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Other urls found in this thread:


formerly unholy


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Damn that Top 5 is going to look so freaking good when it contains all 5 of the Avatar masterpieces.

Based Cameron is doing it again.


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It was guaranteed to get #1 a long time ago.

I don't know why people bother with this.

Why avatar was such a hit? Pocahontas with cool grafics doesn't sound all that interesting.

It was shilled as being the greatest technological advancement in movies at the time, with amazing CGI. And it was supposed to be the ultimate 3D experience. Plus it was made by James Cameron, who people remember from actual good movies like Terminator, Aliens, and Terminator 2.

>Why avatar was such a hit? Pocahontas with cool grafics doesn't sound all that interesting.
lot of 3-D only showings

Damn I’m so excited to see avaturd 2 and its massive flop

Don't forget it was riding the wave of the economic recession. People wanted to escape their shitty lives, so they went to a movie with pretty visuals thay were literally shoved in your face.

quite amazing how it took 22 films to dethrones avatar

It’s literally money laundering. I’m not gonna believe that a movie with absolutely zero cultural impact and that was forgotten a few months after made so much money.

>hmmm it's almost like as time goes on more recent movies fill up all these top spots. I wonder why that could be...

Who are you quoting?

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>a movie with absolutely zero cultural impact
People still watch movies in 3D with 3D glasses right?

it was shilled by media and news all day, realised in winter when nothing else was to be seen

That is what butthurt haters actually believe. Cry more.

Fuck its coming back to me, everyone was talking how its supposedly super state of the art CGI and looks epic! Then i remember seeing it and it was just eh.
Redpilled me to the power of shilling atleast.

*cue Avengers theme*

But will it top this?

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Yesssssss, it's gonna beat it!!! YESSSSSSSSS

Call me when someone posts numbers that are adjusted for inflation.

The close ups of faces were really nice, but it suffered the same problem almost all CGI faces in motion. It looked rubbery and weightless.


Studio BV?

I was so mad walking out of this film because before Infinity War I hadn’t enjoyed a superhero movie since The Dark Knight and I was having fun being a kid again but then this movie just completely sucked. Why ruin something as fun and well made as infinity war with this shit?


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>1 dolar from 1939 is equal to $1 from 2019


>Black panther beat infinity war in the US

>what is adjusted gross
fucking retard

white guilt


good if intentional


China viewers also. Lots of em. Over the course of months.

Stupid list. Amerimutt trends don't soley define the scale of a movie's success.
Adjusted global box office is the ony list that matters.

3d existed before avatar

Avatar made 200 million in China while Endgame is predicted to make 620 million. Endgame's success, not Avatar's, is largely to do with Chinese audience.

>t. SEETHING cameronshit

>Amerimutt trends don't soley define the scale of a movie's success.
It's a better indicator than ww

You're deluded. The whole world isn't two countries. British, Italian, Japanese, etc tastes in movies determine a film's success at the box office as well.

Big Jim memed the '3D Experience" so people went out and bought tickets at twice the price. Nobody will fall for it again which makes the fact they've filmed the next 3 or whatever hilarious when the 2nd will grossly underperform.

are these numbers adjusted for inflation?

People were really impressed by the 3D, so they told their friends and then went back with them to watch it again
Same with Titanic and women, and Endgame and manchildren


so why isnt gone with the wind at #1?


It was? Why do you say that?

Imagine killing yourself because you couldn't live as a blue space elf on Pandora


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Cope Cameron wimps,
Your Director made a mediocre movie that wasn't special.

It's literally Pocahontas in space and the fact everyone can see this should show how pathetic your director is.

I fucking hate capeshit so much

If I could kill every person who has watched this garbage I would. Earth would instantly be better off.

It’s so depressing in a hundred years they will look at this movie as being the one we loved the most

Avaturd is literally capeshit with exactly the same tropes as in any capeshit movie. Exactly the same.

imagine giving a shit about these numbers
does anyone ITT actually like movies?

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life is about money
get a haircut and stop being an artfag

unironically go to reddit you would fit right in

No dude,
Avatar is literally Alien/Pochanatas in space. To me it's below Capeshit and I hate Capeshit dude

>I hate freedom!
>Collectivize agriculture!
>Remove food!

It’s Literally shills

who are you quoting, schizo?

Are these values ever adjusted to take inflation into account?

the parasital worm that is communism
you are a host body

>Pocahontas/Dances with the Wolves
Yeah remind me when in these movies a cripple gets superpowers and use them to stop an evil militaristic corporation

>all this money disney can't touch from outside US

lmao what's the point

tfw actually got to know a sneedposter on discord and was a cool guy. Talked everyday. Texted each other. One day he tells me he feels guilty and that he doesn't deserve friends. Drops off the face of the earth.

