They've done it. They fucked with every single audience member. It's not just us getting fucked but the yass queeen crowd too. No one enjoys this piece of shit anymore. Bravo
They've done it. They fucked with every single audience member...
I'm enjoying the hell out of this show and watching everyone get pissed because some black cunt nobody background character got her ugly afro'd head cut the fuck off, and I'm going to enjoy watching Danny get her shit pushed in.
I bet all the danny butthurt threads are made by a single dannyfag
and i honestly couldnt be happier. i hope they go full tilt into danny being mad queen and winning.
I want this to end how it all started, a crazy targaryen on the throne
If you don't think that chick is sexy as fuck you crazy. But I also agree with the rest of your post.
literally the hottest girl on the show
>some nigger female tries to find solace on Yea Forums
fuck off and deal with how you got btfo, monkey
I am so mad they kept her beautiful hair tied back and flat most tof theseasons. She looked so sexy with her hair out like that at the end.
Black girls have amazing hair honestly I can't believe they let white culture brainwash them into flattening and straightening it and thinking it isn't beautiful.
Her jawline looks masculine in this shot, but yeah she was pretty hot. And I agree more black girls should go with that look. The greased down relaxer looks, weaves and disgusting dreadlocks are all shit tier.
>Black girls have amazing hair honestly I can't believe they let white culture brainwash them into flattening and straightening it and thinking it isn't beautiful.
I'm not white but most people acknowledge that lighter skin and wypipo hair is treated as more beautiful
/pol/ always wins
>implying whites ever asked blacks to "look more white" and it wasn't blacks doing it to themselves
>autistically misinterpreting the statement to this degree because it triggers your victim complex
you are an enormous faggot
Man they totally Subverted us big time guys. I don't think I've ever been that Subverted before. These guys are good, too good.
It started with Bobby B on the throne tho
What did they subvert, exactly? The series has featured unexpected and sudden character deaths from the very beginning. If your expectations of this show are being subverted by that continuing to happen, you're very slow on the uptake.
Yeah well at least I'm not black
Yea Forumscels (haven't had sex):
>The show is terrible because the writers have given up on GRRM's original themes and instead decided to make GOT into just another Marvel movie.
>The show is terrible because this character that I only like because of identity politics got killed.
AFTER HE USURPED A MAD TARGARYEN. you showfags are such tards
We were all expecting them to make a cliche ending and call it a day but they subverted our expectations by destroying the series with their retarded decisions
Jon fans smug face
it's stannis all over again
black women doing weird shit to their hair is 100% their culture
this, bookfag masterrace
i'm so proud of having read all 4228 pages (and counting!) of martin's beautiful, eloquent prose
totally worthwhile
Imagine being so subverted you don't even realize how utterly subverted you are.
>I'm going to enjoy watching Danny get her shit pushed in.
season 1 already showed this
>someone dying suddenly on game of thrones subverted my expectations of this show
This is literally what you're saying. Read it back slowly a dozen times and let how retarded it sounds really sink in.
Its more about having the ability to remember fundamental details in fiction, and i dont really expect that from someone whos just here for DRAGONS AND COOL DEATHS MAN
imagine the smell
>the yass queeen crowd too.
>Black girls have amazing hair honestly
Willie D wants a word with you
Joke's on you I'm teamCersei and I'll be rubbing one out nonstop for the next couple of weeks
>fixed version
Black men treat their women like shit especially their dark skinned women and will rank an average white woman a 10 goddess everyone knows this, what's your point?
Guess what retard. The vast majority of people from each race are generally more attracted to features from their own race. Blame blacks for being such cucks they would rather own the whitey with their "blacked" bullshit instead of being proud of who they are and being into black girls with black features. You have noone to blame but yourself nigger.
there's little else to the series
I don't know what you think you're getting out of it that other people aren't, but I can tell you it's mainly imagined
game of thrones is not some masterwork of fiction, it's braindead switch your brain off entertainment
Dany was always supposed to be very young, a little dumb, a little crazy, obsessed with her own legend and constantly making bad or poorly thought out decisions that resulted in absolute carnage for the people she was supposed to be "saving". Like liberating slave cities and then leaving former slaves in charge so they immediately do reign of terror style purges.
Cersei was always supposed to be a delusional, easily manipulated, sadistic narcissistic slut with no redeeming qualities.
