If you notice almost all movies are trash. Either the film is really fucking retarded and makes no sense, the film is really mediocre and has a great ending. Or the film is fine but has a dog shit ending making you mad at the end. Or an abonminiation that should have not been made. But the worst of them all is retards like netflix producing pure shit and rare few treasures in the pit of shit you've been scavanging through. Where did all the good script makers go, and why do film producers and directors think that people want to see a pile of dogshit instead of a good film.
Is the film industry fucking dead?
I almost don't even watch TV anymore lol
tv has been shit for years, today its just reality shows on almost every channel besides cartoons.
I have lots of good scripts. They world will know. All i need is time
>Or the film is fine but has a dog shit ending making you mad at the end.
i was recently watching all the indiana jones movies. i hadnt seen the crystal skull before and was enjoying it until the ending. i really think they should have left things much more mysterious like in the previous movies. im not really interested in any future ones they make without harrison ford either.
>why do film producers and directors think that people want to see a pile of dogshit instead of a good film
box office figures
if you don't like it the ussr is right there for you to defect to
I'll give you some of mine.
i had an idea for a script but then a movie came out that was pretty much my idea. hollywood employs jewish mind readers to steal scripts.
It's all propaganda meant to steer normies away from voting Trump in 2020. Notice how the rampant anti-white male rhetoric has exploded since 2016, as well as the constant villains-based-on-Trump nonsense (i.e. Star Trek Discovery's basing the Klingons on Trump Supporters per the writers very specific claims)
Everything is aimed at the Lowest-Common-Denominator.
Everything is about "feels". Look at how much the Marvel films shoves FOOD and normie shit like selfie photos in their films - "OOOH TACOS NOM NOM NOM!"
Everything is dumbed down, and this is INTENTIONAL.
>why are they making movies the public wants?! why aren't the central committee stoping them?!?!
Or maybe stop being a stupid goy and giving money to Hollywood
There's more to film than what's being pushed by them, stop being such a normie
Im glad you're waking up though
I don't have a skin condition tho
They aren't making movies the public wants. They are making movies the public will see.
If you deprive someone of good things long enough then they will start appreciating literal shit.
>what you buy and what you want is deeeeeeeeeeeefreeeeeeeeeeeeent
oh yeah they should make movies that people won't watch but AKSHUALLY wanted, according to better-knowers like you
Sorry, I forgot that the entire Heroes Journey and purpose of making Super Hero films was to show us how mundane they are.
You know they could make movies people want and would actually watch too, right?
>almost all movies are trash
I take it you have yet to see Endgame yet, eh incel?
>is the film industry fucking dead?
>a movie just made 2 fucking billions in less than 2 weeks
Oh for sure, my guy
They are making movies the public will see.
Cool! Let's talk about the TONS of plotholes! Oh, no? Just turn your brain off bro!
Avatar made a ton of money, is it a great film? How about all those scholars writing papers on the themes of Hunger Games and Twilight?
Then say "movies as art" are dead, but the 'industry" is more alive than ever
That's what I posted, yes.
Good contribution Zedong.
You seem bored, making nonsensical posts like that.
Talking to ourselves are we, Tito?
>the 'industry" is more alive than ever
Not really. The industry is propped up by a handful of tentpole films that make gargantuan amounts whilst the rest of the shit released over the year flop, barely get an audience or come and disappear so quickly you could never know they were even released. When people stop going to those tentpole movies things are gonna collapse pretty quickly.
I guess we are equally bored, so in a way.
money laundering scheme
Yeah, I think many are aware of that.
>t.youtube film reviewer/film major dropout
spot on
Honestly hasn't been a single decent film since The Matrix Reloaded droppdd
>says this in response to superhero films, which have only recently exploded only in these 2 current decades while having shitty cartoon adaptations for the longest time
>meanwhile angry fucking schmojoe with a gun and attitude out for revenge genre which has been running since westerns in the late 60s has still garnered millions upon millions for all this time and you stupid faggots haven't said anything about it yet
>oh and the ever popular ww2 again but different kinda genre also thrived for the longest time and wasn't called out here
Really gets the ol' wheels a turning....people wanting watch something new after decades of standard action movie garbage flock to something remotely colorful, wow...
You smoothie heads really get me fired up every time you start these hollow complaint threads
I can't think of one movie in the last 2 years that made me go fuck, I want to see that.
