Other urls found in this thread:
Thid but unironically only if you remove Sam "BUY MY SHIT PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD" Hyde and Doug
This. Replace them with Farmer 1 and Farmer 2.
The problem is that the guys on the top 3 are basically on the same page for 90% of things.
Save mumkey
The only reason op posted is to shill that faggot and try to hide it from your retards.
>no destiny because he'd destroy them all
am is a narcissistic pathological manchild who can't take criticism on his stale comedy and instead whines to his fans on the internet as a perpetual victim of jews and hollywood. Sad because he had real talent before going completely off the cliff. He's also a borderline pedo.
Not a fan of that retard anyway
metokur makes pretty funny videos desu
>Still butthurt over Marky
Go back to /r9k/
Mumkey is a faggot, teaming up with an albatross like Asterios has only sealed his fate.
If nothing else, Sam is based for fucking /r9k/'s "pure virgin" waifu.
Seems like you're still seething over it too.
>white knighting some z-rank eceleb
he's not and will never be your friend, you know that right (unless you have a lot of money that he can scam out of you)
>destroy people
You mean cry at them if anyone calls him out for saying incest and pedophilia is okay?
I don't watch the stale shit sam puts out and he's a jew that just begs for money.
You aren't going to fuck his sloppy seconds so quit pushing their retarded fantasy stories.
Eh I think being on soty balances teaming with that faggot. To be fair assburger would kick his ass in a fight though
Metokur is a genius of roasting. I tought all the things he said were written before hand, but no, his quality bantz don't drop even on livestreams.
imagine being the guy who monitors Yea Forums 24/7 spamming every thread even remotely related to Sam Hyde. Do you ever sleep?
It's too bad he looks like a soi drinking faggot in real life
Metokur already debated him and won
Post pics
poor sheepover
This has to be bait.
Nobody on this website could believe this.
Didn't he only talk about incest to make fun of that no bullshit guy?
He says in that video he was against incest.
this really should be a GOT thread
Doug Walker with Nick Rekieta.
Didn't he end the stream with NakedApe as soon as he started getting his ass handed to him? The reason he comes off as smart is because he debates idiots and people that are in it for the money and don't dare say anything too concrete because it might lose them their centrist audience. In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king and all that
That's not his picture. The picture he keeps posting is the old OP of the metokur trolling forums, Haberman. He went insane and became a huge faggot in 2010 or so and fled the internet. He asked for all his pictures to be removed which is why Jim uses them as reaction images for a lot of stuff
Jim's picture has never been posted. Don't have the haberman one on me.
It's a shame he's both a coward and a terrible debater.
>watching inceltubers
Saddly E;R is a bit out of his element when not working off a script.
>hanging with Dicky Spencer
Hyde confirmed for homo
This is the one you're thinking of. This is Haberman
yeah no shit. You don't see the kind of rumors that surround Sam around any other eceleb. The guy is obviously a closet case.
Yeah, he barely sounded like himself on that Mauler podcast, it was just the furfags talking most of the time and Mauler trying to get E;R to talk
Why did he shill for TFA?
>"It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it."
Who does it describe?
Metokur is not a political debater, he is an agent of chaos, and that's why he is so fun to watch. People watch him because they like to see him setting fire on stuff and roasting people, nobody with two neurones cares what is his opinion on wellfare, cultural war, or imigration.
Seriously, his worst mistake was getting involved with the skeptic faggots. Now his fanbase is tainted with cunts who unironically care about politics.
lol people fucking LOVE idubbbz yet they hate sam hyde. idubbbz stole everything sam hyde did and removed all the edginess and added slurs.
metokur is a huge unfunny faggot, his only good vids are the /x/files and he should die from prostate cancer
>reeeeeee metokur
>reeeeeee sam hyde
Meanwhile Mumkey is literally going to kill himself before the end of the year.
>Seriously, his worst mistake was getting involved with the skeptic faggots
Mistake? Jim sent Sargon on the path to becoming absolute ruler of Great Britain by the end of 2020.
c r i n g e
Anyone that "follows" any of these people should consider having sex.