Hope you have a good day sneed poster. Even if you will just reply with more memes.

>consumes childrens media
>doesn’t actually give a shit about film
>soi breakdown and schizophrenic shit flinging when told to fuck off to reddit
imagine being this braindead





you have to do this to cope? thats amazing

>>consumes childrens media
what childrens media
>>doesn’t actually give a shit about film
nice """insult""" Iosif

take a shower and quit defending capeshit numbers

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I don't defend moovees I defend freedom.

nice blog post. how is this related?

Legitimately shocked those domestic numbers aren't higher.

oh, you're retarded

>he completely ran out of shit to say
you can stop posting now

Not even that. With inflation Avatar made over 3.2 billion $. And tickets were half the price of what they are today when Titanic came out.

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I have the freedom to stop posting when I decide to myself.

When do they refresh the numbers? It hasn't changed since yesterday. Every week on sunday?

Why am I supposed to care about box office numbers again?

take a shower pajeet


oh yes freedom is so outdated and CRINGE de-kulakisize your mind

Adjusting for inflation would mean Avatar still loses to Gone with the Wind.

Except they do, why do you think movies from other countries make great efforts to have their movies shown here, it's literally a goldmine of possible ticket sales
Dog toothed Britbong




>random ass movie remains top 1 after years of hype and pandering to soibois

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besides the 3D gimmick, the film left no cultural impact whatsoever
everything it had to say had been said before in very popular films, dances with wolves and pocahontas

We weren't Sending flicks to chinks in the 1930s

What would Titanic have made if we had today's ticket prices?

>there are people in the comments saying that in 20 years nobody will remember Avatar but Endgame will never be forgotten

Avatar's already forgotten desu

you can't be serious

>Avengers: Endgame
>Unadjusted Gross 2019
>Year: 1996

>Year: 1996
lrn 2 reed it's 1996 2019



So is endgame

avatar is literally a milestone (albeit mediocore) while all marvel flicks are the same consumer bullshit

And there were much much less theaters overall dumbass. Jeez why avatards so dense.

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Enough with the bullshit liar

It’s a flick that was forgotten a year after release. You avatar shitheads always omit the fact that abaturd rerelease made just 10m box office. Everybody forgot about this movie just year after.

true, but as a product, not a film

yet when our grandchildren will learn about the beginnings of VR and 3D images, they will read about Avatar and not Capeshit

I thought that movie looked boring as fuck even as a college sophomore. To this day, I haven't seen it, and based on how little I've heard about it post maybe 2011, I feel like I was right in thinking it was just a visual meme.

Also had that schmaltzy romance angle like Titanic to appeal to women more. Making a blockbuster that walks the fine line between being too lovey dovey and too action packed is difficult but Titanic appeals to both men and women for balancing both.

That's his secret weapon imo, innovation, action, romance and cheese working all in tandem.

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can you be my friend? I also sneedpost and have no friends

nothing to do with avatar, that's mainly a vidya gimmick
and the 3D gimmick didn't take, it's there for blockbusters and nothing else

mentally ill poster. what are you defending your freedomz against exactly? which freedomz are being taken from you?


why are marveldrones so retarded?

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You mean Avatards


good thing Abatap isn't alive to see this


In it's first weekend, AVENGERS ENDGAME made over a billion dollars worldwide.
In weekend #2, ENDGAME passed the two billion barrier.
At this rate, in the next 2 months ENDGAME is poised to make over 10 billion dollars.
Throw out your Box Office history books, they're worthless.

Definitely the 3D. I watched Avatar for the 1st time on TV and thought that it was extremely mediocre.

This is the gayest analogy I've ever seen.

The first time around you're distracted by the imagery. Then the movie wraps up and you're like HOLY SHIT I NEED TO WATCH IT AGAIN, so you go back and pay for another ticket and suddenly you realise it's a steaming piece of shit and you paid for 3D tickets twices.

post yfw avatar will soon be completely forgotten because the only reason why it wasn't already forgotten, is because it was the nr1 movie in box office
now that it will lose that spot, nobody will care about it anymore

cameron BTFO

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Frankly Avatard, cope_____________________________________________________________________________________________

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>comparing completely different periods when movies had way less competition for entertainment and movies were in theaters for much longer



Avatar was one of the only films my grandma never fell asleep watching, she loved it and we must have seen it together three of four times. I know it's far from perfect but it will always have a special place in my heart for the nice moments it gave us. I love you grandma, and I miss you.

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i hope she died a very painful death with all kinds of cancer


>literally only shit films

Middle school treating you roughly, user?