The reason both of these characters are much more intelligent and sympathetic in the show is you can't write women characters like that in the current year without having the SJW crowd go absolutely berzerk.
Dany is supposed to be a teenager who doesn't know what she's doing. Cersei is supposed to be a dumb slutty incredibly incompetent dunce.
>The vast majority of people from each race are generally more attracted to features from their own race
[citation needed]
Why do white women prefer us for sex then?
Blame yourselves for being receding hairline yellow tooth boring polite pale wimps.
This is precisely their problem.
They don’t grasp the concept of subversion beyond writing down “...AND THEN HE DIES OUT OF NOWHERE!” in bright orange crayon, and now people are expecting it all the time. The books aren’t perfect, but characters dying was only ever one part of the subversion.
>Why do white women prefer us for sex then?
[citation needed]
>it's braindead switch your brain off entertainment
Im glad you agree that you're simple minded admitted why you watch it
I called a hooker last night and she said she would right over to have sex with me. But instead two 6'6" niggers showed up and shot me in both knees before robbing me. It was fucking amazing. My expectations were so subverted.
Based this
White women don't even want to fuck you if you try to pay them for it, you hairless chimp.
Smartest guy on earth still loves it
Constantly subverting people's expectations is not indicative of any standard of quality, nor is it a goal to be constantly aiming for. I really have no idea what you're talking about. The point is that character deaths at this point are not a subversion at all. They are a continuation of a consistent and appealing formula that the series has become notorious for. It is not, or at least should not be (unless you are an idiot) a subversion of anything you've come to expect from the series.
twitter "YAS QUEEN SLAY" trannies seething. I really liked the episode after the feminist mess that was episode 3 was. Dont know why they had jamie go bad again though.
Does anyone have a livestream or recording of the episode up? I overslept.
for starters, you can barely even write in coherent english
secondly, there's nothing wrong with enjoying some superficial, braindead entertainment
finally, trying so hard to look smart while clearly being so stupid is just highlighting how stupid you really are
you don't have to be such a tryhard, just relax
>he thinks feminist icon mary sue won't win in the end
oh nonono
Has the knowledge of torrents just fallen off the earth for normies? Jesus fucking christ
Only a small minority do. Just because you have jewish propaganda trying to spread interracial trash everywhere, it doesn't mean it works on the majority of people. If you're not larping as a nigger then you're a cuck because you're buying into the propaganda that you're somehow better if you fuck white women instead of black women. This is how much of a slave you are that you can't be proud of fucking within your own race and have to upgrade to a better one.
I have loved Daenerys and being in love with Emilia Clarke for years, now nothing would make me happier than seeing her character go to shit and get killed, get fucked by the patriarchy bitch, you're a terrible actor and you have fat arms.
Meh. This episode was great and I'm feeling unfucked. It actually felt like old GoT again. Everyone fucking whores, beheadings, no gay piano music, actual shocking moments
>Smartest guy on earth
*Blocks your path*
Who's smarter, Shapiro or Sansa?
>hyper-flawed easily manipulated borderline insane daenerys is a mary sue
she's going to die bud
sorry to spill the beans for you, but she's for the chop
I don't watch game of thrones. Someone post a WEBM
>for starters, you can barely even write in coherent english
and you cant even remember major plot points of a series you've followed for years not quite as bad as a typo if you ask me.
Jamie's been suffering with depression ever since leaving cersei. He was ready to die in Winterfell. After spending time with the plebs he doesn't want to pretend he's someone's else anymore
>actual shocking moments
I'm not the person you replied to initially, genius
again, you're not smart
just let it go
The show has been shit since season 5.
>caring about anything on this episode after nothing persenel
How? I'm rolling my eyes at every scene
It was only good seasons 1-3.
>read spoilers
>not shocked
Whoa bro you're totally jaded as fuuuuuck
black girl hair is pretty dope famalam. they need to relax wit all this relaxin.
It was only good season 1
They're scared to death of the big bad MPAA. Even though 50 fucking million people are downloading these episodes weekly.
Best episode since BotB
>this old trick
you're not fooling anyone
Agreed. And they get off on showing Jon be a dull, easily led fruitcake. Also Tyrion has been whitewashed, prob because of his halfmanism.