He is actually pretty funny, user. His bantz are the best part.
The way you are mad about him, makes me think you are a furry puppy rapist who is still seething about his videos telling you degenerates to kill yourselves.
>Implying Jim would even be alive for the debate
Doesn't he have ass cancer?
It's not fair.
All I wanted was to watch some comfy Monkey movie reviews. That is all. Why is the world so cruel to him?
closeted jew.
>h-he's not retarded! he p-pretends to be a dumbfuck! lol u got trolled hard!
Why are people saying this? I hope not since he seems like an actually alright guy.
>if you don't like e-celebs and e-drama ur x
cringe metokur fanboy, go back to youtube comments and blow him there
Plinkett is far and above too good for the rest of these faggots, and that's coming from someone who likes E;R
Spotted the puppy rapists.
Have sex **with humans**
Why do basedboys worship youtubers?
He's been going off the rails since the double whammy of Assburger getting arrested and his YouTube channel getting deleted late last year. Hitting the bottle really hard.
Low iq, need to follow someone. Just look at everyone in this thread white knight dudes they never met
>muh depwesshun
>guize regurgitating old memes for shekels is soooooooo hard
But it's not his fault, because nothing ever is.
I can't believe Asterios nabbed some decent poon. He must have a huge dick or something because he's not funny and definitely not rich thanks to Maddox.
>Why is the world so cruel to him?
Talk shit get hit. Oh wait I forgot Mumkey was out collecting bananas every time something happens to anyone who speaks ill of him. You can't hold Mumkey responsible for the actions of other people who are in no way following orders issued on paypig discord.
He has cancer aids
I'm guessing that's Digibro from the weebshit? That faggot is insufferable to listen to.
He lives in New York City and will be back to earning six figures in a couple of years. Sriracha is playing smart by sticking with him through the """lean""" times.
>Five randos and avgn clone
Epink conversation
Digibro triggers me so fucking much. He lives way too well for being a disgusting neet stereotype.
>Metokur: *Is making a video*
>Sam: "You're using my comedy style, blockhead."
>Metokur: "Your style? What, did you write your name on it or something?"
>Sam: "...You're still using my style"
>E;R and Nostalgia Critic: "Idiots."
>Plinkett: "No, but it is a video on the internet. So my name's on it. So get up."
>Sam Hyde: "Unless of course, he knew you would have your claim on his video so he made it anyways because he was expecting you to say that but you weren't expecting him to expect you to say that, so he was going to make it regardless of whose name was on the video. Jews Rock?"
>Nostalgia Critic: "Stop talking. You're lowering the IQ of the entire street."
>Mumkey: "Stop arguing! You're tearing this family apart! Pay me on my Fiverr account to make me read your message at the end of the next video"
I'm liking this story.
>Metokur is not a political debater, he is an agent of chaos
What kind of cringe autist would unironically type this without an ounce of self awareness?
>anime profile pic
Never mind
>Doesn't know who red letter media is but knows Nostalgia Faggot
Get help
who the fuck are these patreon ebegging septic tanks?
Ok retard. Sams based
>saying incest and pedophilia is okay
WTF I love Destisoy now!
his worst mistake was driving based Terry to an early death. Fuck metokur
>complaining about everything makes you le agent of chaos
From left to right:
>christchurch shooter
>child-grooming cancer patient
>youtube Goebbels
>no fucking idea
>prequel destroyer
>the next Spielberg
Roasting degenerates and what he does generally is literally the opposite of chaotic.
He's chaotic neutral at best, more so a Lawful evil desu
Chaotic neutral is as chaotic as it gets user
Why did you switch Metokur's and Plinkett's lines?
Have ethical sex with a toddler
As a stance a chaotic neutrals only existing point is to be an answer to the current. Therefore making it part of the ever existing order and status quo.
