it had been well implemented...

Red Dead Redemption 2.

That’s a movie idiot

Arkham Knight

>The Twin Snakes...

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He was barely involved in these games.

Shovel Knight

>A Hat in time

lol you're 12?

Probably why they weren't shit.

God of War
Hollow Knight
Devil May Cry 5
Ori and the Blind forest

What the fuck is this guy's problem?

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I don’t even know who this chink is but based on the shit in this thread I love him

>God of War

How can a game with no game designer involved be good?

>have söy taste but keep his mouth close
>Yea Forums eat that shit

Attached: deltorokojima.gif (626x352, 2.75M)

Seriously Bloodborne.

Thoughts on PW? Only one I haven't finished, the rest i've played through a bunch of times. MGS2 is my personal favorite because of all the redpills


I read the bottom caption as "N-Word user"

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Persona 5


PW is fun if you're playing with a friend in cooperative. The gameplay isn't very good and there isn't a much of a story, other than Big Boss and Kaz setting up soldiers without borders.

PW is my favorite because is so comfy.

sekiro ya goof

>old gen trash

I imagine Kojima giggling backstage as he drew the eyes on his hands. Death Stranding is gonna be so shit though, you never wanna give this type of artist complete freedom

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There was no game designer involved in the making of God of War. All the director did was writting a script and filming actors. Can't be considered as a good videogame.

P5 was great because the NPCs had lives instead of standing in place and waiting for you to talk to them.