Based Jim will get it back with Avatar 2.

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Imagine the smell

You got bullied your entire life

I miss him, bros.

He will return

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Yeah there's no way it's going to beat Avatar as it stands. No chance in hell with Detective Pikachu coming up to steal it's momentum from going any further. Avatar got a ton of rereleases as well. Maybe if they manage to keep Endgame in theaters longer or add it to some special double feature. But yeah it's not going to beat Avatar

Black panther was Disney's test run to buy a bunch of tickets. They did this again for Captain Marvel. They might even do it for Endgame too near the end of it's run

oh are you from north korea or another communist country? retard

>Avatar got a ton of rereleases as well.
What the fuck are you talking about? Avatar had exactly one rerelease and made nothing at all.

Jake Sully wasn't REALLY crippled. It was a metaphor for him being crippled by his damaged state of mind which gets worse the longer he has to work for the military to do bad things. You could say this for John Smith as well. It was their crippled state of being, not their physical bodies

Ikr? Wait, with inflation gone with the wind is number one. Lmao, kys.

technically, they have the #1 spot if you count infinity and endgame as 1 movie.

That would lose them money because a portion would go to the cinemas.
It's pointless and stupid, they wouldn't do it.

luckily not, and I want to keep it that way

>No chance in hell with Detective Pikachu coming up to steal it's momentum from going any further.

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Reminder that it must make 3.3bil to account for inflation. Honestly it would be pathetic if it didn't overtake Avatar at this point, the culmination of 22 flicks over 10 years. No other IP has had this kind of build up in history. Avatar was a completely new IP and has been on top for 10 years.

Capefags can cope all they want, but Based Jim's turds have more soul than anything MCU quipshit has ever produced.

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Make your jokes. It's not going to change what's going to happen

Imagine actually believing this

star wars trilogies are single movies too

>black panther making unadjusted 700 million in 2018 is higher than endgame making 2 billion in 2019

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Wait a sec, Fantasia there? I thought it was a huge flop

He must be dead, the temptation of reincarnating in Pandora must have been too strong.

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>muh inflaiton
>muh domestic gross


>what is worldwide what is domestic

Killed in Ukraine in 2015 I'm afraid. Was recruited by local forces and refused to wear Ukranian fatigues and opted for his own pair of tiger stripe BDUs to look more like a Na'vi. Tragically mowed down by a 23mm when he was spotted 2,000m away by Russian-friendly forces.

He died doing what he loved. I read he was especially handy with a PKM during his short-lived career.

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Based Tom & Jerry bros.

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Let's also conveniently ignore the fact that today much more people go into theaters because it has become cheaper in comparison and a wider audience can pay for it now, let's also completely ignonre the massive marketing flicks get nowadays to ensure even more people watch it.
Fucking retard. Your movie is shit and will never be anything but a childrens movie.

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big if true

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When was Yea Forums ever right about anything? Most people here don't even know about Dr. Zhivago.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha we caught a live one guys!

If ur saying that the movie market now is all about grinding out mass made garbage just to rake in boat loads of money? Old movie makers had that down pat too, just look at the Silent movie industry, when studios use to pump out 500 + movies a yr. I do agree that the movie industry can sure pump out trash at anytime though (example Avengers Endgame)

One of the best movies ever made, I like the frozen farmhouse scenes and the train scenes too

It deserves to be number one desu. MCU is this generation's Star Wars.

The MCU was a brilliant thing, but Endgame blew it all to hell

The frozen farmhouse scene is easily one of my favourite scenes of all time.

Do you think Laura(?) ever loved the Doc? Really did she ever love anyone?

buh-buh BASED!!!

I couldn't even tell if she loved the kid

t. Dummy

People still like the original Star Wars today
Endgame is already forgotten

Oh movies about the Russian revolution, now its movies about blue ppl and poorly adapted superheros

Endgame should be forgotten, what a let down

if the movie didn't sell in 3d, it wouldn't be at the top

She seemed like a person with little empathy. Yuri tried to make her love him, but without success. I'm shit at understand complicated movie plots, even though I love them, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

Has anyone noticed that the Chinese movie industry is starting to make waves. Sure most of the money was made in china, but china is a big market and most of Hollywood's international money comes from there. I like this movie btw

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>today when Titanic came out.

sure avatar story was trite but all marvel movies follow the same format of ordinary guy discovers power and faced bad guy , get hurt, trains a bit then kill bad guy

literally just muh 3D

So does Karate Kid

That's not what I said, though.
What I said is that nowadays much more people have the means to watch a movie than back then. You try to act like you can't compare movies that are decades apart because back then movies were in cinema much longer. While ignoring the fact that back then not as much people could even afford a ticket like nowadays. You are selectively choosing points to argue with and ignore other points so it fits your headcanon.

cameroncel cope sustains me. please continue

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Lets face it, most movies r crap, but usually there is some entertainment value in each one that some people (from a few to many) enjoy. This is how movies like Hell Comes To Frogtown keep getting download and bought. No movie will ever be a true master piece in the eyes of everyone

forgot the pic

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i'll be your friend user

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unironically have sex

Another great that not everyone likes

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eat shit in hell grandma

It was the first film to do the modern 3d that really made a WOW impact.