I wish i could fuck every single audience member. I would have every poster in this thread on all fours getting their ass pounded until they were laying a puddle of sweat, tears, and cum.
That's axiomatic mate
stannis literally never felt important
Always knew this was about sexism and racism.
>charges straight at the iron fleet guy while making some funny face
>outmaneuvers all the bolts and flies away
What did she mean by this?
>changing the characters to accommodate ageing actors
What do you think they'd do? Just have 30 year old Dany acting like a teenager? Come on man. Any fatass can write a book. Directing a tv show is way more complicated
>fleet of pirates completely obliterates enemy fleet
>instead of killing everyone they decide to kidnap a negress because this will weaken enemy morale
Sorry to hear you’re a brainlet
When she gets raped by Drogo she was either 12 or 13. Are they going to put that on tv? No.
What I'm saying is her character is a dumb teenager who never really knows what she is doing and only survives from disaster to disaster because she has dragons and has a useful pedigree which makes her valuable.
>muh farms
for me it was shocking to see how awful this episode was
>after kidnapping the negress the enemies' leader and consultants come into attack range
>don't attack them or the dragon and just kill the negress
I've gone full horseshoe and now love the show the ensuing butthurt will be glorious
lol at faggots getting assmad got are killing their faves in the final season, as if they should be immune for some reason
farms are inside you dumdum
So Yea Forums, what's it like watching 8 years of build-up for a solid 8 or 9/10 show go down the drain to 2/10 territory in just two episodes?
Nothing new, happened with L O S T before, same with Boardwalk Empire, with True Detective, with Dirty Little Secrets and Gossip Girl.
>killing their faves in the final season
literally nobody fucking died last episode except Mr. "I-have-no-dick-and-that's-my-character".
>Cersei is supposed to be a dumb slutty incredibly incompetent dunce
Oh, I'm enjoying it quite a bit now.
>be Qyburn
>teleport back inside
Beric and Edd died so shut up
Yea Forums - Television and Books
>Person on a dragon hundreds of feet in the air can't see a giant naval fleet over the horizon
I knew we wouldn't see the same consistent quality after running out of source material, that was perfectly evident from season 7, but it feels like D&D are just fucking with us now.
>killing their faves
>theon dicklet
>jorah the beta
>beric the cleric
>loli bear
why all the salt about missandei then?
It was never good.
Literally the only person Jaime has ever had sex with is Cersei. They started sneaking around Casterly Rock and fucking when they were like 13. In the books he's never had sex with anyone else despite being a super handsome famous knight who could have been drowning in it. Always stays loyal to her when he is away from the capital.
I don't think they ever mentioned this in the show. Brienne would have been only the second woman he has ever been with.
Cersei on the other hand fucks half of Kings Landing and most of the knights in the Kingsguard every time Jaime is away on some mission. Not for political gain or to manipulate people like she does in the show, but because she was a constantly horny slut who needed to be fucked hard all the time by every male around her.
Obviously they left this out of the tv show because the SJW crowd would have been outraged. In the books Cersei takes it raw from practically every guy in Kings Landing on the reg, Kingsguard, stable boys, servants, everyone.
>No one enjoys this piece of shit anymore.
Literally the most popular and loved tv show ever, SEETHING contrarians and their SJW cousins aren't real people user
>disgusting gross human pile of kelp comes to your court
>demands sex
>give him the worst one-liner ever about how you're a kween, not a whore
>have sex with him anyway
what the fuck is going on with Cersei
can you even classify her as a character anymore?
still thinking how the women in Winterfell all became so horny the instant the war was over. what the fuck, is that what women are? just sex objects
everyone with a dick, you mean
the plot point referencing bobby b's rise to power is quite central to the television series brainlet
Her new outfit is awesome. Bravo to costume designers and makeup artists.
How did they know Missandei was captured?
How did they know Missandei was important to Dany and not just a literal nobody?
Most of the characters got whitewashed to some extent. See: Grandfather Tywin, or witty nice guy Tyrion.
Nope in the books she fucks women too. "Myrish swamp" etc.
>what are spies
murdering my waifu missandri was the last straw.
Why is he such a fucking asshole? Does he enjoy watching me suffer? Is he having a fat roll chortle right now as I type this? He probably has 17 different kino drafts of the last books on his desk, each of which is a perfect 10/10, that he uses to clean up the literal shit that D&D continue to take on his creation.
