Never watched game of thrones

>never watched game of thrones

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I honestly haven't watched any movies or tv shows in years
I only come to Yea Forums because it's a cute and funny board

Cuted and funnypilled

Me too and very happy of it.

I've read the books multiple times but never watched the show.

>read the first book, watched the first season
>Barely finished to second book, didn't finish the second season
The downward spike in quality is instant, god knows how people are still watching

thats ,me

>read the books after brother suggests them to me for a while
>hey this is really cool
>watch the show
>even the first season which is considered to be the best is just the books but less interesting, nuanced, and grand
I don't know why people bother with the inferior adaptation. At least it got some of the actors like Ned and Bobby 100% perfect.

brynny a racist

>dropped the show after season 4

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Me too except I just forgot to continue watching

>why yes, Arya is my favourite character, how did you know?

This, and somehow i feel superior. Now i can underdtamñnd mcu haters

I stopped watching after rick and co left the prison

Got shit on throughout high school for this. One guy used to harass me about watching it and Deadpool on the way to Physics. I always knew I wasn't missing shit


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imagine bragging about not watching the show while it was still on script

why watch it if you've read the books?

Just because the plot has no surprises doesn't mean you can't enjoy the way it is presented. Visual media offers a different way to consume and experience a story compared to a novel, theatre, etc.

exactly the same for me wow you're based

it's a show for normies

Anyone retarded enough to finish all the books obviously loves the TV show

Same, I pretend I have on Yea Forums though because it's hilarious how seriously people take it.

me neither. GOT fags make this board completely unusable sometimes

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Never saw a single episode feels good

never watched a single episode and never will

>never had sex

Same. Don't regret it.

I'm with you.

It's a glorified zombie show that appeals to the female power fantasy. You made the right choice.

Imagine sperging out over GOT and Walking Dead, drinking Starbucks and having a Nintendo Switch. It really must be the life.

Absolutely chadpilled.

Have an honorary degree in film.

the titles suck already.. "game of thrones".. sounds so cheap.. i recommend westworld for those who havent tried it yet..

I'm one of the people who never watch the show and I think it's a pretty good title