Is he not the rightful king of westeros now?

Is he not the rightful king of westeros now?
Why would danny legitimize him?

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No because there are two targeryans now, but he has a better clai than cers

He’s basically 3i

Because Bronn was completely correct.
Rights are bullshit. Everyone starts a cuthroat. Kill a couple hundred people they make you a lord. Kill a couple thousand they make you king. Literally all that matters is who can kill other people the best, that's the only right to be king that matters.

Obviously who is king is decided by might is right but danny clearly cared about who is the most rightful heir with jon.
It makes no sense why she would create another potentially more rightful heir.

Because she never fucking respected the Baratheons as the rightful kings to begin with. They were always usurpers to her.
Obviously she thinks the Targaryans, HER OWN FAMILY is the rightful ruling house. And she also thought she was the only Targaryan left, until Jon comes along and reveals that he is too, and has an ever better claim than her. It's not complicated.

They will turn westeros into a democracy and they will vote for him

Not really. Dany can only grant him Baratheon status if she is Queen. If Gendry is the rightful king, she can't be Queen and make him so. It's a catch 22

I still don't get how Cersei has any legitimate claim to the throne. She's not a Lannister or a Baratheon or anything. She just decided to make herself Queen on the basis of nothing and everyone went along with it.

Of course rights are bullshit. Danny is claiming for a throne that her ancestors built what, 300, 400 before she was born? While the Baratheons and the Lannisters are claiming for a throne that they usurped only a few decades before.

she wanted a loyal lord because FUCKING NOBODY is on her side at this point

Gendry is the only Baratheon left and he's not claiming shit. It was just a move to try and settle the potential dispute of storms end before it began. A way to get the get the people of the storm lands on her side. No different than Stannis wanting to legitimize Jon as a Stark so he could have the leader of the north on his side and indebted to him.

the whole point of the show is that no one has a true claim to the throne.

She IS a Lannister.
When she blew up the sept the only remaining heir and the only remaining Baratheon at that was Tommen (Gendry and the other bastards don't count, because a bastard has no claim). He had no kids, his wife died with the sept. But Tommen kills himself. That makes Cersei the only remaining person with a claim, because she's wife and mother of kings, and there's no one else.
Funny thing is that if Cersei, Jon and Daenerys die there remains absolutely no one with any claim to the throne.

When I said the Baratheons I meant Stannis and Renly; although they are now dead, they claimed the throne in the past. Gendry never claimed it.

I mean she's not a targaryan or baratheon. Lannisters aren't parent of the royal bloodline.

Nevertheless she's been married to a king.

Robert Baratheon's claim to the Iron Throne was based on him being part Targaryen thanks to his mom, and since there was nobody else who was more Targaryen around then him (because he killed them off), he's the king.
But Daenerys is a Targaryen, so she has a stronger claim to the throne than Robert Baratheon, his wife, and his bastard son. Jon has an even stronger claim than Daenerys.
Ultimately, it doesn't really matter so much whose claim is strongest when it's really all about armies and who has the strongest support. Right now, Cersei has a strong army supporting her, as does Daenerys, although neither really have the total loyalty of their armies (Cersei's army is mostly bought, while Daenerys's army is mostly northerners who don't trust her). Jon has loyalty, and could potentially have an army supporting him, except he doesn't want the throne, and his claim to the throne isn't exactly public knowledge. Gendry, meanwhile, lacks both a strong claim and an army. Hell, Storm's End was abandoned until Danny started squatting there. Daenerys has nothing to lose by legitimizing him.

No, since the Targaryens didn't recognize the Baratheons' claim to the throne, and only a Targaryen claimant has legitimized him. The people who actually control the capital probably don't even know about him, and wouldn't legitimize him, or even recognize that he's actually Robert's bastard.
Basically, anyone can decide to go for the throne, but they can only reasonably expect to get it if they can convince enough other people to help them with a strong claim. Gendry's claim would rely on the narrow cross section of people who are still alive, willing to support Baratheon rule, and are willing to betray the incumbent ruler to seat an incompetent, inexperienced king.


Not a Lannister?

Nah, at this stage the realm calls a Kingsmoot and sifts through documents and Family trees until they find a retarded cousin somewhere, Cersei never has a claim

Now yuo see. . .