Who's smarter, the mightiest of jews or a pile of no character fucked by every son of a bitch in the show.
>Dany winning
HA, Jon will kill her and so will book Jon, thus creating light bringer and ending the long night.
Show version will have her go mad with rage, Arya will be taken prisoner by Cersei, making Jon kill Dany to prevent the destruction of the Red Keep.
but she was my favorite. fuck this show.
ugh..... voyagerfags are worse than any other group. please go die.
Okay, this is epic
Please, she's 30 percent admixture TOPS.
Forgot pic
who cares if cersei rules one city? literally who cares
who supports her? one squid boy and thats it?
Hedonist with a strong sense of family.
She loves her children only second to status
You also see her drinking a lot
I'm like 99% sure he's just using the show to test the waters so he can rework the things that turned out to be shit.
wrong on both counts, and expected from a literal incel virgin.
hi, /pol/ here.
go fuck yourself
incidentally, ..... go fuck yourself it's a fucking tv show... BUT.. the goal is to sell dvd/blu ray box sets. no one will give a shit about HBO after this series is over, so they can't piss off EVERYONE.......
therefore, you know the ending is gonna be some crowd-pleaser fairy tale nonsense. if they have a "ZOMG WUT" ending, people will reject it. the only money to be made is in the resale of the box sets so you already know the ending. it's the feminist power fantasy bullshit ending you will cringe at. yes, it's that. surprise!
just stopping by. i'll see myself out.
the show has been complete and utter garbage since they ran out of books to use as source material
it makes perfect sense that he'd want to wait until after the show so that his books can be separated from what D&D have done to the story. just leave a decent size gap to let people recover from the shitfest, then announce TWOW release date.
>tyrion starts talking about cersi's child
>euron just found out she was pregnant that same day or two ago
By now this should have ticked in his head that he's cant be the daddy.
Fucking hell the writers are trash
I'm 99% sure D&D wrote their own plot based on GRRM's 2011 out-of-context cliff notes. it's very obvious that nothing is part of a cohesive whole.
>Why do white women prefer us for sex then?
that's a meme you retard, white women hate black men the most
they'd rather date asians and hispanics
Imagine the cope
what if cersei just ruled king's landing, but received no taxes from any other lands, no men, no support. what's she gonna do in retaliation?throw her limited resources at fighting the entire world?
>They've done it. They fucked with every single audience member
Building her up as the Mad Queen (while we still have Cersei for that role) in the last three episodes of the show is so shit I don't even know where to start.
Daenerys has been carefully developped into a character that supposedly went to hell and back without losing her moral compass, making her a legitimate shot for Westeros to have both a rightful ruler and a just one. They literally drowned us in her shitty catchy titles like "Breaker of Chains" and the likes.
She endured rape, betrayal several times, losing people close to her several times, she struggled through the fucking desert after having lost her husband, his army and their child, and even when she was confronted with how hard actual ruling was (with this fucking bullshit season where she spends doing nothing in Mereen), we NEVER once see her losing her moral compass.
She's so compassionate she even accepts to postpone her war to help fight the Lich King.
And then, in one episode, I am supposed to accept that she's all of a sudden becoming mad because she lost Captain Friendzone, one of her flying dogs and sexy Google Translate ?
You fuckers had literally three whole bloody seasons to at least HINT at her turning slowly cruel and insane, and no, that one scene where she cooked some Tarlys on the grill was far from enough. Executing your enemies when you're at war, especially after having given them a chance at saving their lives, is not quite close enough to being mad and cruel.
Also why the fuck would you nullify Jaime's redemption arch which, again, was carefully crafted for seasons, in ten seconds.
He finally has it all : peace, a sense of duty accomplished, a sane relationship with an honorable woman - but nooooooo. Lemme just hop on that fucking horse and get back to my evil twin sister because I feel bad.
she's hands down the most beautiful woman in the show
>burns a rape victim alive
>starts burning people alive on the regular for fun
>crucifies hundreds of people and feel righteous for it
>burns prisoners of war
>"b-but she has a moral compass"
If you can't tell she was always meant to be the final villain, you're retarded, son.
