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biggest basedboy cuck ever
>i shall call you a bag o' dicks, that will get you.
>I feel this is fitting punishment for your misdeeds good sir

>reading and responding to texts

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Why do redditors love to tell people to eat a bag of dicks? It's always their go to

thanus dies

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Why cant he tell him to fuck off? If I said I cant and somebody told me to do it later so i can do favor for them, that's fuck off retard worthy

The dude should have ghosted or not brought up Endgame. Also are drive in theatres still a thing in America?

I've got to give it up to that guys manager. He is so scared to miss a "shift" cleaning tables.

Guys, your lives are worth more than your boss' comfort.

>wagie wants soi wagie to cover his shift
>soi wagie said nah he wants to enjoy soi
>wagie gets mad and spilled the soi
>soi wagie gets mad and told wagie he will wagecuck even more now
>both wagie clean my poopie regardless

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get fucked lmao

What's to spoiler though? I've seen it and there's not like some big info ruins everything?

the good guys win
merry fucking christmas

The super heroes win in the end.

Tyrion betrays Dany and is executed for his treason
Jon kills Dany and fleas to the North as penance

none of this shit is worth caring about

go fuck yourself

This movie has no spiolers.

Literally one year ago, after we watched Infinity War, me and my friend talked about how the only possible solution to this is either use time travel, or use the infinity stones to revert the snap.
It turns out to be both, because Dragon Ball rules, but still, this plot does not deserve to be called a spoiler.

A spoiler is a plot twist, something unexpected. The basic plot of a movie is not a spoiler. They should have just come out with the basic plot points like the right away, so people would actually know what to expect from the movie.

And everyone already knew RDJ is done with the MCU.

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go eat a bag of dicks

>at the drive in
lol do these things still exist?

>hey can you cover my shift tonight? I've had something come up
Just ignore the fucking message until the next day
>sorry man, was busy

>not just saying "no" or ignoring the text altogether
Green fucked up.
Grey is a massive cunt though.

>caring about a story with no risk or consequences
I immediately ate up the spoilers because I knew they would throw the first movie in the toilet

Grey is wrong and you’re autistic if you think otherwise.
>defending capeshit
No, I’m saying he/she’s a dickhead nigger who literally can’t take no for an answer.

>hey can you cover my shift
>>>sorry i can't my soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi sorry bro
based wagie

I'm not going to bother watching endgame, someone spoil the entire movie for me please

These. How fucking retarded is OP?

How coherent is the film for someone who hasn't seen any of the other Avengeres movies and about half of the other MCU movies?

Your fault. Should have just said that you can't tonight, he doesn't need to know why. Coworkers ask me to cover their shit and I say no just because I don't feel like it. It's not my responsibility

purple man ded iron man ded america man old

I agree, I'm not actually sure what people thought would happen if they think all this shit is a spoiler

feminism girls power men btfo new era of women

Basic plot points are one thing but characters who die as opposed to merely retiring or disappearing is an entirely different thing.

let me guess, iron man sacrifices himself to kill purple man or some shit and america man gets the shiny glove?

why are you neets so big on advocating conflict avoidance?

You should only need Infinity war

What did he expect befriending someone called Maximum Asshole?

Or you can just say no, retard

What would you do in that sitch, pal?

this shit is fake as fuck. all of these "entitled X" shit that redditors eat up, whether it be mother-in-law, parent, student, etc doesn't matter, all of it is fake.

movie starts 5 years after infinity war, they finally decide to get off their ass and go after thanos to undo the snap. they learn that thanos destroyed the stones so it couldn't be undone, and thor kills thanos. then the rest of the movie is a dumb time travel plot where they go to the past to get the stones. past thanos learns about this, cue giant cgi battle, iron man dies, heroes win.

Why can't sois just look away and stop reading? No one forced him to read all that

Why can't Americans do insults right? They're always a milquetoast attempt at trying to be witty.

wtf kind of job needs people to cover each others shifts, yet also be old enough to have a wife?

Also w/e came up wasnt important or they would of just told the boss they cant.

>tfw Yea Forums fucked it all good a week in advance
oh gawd

Oh, I got spoiled about that one. That's the one where Josh Brolin grabs six magic gems to stick into his oven mitt while all the supers fight an army of extras, then the supers fail to kill Josh Brolin before he kills half the universe as a courtship present for Death, right?
I'm interested to see who is playing Adam Warlock in Endgame.

>me and my friend
Tfw no friend to theory craft how the next movie plays out

Just seen it tonight and the things that I thought spoiled it for me was
>Knowing about time travel
>Knowing about iron Man snapping away Thanos and dying because of it
I also knew about black widow but didn't really care about it but the other two things I think would of been nice to see with out knowing before hand

So the entire movie is literally an in-character retcon of the last one? Pretty fucking stupid.

they wrote themselves into a corner
either the climax was gonna be like breaking dawn part 2 or sensational

Or you could just fucking ignore it. Why should I care some coworker had "something" come up

pretty much. i haven’t even seen this shit but whenever i point out that this flick is just undoing the previous movie people seem to lose the ability to rub together their brain cells and cope.

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There was some BS time travel rules about how changing the past wouldn't change the future, so they couldn't just go back and kill baby thanos. so they actually had to collect the stones from the past, bring them to the present and undo the snap, then put them back in the past.

No. They hunt down Thanos after two weeks. Then we skip 5 years.

Wasn't that part of a set of "leaks" that already went wrong?

imagine even humoring that idea. whoever unironically brings that up just wants to stab babies

a rat saves the whole universe

>Americans get mad when someone spoils their entertainment for children

Exactly there was no spoilers, this film is predictable and dumb and nothing qualifies as spoilers. It's a gimmick Disney uses a lot, it's meant to make people rush the the theaters the first week so that they don't get "spoiled". That's why this stupid movie is breaking records, nobody wanted to wait and get spoiled. But now they know there was nothing. They'll do the same thing fro the next nu-wars

Honestly, the only thing that could have been spoiled for me was fat thor. Glad capeshit fans are too retarded to figure out that he is the only true surprise worth caring about. Everything else is so predictable and stupid. Who cares if X dies. Captain Marvel and the Scarlet Bitch are OP anyway, we dont need the little shitty heroes.

It's Boomer Thor, not fat just dad bod bro

Is it? Wow, you sure must spend a lot of time there to know that.

>This movie has no spiolers.
agreed, they literally killed or replaced every major actor with no announced contract renewal. such surprise

>i have two phones

yeah i browsed IFunny as a teenager too :)

Imagine caring about capeshit

The fact his coworker asked again shows the relationship between the two. No means no.

what a touchy bitch should've just said
>have fun at work : )