One example
>5 really good stop motion animation movies with intresting premises and character interaction have come come out in the past 12 years and they all flopped
>ugh why is standard trope shit dominating the industry, boy I sure do wish some creative stuff would just, drop out of the fucking sky
>early 20s pleb who watches 2 movies a month thinks his opinion about cinema has value
You know there's a whole world out there making movies. Even Hollywood is not all capeshit.
Kill yourself.
Somewhere along the way real screenwriters disappeared. I'm talking about writers who were trained in classic literature and playwriting. Now it's just retards who at most have read a few comic books in their lives.
>Somewhere along the way real screenwriters disappeared.
Ironically it was the writer's strike. Writer's went on strike for more money and credit and inadvertently let Hollywood realise that audiences would still come to see poorly written garbage if it was marketed correctly.
What was the last good era with soul here?
>the writer's strike
which one
2007 - 2008
It's not a coincidence 2007 was the last great year for Hollywood film.
>experimental shit isn't shilled enough so I don't bother making the effort to look for it and shill it myself if I find something I like in the age of social media
>How come creative movies with decent budgets that I think eh, I don't know I'll skip it flop and not inspire other films to try out there ideas
>The"man this shit looks off I'm not even gonna waste money on it" and 15 years later"Yo did you see this HIDDEN GEM from a while ago" cycle
>Oh this is nice, geez why didn't those hollywood hacks push this? Smh industry is devoid of expression
Every time, without fucking fail
>2007 screenwriters
>trained in classic literature and playwriting
lol sure
anyway, serves them right for their communist ways
Ill tell u why
Movies used to be made for americans mostly.
The rest of tge world just got to enjoy american culture in films
Nowdays the studio thinks about pleasing the whole world so plots arent as good but action is higher.
They dont care about subtlety or good stories.
A kid in argentina and a kid in china have to both like the movie equally.
Thats why avengers is nothing but quips that can be translated easily.
>trained in classic literature and playwriting
I never claimed that but at the very least they were writers and by allowing Hollywood producers to see them as expendable they ushered in the golden age of movies written by committee.
Which is a fucking turd of an age.
>Somewhere along the way real screenwriters disappeared. I'm talking about writers who were trained in classic literature and playwriting
>>Somewhere along the way real screenwriters disappeared.
>Ironically it was the writer's strike.
>Where did all the good script makers go, and why do film producers and directors think that people want to see a pile of dogshit instead of a good film.
They’re all Jews now. Jews being more intelligent/creative is a myth, they’ve always been hacks.
Blockbusters these days are written by an algorithm. You can use a chronometer to see how they are all made the same way. Even in their dialogues and quips.
Fantastic Mr.Fox, Girl with the dragon tattoo, Zombieland, and inception were all good
Is this what Amerimutts believe? Do you seriosuly think you have higher culture? That you like more subtlety? Better stories?
i honestly think people just arent talented anymore
Are all europoors this I'm denial?
Or is it just U.Kucks?
Maybe your are somewhat right in action for masses and kids sense, but personally I have no interest in watching burgers in capes doing their dumb fights.
Seriously tho, why do you mutts think everyone not from the US is from Europe? There's like 6.5 billion other people out there. Fucking idiots, no wonder everyone in the world thinks you're stupid fucks.
>Alita makes 404M
>Shazam makes 355M
>Captain Marvel makes 1.1B
The general public is killing cinema.
>Now it's just retards who at most have read a few comic books in their lives.
im a retard who has read some comics. maybe i can be a screenwriter. now where did i put my crayons.
five bucks on butthole
good guess but thats only the brown one.
Jurassic park
The shining
Indiana jones
Star wars
The godfather
the lion king
Forrest gump.
I grew up in angentina and i lived in venezuela.
American cinema is what all of south america grew up on.
America was the only one doing big expensive movies.
You can be contrarian faggots all you want.
In the 80s and 90s the entire world grew uo with american cinema.
Yet those movies were made with american mindsets. With american actors. They were not trying to appease shitskin countries.
America exported their movies to the world.
Im a spic and even i can accept this.
Those are the people that visit Yea Forums the most. Usa, canadian and euros.
You could be a poo in loo for sure. Or an african.
Even back then American movies were made for simpletons like yourself, my dear spic friend. There's about one and a half good movie in that list
its funny that virtual concerts have become popular. people would rather see a projection of an artist from another time than pay to see a current artist perform live.