>Building her up as the Mad Queen (while we still have Cersei for that role)
what's hilarious is that in the books Cersei is the Mad Queen from even earlier, including the fixation on wildfire. GRRM spells out the comparison between her an Aerys while Dany is trying to feed the poor.
the idea of Dany being the mad queen is just a dumb fan theory based on a lot of people hating her character.
Just saw some dude swear on twitter that it's been said on the show/books that " Saltwater heals dragon wounds", bros?
That too
The best episode of the season imo. It's completely braindead nonsense, but at least this episode was entertaining.
>without losing her moral compass
Kek, at least Stannis had a reason to burn people alive, he actually got magic buffs out of it. Daenerys just does it for shits and giggles.
they can't both be true. GRRM isn't using the show to "test" anything because he's only tangentially involved in it.
Let's take bets (and screenshots).
Will Jon kill Daenerys or at least switch sides?
Who will sit on the throne?
What will be the biggest plot twist, if any exists at all?
it's really impressive how bad the writing for this season is so far, i understand not having the source material to draw from might be difficult but it's not like it's hard to extrapolate from that source material and at least maintain the tone of the original 5/6 seasons
this really just shows that the writers were massive fucking hacks all along, good thing i never really liked the series to begin with because i had the strong suspicion the long night would never pay off
More weaves, my kween?
>hyper-flawed easily manipulated borderline insane
these are not acknowledge or even seen as negatives to the modern feminist crowd though, you can literally be female hitler and be seen as virtuous
Potato here: I was asleep when this episode aired. What happened?
I want to thank d&d for their course and being brave and giving us a final suprise
Stannis came back, killed everyone and sits on the Iron Throne
>Will Jon kill Daenerys or at least switch sides?
Probably. It depends on whether his moral character or his affection for the girl ends up stronger within him.
>Who will sit on the throne?
Honestly, I expect the throne to be destroyed, just for the shock value.
>What will be the biggest plot twist, if any exists at all?
I wouldn't care to guess.
>when you're addicted to porn and think women actually want black guys irl
Holy fuck good catch user. Actually Euron does make a face at some point,maybe he did realize.
Bran buffed the fuck up, stood up, used his Scroll of Icarian Flight to jump to Cersei in a single bound, bitch slapped her head clean off, then forced Daenerys to be his sex slave.
A dragon died.
A diversity hire got killed off.
Sansa couldn't keep a secret.
Jon abandoned his dog.
Your post is either pure, unadulterated bad faith or complete retardation.
>Daenerys just does it for shits and giggles.
Every ruler we've seen in the show has to execute people to weigh their authority at some point. Even Jon Snow had to behead a bald piece of shit and hang a boy to demonstrate he was not to be trifled with (or stabbed twice). It's in fact so important withing the universe it's the opening sequence with Ned Stark, Daenerys always did it for the same reasons the others did it : to rule.
Only Cersei, Ramsay, the Mountain and Joffrey were shown to be openly sadistic and cruel for the pleasure of it. Not once Daenerys.
Yeah, Cersei still is a coherent character, but Daenerys going bonkers all of a sudden just make sno fucking sense at all.
And for all her so-called political wisdom, Sans Stark still comes off as a stuck-up bitch with no sense of diplomacy at all.
> The only Lannister I ever trusted, a man who I know is for a fact both competent politically and honorable personally roots for this woman.
> My fucking brother roots and love for this woman
> This fucking woman came in to save the North's ass with her armies and her fucking dragons, and it made a clear difference
> I can see her people love her and follow her out of love and admiration
Sansa Stark : "No but fuck Daenerys tho."
yeah and it's glorious
The problem with all female characters in the show now is that the writers don't understand that being nasty to men constantly =/= good leadership. They're trying to constantly have female empowerment badass moments, but it falls completely flat because it doesn't make any sense when the circumstances are so fucking important. Why is Anyone making snide remarks at this point? Let alone little girls who were and are useless at fighting or commanding.
Get dabbed on
Real or fake?
my expectations were low after season 7 but holy shit how have they managed to fuck this show up so bad, i am so sorry for the people who have been watching this since day 1
One of those three are correct.
You can make your own choice as to which one it is.
>crucifies half of Meereen's nobles
>turn the entire upper class against you forever
>the city is now basically impossible to rule
Right, she did it to rule, not because she's a bloodthirsty monster.