If you're a chaotic neutral you're just a tool with no real stance
I miss edgy youtube where it was trying to piss everyone off and not just the other side of [insert political stance here]
>Paid discord
Wrong. Chaotic neutral means you're not only not bound by any rules or laws, but you're also not bound by morality. Meaning you can do whatever you want and you're technically in-character. It's why a lot of people take it as a cop-out alignment that doesn't restrict them because they want to be able to both save the day while also being allowed to break a street urchin's knees with a bat if he tries to steal 3 coppers from them
Wait did sam actually bang Marky? I thought she was just some underageb& thot that showed her tits to Yea Forums
As a regular DM, this is completely right. People who have no actual idea how to run their character goes chaotic neutral so that they can do whatever they want and still technically be in character. Almost every other alignment you need to work at keeping up with it.
He still has a patreon with like 800 patrons. I think he’ll be fine. He deserves to have his jewtube back tho.
who is bottom left and top middle
>monkey mask
literally who?
You cannot challenge any status or let alone shake up the game as chaotic neutral because your stance doesn't mean anything. Lawful neutral is being too lazy to play the game but coping by pretending you're above it. Everything you do is predictable because the only thing chaotic about you is that you pull off opposites. The lacking moral boundaries often reveal that your entire set is based on undecisiveness and being an "opposition by chance.
You just become a lively answer to everything, a predictable critic to reality, because everyone can judge things objectively, stanceless. And its damn funny when you figure out a chaotic neutrals deal and just take their wind entirely.
Simian Jimian.
all of RLM are leftists right? I love their content but they go all in on minority issues.
What the fuck is true neutral to you then?
>they go all in on minority issues.
Do they? Even if they are left leaning they seem to do a pretty good job keeping it out of their videos. They don't seem to pander to the feminist SJW crowd, they openly shit on stuff like the Ghostbuster remake and the whole Captain Marvel controversy.
Default normalfag.
Basically the same minus trying to challenge the current in any way.
The World's #1 Elliott Rodgers superfan, very sadly got banned from youtubes(the most stable of income sources). He's been reduced to going on twitch and they never ban anyone, lol.
If even 10% of this picture is true, I have even more respect towards Hyde
They played a "both sides" card when it came to Captain Marvel and have treated Onions Wars with kid gloves. They also ripped heavy into the Ghostbusters remake but who hasn't?
Political stances are now determined not by principles or ethics, but by the movies you choose to enjoy. What a time to be alive.
You have the weirdest view on alignments I've ever heard. The way I see it:
>lawful good: ultimate good guy, respects the law and his own set of principles to a fault, strives to improve people's lives as much as possible
>lawful neutral: flexible morality but holds rules and traditions above all else. My excuse for why my wizard wears robes despite it being impractical
>lawful evil: tries to better his own position through using and abusing others, but has a set of principles he follows
>neutral good: strives to better the world and is willing to break laws and even betray his own principles to do it, but has his limits
>true neutral: does whatever he feels like, usually follows someone else. Will break rules but again has his limits
>neutral evil: again same as lawful evil but more flexible when it comes to his own principles. While a lawful evil character might refuse to work with a paladin, a neutral evil might cooperate and betray him later when he feels the time is right
>chaotic good: does everything and anything to make the world a better place. Will manipulate and perhaps even torture people if need be (although that's a more extreme scenario) to better the world. Typically a vigilante type
>chaotic neutral: aforementioned cop-out aligment
>chaotic evil: does anything to get his way, will fuck people over on a whim and might even fuck himself over if he feels it will cause someone he really hates grief
Your chaotic neutral feels like it's just immoral evils in denial.
And the other neutrals read pretty romanticised, considering they are just stanceless shells and absolutely predictable. But that's more my opinion
I mean yeah, they kind of are. It's the old tale where a chaotic neutral burns down an orphanage full of kids because the big bad was inside. In my experience most chaotic neutral characters are borderline lunatics
based metokike
Sam Hyde is too cowardly to go on Cum Town
They only ban anyone who questions the new homoglobo world order. Be it slutty thot or darkest nigger, that will get banned instantly on twich.
naked ape never put together a single coherent thought. i dont know what video you saw but he got booted from the call after an hour of discussion where he showed he had no fundamental understanding of the subject.
