10/10 movies literally only you know they exist

10/10 movies literally only you know they exist

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>only you know they exist
movie sucked anyway



Is that the burn victim one?

Fuck netflix

Big Wave (1984). Killer soundtrack, kino documentary. Makes me feel like a beach chad.

not that is a good movie

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and fuck womyn too rigth haha

Yes. Best film about family ever made.

how to get smol gwar nun gf

I remember when this movie's title helped Agent Turkington crack the secret code to access Dracula's liar in the classic Decker vs. Dracula.

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The man from earth
It's probably popular on Yea Forums but most normalfags don't know about it.
I liked the concept of a movie taking place in one room with dialogue only, another movie that comes to mind (although not as good, but the concept is nice) is Exam.

I guess the real Krull was the friends we made along the way

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Unironically, I discovered The Man From Earth years before I heard about it on here. I had thought it pretty damn good, but not one I would recommend to others due to how odd it was, and also because I was unable to put my finger on why I liked it so much.

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I own this on VHS but have never watched it.

I don't know why they chose to close a movie set in 2008 with an obscure 80s synthpop song but I loved it

Not 10/10 but still pretty decent, especially when you look into the backstory

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I loved every single bit of it. I'll tell you a secret, user. This movie's opening credits song always makes me tear up a little. Unfortunately, can't find that specific version of this song anywhere.

not 10/10 but worth a watch

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it's boring as fuck, they had a lot less variety than I was expecting. The only decent ones are a few 'originals' series like The Protector and The Umbrella Academy


This had 11/10 Geena Davis tits. Absolute classic just from that.

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