Is that why they call him Dabid?
Best summary. Not a lot of anything significant happened this episode.
Agree, being scornful towards men is just meaningless, the only relationship where I feel this is done properly is Hound/Arya.
There were so many ways they could've sold us this whole "Mad Queen plot twist ending" and writing it or foreshadowing it in a better fashion.
>Your post is either pure, unadulterated bad faith or complete retardation.
>didn't see the Mad queen twist coming
It's not even a twist, you nigger, it's been foreshadowed since season 1
honey, do you even lift
I miss him bros. His tragic arc actually had weight. It was a punch in the gut watching everything go down hill for him and his performance wasn't shit like the "WHERE ARE MY DRAGONS" bitch.
I miss the old Thrones with actual storytelling. Where you could actually feel things unfolding and paying off. The only payoff D&D know is fan service.
Yeah and NK was foreshadowed to be the big bad since minute 1 episode 1 and look where we are now.
look at this salty ass tranny. get dabbed on lmao
The show would be so much better if she were still around.
his arc had the worst fucking ending ever, what are you talking about. They totally fucked it with the dumbass shadowbaby, there was no pay off
>honey, do you even lift
I do brah.
>It's not even a twist, you nigger, it's been foreshadowed since season 1
No it has not. It was, however, a real possibility, but they wrote her journey as to make the viewers believe they ditched that idea.
I am not mad about Yas Queen's imminent demise, I couldn't give a shit.
I am mad about this blatant shit writing - and I know that's my fault because bad writing has been going on for years now, but I still can't get myself to let it slide.
Our country's police rn is in the middle of a bust operation. Don't wanna make money for those goyim.
>all the literal niggers thinking this dirty brazillian is attractive
top lol. I never even viewed her as a woman.
Look man, it's not even about politics, /pol/ vs. hipster bar or any shit. They assassinated Stannis' character completely, all the male characters are weak as fuck pussies or crazy pure evil, Sansa is now a total cunt, Dany's whole arc is just sloppy shit. There's nothing there for anyone anymore.
The one exception? Arya fans, maybe. But her whole arc is not just reduced to she randomly jumps out of nowhere yelling "YAAAAARGH!" then next episode it's like her killing the NK didn't happen for her, what the fuck.
The nk didn't even exist until like season 4?
still better than the shit they're dishing out now
Dany is clearly power hungry af throughout the entire series. She’s had an obsession with obtaining the Iron Throne and has shown to be willing to do anything for it. Throughout most of her time in Essos, she’s had an easy time defeating her enemies and getting what she wants making her spoiled since she automatically assumes that people will love her and accept her as their ruler whereever she goes. She also barely listens to her advisors and gets mad when they go against her. She let the obsession with the throne go to her head.
Asian women are overrated, to be fair.
the story starts more than a decade after he usurped a mad Targaryen
I also thought they ditched the idea, but now that they're doing it anyway, it's finally fun to both watch the show again and to see the yasqueennormies rage about it
And even moonboy for all we know
Wrong. Black girls with straight jet black hair are superior to Afro girls you fool. Everyone knows that.
>What did they subvert, exactly?
Good writing
Non whites have straight hair retard. Asians, South Americans, middle easterners, native Americans. Having straight hair isn't “white people hair”.
She has impulsively murdered thousands of people for her own vanity. She destroys systems with no plan or intention of replacing them. She reacts to any perceived insult or questioning of her authority with violence on a scale nobody else is capable of. She threatens anyone that doubts her but she can't just kill for plot reasons. She is paranoid, lashes out, and arrogant. She refuses to actually do any of the dirty work herself and doesn't care who gets hurt defending her. When she was attacked in the fighting pit she abandoned her entire entourage without a second thought. When the NK attacked she abandoned the plan before the battle ever started and abandoned her ONE duty because it snowed.
This has been going on since she flippantly had her brother brutally murdered rather than imprisoned or exiled. Why? Because she has always wanted power and sees killing as the only way to get it. The single best moment of her entire arc was Sam crying in her face. She finally saw what her brutality brings. And her reaction? None. She's already forgotten. She has never been anything but the mad queen. Agreeing that things like slavery are bad doesn't excuse wholesale slaughter. Which she did unprovoked before the sons of the harpy existed.