>the supreme nerd
cut those fags loose and yeah it would be bretty gud
>not including mauler for the literal filibuster length speech
what is it with incels and having this weird worship complex for shlubby whos with "validating" opinions of their """""centrist""""" ideals ?
All of you, have sex
Sargoy, please
patrician taste desu
Give sex
This, but unironically
Braindead youtube channels that just baits youtube ad revenue by pandering to cringe reddit alt right kids
>Five literal whos and the manlet from Fear Factor
Asterios is fucking cancer and just chases any little bit of fame he can despite not being funny. He's the definition of a weak man. If you listen to TDS, his last call in was the most pathetic thing I've ever witnessed a grown man do.
Yeah, I'm so glad he's gone.
digibro is fucking based
Not that it's a badge of honor, but though I keep in the background bc I dont want my name on the show (though i did have the best erotic story imo lmao) I've been on fairly regular speaking terms with Dick for a while now. Since TBPITU (RIP) it was clear he thinks Asterios adds nothing, he just feels sorry for him because the dude constantly puts off a vibe that he's one push away from swallowing a 9mm so he wanted to give him a platform to get some joy from esp after getting divorced (if you recall, near the middle end of the show he was on constantly). Knowing that and see him try to A. weasel Dick into giving him money to keep his father figure substitute lawyer still talking to him (how about just a little... 1200$... YOU PROOOOMIIISSSED!) then subsequently ghosting the show and denying any help offered to him (e.g. thernovich) while constantly mooching money...
Fuck that guy, I'm glad he's dead broke and with the way his brain functions, even if he won the lottery he'd be broke again in 2 years. Lost cause
what happened to sheepover?
mumkey admit to cheating on her youtube.com
>If you listen to TDS, his last call in was the most pathetic thing I've ever witnessed a grown man do.
That call was fucking amazing. I put it on par with the Dame Pesos Young Turks Election Night Meltdown. The way Asterios has treated The Dick Show and the fans of it has been absolutely disgusting.
well that fucking sucks
I think I'd rather kill myself tbhq familia
Damn, Sam Hyde is fucked up. I liked the guy until reading this.
I once posted a public post on the shows reddit from a sock account using an example of some shit that happened to me to illustrate why he NEEDS to get some proof he was fired because of the lawsuit (something I doubt, probably had done something else and the lawsuit just led to it being discovered; considering his weasel words). He completely missed the point and in his response said "know that I love you" unironically. Pic related mfw.
I like him even more now
>People think this is really him
Holy fuck you guys are retards
Yep, Asterios is unbearable. He basically ruins every Is It Kino that he's on. The fact that Peach, a fucking woman is more funny than him says everything you need to know.
>tfw I not only know who all six of them are, but have extensively watched/listened to each one's content
Jesus, how much fucking time have I wasted on this website and youtube? I think it's time to reexamine things.
Man wtf happened to her? I'm glad the faggot trinity of Dustin, Denzel, and D-Asterios seem to be gone for good, but many of the good regulars seem to be awol too.
>being a narrated lolcow thread
>noteworthy in any way
good god, you know you have to be over 18 to post in this shithole right?
>Cheating on my gf
What the fuck is wrong with him? Why would he cheat on Sheep? She's a qt.
Peach does streams on Twitch with her manlet boyfriend.
he just shouts down the mic the loudest as fast as he can
shouting 'you are fucking stupid' or 'hmmm hmm' at someone repeatedly isn't bants it makes you look like an idiot
his act only works because the streamers he insults don't really know him
Nick can't really '''argue''' for shit in person, but he's easily the funniest there and would probably win everyone over whilst also making them look like dicks, because he's the sharpest. Sam who would try and call his bluff by threatening to murder him or something, but it wouldn't really play out as easily because Sam's power is drawn from numbers - if it's one on one, then Sam can dominate, if he's with Nick (Rochefort) and Charls, he can own the situation, but if he's alone, even surrounded by retards, he's more easily cowed. Watch some of the open mics he does where the bit is he's trying to rile up a room of sheltered libs with 'controversial' material, and you'll see that he can actually come across as pretty weak.