Now 3d is just a meme and so on.

You better get depressed already because nobody's gonna remember incel ravings either

Or maybe this one, damn this one makes me laugh

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They just updated the numbers, its over

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the numbers don't add up

>Adjusted for ticket price inflation
They should also show adjusted for inflation only

>it takes the culmination of 10 years of capeshit tentpole films of long established brands to finally come close to beating out a brand new IP that relied solely on boundary breaking tech and Cameronian magic to become the biggest film of all time

Avatar 2 is going to blow this turd out of the water when it finally debuts. I'm glad James is taking his time and letting the tech develop even further. This shit is going to look like a kids movie.

Compare the domestic earnings, China is a huge market. Noted is the fact that this number is for a 2 month run and Endgame is only been out for a couple of weeks. Also noted is the fact the Endgame sucks!

Attached: Wandering Planet 2.png (902x561, 122K)

>before endgame
avengers will never be #1. franchise fatigue will kick in.
>after endgame.
avengers doesn't deserve to be #1! Franchising is cheating!

avaturds: perpetually seething

Here is a good gauge of how well the movie is doing. Too bad the movie was such a let down, the MCU was doing so good up till Endgame.

Attached: Avengers Endgame Monies.png (902x561, 59K)

Art is never finished, only abandoned. —Leonard da Vinci


Holy shit balls.

Avatar 2 will flop hard. No 3D gimmick to save you this time.

This is all making me wonder if Episode 9 will even reach 2 billion.

Initial release was, yes.

But it's been re-released a fuck ton of times to the point where it was a huge profit

>Fear it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives.

I still don't understand why Avatar is so high. It's a movie about blue furries.


kek it's like £10-15 for a ticket now

Don't underestimate the amount of money furries will throw at stuff

Yeah and Avengers has a furry talking raccoon.

>only +3M over sunday
tsk tsk tsk
and pikachu is coming
then wick... and aladdin

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Perhaps this was part of why it got as high as it did? It ain't that typical edgelord retardation?

A lot of what happened in the movie was either beautiful or very satisfying

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I am your friend fellow sneeder. also based.

This. Go ask any boomer what Avatar is and they'll know. My parents didn't even know the name of the avengers with this movie coming out. Just referred to it as that big superhero movie.


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The visuals and effects are unmatched to this day. Seeing it in theaters was a special experience.

Endgame was going to be successful even without China you delusional retard. It made more money in the USA than China, for fucks sake.

>and most of Hollywood's international money comes from there. I like this movie btw

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I remember seeing it in imax 3d and it really was the best movie experience of my life. There were many times where I couldn’t tell I was looking at a screen. I’m genuinely excited for the new one.

All these Jimmy C doubters in this thread. Every single time people predict his film will flop. The avatar franchise will be the biggest thing that ever happend to mainstream culture. Noone will even remeber all the capeshit

op's internal monologue

3d tickets were more expensive back when avatar came out in canada, I dont know about anywhere else.

No it wasn't, it's just got the 3D gimmick with that opening water drop, besides that it looked like final fantasy 13, a video game that came out the same year

Of those 5 films I have only seen avatar :^)

in 100 years nobody will give a shit about avatar or avengers or any of this shit.

Do you find yourself thinking about gone with the wind and judging people from the 1920's who watched it?

You guys seem really invested in this for some bizarre reason.

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>iceberg caused a nuclear explosion

>one chance at life
>never saw Avatar in theaters

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Because it was time old story that people the world over responded to. It was visually stunning and utilized new 3d technology not as a gimmick but as a way to enhance the story. The action was top quality, unsurprising seeing as its a Jim Cameron film. Also featured a great score from James Horner.

Combine all that with a december release date and little in the way of competition for months. You have a winning combination.

Yes, look at this thread

formerly outdoor

Gone With the Wind is a great film compared to Avatar/Avengers.

That'd be more like:

Why do you still live?

Why was Endgame such a hit? Back to the future with graphics doesnt sound at all interesting.
God you avatar haters are fucking retarded. And i dont even like it that much