It wasn't that subverting since season 4 anymore and now it is again
It was even worse in Astapor.
>kill the ruling class and destroy any resemblance of rule and order because muh freedum
>leave some toothless council in charge
>the council gets overthrown days after her departure because no shit, they can't even defend themselves
>the city descends into absolute hell, with the most cruel, bloodthirsty madmen raping and pillaging everything in sight, everybody starving, and the plague killing off what's left
>Dany: Not my fault, I gave them freedom. Now let's liberate Westeros the same way.
By ADWD she's the worst ruler after Cersei.
Of course it's not consistent but it's like a funny meta revenge on the shitty fanbase
race mixing is wrong
The absolute state of Danyfags.
if only black girls could keep their hair from stinking. jfc i've had to toss so many pillow cases due to black girl hair stink. finally got a plastic case for them. hard enuf to keep that kink stink off my pillow.
>this is what the Reddit audience thinks Game Of Thrones was all about
go back to you samefagging cunts.
>executing for swift death because of duty is the same as burning people alive for not doing what I want
Based retard
It was
So basically, you were going to be pissed no matter what?
I cant remember the last time I saw a black woman without hair extensions. Fuck off.
Where is this
Google "assortative mating"
Essos by the looks of it
also why doesnt king's landing have a moat
Mel looks like a snacc here. damn imagine cumming in her face
Damn nigga you've got one shit of a taste
The books started with Bobby b on the throne
and he was a good friend
What happened to all the trees and hills around Kings Landing?
that's the gist of Yea Forums, yes
>also why doesnt king's landing have a moat
Because it's not a castle
>It's not just us getting fucked but the yass queeen crowd too.
wow both types of people
>dany is great because she got raped
>shansha is spoiled, even though she got raped
>dany literally was given armies and dragons, but she did so much for people!
>jon got everything handed to him, even though he fought and literally died for everything and always fought to save the entire fucking world
>top lol. I never even viewed her as a woman.
ever fuck a black girl?
pubes are like a fucking brillo pad.
uncomfy as fuck.
they'd probably be alright with her dying if it was suitably heroic. it's because of how she's going to die that the tears will drown the earth.
oh look, its spoiling steve
>if you care about spoilers it must mean your addicted to social media so let me just make a tweet with spoilers to both GoT and End game
He's absolutely right.
She's not on the show anymore though
the writers understand it perfectly fine you moron, they just WANT every woman who isn't arya to be an asshole for some reason these last 2 seasons
>implying nobles are somehow exempt from punishment for being the enforcing structure in a slave society
I can forgive everything if the follow through on making Danny the final villian if the show.
All the woman who named their kids after her will be so pissed.
"Mom did you name me after a mass murdering tyrant from a TV show?"
This. There are dish washing sponges softer than their pubes. Porcupussy.
based and truthpilled
>inspect element doesn't exist
Why do you even bother pretending like screenshots ever constitute evidence for this shit
>city is now basically impossible to rule
did you miss the part where the dothraki murdered the fuck out of the enemy faction, the people funding the harpies got murdered,
and there's an entire mercenary group protecting the city
it's not foreshadowing if the plot literally consisted of Dany learning how to rule justly and without just retribution, mad queen plot is basically an undoing of her progress
kys retard
neither of you two have fucked a woman, let alone a black one like your stupid asses claim to know all about
You know, except that this is true. It is stated as muhc, first by Kevan Lannister when he comes in to take over as Hand of the King, and then by Varys when he kills Kevan, so Kevan won't stabalise the kingdom under Tommen. Cersei in charge leaves the Lannisters without friends, without loyal vassals, and without money, which is what Varys wants. So he ensures Cersei remains in charge.
>black cunt nobody background character got her ugly afro'd head cut the fuck off
>Danny gets her shit pushed in.
>black women on Yea Forums
NGL she looked hot in this ep.
>leaves out that these stats are from yahoo personals or okcupid from 10-20 years ago
>needs cherry picked stats from dead gold digger sites to help him sleep at night
whitoid incels lmao
It looks like this in literally every data about race/sex preferences you can find on the internet.
>They've done it. They fucked with every single audience member. It's not just us getting fucked but the yass queeen crowd too.
But now I'm enjoying it again
Sansa is my waifu now. Based queen of the north dabbing on the feminist icon / Targaryen scum
I think it's great.