Christman's just a grown up nerd loser who would probably choke on his own saliva while trying to explain political economy while no one listens.
Rogan wouldn't know/give a shit what's happening, would probably get along best with Nick.
Sargon is a low IQ faggot who's never been funny in his entire sadsack life.
I don't know anything about Pewdiepie because I'm not 12 years old and gay.
nu-sam is weak. you zoomers will never know the golden age in the years before 2016
*blocks ur path*
yep, this but unironically
I have that same shirt too lol
I've been following Cody Cigar since 2014.
>Lebel rifles
Honestly after listening to that video I think he's just a real fucking asshole. I mean hey what the fuck do I know I'm just a prick user on 4channel but it comes off that he's crying over suicide so that this chick doesn't leave him.
People who cry out that they're suicidal are often just straight up doing it to manipulate others. You worry when people who are just depressed suddenly start acting like everything is fine.
feels good not being american
sam is still funny af
Asbestos Kinos
>People who cry out that they're suicidal are often just straight up doing it to manipulate others
Dead on the money m8. Never buy the b8. Someone (usually a chick) tells me they're checking out the sewer side, just go "shit this is serious, I'll call the police right away! They'll take you to a mental hospital and keep you safe!"
Amazing how effectively suicidal tendencies seem to be cured from that.
>lol the SJWs amiright
There. I saved you like 3 hours.
Because Mumkey has always been a grimy loser, it's not a coincidence that he pals around with losers like Digibro, Assburgers and Asterios. That he fucked around on Sheepover was an inevitability and trying to excuse it because his e-begging has been made slightly more difficult was completely predictable.
Sure, bend over.
Based Andy Signore is gonna get the last laugh. Don't forget to subscribe to Popcorn Planet (seriously please watch he's got a lawyers and alimony to pay)
Shouldn't you be playing with legos or getting butfucked by Rusty?
>profile pic
holy shit dude, who fucking pays YOU to shill this shit is the real question? loads of people notice you dude....
Quinton and Mumkey are just as bad as each other though didn't know about Digi though thats really sad even EndlessJess has distanced him self from Digi
Asterios and Mumkey shitting on Signore when they could just as easily have been in his place was truly something else, neither of them having any trace of self awareness. They both came across really really badly taking such glee in this retards suffering when they're both a cunts hair away from being in the exact same spot.
Why does he get destroyed in every debate?
He recently got BTFO by Vincent James.
Nobody believes this picture.
The more you spam it, the more you get exposed. lol
Imagine being this obsessed lmao
The face of a man who realizes he literally can't go anywhere on the internet anymore.
how has jess distanced himself from digi? havent been following that stuff for a while, but i thought they were best friends
>being an unironic SJW
joe rogan would somehow get them all talking about gorrilas for an hour
t. desTiny. The homo naked ape shit on destiny the whole time. Not only did he know more about the topics they were talking about, he didn’t let destiny pull his usual shit.
This but replace shlubby who's with trannies and manlets
>not DMT
You've only seen the one where Joe Rogan makes ape noises, haven't you?
I think it's funny Jim pretends he's too good to care about anything. All the while he was the one who tried to make shit like GamerGate a big deal.
best post
How does it feel to know your MLP brony was assblasted by Destiny?
> E;R was on EFAP (Every Frame a Pause), dude can only talk with a script.
>Mumkey is not to sharp on a podcast either see SOTY (state of the youtube)
>Doug Walker....
>I'm sure Red letter Media would want nothing out of the others.
Sam and Metokur would probably be hilarious.
I think Gamergate was a pretty big deal on its own.
I don’t care about Pewdiepie but don’t you realise the irony of calling it for 12 y old kids while writing a fucking comparative analysis on the power levels of low iq youtubers
I'm thinking more of his videos and not streams
they were on a healstream together, but Metokur was too drunk at that point and Sam was there only to shill his gig for 5 minutes and fucked off
Yeah but he tried to make it blow up, go watch his first Internet Aristocrat video on it.