The woman who will be proven right is going to be Sansa.
The one feminine woman left. The one woman left who isn't some feminist Mary Sue ideal. The one feminine character who isn't a power mad bitch.
I think it's by accident, but it looks like they're going to inadvertently make the point that women in power are as bad (or worse) than men.
Unironically, the anti feminist character, Sansa, is going to be proven right.
Shut up Danyfag.
Godron is saving this fucking show by killing savage beasts and shitskins. Nothing can stop his predator fleet.
100% This.
D&D redeemed themselves, GOT is no longer a sjw shit show. The Fallout when Dany dies and bran becomes king will be glorious
You people are retarded. Go onto twitter and you'll see all the same chicks saying "omg yes fuck the city burn it down queen"
Sorry pal, women like men that A. have a steady income B. No criminal history and C. Taller than 5'3
They all look the same just like Asians all look the same. I have more diverse shits than them. All shapes, sizes, constituencies, smells and texture. My shit is literally more diverse than black people and asians.
>I don't think they ever mentioned this in the show.
They do. Jaime rubs it in Catelyns face that he has more honor in that regard than Ned
Kevan was based.
Did the show butcher him? I can't even remember at this point.
>Fucking hell the writers are trash
It was intentional you simp
Fuck they must be so mad that Jon is everything the wish Dany was
ultimo kek at the whitecel cope in the replies. when will white men learn?
I wish the NK was still around so the last scene would be Cersie and NK fucking, melting his ice boner with her steaming hot cunt
Considering all nogs, chinks and spics look exactly like him, you fucking got me m8.
go back to Africa
I don't usually find darker skin attractive but she's sexy. I'm not saying you're racist if you disagree but I will call you a dramatic faggot.
Can someone replace the mountain with George?
Are people actually upset about this she literally does nothing the entire show I couldn't think of a more insignificant character with as much screen time as that cunt.
Warcraft could be a better fantasy series.
You'd just need to change a few things to make the source material a bit smarter but all races have great story arcs, especially trolls, humies and blood elves.
Been done, I got it somewhere. Give me a minute to dig it up.
Star wars?
>White woman don't fuck for money.
I have several million pornos that say otherwise.
I stopped watching after rick and co left the prison
>Why do white women prefer us for sex then?
They don´t, white women/black men is not nearly as common as media portrays it.
In fact, white people in general mix date with latino people far more than with blacks.
Those are Jew's
Well, youre half right. I didnt fuck a black girl.
After a blowjob, I went down on a half-black girl with black people hair and her pubes scratched my face to shit so much it looked like I had a bad day shaving.
>because it's not a castle
From wikipedia
"A moat is a deep, broad ditch, either dry or filled with water, that is dug and surrounds a castle, fortification, building or town, historically to provide it with a preliminary line of defence. "
very reddit posts
wanting to fuck someone is not quite the same as wanting to have children with someone
>Black girls have amazing hair
Yeah, who doesn't think the texture of wirebrush is superior to that of silk?
R.R. Martin really knows whats up
The yass queen crowd are fucking stupid tho. The yass queen crowd LOVED the show and the writing after episode 3. Now just because the writing is on the wall that not EVERY SINGLE FUCKING FEMALE character is going to end up on top they are pissed off. The only way to please them is to have Dany on the throne with Jon as her queen, Sansa as lord of Winterfell, and Arya killing Cersei and traveling the world after. Smart people have already thought the show was bad for awhile now.
based and epicpilled
Sure they might like men like that for meaningless sex, but he will never really HAVE a woman.
It's still shit, but now it's entertaining shit.
i wished they casted mellisandres actress for a bigger role...
Dude became a millionaire overnight because of retarded women. Most of them couldn't even fuck him if they tried.
Have sex with some standards
>Dragon dies
There has never been shown to be a difference between the damage that 2 dragons can do over 1
>Nigress killed
She stopped talking to Danny 2 seasons ago
>Sansa is a cunt
Same shit as the last 3 episodes the ungrateful bitch
>Jon abandons Ghost
Jon has NEVER cared about Ghost on the show. not 1 fucking time did they ever work together or show any kind of bonding. Jon has more of an attachment to his Sword then Ghost on the show
doggo saved jons life and he just thow him away like that